(FILECREATED "20-Jul-86 18:58:57" ("compiled on " {DSK}DINDEUTILITY.;7) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" bcompl'd in "LOOPS with TEDIT 2-Jun-86 ..." dated " 2-Jun-86 16:58:15") (FILECREATED "17-Jul-86 13:50:22" {DSK}DINDEUTILITY.;7 30516 changes to: (METHODS LatticeBrowser.ShapeToHold) (VARS DINDEUTILITYCOMS) (FNS LatticeBrowser.ShapeToHold) (CLASSES PromptWindow) previous date: " 1-Jun-86 21:59:51" {DSK}DINDEUTILITY.;6) DINDE.CommentMethods D1 (P 12Q C P 4 classification P 3 fn P 2 sel I 1 selectors I 0 class) g @(A@ bHg HglIqIh@ gJ oKo@Jg o  \,@JLg @ @^g NglM OIY_g _g _OgOlOg ghO O_(307Q PutClassValue 276Q GetObjectRec 247Q FetchMethodOrHelp 237Q GetObjectRec 174Q FetchMethodOrHelp 164Q ClassName 157Q PutMethod 143Q PromptRead 140Q CONCAT 130Q GetMethod 106Q FLASHWINDOW 102Q PACK* 73Q GetObjectName 41Q FetchMethodOrHelp 25Q GetClassRec 5 GetObjectRec) (301Q GenericMenus 273Q CachedMethodMenusMixin 257Q GenericMenus 244Q HasCV 234Q CachedMethodMenusMixin 201Q Subs 171Q List! 154Q MethodClassification 125Q MethodClassification 76Q %. 46Q Selectors 36Q List 11Q class 2 IndexedObjectMixin) ( 134Q " Enter NIL to retain, or new classification." 120Q " is " 113Q "Method Classification of ") DINDE-CMLARRAY-DEFPRINT D1 (I 0 CMLArray F 0 *PRINT-ARRAY*) Pg@ g@ (21Q ARRAYDIMENSIONS 10Q LISTARRAY) (15Q %#CMLArray 4 %#CMLArray) () DINDEPromptInitializer D1 (P 2 initialValue I 1 IV I 0 newObject) `o@ @oAo@Hg HAglI@Ag oo  Jd`dd` J(132Q $! 103Q PromptRead 100Q CONCAT 63Q GetValue 36Q FetchMethodOrHelp 7 GetObjectName) (124Q classTYPE# 114Q instanceTYPE# 60Q doc 44Q doc 33Q HasIV) ( 74Q ":" 70Q "" 23Q " " 16Q " for " 3 "Intialization in ") LispxSendA0001 D1 (NAME ERRORSET F 0 MSGFORM) P h(3 LISPXEVAL) NIL () LispxSend D1 (P 1 ANS P 0 \INSIDE.TTYIN I 0 MSGFORM) # o oi Yg I(37Q ERROR! 33Q RELSTK 30Q STKPOS 21Q LispxSendA0001 11Q DECLARE:) (25Q DEDITL) ( 15Q (LispxSendA0001) 6 ((SPECVARS MSGFORM))) NewWithValues D1 (I 1 description I 0 class) h@A Hg HkI(17Q FetchMethodOrHelp 5 FillIVs) (14Q NewInstanceWithValues) () SendInTtyProcess D1 (I 2 args I 1 selector I 0 obj) Vgg@A@B3d[d`d`ddi3 gKhIHhZH&J hi (123Q EVAL.IN.TTY.PROCESS 111Q \APPEND2 2 ALLOW.BUTTON.EVENTS) (60Q QUOTE 40Q classTYPE# 30Q instanceTYPE# 10Q _~ 5 LispxSend) () Class.ClassifyCombinedMethods D1 (P 5 pair P 0 result I 1 stopList I 0 self) cghhA@Zg JAlIdHMMHM' @\g LkKdHMMHM' H(131Q LISTPUT 126Q UNION 75Q FetchMethodOrHelp 57Q LISTPUT 54Q UNION 21Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (72Q ClassifyLocalMethods 16Q ClassifyInheritedMethods 2 ?) () Class.ClassifyInheritedMethods D1 (P 17Q pair P 16Q pair P 11Q S P 10Q listOfAllowedClasses P 7 result P 5 C I 1 stopList I 0 self)  @Hg HglIghhg Hg HglIPAd1d.h*dMd \g LglKXIHZYJ S N O YH_dOr _g _OAlOdOOOOO' O _g _OkOdOOOOO' N^t(375Q LISTPUT 372Q UNION 330Q FetchMethodOrHelp 320Q $! 305Q LISTPUT 302Q UNION 236Q FetchMethodOrHelp 226Q $! 203Q LAST 166Q LDIFFERENCE 127Q FetchMethodOrHelp 120Q $! 54Q FetchMethodOrHelp 42Q GetObjectRec 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (325Q ClassifyLocalMethods 233Q ClassifyInheritedMethods 134Q Supers 124Q List! 61Q Subs 51Q List! 37Q IndexedObjectMixin 30Q ? 17Q Supers 7 List) () Class.ClassifyLocalMethods D1 (P 4 classification P 3 method P 2 result I 0 self) C@Hg HglIghh"IJ@Kg \JLKJL' IY(73Q LISTPUT 57Q GetMethod 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (54Q MethodClassification 30Q ? 17Q Methods 7 List) () Class.CommentMethods D1 (P 6 args P 5 comment P 4 def P 3 fn P 2 sel I 2 useDefaultComment I 1 selectors I 0 class) A@ bHg HglIQI @A @ gJ [ Kgho \K ^@Jg @JNg L]gIB`0l oKo gK Kgho \]gKmMhh LMdgl Ko M@Jg @JMg IY.(357Q PutMethod 344Q GetMethod 331Q PrintStatus 321Q CHARACTER 276Q APPLY 245Q GETDEF 230Q APPLY 220Q PrintStatus 204Q CHARACTER 152Q PutMethod 137Q GetMethod 125Q ARGLIST 114Q GETDEF 74Q EXPRP 70Q PACK* 61Q GetObjectName 52Q DINDE.CommentMethods 22Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetClassRec) (354Q doc 341Q doc 310Q * 261Q EDITF 235Q FNS 224Q EDITF 175Q DefaultComment 165Q * 147Q args 134Q args 104Q FNS 64Q %. 27Q Selectors 17Q List) ( 326Q " has not been commented. " 242Q (NOERROR NOCOPY) 215Q " " 210Q "Please comment the function " 111Q (NOERROR NOCOPY)) Class.DocumentMethods D1 (P 2 sel I 3 doClassToo I 2 openTextStream I 1 selectors I 0 class) B`bhdo CAF@Hg HkI@Hg HBlIA@ bHg HglI +dA@\g LJlK@^g NJBlMB(201Q FetchMethodOrHelp 160Q FetchMethodOrHelp 141Q SORT 123Q FetchMethodOrHelp 107Q GetClassRec 67Q FetchMethodOrHelp 45Q FetchMethodOrHelp 24Q TEDIT 11Q OPENTEXTSTREAM) (176Q TEDITfyMethod 155Q EditMethod 130Q Selectors 120Q List 64Q TEDITfyClass 42Q Edit 4 STREAMTYPE#) ( 21Q (PARALOOKS (QUAD JUSTIFIED 1STLEFTMARGIN 0 LEFTMARGIN 0 RIGHTMARGIN 724Q TABS (NIL (724Q . RIGHT)) PARALEADING 10Q))) Class.ListRequiredInits D1 (P 21Q IV P 14Q ListOfClasses P 13Q ForbiddenClasses P 12Q Class P 0 Name I 1 stopList I 0 self) @ a0 Ad7d4h0d Od Zg JglI_O6O__O H@\g LglKO  0 OC _Od O ^g NglMAO&O_OO__O _O_"O O"g gO"_ OO h__O_O &_(321Q GetValue 311Q $! 271Q LAST 212Q FetchMethodOrHelp 203Q $! 162Q LAST 145Q LDIFFERENCE 125Q FetchMethodOrHelp 47Q FetchMethodOrHelp 40Q $! 3 GetObjectName) (324Q ? 316Q RequiredInit 217Q IVs 207Q List 132Q Supers 122Q List! 54Q Supers 44Q List!) () Class.TEDITfyClass D1 (P 15Q doc P 14Q IV P 12Q doc P 11Q CV P 7 super P 6 supers P 5 meta P 4 doc P 3 IVs P 2 CVs I 1 openTextStream I 0 class F 16Q CLASSIC F 17Q GACHA F 20Q SLANTED) `@ bdHg HglI@Hg HglI@g @Hg HglI@Hg HglIg gl ghg cg gl ghg cg gl ghg c AohW A@ hW AohW LgAL lm o hW Mg!AohW AM o hW N:AohW NdAO o hW AohW JAohW J! O)KAohW K! OpAohW A_AO hW Ao@ o hW @Og _gAO lm o hW O_y_AO hW Ao@ o hW @Og _gAO lm o hW O_2(1125Q TEDIT.INSERT 1117Q CONCAT 1110Q SUBSTRING 1101Q MKSTRING 1062Q GetClassIV 1050Q TEDIT.INSERT 1042Q CONCAT 1033Q MKSTRING 1030Q ClassName 1016Q TEDIT.INSERT 1010Q MKSTRING 765Q TEDIT.INSERT 757Q CONCAT 750Q SUBSTRING 741Q MKSTRING 722Q GetClassValue 710Q TEDIT.INSERT 702Q CONCAT 673Q MKSTRING 670Q ClassName 656Q TEDIT.INSERT 650Q MKSTRING 634Q TEDIT.INSERT 606Q TEDIT.INSERT 555Q TEDIT.INSERT 536Q TEDIT.INSERT 516Q TEDIT.INSERT 510Q CONCAT 501Q MKSTRING 462Q TEDIT.INSERT 443Q TEDIT.INSERT 435Q CONCAT 426Q MKSTRING 420Q TEDIT.INSERT 375Q TEDIT.INSERT 367Q CONCAT 360Q SUBSTRING 351Q MKSTRING 334Q TEDIT.INSERT 321Q TEDIT.INSERT 313Q MKSTRING 310Q ClassName 303Q TEDIT.INSERT 265Q FONTCREATE 243Q BOUNDP 232Q FONTCREATE 210Q BOUNDP 177Q FONTCREATE 155Q BOUNDP 131Q FetchMethodOrHelp 103Q FetchMethodOrHelp 70Q GetClassHere 46Q FetchMethodOrHelp 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 3 GetClassRec) (1067Q ? 1057Q doc 727Q ? 717Q doc 402Q Class 340Q ? 261Q DISPLAY 255Q ITALIC 250Q CLASSIC 240Q SLANTED 226Q DISPLAY 222Q STANDARD 215Q CLASSIC 205Q CLASSIC 173Q DISPLAY 167Q STANDARD 162Q GACHA 152Q GACHA 136Q Supers 126Q List 110Q Meta 100Q List 65Q doc 53Q IVs 43Q List 25Q CVs 15Q List) ( 1114Q " " 1037Q "] " 1024Q " [IV of " 754Q " " 677Q "] " 664Q " [CV of " 626Q "Methods: " 600Q "IVs: " 547Q "CVs: " 530Q " " 505Q ", " 454Q "Supers: " 432Q " " 412Q "Metaclass: " 364Q " " 326Q " [Class] " 275Q " ") Class.TEDITfyMethod D1 (P 4 index P 3 args P 2 comment P 1 def P 0 fn I 2 openTextStream I 1 sel I 0 class F 5 CLASSIC F 6 GACHA F 7 SLANTED) <P@ bd gA Xdgho Y@Ag [@Ag \IZg gl ghg c g gl ghg c g gl ghg cBohV BohW BA hV BKooK lm hW BohV BohU BLdgo hU BohU B@ hU BohU BJo lm hU BohU B(470Q TEDIT.INSERT 456Q TEDIT.INSERT 451Q SUBSTRING 442Q CONCAT 425Q TEDIT.INSERT 413Q TEDIT.INSERT 406Q MKSTRING 403Q ClassName 376Q TEDIT.INSERT 364Q TEDIT.INSERT 357Q MKSTRING 336Q TEDIT.INSERT 324Q TEDIT.INSERT 312Q TEDIT.INSERT 304Q CONCAT 301Q SUBSTRING 272Q CONCAT 251Q TEDIT.INSERT 244Q MKSTRING 237Q TEDIT.INSERT 224Q TEDIT.INSERT 207Q FONTCREATE 165Q BOUNDP 154Q FONTCREATE 132Q BOUNDP 121Q FONTCREATE 77Q BOUNDP 62Q GetMethod 51Q GetMethod 40Q GETDEF 23Q PACK* 14Q GetObjectName 6 GetClassRec) (344Q ? 203Q DISPLAY 177Q ITALIC 172Q CLASSIC 162Q SLANTED 150Q DISPLAY 144Q STANDARD 137Q CLASSIC 127Q CLASSIC 115Q DISPLAY 111Q STANDARD 104Q GACHA 74Q GACHA 57Q MethodClassification 46Q args 30Q FNS 17Q %.) ( 463Q " " 435Q "" 420Q "] " 371Q ": Method of " 353Q "Unclassified" 331Q "[" 317Q ") " 266Q " " 260Q "" 231Q " self " 217Q "(_" 35Q (NOERROR NOCOPY)) ClassBrowser.Browse D1 (I 4 position I 3 goodList I 2 windowOrTitle I 1 browseList I 0 self) >@!HgoYdg iI HABCDlJ@Hg HkI(65Q FetchMethodOrHelp 36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (62Q ShadeAbstractClass 22Q ClassBrowser 7 Browse) ( 13Q (NIL)) ClassBrowser.ShadeAbstractClass D1 (P 2 node I 1 shade I 0 self F 7 GRAYSHADE2) S@Hg HkIQIhgJ\g LglK@^g NJlAWlMIY(74Q FetchMethodOrHelp 47Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (71Q HighlightNode 54Q Meta 44Q List 37Q AbstractClass 7 BrowserObjects) () LatticeBrowser.DoSelectedCommand D1 (P 0 args I 3 objName I 2 obj I 1 command I 0 self) P0Ad3AAbB&A@g &BZg JAlIBAH b b@ABCH (115Q SendInTtyProcess 76Q GetObjectName 67Q SendInTtyProcess 47Q FetchMethodOrHelp 34Q GetClassValue) (44Q Understands 31Q LocalCommands) () LatticeBrowser.LeftShiftSelect D1 (I 2 objname I 1 object I 0 self) @Hg HABlI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (7 Unread) () LatticeBrowser.ShapeToHold D1 (P 12Q top P 11Q right P 10Q width P 7 height P 6 bottom P 5 left P 4 nodes P 3 region P 2 minHeight P 1 minWidth I 0 self F 23Q WindowTitleDisplayStream F 24Q MaxLatticeWidth F 25Q MaxLatticeHeight) @g hW& llHHlh@g @g @g g L'@_g _OKKKkIJ lO ]L ^L _L _IW(OMl _dOO_dOO_JW*ON _dOO_ dO O _OK Oil K i@_$g _"O$KKOO lO"h(405Q CREATEREGION 364Q FetchMethodOrHelp 350Q EQP 340Q HEIGHTIFWINDOW 326Q EQP 265Q WIDTHIFWINDOW 223Q WIDTHIFWINDOW 205Q MAX/TOP 177Q MAX/RIGHT 172Q MIN/BOTTOM 165Q MIN/LEFT 153Q CREATEREGION 126Q FetchMethodOrHelp 106Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 100Q GetValue 67Q \INSUREWINDOW 64Q GetValue 55Q FONTHEIGHT 52Q DSPFONT 47Q GetValue 17Q STRINGWIDTH 14Q DSPFONT 6 GetValue) (361Q SetRegion 123Q SetRegion 103Q GRAPH 75Q window 61Q window 44Q window 3 title) () LatticeBrowser.Shrink D1 (P 13Q title P 12Q iconFont P 11Q dsp P 3 TheIconBMToUse P 2 window I 3 expandFn I 2 iconPos I 1 towhat I 0 self) 1 @g @Hg HglIB@g `,@gg (@g@gg - @g @g `RJgg AJg Jg ~K gl @]g MkL OO gO OO lKlO lO OO OoO hO bB A A b@^go_dg iO _NABClO(441Q FindSuperMethod 427Q OldClass 400Q GETBOXPOSITION 375Q BITMAPHEIGHT 371Q BITMAPWIDTH 356Q DSPDESTINATION 347Q CENTERPRINTINREGION 333Q PRIN1 323Q DSPYPOSITION 313Q DSPXPOSITION 277Q STRINGWIDTH 267Q DSPOPERATION 256Q DSPFONT 236Q FetchMethodOrHelp 226Q FONTCREATE 216Q DSPCREATE 213Q BITMAPCOPY 205Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 172Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 156Q WINDOWADDPROP 135Q GetClassValue 125Q GetClassValue 115Q PutClassValue 112Q BITMAPCOPY 106Q GetClassValue 66Q GetClassValue 45Q GetClassValue 21Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (424Q LatticeBrowser 410Q Shrink 262Q INVERT 233Q IconTitle 221Q GACHA 202Q ICONWINDOW 167Q ICON 153Q LatticeBrowserExpandFn 150Q EXPANDFN 141Q BrowserIconBM 132Q icon 122Q icon 103Q bitMap 100Q icon 74Q icon 63Q bitMap 60Q icon 51Q BITMAPTYPE# 42Q icon 26Q icon 16Q HasCV 3 window) ( 414Q (NIL) 342Q (0 37Q 115Q 12Q)) Object.NewInstanceWithValues D1 (L (0 self)) @NIL NIL () Object.ShouldNotImplement D1 (I 1 selector I 0 self) "A o @Hg HkI (37Q ERROR 25Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q CONCAT 3 MKSTRING) (22Q ClassName) ( 7 " is not implemented for the class: ") Object.SubClassResponsibility D1 (I 1 selector I 0 self) "A o @Hg HkI (37Q ERROR 25Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q CONCAT 3 MKSTRING) (22Q ClassName) ( 7 " must be specialized for ") (PRETTYCOMPRINT DINDEUTILITYCOMS) (RPAQQ DINDEUTILITYCOMS ((FNS DINDE.CommentMethods DINDE-CMLARRAY-DEFPRINT DINDEPromptInitializer LispxSend NewWithValues SendInTtyProcess) (METHODS Class.ClassifyCombinedMethods Class.ClassifyInheritedMethods Class.ClassifyLocalMethods Class.CommentMethods Class.DocumentMethods Class.ListRequiredInits Class.TEDITfyClass Class.TEDITfyMethod ClassBrowser.Browse ClassBrowser.ShadeAbstractClass LatticeBrowser.DoSelectedCommand LatticeBrowser.LeftShiftSelect LatticeBrowser.ShapeToHold LatticeBrowser.Shrink Object.NewInstanceWithValues Object.ShouldNotImplement Object.SubClassResponsibility) (CLASSES PromptWindow) (DECLARE: DONTEVAL@LOAD DOEVAL@COMPILE DONTCOPY COMPILERVARS (ADDVARS (NLAMA) (NLAML LispxSend) (LAMA))))) (METH Class ClassifyCombinedMethods (stopList) (* * Index the methods of this class according to their MethodClassification property. The result is a proplist style list of pairs: .) (method Class.ClassifyCombinedMethods MethodClassification Internal)) (METH Class ClassifyInheritedMethods (stopList) (* * Index the methods of the supers of this this class according to their MethodClassification property. The result is a proplist style list of pairs: .) (method Class.ClassifyInheritedMethods MethodClassification Internal)) (METH Class ClassifyLocalMethods NIL (* * Index the methods of this class according to their MethodClassification property. The result is a proplist style list of pairs: .) (method Class.ClassifyLocalMethods MethodClassification Internal)) (METH Class CommentMethods (selectors useDefaultComment) (* Add args as property of method. Insert comment in class from function. Ask for comment if none available, and if useDefaultComment is NIL, else insert DefaultComment which is initially bound to (*))) (METH Class DocumentMethods (selectors openTextStream doClassToo) (* New method template)) (METH Class ListRequiredInits (stopList) (* List those variables which require initialization.) ( method Class.ListRequiredInits MethodClassification Internal)) (METH Class TEDITfyClass (openTextStream) (* New method template)) (METH Class TEDITfyMethod (sel openTextStream) (* New method template)) (METH ClassBrowser Browse (browseList windowOrTitle goodList position) (* Specialization)) (METH ClassBrowser ShadeAbstractClass (shade) (* New method template)) (METH LatticeBrowser DoSelectedCommand (command obj objName) (* does the selected command or forwards it to the object)) (METH LatticeBrowser LeftShiftSelect (object objname) (* A specialization from the LatticeBrowser) ( method LatticeBrowser.LeftShiftSelect MethodClassification Internal)) (METH LatticeBrowser ShapeToHold NIL (* Shape the browse window to just hold the nodes with (OR margin BrowserMargin) to spare.)) (METH LatticeBrowser Shrink (towhat iconPos expandFn) (* * the default icon should be used if there is no explicit icon given)) (METH Object NewInstanceWithValues NIL (* New method template)) (METH Object ShouldNotImplement (selector) (* A do nothing method used to void specified inherited methods. The method ShouldNotImplement produces an ERROR if actually invoked.)) (METH Object SubClassResponsibility (selector) (* This method indicates that the implementation of the method given by selector depends on the subclass, even though, abstractly, it is a method of some generic class. The method SubclassResponsibility produces an ERROR if actually invoked.)) (DEFCLASSES PromptWindow) (DEFCLASS PromptWindow (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "17-Jul-86 13:16")) (Supers Window) ( ClassVariables (LeftButtonItems NIL doc (* No left buttons items -- otherwise the default is "Update" , which makes no sense)) (RightButtonItems (Clear Close Destroy) doc (* The commands for the prompt window. Note that most of these pass commands off the any main window))) (InstanceVariables (font NIL DontSave (Value) fontDef (Gacha 10) doc (* The font to use for printing in the prompt window. If NIL, then use the fontDef property to compute it)) (lines 4 doc (* How many lines of text should be visible?)) (mainWindow NIL doc (* The window I am attached to, if any)))) (PUTPROPS DINDEUTILITY COPYRIGHT ("Massachusetts Institute of Technology" 1985 1986)) NIL