(FILECREATED "28-Jul-86 18:11:54" ("compiled on " {DSK}DINDE>DINDEPLOTS.;3) "12-Nov-85 14:59:23" bcompl'd in "LOOPS with TEDIT 2-Jun-86 ..." dated " 2-Jun-86 16:58:15") (FILECREATED "28-Jul-86 18:04:25" {DSK}DINDE>DINDEPLOTS.;3 116709 changes to: (CLASSES BoxPlot DynamicScatterPlot QQGauss ResidualScatter ResidualVsFit ScatterPlot) (METHODS XYPlot.PlotPoints) (FNS XYPlot.PlotPoints) previous date: "26-Jul-86 16:56:39" {DSK}DINDE>DINDEPLOTS.;2) 1DPlot.AfterInit D1 (I 0 self) ;@goHdg iH @kH@Hg HkI(62Q FetchMethodOrHelp 36Q FindSuperMethod 24Q OldClass) (57Q GraphBatch 21Q 1DPlot 3 AfterInit) ( 7 (NIL)) 1DPlot.EnsureLabelledPlot D1 (I 2 XLabel I 1 Title I 0 self) ?@g g @g gBi @g g @g gAi h(72Q PLOTLABEL 62Q GetValue 52Q PLOTLABEL 44Q GetValue 34Q PLOTLABEL 24Q GetValue 14Q PLOTLABEL 6 GetValue) (65Q TOP 57Q ThePlot 47Q TOP 41Q ThePlot 27Q BOTTOM 21Q ThePlot 11Q BOTTOM 3 ThePlot) () 1DPlot.GraphBatch D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HglI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (17Q GraphBatch 7 SubClassResponsibility) () BoxPlot.CurrentPlotTitle D1 (I 0 self) @g (6 GetValue) (23Q MARGIN 16Q MARGININFO 11Q PLOT 3 ThePlot) () BoxPlot.CurrentReexpression D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HkI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (24Q DYNAMICBOXPLOTDATA 7 DynamicBoxPlotData) () BoxPlot.DisplayedBoxPlot D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HkI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (24Q DYNAMICBOXPLOTDATA 7 DynamicBoxPlotData) () BoxPlot.DisplayedBoxPlotData D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HkI (12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (24Q PLOTOBJECT 7 DisplayedBoxPlot) () BoxPlot.DynamicBoxPlotData D1 (I 0 self) @g  (6 GetValue) (11Q PLOTOBJECT 3 DynamicBoxPlotObject) () BoxPlot.FiveNumberSummary D1 (P 7 Maximum P 6 UpperHinge P 5 Median P 4 LowerHinge P 3 Minimum P 2 BoxPlotData I 0 self) K@Hg HkIQJJJJJ _KLMNOh (110Q C 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (64Q BOXPLOTDATA 55Q BOXPLOTDATA 46Q BOXPLOTDATA 37Q BOXPLOTDATA 30Q BOXPLOTDATA 7 DisplayedBoxPlotData) () BoxPlot.GraphBatch D1 (P 13Q DynamicBoxPlot P 12Q Title P 11Q XLabel P 6 listBatch I 0 self) @g Hg HkIkj@g Hg HkIHg HkI3IHJI L Mh\IkYM&K!@g @g @g  @g o@g  NoohdO  @_g _OOOlO@gO Oh@g (341Q BATCHVIEW 336Q GetValue 323Q PutValue 272Q FetchMethodOrHelp 256Q CREATEDYNAMICBOXPLOT 232Q GetValue 215Q GetValue 203Q GetValue 173Q GetObjectName 170Q GetValue 160Q GetValue 120Q \AREF.1 74Q FetchMethodOrHelp 53Q FetchMethodOrHelp 41Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (333Q ThePlot 316Q DynamicBoxPlotObject 267Q EnsureLabelledPlot 227Q Title 212Q Title 200Q XAxisLabel 165Q Batch 155Q XAxisLabel 71Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 50Q AsAnyFloat 36Q Batch 15Q ArrayTotalSize 3 Batch) ( 246Q .5 242Q 1.0 222Q "BoxPlot") BoxPlot.OffSet D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HkI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (24Q DYNAMICBOXPLOTDATA 7 DynamicBoxPlotData) () BoxPlot.PrintFiveNumberSummary D1 (P 17Q Maximum P 16Q UpperHinge P 15Q Median P 14Q LowerHinge P 13Q Minimum P 12Q BoxPlotData P 11Q TheReexpression P 10Q DynamicBoxPlotData P 7 BatchName P 0 Name I 1 file I 0 self F 20Q PPDefault) @ a@g @Zg JkIO@\g LkKo @^g NkMQO_O_O_O_O _AW b A A `A lhA oA A A `A oA `A H@A A `A oA `A O @g A A `A oA `A OA A A A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A (1024Q TERPRI 1020Q PRIN1 1012Q CHANGEFONT 1003Q TAB 774Q PRIN1 764Q CHANGEFONT 755Q TERPRI 750Q PRIN1 741Q CHANGEFONT 731Q TAB 721Q PRIN1 710Q CHANGEFONT 701Q TERPRI 674Q PRIN1 665Q CHANGEFONT 655Q TAB 645Q PRIN1 634Q CHANGEFONT 625Q TERPRI 620Q PRIN1 611Q CHANGEFONT 601Q TAB 571Q PRIN1 560Q CHANGEFONT 551Q TERPRI 544Q PRIN1 535Q CHANGEFONT 525Q TAB 515Q PRIN1 504Q CHANGEFONT 474Q TERPRI 467Q TERPRI 463Q TERPRI 456Q PRIN1 447Q CHANGEFONT 437Q PRIN1 426Q CHANGEFONT 417Q TERPRI 412Q PRIN1 406Q GetValue 372Q CHANGEFONT 362Q PRIN1 351Q CHANGEFONT 342Q TERPRI 335Q PRIN1 324Q CHANGEFONT 314Q PRIN1 303Q CHANGEFONT 273Q TERPRI 267Q TERPRI 262Q PRIN1 251Q TAB 241Q CHANGEFONT 231Q TERPRI 224Q TERPRI 217Q TERPRI 112Q FetchMethodOrHelp 64Q FetchMethodOrHelp 33Q FetchMethodOrHelp 20Q GetObjectName 15Q GetValue 3 GetObjectName) (1006Q DEFAULTFONT 760Q BOLDFONT 735Q DEFAULTFONT 704Q BOLDFONT 661Q DEFAULTFONT 630Q BOLDFONT 605Q DEFAULTFONT 554Q BOLDFONT 531Q DEFAULTFONT 500Q BOLDFONT 443Q DEFAULTFONT 422Q BOLDFONT 403Q Batch 366Q DEFAULTFONT 345Q BOLDFONT 320Q DEFAULTFONT 277Q BOLDFONT 235Q BOLDFONT 200Q BOXPLOTDATA 166Q BOXPLOTDATA 154Q BOXPLOTDATA 142Q BOXPLOTDATA 130Q BOXPLOTDATA 107Q DisplayedBoxPlotData 61Q CurrentPlotTitle 51Q DYNAMICBOXPLOTDATA 30Q DynamicBoxPlotData 12Q Batch) ( 770Q "Minimum: " 715Q "Lower Hinge: " 641Q "Median: " 565Q "Upper Hinge: " 511Q "Maximum: " 433Q "Reexpression: " 356Q "Batch: " 310Q "BoxPlot: " 256Q "Five Number Summary" 77Q "None") BoxPlot.PrintSevenNumberSummary D1 (P 21Q Maximum P 20Q UpperAdjacentValue P 17Q UpperHinge P 16Q Median P 15Q LowerHinge P 14Q LowerAdjacentValue P 13Q Minimum P 12Q BoxPlotData P 11Q TheReexpression P 10Q DynamicBoxPlotData P 7 BatchName P 0 Name I 1 file I 0 self F 22Q PPDefault) @ a@g @Zg JkIO@\g LkKo @^g NkMqO_O_O_O_O_O _ O _"AW$b A A `A lhA oA A A `A oA `A H@A A `A oA `A O @g A A `A oA `A OA A A A `A oA lhA `A O"A A `A oA lhA `A O A A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A `A oA lhA `A OA A (1200Q TERPRI 1174Q PRIN1 1166Q CHANGEFONT 1157Q TAB 1150Q PRIN1 1140Q CHANGEFONT 1131Q TERPRI 1124Q PRIN1 1115Q CHANGEFONT 1105Q TAB 1075Q PRIN1 1064Q CHANGEFONT 1055Q TERPRI 1050Q PRIN1 1041Q CHANGEFONT 1031Q TAB 1021Q PRIN1 1010Q CHANGEFONT 1001Q TERPRI 774Q PRIN1 765Q CHANGEFONT 755Q TAB 745Q PRIN1 734Q CHANGEFONT 725Q TERPRI 720Q PRIN1 711Q CHANGEFONT 701Q TAB 671Q PRIN1 660Q CHANGEFONT 651Q TERPRI 644Q PRIN1 635Q CHANGEFONT 625Q TAB 615Q PRIN1 604Q CHANGEFONT 575Q TERPRI 570Q PRIN1 561Q CHANGEFONT 551Q TAB 541Q PRIN1 530Q CHANGEFONT 520Q TERPRI 513Q TERPRI 507Q TERPRI 502Q PRIN1 473Q CHANGEFONT 463Q PRIN1 452Q CHANGEFONT 443Q TERPRI 436Q PRIN1 432Q GetValue 416Q CHANGEFONT 406Q PRIN1 375Q CHANGEFONT 366Q TERPRI 361Q PRIN1 350Q CHANGEFONT 340Q PRIN1 327Q CHANGEFONT 317Q TERPRI 313Q TERPRI 306Q PRIN1 275Q TAB 265Q CHANGEFONT 255Q TERPRI 250Q TERPRI 243Q TERPRI 112Q FetchMethodOrHelp 64Q FetchMethodOrHelp 33Q FetchMethodOrHelp 20Q GetObjectName 15Q GetValue 3 GetObjectName) (1162Q DEFAULTFONT 1134Q BOLDFONT 1111Q DEFAULTFONT 1060Q BOLDFONT 1035Q DEFAULTFONT 1004Q BOLDFONT 761Q DEFAULTFONT 730Q BOLDFONT 705Q DEFAULTFONT 654Q BOLDFONT 631Q DEFAULTFONT 600Q BOLDFONT 555Q DEFAULTFONT 524Q BOLDFONT 467Q DEFAULTFONT 446Q BOLDFONT 427Q Batch 412Q DEFAULTFONT 371Q BOLDFONT 344Q DEFAULTFONT 323Q BOLDFONT 261Q BOLDFONT 224Q BOXPLOTDATA 212Q BOXPLOTDATA 200Q BOXPLOTDATA 166Q BOXPLOTDATA 154Q BOXPLOTDATA 142Q BOXPLOTDATA 130Q BOXPLOTDATA 107Q DisplayedBoxPlotData 61Q CurrentPlotTitle 51Q DYNAMICBOXPLOTDATA 30Q DynamicBoxPlotData 12Q Batch) ( 1144Q "Minimum: " 1071Q "Lower Adjacent Value: " 1015Q "Lower Hinge: " 741Q "Median: " 665Q "Upper Hinge: " 611Q "Upper Adjacent Value: " 535Q "Maximum: " 457Q "Reexpression: " 402Q "Batch: " 334Q "BoxPlot: " 302Q "Seven Number Summary" 77Q "None") BoxPlot.SaveTransformedDataA0004 D1 (L (0 X) F 0 Epsilon F 1 OffSetValue F 2 ReexpressFunction) P@QkRNIL NIL () BoxPlot.SaveTransformedDataA0006 D1 (L (0 X) F 0 ReexpressFunction) @kPNIL NIL () BoxPlot.SaveTransformedData D1 (P 17Q Epsilon P 16Q OffSetValue P 15Q ReexpressFunction P 0 TheBatch I 0 self) @g  @Zg JkI @\g LkKO=O!oO H]g MglNH_g _OglO@_g _OkO@_g _OolO(207Q FetchMethodOrHelp 163Q FetchMethodOrHelp 133Q FetchMethodOrHelp 107Q FetchMethodOrHelp 74Q MIN 42Q FetchMethodOrHelp 21Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (204Q PromptPrint 160Q ClearPromptWindow 143Q BoxPlot.SaveTransformedDataA0006 130Q Reexpression 114Q BoxPlot.SaveTransformedDataA0004 104Q Reexpression 37Q OffSet 16Q CurrentReexpression 3 Batch) ( 220Q "The displayed data are the original data!" 67Q 5.960465E-8) BoxPlot.SevenNumberSummary D1 (P 11Q Maximum P 10Q UpperAdjacentValue P 7 UpperHinge P 6 Median P 5 LowerHinge P 4 LowerAdjacentValue P 3 Minimum P 2 BoxPlotData I 0 self) c @Hg HkIq JJJJJ_J _J _KLMNOOOh (140Q C 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (106Q BOXPLOTDATA 75Q BOXPLOTDATA 64Q BOXPLOTDATA 55Q BOXPLOTDATA 46Q BOXPLOTDATA 37Q BOXPLOTDATA 30Q BOXPLOTDATA 7 DisplayedBoxPlotData) () DynamicScatterPlot.AddStraightLine D1 (I 3 LineLabel I 2 Intercept I 1 Slope I 0 self) =@!HgoYdg iI HA o B o ClJ(64Q PromptRead 52Q PromptRead 36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q DynamicScatterPlot 7 AddStraightLine) ( 61Q "What is the intercept of the line? : " 47Q "What is the slope of the line? : " 13Q (NIL)) DynamicScatterPlot.CurrentXReexpression D1 (I 0 self) @g  (6 GetValue) (11Q ScatterPlotSystem 3 ScatterPlotSystem) () DynamicScatterPlot.CurrentYReexpression D1 (I 0 self) @g (6 GetValue) (11Q ScatterPlotSystem 3 ScatterPlotSystem) () DynamicScatterPlot.DataOfScatterPlot D1 (L (1 ScatterPlotRECORD 0 self)) ANIL (3 ScatterPlot) () DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedData D1 (I 1 PriorPlotNumber I 0 self) $@1Hg H@[g KAlJlI(24Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (21Q DisplayedScatterPlot 7 DataOfScatterPlot) () DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedScatterPlot D1 (P 0 TheScatterPlotSystem I 1 PriorPlotNumber I 0 self) ]@g AAo HAo HAo HAo HoA o (132Q ERROR 123Q CONCAT 103Q EQP 63Q EQP 43Q EQP 23Q EQP 6 GetValue) (110Q ScatterPlotSystem 70Q ScatterPlotSystem 50Q ScatterPlotSystem 30Q ScatterPlotSystem 3 ScatterPlotSystem) ( 127Q "MUST ONE OF NIL, 0, 1, 2, or 3. " 117Q "INVALID PriorPlotNumber: " 100Q 3.0 60Q 2.0 40Q 1.0 20Q 0.0) DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedXData D1 (I 1 PriorPlotNumber I 0 self) *P@\g LAlKdIHhZH&J(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (7 DisplayedData) () DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedXVector D1 (I 1 PriorPlotNumber I 0 self) \A,@Hg HkI>@Hg HkI jAA @Hg HAlI @g (131Q GetValue 121Q C 105Q FetchMethodOrHelp 70Q \FZEROP 53Q C 41Q FetchMethodOrHelp 15Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (126Q X 102Q DisplayedXData 36Q DisplayedXData 12Q CurrentXReexpression) () DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedYData D1 (I 1 PriorPlotNumber I 0 self) *P@\g LAlKdIHhZH&J(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (7 DisplayedData) () DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedYVector D1 (I 1 PriorPlotNumber I 0 self) \A,@Hg HkI>@Hg HkI jAA @Hg HAlI @g (131Q GetValue 121Q C 105Q FetchMethodOrHelp 70Q \FZEROP 53Q C 41Q FetchMethodOrHelp 15Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (126Q Y 102Q DisplayedYData 36Q DisplayedYData 12Q CurrentYReexpression) () DynamicScatterPlot.FitLeastSquaresLine D1 (P 6 TheFit I 0 self) } g QHg Hg@Zg JkIhg@\g LkKhg@g hhlM!@_g _ONg Ng olON(157Q GetValue 150Q GetValue 134Q FetchMethodOrHelp 103Q GetValue 60Q FetchMethodOrHelp 34Q FetchMethodOrHelp 17Q FetchMethodOrHelp 5 GetObjectRec) (154Q Intercept 145Q Slope 131Q AddStraightLine 100Q PointLabels 74Q PointIDs 55Q DisplayedXVector 50Q X 31Q DisplayedYVector 24Q Y 14Q NewWithValues 2 BivariateLeastSquares) ( 163Q "Least Squares Fit") DynamicScatterPlot.FitResistantLine D1 (P 6 TheFit I 0 self) g QHg Hg@Zg JkIhg@\g LkKhg@g hhlMa Ng +@_g _ONg Ng olO2@_g _OkO@_g _OolON(246Q FetchMethodOrHelp 222Q FetchMethodOrHelp 210Q RINGBELLS 170Q GetValue 161Q GetValue 145Q FetchMethodOrHelp 132Q GetValue 103Q GetValue 60Q FetchMethodOrHelp 34Q FetchMethodOrHelp 17Q FetchMethodOrHelp 5 GetObjectRec) (243Q PromptPrint 217Q ClearPromptWindow 165Q Intercept 156Q Slope 142Q AddStraightLine 127Q Converged? 100Q PointLabels 74Q PointIDs 55Q DisplayedXVector 50Q X 31Q DisplayedYVector 24Q Y 14Q NewWithValues 2 BivariateResistantFit) ( 257Q "Resistant Line failed to converge!" 174Q "Resistant Line") DynamicScatterPlot.PlotPoints D1 (P 7 PointLabelList P 6 Title P 5 YLabel P 4 XLabel P 3 ListX P 2 ListY I 0 self) @g c@g V@g Hg HkIHg HkI@g Hg HkIHg H@g lIHg HkI@g @g @g @g @g @g @g o@g @_g _ONLMlO@_g _OkO@g _g _OkO_g _O@g lO_"g _ O"kO _@gJKRO&_.O$O(O@g _0O.O0_,O*O,h_*_(O&_&O$_$O,&_*(554Q PutValue 551Q SCATTERPLOT 546Q GetValue 466Q FetchMethodOrHelp 450Q GetValue 434Q FetchMethodOrHelp 412Q FetchMethodOrHelp 402Q GetValue 360Q FetchMethodOrHelp 330Q FetchMethodOrHelp 314Q GetValue 277Q GetValue 270Q GetValue 260Q GetObjectName 255Q GetValue 245Q GetValue 236Q GetValue 226Q GetObjectName 223Q GetValue 213Q GetValue 175Q FetchMethodOrHelp 155Q GetValue 144Q FetchMethodOrHelp 123Q FetchMethodOrHelp 111Q GetValue 73Q FetchMethodOrHelp 52Q FetchMethodOrHelp 40Q GetValue 23Q GetValue 6 GetValue) (543Q ThePlot 506Q ScatterPlotSystem 463Q AsList 445Q Y 431Q ConformWith 407Q AsAnyString 377Q PointLabels 355Q LabelThePoints 325Q EnsureLabelledPlot 311Q Title 274Q Title 265Q YAxisLabel 252Q Y 242Q YAxisLabel 233Q XAxisLabel 220Q X 210Q XAxisLabel 172Q AsList 152Q Y 141Q ConformWith 120Q AsAnyFloat 106Q X 70Q AsList 47Q AsAnyFloat 35Q Y 20Q X 3 Y) ( 304Q "ScatterPlot") DynamicScatterPlot.RunningLinear D1 (P 44Q FitUsed P 43Q linearLabelClone P 42Q linearSmoothedY P 41Q linearYClone P 40Q linearXClone2 P 37Q linearXClone P 36Q LabelClone P 35Q SmoothedY P 34Q YClone P 33Q XClone2 P 2 XClone I 1 Span I 0 self) %@Hg HkIHg HkIJ\g LkK@^g NkM_g _OkO@g _g _OglO@g _g _OkOJ_g _OkOO6_ g _O kO O8_$g _"O$kO"!O:_(g _&O(kO&"O<_,g _*O,kO*$Ao boboA _HO>OB O@OF O>OBAOD @_0g _.O0O>ODOHlO.g _2g _4O2gOHhgJhgO8hgO g _*g _,O*gOBhgJhgO4hgO6hgg _0g _.O0gO@hhlO.hhlO,(603Q FetchMethodOrHelp 573Q GetObjectRec 516Q FetchMethodOrHelp 506Q GetObjectRec 500Q QuickPairSort 447Q FetchMethodOrHelp 434Q RunningSmooth 425Q UFQuickPairSort 414Q CONCAT 366Q PromptRead 335Q PromptRead 306Q FetchMethodOrHelp 257Q FetchMethodOrHelp 230Q FetchMethodOrHelp 201Q FetchMethodOrHelp 153Q FetchMethodOrHelp 143Q GetValue 117Q FetchMethodOrHelp 101Q FetchMethodOrHelp 60Q FetchMethodOrHelp 33Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (613Q TheCMLArray 600Q NewWithValues 570Q FloatVector 565Q FittedValues 555Q PointIDs 545Q Y 536Q X 526Q FittingProcedure 513Q NewWithValues 503Q BivariateFit 444Q AddACurve 343Q S3R 303Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 254Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 225Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 176Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 150Q Clone 140Q PointLabels 114Q Clone 76Q DisplayedYVector 55Q Clone 30Q Clone 7 DisplayedXVector) ( 411Q "" 404Q " with twicing" 375Q "Smooth " 363Q "Smoother? Enter NIL for default (S3R): " 354Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 332Q "Smoother? Enter NIL for default (S3R): ") DynamicScatterPlot.Suggestions D1 (I 0 self F 0 PPDefault) P @g P (16Q PRIN1 12Q GetClassValue 3 TERPRI) (7 Suggestions) () DynamicScatterPlot.XOffSet D1 (I 0 self) @g (6 GetValue) (11Q ScatterPlotSystem 3 ScatterPlotSystem) () DynamicScatterPlot.YOffSet D1 (I 0 self) @g  (6 GetValue) (11Q ScatterPlotSystem 3 ScatterPlotSystem) () Histogram.GraphBatch D1 (P 10Q Title P 7 XLabel P 6 listBatch I 0 self) @g Hg HkIkj@g Hg HkIHg HkI3IHJI L Mh\IkYM&K@g @g @g @g o@g # @_g _OOOlONOh@g (276Q HISTPLOT 273Q GetValue 240Q FetchMethodOrHelp 224Q GetValue 207Q GetValue 200Q GetValue 170Q GetObjectName 165Q GetValue 155Q GetValue 120Q \AREF.1 74Q FetchMethodOrHelp 53Q FetchMethodOrHelp 41Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (270Q ThePlot 235Q EnsureLabelledPlot 221Q Title 204Q Title 175Q XAxisLabel 162Q Batch 152Q XAxisLabel 71Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 50Q AsAnyFloat 36Q Batch 15Q ArrayTotalSize 3 Batch) ( 214Q "Histogram") IndexPlot.S3RSSH,Twice D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HgilI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (17Q S3RSSH 7 Smooth) () IndexPlot.S4253H,Twice D1 (I 0 self) @Hg HgilI(12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (17Q S4253H 7 Smooth) () IndexPlot.Smooth D1 (P 5 SmoothedY P 4 SmootherUsed P 3 XAsCMLArray P 2 YAsCMLArray I 2 Twicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self)  @g Hg HkI@g Hg HkI Ao bgbhoBo bJAB ]oABoo \@_g OKMLlNg _g _OgLhg@g hg@g hg@g hgg _g _OgMhhlOhhlO(332Q FetchMethodOrHelp 322Q GetObjectRec 306Q GetValue 271Q GetValue 254Q GetValue 226Q FetchMethodOrHelp 216Q GetObjectRec 174Q FetchMethodOrHelp 162Q CONCAT 136Q RunningSmooth 125Q PromptRead 74Q PromptRead 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 36Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (342Q TheCMLArray 327Q NewWithValues 317Q FloatVector 314Q FittedValues 303Q PointLabels 277Q PointIDs 266Q Y 262Q Y 251Q X 245Q X 236Q FittingProcedure 223Q NewWithValues 213Q BivariateFit 171Q AddACurve 102Q S3R 45Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 33Q X 15Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 3 Y) ( 157Q "" 152Q " with twicing" 143Q "Smooth " 122Q "Smoother? Enter NIL for default (S3R): " 113Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 71Q "Smoother? Enter NIL for default (S3R): ") Plot.Close D1 (I 0 self) -@g @g Hg HkI@g (52Q CLOSEPLOTWINDOW 47Q GetValue 31Q FetchMethodOrHelp 17Q GetValue 6 GetValue) (44Q ThePlot 26Q Close 14Q promptWindow 3 promptWindow) () Plot.Destroy D1 (I 0 self) H@g @g gh @g @goHdg iH @kH(75Q FindSuperMethod 63Q OldClass 36Q PutValue 27Q PLOTPROP 20Q GetValue 11Q CLOSEPLOTWINDOW 6 GetValue) (60Q Plot 42Q Destroy 33Q ThePlot 23Q LoopsWindow 15Q ThePlot 3 ThePlot) ( 46Q (NIL)) Plot.NewInstance D1 (I 0 self) A@g @g g@ @goHdg iH @kH(66Q FindSuperMethod 54Q OldClass 27Q PLOTPROP 20Q GetValue 11Q PutValue 6 CREATEPLOT) (51Q Plot 33Q NewInstance 23Q LoopsWindow 15Q ThePlot 3 ThePlot) ( 37Q (NIL)) Plot.NewInstanceWithValues D1 (I 0 self) A@g @g g@ @goHdg iH @kH(66Q FindSuperMethod 54Q OldClass 27Q PLOTPROP 20Q GetValue 11Q PutValue 6 CREATEPLOT) (51Q Plot 33Q NewInstanceWithValues 23Q LoopsWindow 15Q ThePlot 3 ThePlot) ( 37Q (NIL)) Plot.Open D1 (I 0 self) L@g ?@Hg HkI@g @g @g Hg HkIh(101Q FetchMethodOrHelp 67Q GetValue 56Q GetValue 47Q OPENPLOTWINDOW 44Q GetValue 26Q FetchMethodOrHelp 11Q ACTIVEWP 6 GetValue) (76Q Open 64Q promptWindow 53Q promptWindow 41Q ThePlot 23Q Update 3 window) () QQEmpirical.AddResistantLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q QQEmpirical 7 AddResistantLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) QQEmpirical.AfterInit D1 (I 0 self) 9@g @g @goHdg iH @kH(56Q FindSuperMethod 44Q OldClass 16Q PutValue 6 GetValue) (41Q QQEmpirical 23Q AfterInit 13Q PointLabels 3 PointLabels) ( 27Q (NIL)) QQGauss.AddResistantLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q QQGauss 7 AddResistantLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) QQGauss.AfterInit D1 (P 2 N I 0 self) k@g Hg HkI!@gJ \g LkK @g @goHdg iH @kH(140Q FindSuperMethod 126Q OldClass 100Q PutValue 75Q TRUE 65Q PutValue 54Q FetchMethodOrHelp 45Q C 42Q PercentileList 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (123Q QQGauss 105Q AfterInit 72Q XSorted? 51Q QGAUSS 36Q X 15Q ArrayTotalSize 3 Y) ( 111Q (NIL)) QQPlot.AddResistantLine D1 (P 2 TheFit I 0 self) \g Hg Hg@g hg@g hhlI!@\g LJg Jg olKJ(117Q GetValue 110Q GetValue 77Q FetchMethodOrHelp 50Q GetValue 33Q GetValue 17Q FetchMethodOrHelp 5 GetObjectRec) (114Q Intercept 105Q Slope 74Q AddStraightLine 45Q X 41Q X 30Q Y 24Q Y 14Q NewWithValues 2 BivariateResistantFit) ( 123Q "Resistant Line") QQPlot.AddStraightLine D1 (I 3 LineLabel I 2 Intercept I 1 Slope I 0 self) =@!HgoYdg iI HA o B o ClJ(64Q PromptRead 52Q PromptRead 36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q QQPlot 7 AddStraightLine) ( 61Q "What is the intercept of the line? : " 47Q "What is the slope of the line? : " 13Q (NIL)) QQPlot.AfterInit D1 (P 1 YVector P 0 XVector I 0 self) @g @g BH5@g @gH[g KkJ @g @gH I5@g @gI]g MkL @g @gI @goJdg iJ @kJ(234Q FindSuperMethod 222Q OldClass 173Q PutValue 170Q GetObjectName 157Q GetValue 147Q PutValue 136Q FetchMethodOrHelp 120Q GetValue 105Q PutValue 102Q GetObjectName 71Q GetValue 61Q PutValue 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 32Q GetValue 15Q GetValue 6 GetValue) (217Q QQPlot 201Q AfterInit 164Q YAxisLabel 154Q YAxisLabel 133Q SORT 126Q Y 115Q YSorted? 76Q XAxisLabel 66Q XAxisLabel 45Q SORT 40Q X 27Q XSorted? 12Q Y 3 X) ( 205Q (NIL)) QQTheoretical.AddResistantLine D1 (P 3 TheFit I 0 self) :@!HgoYdg iI HkJKg@g K(66Q PutValue 63Q GetValue 36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (60Q PointLabels 54Q PointIDs 22Q QQTheoretical 7 AddResistantLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) QQTheoretical.AfterInit D1 (P 4 linearLabels P 3 LabelClone P 2 linearObs P 1 Observations P 0 Labels I 0 self) @g  Hv@g ^g NkMH_g _OkOI_g _OkOK_g _OkOJL @gI @g @gK @goMdg iM @kM(240Q FindSuperMethod 226Q OldClass 177Q PutValue 166Q PutValue 163Q TRUE 153Q PutValue 142Q QuickPairSort 122Q FetchMethodOrHelp 76Q FetchMethodOrHelp 52Q FetchMethodOrHelp 32Q FetchMethodOrHelp 23Q GetValue 6 GetValue) (223Q QQTheoretical 205Q AfterInit 173Q PointLabels 160Q YSorted? 147Q Y 117Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 73Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 47Q Clone 27Q Clone 20Q Y 3 PointLabels) ( 211Q (NIL)) ResidualScatter.AddLeastSquaresLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualScatter 7 AddLeastSquaresLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualScatter.AddResistantLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualScatter 7 AddResistantLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualScatter.AfterInit D1 (I 0 self) F@!HgoYdg iI HkJ@Hg HooolI(60Q FetchMethodOrHelp 36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (55Q AddStraightLine 22Q ResidualScatter 7 AfterInit) ( 76Q "Horizontal Axis" 72Q 0.0 66Q 0.0 13Q (NIL)) ResidualScatter.RunningLinear D1 (I 1 Span I 0 self) )@!HgoYdg iI HAlJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualScatter 7 RunningLinear) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualScatter.SimpleSmooth D1 (I 2 Twicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) *@!HgoYdg iI HABlJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualScatter 7 SimpleSmooth) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualScatter.SmoothNegativeResiduals D1 (P 21Q SmoothedResids P 20Q AssociatedXs P 17Q NegResids P 13Q NumNegResids P 12Q NumResids P 11Q X P 2 Resids I 2 SpanOrTwicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) @g Hg HkIa@g \g LkK J  OkjdOO(JOddhOk_Ok_O_gg Ogg A:o bgbo!B!Ago boo bOkjdO&O$lJO&ddhLOO(dJO&ddO O(dOO&ddO(k_(O&k_&O O AgBB3oB Ogg _"O OBO" @]g MO O"oB lN@_g _OO OAB oABoo lO(673Q CONCAT 650Q RunningSmooth 632Q FetchMethodOrHelp 613Q CONCAT 575Q FetchMethodOrHelp 565Q RunningLinearSmooth 551Q MAKE-ARRAY 535Q ERROR 512Q UFQuickPairSort 305Q PromptRead 266Q PromptRead 227Q PromptRead 212Q MAKE-ARRAY 174Q MAKE-ARRAY 65Q ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 41Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (627Q AddACurve 572Q AddACurve 546Q SINGLE-FLOAT 543Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 516Q RunningLinear 442Q ARRAY 426Q ARRAY 400Q ARRAY 365Q ARRAY 334Q ARRAY 255Q RunningLinear 235Q RunningLinear 207Q SINGLE-FLOAT 204Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 171Q SINGLE-FLOAT 166Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 114Q ARRAY 45Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 36Q X 15Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 3 Y) ( 670Q "" 663Q " with twicing." 654Q "Smooth of negative residuals using " 607Q "Local linear smooth of negative residuals: span = " 531Q "Span is not a number: " 302Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 275Q .1 263Q "Span of linear fit (as a fraction of the data)? Enter NIL for default (0.1): " 244Q .1 224Q "Smoother? RunningLinear (default) or Simple (ignores X-axis): ") ResidualScatter.SmoothPositiveResiduals D1 (P 21Q SmoothedResids P 20Q AssociatedXs P 17Q PosResids P 13Q NumPosResids P 12Q NumResids P 11Q X P 2 Resids I 2 SpanOrTwicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) @g Hg HkIa@g \g LkK J  OkjdOO'JOddhOk_Ok_O_gg Ogg A:o bgbo!B!Ago boo bOkjdO&O$kJO&ddhLOO(dJO&ddO O(dOO&ddO(k_(O&k_&O O AgBB3oB Ogg _"O OBO" @]g MO O"oB lN@_g _OO OAB oABoo lO(671Q CONCAT 646Q RunningSmooth 630Q FetchMethodOrHelp 611Q CONCAT 573Q FetchMethodOrHelp 563Q RunningLinearSmooth 547Q MAKE-ARRAY 533Q ERROR 510Q UFQuickPairSort 304Q PromptRead 265Q PromptRead 226Q PromptRead 211Q MAKE-ARRAY 173Q MAKE-ARRAY 65Q ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 41Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (625Q AddACurve 570Q AddACurve 544Q SINGLE-FLOAT 541Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 514Q RunningLinear 440Q ARRAY 424Q ARRAY 376Q ARRAY 363Q ARRAY 333Q ARRAY 254Q RunningLinear 234Q RunningLinear 206Q SINGLE-FLOAT 203Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 170Q SINGLE-FLOAT 165Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 114Q ARRAY 45Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 36Q X 15Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 3 Y) ( 666Q "" 661Q " with twicing." 652Q "Smooth of positive residuals using " 605Q "Local linear smooth of positive residuals: span = " 527Q "Span is not a number: " 301Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 274Q .1 262Q "Span of linear fit (as a fraction of the data)? Enter NIL for default (0.1): " 243Q .1 223Q "Smoother? RunningLinear (default) or Simple (ignores X-axis): ") ResidualScatter.Suggestions D1 (I 0 self F 0 PPDefault) P @g P (16Q PRIN1 12Q GetClassValue 3 TERPRI) (7 Suggestions) () ResidualVsFit.AddLeastSquaresLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsFit 7 AddLeastSquaresLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsFit.AddResistantLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsFit 7 AddResistantLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsFit.Heteroscedasticity? D1 (I 0 self) 5@Hg HgolI@Hg HgolI(44Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (51Q RunningLinear 41Q SmoothNegativeResiduals 17Q RunningLinear 7 SmoothPositiveResiduals) ( 55Q .1 23Q .1) ResidualVsFit.RunningLinear D1 (I 1 Span I 0 self) )@!HgoYdg iI HAlJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsFit 7 RunningLinear) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsFit.SimpleSmooth D1 (I 2 Twicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) *@!HgoYdg iI HABlJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsFit 7 SimpleSmooth) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsFit.Suggestions D1 (I 0 self F 0 PPDefault) P @g P (16Q PRIN1 12Q GetClassValue 3 TERPRI) (7 Suggestions) () ResidualVsIndex.AddResistantLine D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsIndex 7 AddResistantLine) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsIndex.S3RSSH,Twice D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsIndex 7 S3RSSH,Twice) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsIndex.S4253H,Twice D1 (I 0 self) '@!HgoYdg iI HkJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsIndex 7 S4253H,Twice) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsIndex.Smooth D1 (I 2 Twicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) *@!HgoYdg iI HABlJ(36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ResidualVsIndex 7 Smooth) ( 13Q (NIL)) ResidualVsIndex.SmoothNegativeResiduals D1 (P 21Q SmoothedResids P 20Q AssociatedXs P 17Q NegResids P 13Q NumNegResids P 12Q NumResids P 11Q X P 2 Resids I 2 SpanOrTwicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) @g Hg HkIa@g \g LkK J  OkjdOO(JOddhOk_Ok_O_gg Ogg A:o bgbo!B!Ago boo bOkjdO&O$lJO&ddhLOO(dJO&ddO O(dOO&ddO(k_(O&k_&O O AgBB3oB Ogg _"O OBO" @]g MO O"oB lN@_g _OO OAB oABoo lO(673Q CONCAT 650Q RunningSmooth 632Q FetchMethodOrHelp 613Q CONCAT 575Q FetchMethodOrHelp 565Q RunningLinearSmooth 551Q MAKE-ARRAY 535Q ERROR 512Q UFQuickPairSort 305Q PromptRead 266Q PromptRead 227Q PromptRead 212Q MAKE-ARRAY 174Q MAKE-ARRAY 65Q ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 41Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (627Q AddACurve 572Q AddACurve 546Q SINGLE-FLOAT 543Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 516Q RunningLinear 442Q ARRAY 426Q ARRAY 400Q ARRAY 365Q ARRAY 334Q ARRAY 255Q RunningLinear 235Q RunningLinear 207Q SINGLE-FLOAT 204Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 171Q SINGLE-FLOAT 166Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 114Q ARRAY 45Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 36Q X 15Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 3 Y) ( 670Q "" 663Q " with twicing." 654Q "Smooth of negative residuals using " 607Q "Local linear smooth of negative residuals: span = " 531Q "Span is not a number: " 302Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 275Q .1 263Q "Span of linear fit (as a fraction of the data)? Enter NIL for default (0.1): " 244Q .1 224Q "Smoother? RunningLinear (default) or Simple (ignores X-axis): ") ResidualVsIndex.SmoothPositiveResiduals D1 (P 21Q SmoothedResids P 20Q AssociatedXs P 17Q PosResids P 13Q NumPosResids P 12Q NumResids P 11Q X P 2 Resids I 2 SpanOrTwicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self) @g Hg HkIa@g \g LkK J  OkjdOO'JOddhOk_Ok_O_gg Ogg A:o bgbo!B!Ago boo bOkjdO&O$kJO&ddhLOO(dJO&ddO O(dOO&ddO(k_(O&k_&O O AgBB3oB Ogg _"O OBO" @]g MO O"oB lN@_g _OO OAB oABoo lO(671Q CONCAT 646Q RunningSmooth 630Q FetchMethodOrHelp 611Q CONCAT 573Q FetchMethodOrHelp 563Q RunningLinearSmooth 547Q MAKE-ARRAY 533Q ERROR 510Q UFQuickPairSort 304Q PromptRead 265Q PromptRead 226Q PromptRead 211Q MAKE-ARRAY 173Q MAKE-ARRAY 65Q ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE 50Q FetchMethodOrHelp 41Q GetValue 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (625Q AddACurve 570Q AddACurve 544Q SINGLE-FLOAT 541Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 514Q RunningLinear 440Q ARRAY 424Q ARRAY 376Q ARRAY 363Q ARRAY 333Q ARRAY 254Q RunningLinear 234Q RunningLinear 206Q SINGLE-FLOAT 203Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 170Q SINGLE-FLOAT 165Q :ELEMENT-TYPE 114Q ARRAY 45Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 36Q X 15Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 3 Y) ( 666Q "" 661Q " with twicing." 652Q "Smooth of positive residuals using " 605Q "Local linear smooth of positive residuals: span = " 527Q "Span is not a number: " 301Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 274Q .1 262Q "Span of linear fit (as a fraction of the data)? Enter NIL for default (0.1): " 243Q .1 223Q "Smoother? RunningLinear (default) or Simple (ignores X-axis): ") ResidualVsIndex.Suggestions D1 (I 0 self F 0 PPDefault) P @g P (16Q PRIN1 12Q GetClassValue 3 TERPRI) (7 Suggestions) () ScatterPlot.AddLeastSquaresLine D1 (P 2 TheFit I 0 self) lg Hg Hg@g hg@g hhlIA@\g LJg Jg olK@]g MJlN(141Q FetchMethodOrHelp 117Q GetValue 110Q GetValue 77Q FetchMethodOrHelp 50Q GetValue 33Q GetValue 17Q FetchMethodOrHelp 5 GetObjectRec) (136Q AnalysisLink 114Q Intercept 105Q Slope 74Q AddStraightLine 45Q X 41Q X 30Q Y 24Q Y 14Q NewWithValues 2 BivariateLeastSquares) ( 123Q "Least Squares Fit") ScatterPlot.AddResistantLine D1 (P 2 TheFit I 0 self) g Hg Hg@g hg@g hhlIaJg %@\g LJg Jg olK@^g NolM@_g _OJlO(204Q FetchMethodOrHelp 157Q FetchMethodOrHelp 146Q RINGBELLS 130Q GetValue 121Q GetValue 110Q FetchMethodOrHelp 76Q GetValue 50Q GetValue 33Q GetValue 17Q FetchMethodOrHelp 5 GetObjectRec) (201Q AnalysisLink 154Q PromptPrint 125Q Intercept 116Q Slope 105Q AddStraightLine 73Q Converged? 45Q X 41Q X 30Q Y 24Q Y 14Q NewWithValues 2 BivariateResistantFit) ( 165Q "Resistant Line failed to converge!" 134Q "Resistant Line") ScatterPlot.AddStraightLine D1 (I 3 LineLabel I 2 Intercept I 1 Slope I 0 self) =@!HgoYdg iI HA o B o ClJ(64Q PromptRead 52Q PromptRead 36Q FindSuperMethod 25Q OldClass) (22Q ScatterPlot 7 AddStraightLine) ( 61Q "What is the intercept of the line? : " 47Q "What is the slope of the line? : " 13Q (NIL)) ScatterPlot.RunningLinear D1 (P 26Q FitUsed P 25Q linearXClone P 24Q XClone P 23Q linearYClone P 22Q YClone P 21Q linearSmoothedY P 2 SmoothedY I 1 Span I 0 self) @g Hg HglIJ\g LkK@g ^g NkMO$_g _OkO@g _g _OkOO(_g _OkOAo boboA _,O*O& O*O&AO" @_g _OO*O"O,lOg _g _ OgO,hgO(hgO$hgJhhlO (350Q FetchMethodOrHelp 340Q GetObjectRec 310Q FetchMethodOrHelp 277Q RunningLinearSmooth 265Q UFQuickPairSort 254Q CONCAT 232Q PromptRead 203Q FetchMethodOrHelp 154Q FetchMethodOrHelp 144Q GetValue 120Q FetchMethodOrHelp 75Q FetchMethodOrHelp 66Q GetValue 46Q FetchMethodOrHelp 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (410Q FittedValues 400Q Y 370Q X 360Q FittingProcedure 345Q NewWithValues 335Q BivariateFit 305Q AddACurve 200Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 151Q Clone 141Q X 115Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 72Q Clone 63Q Y 43Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 25Q ignoreContents 15Q Clone 3 Y) ( 250Q "Local linear smooth: span = " 241Q .1 227Q "Span of linear fit (as a fraction of the data)? Enter NIL for default (0.1): ") ScatterPlot.SimpleSmooth D1 (P 23Q SmootherUsed P 22Q SmoothedY P 21Q linearYClone P 20Q YClone P 17Q linearXClone P 2 XClone I 2 Twicing? I 1 Smoother I 0 self)  @g Hg HkIJ\g LkK@g ^g NkMO _g _OkO!Ao bgbhoBo boABoo _&OO" O"AB _$@_g _OOO$O&lOg _g _OgO&hgJhgO hgg _g _OgO$hhlOhhlO(372Q FetchMethodOrHelp 362Q GetObjectRec 315Q FetchMethodOrHelp 305Q GetObjectRec 255Q FetchMethodOrHelp 242Q RunningSmooth 233Q UFQuickPairSort 222Q CONCAT 174Q PromptRead 143Q PromptRead 114Q FetchMethodOrHelp 71Q FetchMethodOrHelp 62Q GetValue 42Q FetchMethodOrHelp 20Q FetchMethodOrHelp 6 GetValue) (402Q TheCMLArray 367Q NewWithValues 357Q FloatVector 354Q FittedValues 344Q Y 335Q X 325Q FittingProcedure 312Q NewWithValues 302Q BivariateFit 252Q AddACurve 151Q S3R 111Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 66Q Clone 57Q Y 37Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 15Q Clone 3 X) ( 217Q "" 212Q " with twicing" 203Q "Smooth " 171Q "Smoother? Enter NIL for default (S3R): " 162Q "Twicing? (T or NIL): " 140Q "Smoother? Enter NIL for default (S3R): ") ScatterPlot.Suggestions D1 (I 0 self F 0 PPDefault) P @g P (16Q PRIN1 12Q GetClassValue 3 TERPRI) (7 Suggestions) () XYPlot.AddACurve D1 (P 2 N P 1 YCoordCMLArray P 0 XCoordCMLArray I 3 CurveLabel I 2 YCoord I 1 XCoord I 0 self) kA B H JI o @g Jkj2LK%HL IL _NOh^Lk\O&MC @g (150Q PLOTCURVE 145Q GetValue 100Q \AREF.1 73Q \AREF.1 52Q GetValue 42Q ERROR 31Q ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE 21Q ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE 12Q ReturnCMLArray 3 ReturnCMLArray) (142Q PointLabels 47Q ThePlot) ( 37Q "XCoord and YCoord don't have the same number of elements") XYPlot.AddStraightLine D1 (P 3 InterNum P 2 SlopeNum I 3 LineLabel I 2 Intercept I 1 Slope I 0 self) TAHg HkIBHg HkI@g JKCoJoK oJoK  (121Q PLOTLINE 116Q CONCAT 77Q CONCAT 55Q GetValue 34Q FetchMethodOrHelp 12Q FetchMethodOrHelp) (52Q ThePlot 31Q AsNativeObject 7 AsNativeObject) ( 111Q "; Intercept " 104Q ": Slope " 73Q "; Intercept " 66Q "Slope ") XYPlot.AfterInit D1 (I 0 self) ;@goHdg iH @kH@Hg HkI(62Q FetchMethodOrHelp 36Q FindSuperMethod 24Q OldClass) (57Q PlotPoints 21Q XYPlot 3 AfterInit) ( 7 (NIL)) XYPlot.EnsureLabelledPlot D1 (I 3 YLabel I 2 XLabel I 1 Title I 0 self) ]@g g @g gBi @g g @g gCi @g g @g gAi h(130Q PLOTLABEL 120Q GetValue 110Q PLOTLABEL 102Q GetValue 72Q PLOTLABEL 62Q GetValue 52Q PLOTLABEL 44Q GetValue 34Q PLOTLABEL 24Q GetValue 14Q PLOTLABEL 6 GetValue) (123Q TOP 115Q ThePlot 105Q TOP 77Q ThePlot 65Q LEFT 57Q ThePlot 47Q LEFT 41Q ThePlot 27Q BOTTOM 21Q ThePlot 11Q BOTTOM 3 ThePlot) () XYPlot.LabelThePoints D1 (P 2 I I 1 NewLabels I 0 self)  A*@gAg Hg H@g lI @g @g Hg HglI@g@g g g @g Hg HglI6@g@g g g Hg H@g lI @g@g Hg HkIk2JdIK  L Mh\JkZM&h(362Q MKSTRING 356Q PutValue 353Q C 325Q FetchMethodOrHelp 313Q GetValue 277Q PutValue 266Q GetValue 255Q FetchMethodOrHelp 243Q Coerce 235Q GetValue 227Q GetValue 177Q FetchMethodOrHelp 165Q GetValue 155Q PutValue 152Q Coerce 144Q GetValue 136Q GetValue 106Q FetchMethodOrHelp 74Q GetValue 61Q GetValue 51Q PutValue 40Q GetValue 27Q FetchMethodOrHelp 15Q Coerce) (322Q ArrayTotalSize 310Q Y 304Q PointLabels 263Q Y 252Q ConformWith 240Q AsAnyString 232Q Labels 224Q X 220Q PointLabels 204Q Labels 174Q HasIV 162Q X 147Q AsAnyString 141Q Labels 133Q Y 127Q PointLabels 113Q Labels 103Q HasIV 71Q Y 56Q PointLabels 35Q Y 24Q ConformWith 12Q AsAnyString 6 PointLabels) () XYPlot.PlotPoints D1 (P 7 PointLabelList P 6 Title P 5 YLabel P 4 XLabel P 3 linearX P 2 linearY I 0 self F 31Q CROSS) @g @g @g Hg HkIHg HkI@g Hg HkIHg H@g lIHg HkI@g @g @g @g @g @g @g o@g @_g _ONLMlO@_g _OkO@g _g _OkO_g _O@g lO_"g _ O"kO _@g @g _&g _$O&kO$kj2O*O(/KO* JO* _0O.O0h_._,O*k_*O0&_.O,OW2hi @g ggi @g ggi @g (725Q RESCALEPLOT 722Q GetValue 713Q PLOTTICS 701Q GetValue 672Q PLOTTICS 660Q GetValue 651Q PLOTPOINTS 573Q \AREF.1 565Q \AREF.1 530Q FetchMethodOrHelp 520Q GetValue 511Q GetValue 466Q FetchMethodOrHelp 450Q GetValue 434Q FetchMethodOrHelp 412Q FetchMethodOrHelp 402Q GetValue 360Q FetchMethodOrHelp 330Q FetchMethodOrHelp 314Q GetValue 277Q GetValue 270Q GetValue 260Q GetObjectName 255Q GetValue 245Q GetValue 236Q GetValue 226Q GetObjectName 223Q GetValue 213Q GetValue 175Q FetchMethodOrHelp 155Q GetValue 144Q FetchMethodOrHelp 123Q FetchMethodOrHelp 111Q GetValue 73Q FetchMethodOrHelp 52Q FetchMethodOrHelp 40Q GetValue 23Q GetValue 6 GetValue) (717Q ThePlot 707Q BOTH 704Q LEFT 676Q ThePlot 666Q BOTH 663Q BOTTOM 655Q ThePlot 525Q ArrayTotalSize 515Q Y 506Q ThePlot 463Q AsList 445Q Y 431Q ConformWith 407Q AsAnyString 377Q PointLabels 355Q LabelThePoints 325Q EnsureLabelledPlot 311Q Title 274Q Title 265Q YAxisLabel 252Q Y 242Q YAxisLabel 233Q XAxisLabel 220Q X 210Q XAxisLabel 172Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 152Q Y 141Q ConformWith 120Q AsAnyFloat 106Q X 70Q AsLinearlyAddressableArray 47Q AsAnyFloat 35Q Y 20Q X 3 Y) ( 304Q "ScatterPlot") XYPlot.PromptForPointLabels D1 (P 0 TheLabels I 1 ThePromptWindow I 0 self) 0A`boAi H@gH @gH (55Q PutValue 52Q $! 41Q PutValue 36Q C 20Q PromptRead) (46Q PointLabels 32Q PointLabels 4 PROMPTWINDOW) ( 13Q "Give a StringVector, or List, containing the labels for the points in the plot (or NIL for default): ") HISTPLOTA0001 D1 (L (1 Y 0 X)) @dAdNIL NIL () HISTPLOT D1 (P 14Q NBINS P 13Q INTFLG P 12Q OBATCH P 11Q TOPLABEL P 10Q N P 7 BOTTOMLABEL P 6 LEFTLABEL P 5 RIGHTMENUITEMS P 4 BINMENU P 3 HISTOGRAM I 3 PLOT I 2 SHADE I 1 LABEL I 0 BATCH F 16Q SHADE3) tCggohhggogggohhhhoAo@jHIAoA IJ kԹHXoG @ g _d_i_d(O dOdkذ*d3 hOlOO lO l j_KgO KgO KgO KgO KgBW Kgg Kgid Kgid KgOi KgNi KgOi KgM KgL OKgg Kgg Kgg K K(560Q HISTO.DRAW 553Q PLOTTICFN 540Q PLOTSCALEFN 525Q PLOTTICFN 507Q PLOTMENUITEMS 477Q PLOTADDMENUITEMS 467Q PLOTLABEL 455Q PLOTLABEL 444Q PLOTLABEL 432Q PLOTTICS 421Q PLOTTICS 410Q PLOTPROP 376Q PLOTPROP 362Q PLOTPROP 351Q PLOTPROP 340Q PLOTPROP 327Q PLOTPROP 307Q PLOT.LOG10 277Q SQRT 223Q LAST 200Q SORT 172Q COPY 133Q CONCAT 5 CREATEPLOT) (550Q HISTO.TICFN 545Q X 535Q HISTO.INTSCALEFN 532Q X 522Q HISTO.INTTICFN 517Q X 503Q BINMENU 473Q RIGHT 461Q TOP 450Q LEFT 436Q BOTTOM 425Q LEFT 414Q BOTTOM 405Q HISTO.COPYFN 402Q COPYFN 366Q SHADE 355Q INTFLG 344Q OBATCH 333Q NBINS 322Q N 175Q HISTPLOTA0001 50Q HISTO.RESET 45Q RESET 42Q SUBITEMS 33Q HISTO.CHANGEBINS 30Q Change% bins 13Q HISTO.VALUES 10Q Values) ( 163Q "Histogram" 127Q "Histogram of " 105Q "Values" 76Q "Frequency" 54Q "Reset range and bin interval to original value" 37Q "Change number of bins" 17Q "Output values in bin") PercentileList D1 (L (1 ContinuityCorrection 0 NumberOfObservations)) FAoh@oHoYj &@k2KdJLHIM Nh]Kk[N&h(34Q EQP) NIL ( 24Q 2.0 17Q 1.0 5 .5) PlotButtonEventFn D1 (P 1 object P 0 windowForMenu I 0 window) @@g @g "H@ h@ @ @ @ HZg J@lK(65Q FetchMethodOrHelp 54Q PLOT.BUTTONEVENTFN 47Q INSIDEP 44Q LASTMOUSEY 40Q LASTMOUSEX 34Q DSPCLIPPINGREGION 27Q TOTOPW 15Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (62Q ButtonEventFn 12Q LoopsWindow 3 LoopsWindow) () PlotRightButtonFn D1 (P 1 object P 0 windowForMenu I 0 window) >@g @g "H@ h@ @ @ @ HZg JkK(65Q FetchMethodOrHelp 54Q PLOT.BUTTONEVENTFN 47Q INSIDEP 44Q LASTMOUSEY 40Q LASTMOUSEX 34Q DSPCLIPPINGREGION 27Q TOTOPW 15Q GETWINDOWUSERPROP 6 GETWINDOWUSERPROP) (62Q RightButtonFn 12Q LoopsWindow 3 LoopsWindow) () (PRETTYCOMPRINT DINDEPLOTSCOMS) (RPAQQ DINDEPLOTSCOMS ((CLASSES 1DPlot BoxPlot DynamicScatterPlot Histogram IndexPlot QQEmpirical QQGauss QQPlot QQTheoretical ResidualScatter ResidualVsFit ResidualVsIndex ScatterPlot XYPlot) ( METHODS 1DPlot.AfterInit 1DPlot.EnsureLabelledPlot 1DPlot.GraphBatch BoxPlot.CurrentPlotTitle BoxPlot.CurrentReexpression BoxPlot.DisplayedBoxPlot BoxPlot.DisplayedBoxPlotData BoxPlot.DynamicBoxPlotData BoxPlot.FiveNumberSummary BoxPlot.GraphBatch BoxPlot.OffSet BoxPlot.PrintFiveNumberSummary BoxPlot.PrintSevenNumberSummary BoxPlot.SaveTransformedData BoxPlot.SevenNumberSummary DynamicScatterPlot.AddStraightLine DynamicScatterPlot.CurrentXReexpression DynamicScatterPlot.CurrentYReexpression DynamicScatterPlot.DataOfScatterPlot DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedData DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedScatterPlot DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedXData DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedXVector DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedYData DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedYVector DynamicScatterPlot.FitLeastSquaresLine DynamicScatterPlot.FitResistantLine DynamicScatterPlot.PlotPoints DynamicScatterPlot.RunningLinear DynamicScatterPlot.SaveTransformedXData DynamicScatterPlot.SaveTransformedYData DynamicScatterPlot.SimpleSmooth DynamicScatterPlot.Suggestions DynamicScatterPlot.XOffSet DynamicScatterPlot.YOffSet Histogram.GraphBatch IndexPlot.S3RSSH,Twice IndexPlot.S4253H,Twice IndexPlot.Smooth Plot.Close Plot.Destroy Plot.NewInstance Plot.NewInstanceWithValues Plot.Open QQEmpirical.AddResistantLine QQEmpirical.AfterInit QQGauss.AddResistantLine QQGauss.AfterInit QQPlot.AddResistantLine QQPlot.AddStraightLine QQPlot.AfterInit QQTheoretical.AddResistantLine QQTheoretical.AfterInit ResidualScatter.AddLeastSquaresLine ResidualScatter.AddResistantLine ResidualScatter.AfterInit ResidualScatter.RunningLinear ResidualScatter.SimpleSmooth ResidualScatter.SmoothNegativeResiduals ResidualScatter.SmoothPositiveResiduals ResidualScatter.Suggestions ResidualVsFit.AddLeastSquaresLine ResidualVsFit.AddResistantLine ResidualVsFit.Heteroscedasticity? ResidualVsFit.RunningLinear ResidualVsFit.SimpleSmooth ResidualVsFit.Suggestions ResidualVsIndex.AddResistantLine ResidualVsIndex.S3RSSH,Twice ResidualVsIndex.S4253H,Twice ResidualVsIndex.Smooth ResidualVsIndex.SmoothNegativeResiduals ResidualVsIndex.SmoothPositiveResiduals ResidualVsIndex.Suggestions ScatterPlot.AddLeastSquaresLine ScatterPlot.AddResistantLine ScatterPlot.AddStraightLine ScatterPlot.RunningLinear ScatterPlot.SimpleSmooth ScatterPlot.Suggestions XYPlot.AddACurve XYPlot.AddStraightLine XYPlot.AfterInit XYPlot.EnsureLabelledPlot XYPlot.LabelThePoints XYPlot.PlotPoints XYPlot.PromptForPointLabels) (FNS HISTPLOT PercentileList PlotButtonEventFn PlotRightButtonFn) (ADVISE OPENPLOTWINDOW))) (DEFCLASSES 1DPlot BoxPlot DynamicScatterPlot Histogram IndexPlot QQEmpirical QQGauss QQPlot QQTheoretical ResidualScatter ResidualVsFit ResidualVsIndex ScatterPlot XYPlot) (DEFCLASS 1DPlot (MetaClass AbstractClass Edited: (* SCP "19-Feb-86 18:41")) (Supers Graphic) ( ClassVariables (ShortSummary "A simple one-dimensional plot.") (References "Chambers, J.M., W.S. Cleveland, B. Kleiner and P.A. Tukey(1983) GRAPHICAL METHODS FOR DATA ANALYSIS, Duxbury Press, Boston." ) (LongSummary "A simple one-dimensional plot.") (BodyRightButtonBehavior "Actions to be taken on the entire display." doc (* A string describing the BodyRightButtonBehavior in this plot)) (BodyMiddleButtonBehavior "Actions to be taken on the selected display object." doc (* A string describing the BodyMiddleButtonBehavior in this plot)) (BodyLeftControlButtonBehavior "None." doc (* A string describing the BodyLeftControlButtonBehavior in this plot)) (BodyLeftButtonBehavior "Select and identify an object in the display." doc (* A string describing the BodyLeftButtonBehavior in this plot))) (InstanceVariables (Batch NIL RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer doc (* The FloatVector representing points)) (XAxisLabel NIL doc (* The string used to label the horizontal axis) ))) (DEFCLASS BoxPlot (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "18-Jul-86 17:16")) (Supers 1DPlot) ( InstanceVariables (DynamicBoxPlotObject NIL doc (* The DYNAMICBOXPLOT PLOTOBJECT.)))) (DEFCLASS DynamicScatterPlot (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "22-Jul-86 09:02")) (Supers XYPlot) ( ClassVariables (LongSummary "Plots the ordered pairs (Xi,Yi) as points in the plane, where Xi and Yi are the i'th components of the X and Y FloatVectors respectively. This ScatterPlot is Dynamic in the sense that the X and Y data may be transformed according to the power transformations on Tukey's ladder of reexpressions. These reexpressions are made available in a menu by selecting Reexpress in the right-button menu of the plot. From the Reexpression menu, button the desired reexpression for either X or Y (or both) and then select to Plot to do the calculations and redisplay the scatterplot. Note that if any points have negative values, then all points are shifted to lie in the positive quadrant of the real plane before being transformed. The user may also define his or her own transformation by selecting Add from the Reexpression menu. When prompted for the function, one can either respond with either a function name or a LAMBDA expression. The function will be APPLYed to each element of either X or Y and must have a single argument. The function will then be stored on this plot and may be accessed for either X or Y by selecting User in the Reexpression menu. Arbitrarly many functions may be stored this way. Additionally, smooths of Y on X, and a variety of straight lines can be fitted to the displayed data." ) (ShortSummary "A two-dimensional scatterplot that plots the pairs (Xi,Yi) as points in the plane, where Xi and Yi are the i'th components of the X and Y FloatVectors respectively. Different reexpressions of the data can also be plotted by selecting Reexpress on the right-button menu. Various fits of Y to X can be added to the plot.")) (InstanceVariables (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the horizontal coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer) (Y NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer) (PointLabels #((_ self PromptForPointLabels) FirstFetch NIL) doc (* A StringVector of the same length as X and Y containing the labels to be used when plotting the points)) (ScatterPlotSystem NIL doc (* The ScatterPlotSystem RECORD containing the Plot details of this DynamicScatterPlot.)))) (DEFCLASS Histogram (MetaClass Class Edited: (* jop: "10-Sep-85 18:29")) (Supers 1DPlot)) (DEFCLASS IndexPlot (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "24-Feb-86 14:16")) (Supers XYPlot) ( ClassVariables (LongSummary "A simple two-dimensional plot. Plots the ordered pairs (i,Yi) as points in the plane, where Yi is the i'th component of a FloatVector IV Y." ) (ShortSummary "A simple two-dimensional plot. Plots the ordered pairs (i,Yi) as points in the plane, where Yi is the i'th component of a FloatVector IV Y." )) (InstanceVariables (X #((C (for I from 1 to (_ (@ Y) ArrayTotalSize) collect (FLOAT I))) FirstFetch NIL) doc (* The FloatVector representing the horizontal coordinates of the points)) (Y NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer) (XAxisLabel "Index") (Title "Index Plot") (PointLabels #((_ self PromptForPointLabels) FirstFetch NIL) doc (* A StringVector of the same length as X and Y containing the labels to be used when plotting the points)))) (DEFCLASS QQEmpirical (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "23-Jul-86 18:23")) (Supers QQPlot) ( InstanceVariables (Title "Empirical Quantile-Quantile Plot") (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the horizontal coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer) (Y NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer))) (DEFCLASS QQGauss (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "23-Jul-86 17:36")) (Supers QQTheoretical) ( InstanceVariables (XAxisLabel "Gaussian Quantiles" doc (* The string used to label the horizontal axis )) (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the horizontal coordinates of the points)) (Title "Gaussian QQ-Plot"))) (DEFCLASS QQPlot (MetaClass AbstractClass Edited: (* RWO "23-Jul-86 18:23")) (Supers XYPlot) ( ClassVariables (LongSummary "A two dimensional plot which plots the quantiles of one distribution versus those of another. Typically, at least one of these distributions will be an empirical one based on some set of observations." ) (ShortSummary "A two dimensional plot which plots the quantiles of one distribution versus those of another. Typically, at least one of these distributions will be an empirical one based on some set of observations." ) (References "Chambers, J.M., W.S. Cleveland, B. Kleiner and P.A. Tukey(1983) GRAPHICAL METHODS FOR DATA ANALYSIS, Duxbury Press, Boston. Gnanadesikan, R.(1979) TECHNIQUES OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.")) ( InstanceVariables (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the horizontal coordinates of the points) ) (Y NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points)) (XSorted? NIL doc (* A flag indicating whether the data on X are sorted from smallest to largest.)) (YSorted? NIL doc (* A flag indicating whether the data on Y are sorted from smallest to largest.)) (Title "Quantile-Quantile Plot"))) (DEFCLASS QQTheoretical (MetaClass AbstractClass Edited: (* RWO "23-Jul-86 17:58")) (Supers QQPlot) ( InstanceVariables (Title "Theoretical Quantile-Quantile Plot") (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the theoretical quantiles. Therefore it does not require initialization. X determines the horizontal coordinates of the points.)))) (DEFCLASS ResidualScatter (MetaClass Class Edited: (* SCP "19-Feb-86 18:43")) (Supers ScatterPlot) ( InstanceVariables (YAxisLabel "Residuals") (Title "Residual Plot"))) (DEFCLASS ResidualVsFit (MetaClass Class Edited: (* SCP "19-Feb-86 18:43")) (Supers ResidualScatter) ( InstanceVariables (XAxisLabel "FittedValues"))) (DEFCLASS ResidualVsIndex (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "24-Feb-86 14:16")) (Supers IndexPlot ResidualScatter)) (DEFCLASS ScatterPlot (MetaClass Class Edited: (* RWO "24-Jul-86 11:33")) (Supers XYPlot) ( ClassVariables (ShortSummary "A simple two-dimensional plot. Plots the ordered pairs (Xi,Yi) as points in the plane, where Xi and Yi are the i'th components of the X and Y FloatVectors respectively." ) (LongSummary "A simple two-dimensional plot. Plots the ordered pairs (Xi,Yi) as points in the plane, where Xi and Yi are the i'th components of the X and Y FloatVectors respectively. To this plot smooths of X or Y, and the least-squares fitted line of Y on X may be added." )) (InstanceVariables (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the horizontal coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer) (Y NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points) RequiredInit DINDEPromptInitializer) (PointLabels #((_ self PromptForPointLabels) FirstFetch NIL) doc (* A StringVector of the same length as X and Y containing the labels to be used when plotting the points )))) (DEFCLASS XYPlot (MetaClass AbstractClass Edited: (* RWO "21-Jul-86 15:45") doc (* An AbstractClass representing two-dimensional plots from which instantiable XYPlot classes inherit generic behaviors.)) (Supers Graphic) (ClassVariables (References "Chambers, J.M., W.S. Cleveland, B. Kleiner and P.A. Tukey(1983) GRAPHICAL METHODS FOR DATA ANALYSIS, Duxbury Press, Boston." ) (LongSummary "A simple two-dimensional plot. Plots the ordered pairs (Xi,Yi) as points in the plane, where Xi and Yi are the i'th components of the X and Y FloatVectors respectively." ) (ShortSummary "A simple two-dimensional plot. Plots the ordered pairs (Xi,Yi) as points in the plane, where Xi and Yi are the i'th components of the X and Y FloatVectors respectively." ) (BodyLeftButtonBehavior "Select and identify an object in the display." doc (* A string describing the BodyLeftButtonBehavior in this plot)) (BodyLeftControlButtonBehavior "None." doc (* A string describing the BodyLeftControlButtonBehavior in this plot)) (BodyMiddleButtonBehavior "Actions to be taken on the selected display object." doc (* A string describing the BodyMiddleButtonBehavior in this plot)) (BodyRightButtonBehavior "Actions to be taken on the entire display." doc (* A string describing the BodyRightButtonBehavior in this plot))) (InstanceVariables (PlottingCharacter CROSS doc (* One of (STAR, CROSS, CIRCLE))) ( PointLabels NIL doc (* A StringVector of the same length as X and Y containing the labels to be used when plotting the points)) (X NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points)) (Y NIL doc (* The FloatVector representing the vertical coordinates of the points)) ( YAxisLabel NIL doc (* The string used to label the vertical axis)) (XAxisLabel NIL doc (* The string used to label the horizontal axis)))) (METH 1DPlot AfterInit NIL (* Sends AfterInit to its Super, then sends self the GraphBatch message)) (METH 1DPlot EnsureLabelledPlot (Title XLabel) (* If labels are missing from ThePlot, then puts the labels given by Title and Xlabel on ThePlot.) (method 1DPlot.EnsureLabelledPlot MethodClassification Internal)) (METH 1DPlot GraphBatch NIL (* The method used to graph the data in this batch.) (method 1DPlot.GraphBatch MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot CurrentPlotTitle NIL (* Returns the title of the plot that is currently displayed.) ( method BoxPlot.CurrentPlotTitle MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot CurrentReexpression NIL (* Returns the function used to reexpress the data as shown in the current display.) (method BoxPlot.CurrentReexpression MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot DisplayedBoxPlot NIL (* Returns the BOXPLOT PLOTOBJECT that is currently being displayed in ThePlot.) (method BoxPlot.DisplayedBoxPlot MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot DisplayedBoxPlotData NIL (* Returns the BOXPLOTDATA of the currently displayed BoxPlot.) (method BoxPlot.DisplayedBoxPlotData MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot DynamicBoxPlotData NIL (* Gets the DYNAMICBOXPLOTDATA record for this BoxPlot.) (method BoxPlot.DynamicBoxPlotData MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot FiveNumberSummary NIL (* Returns a FloatVector containing a five number summary of the data displayed.) (method BoxPlot.FiveNumberSummary MethodClassification Save% Data)) (METH BoxPlot GraphBatch NIL NIL (method BoxPlot.GraphBatch MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot OffSet NIL (* Gets the OffSet, if any, required to reexpress this batch. OffSet is the absolute value of the minimum value in the batch, if this value is LEQ 0.0. Otherwise OffSet is NIL.) (method BoxPlot.OffSet MethodClassification Internal)) (METH BoxPlot PrintFiveNumberSummary (file) (* Prints a five number summary of the data displayed.) ( method BoxPlot.PrintFiveNumberSummary MethodClassification Print% Summary)) (METH BoxPlot PrintSevenNumberSummary (file) (* Prints a seven number summary of the data displayed.) (method BoxPlot.PrintSevenNumberSummary MethodClassification Print% Summary)) (METH BoxPlot SaveTransformedData NIL (* Returns a FloatVector containing the reexpressed data, as displayed.) (method BoxPlot.SaveTransformedData MethodClassification Save% Data)) (METH BoxPlot SevenNumberSummary NIL (* Returns a FloatVector containing a seven number summary of the data displayed.) (method BoxPlot.SevenNumberSummary MethodClassification Save% Data)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot AddStraightLine (Slope Intercept LineLabel) (* Adds the straight line Y = Intercept + Slope * X to the plot. Produces no Fit.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.AddStraightLine MethodClassification Add% a% straight% line)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot CurrentXReexpression NIL (* Returns the function used to reexpress the X data as shown in the current display.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.CurrentXReexpression MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot CurrentYReexpression NIL (* Returns the function used to reexpress the Y data as shown in the current display.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.CurrentYReexpression MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DataOfScatterPlot (ScatterPlotRECORD) (* Returns the Data component of the ScatterPlot RECORD given by ScatterPlotRECORD.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DataOfScatterPlot MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DisplayedData (PriorPlotNumber) (* Returns the list of (X,Y) pairs that constitute the data in the plot that is currently displayed (if PriorPlotNumber is NIL or 0) or the data of a previously displayed plot as given by PriorPlotNumber (NIL, 0,1,2, or 3)) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedData MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DisplayedScatterPlot (PriorPlotNumber) (* Returns the ScatterPlot RECORD associated with PriorPlotNumber. If PriorPlotNumber is 0 or NIL, then the RECORD of the currently displayed plot is returned. If PriorPlotNumber EQP 1 then the RECORD of plot displayed immediately prior to the current one is returned. And so on, for PriorPlotNumber = 0, 1, 2, and 3.0 Beyond 3, no plot records are kept.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedScatterPlot MethodClassification Internal) ) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DisplayedXData (PriorPlotNumber) (* Returns the list of numbers that constitute the X data in the plot that is currently displayed (if PriorPlotNumber is NIL or 0) or the data of a previously displayed plot as given by PriorPlotNumber (NIL, 0,1,2, or 3)) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedXData MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DisplayedXVector (PriorPlotNumber) (* Returns the FloatVector of numbers that constitute the X data in the plot currently displayed (if PriorPlotNumber is NIL or 0) or the data of a previously displayed plot as given by PriorPlotNumber (NIL, 0,1,2, or 3)) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedXVector MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DisplayedYData (PriorPlotNumber) (* Returns the list of numbers that constitute the Y data in the plot that is currently displayed (if PriorPlotNumber is NIL or 0) or the data of a previously displayed plot as given by PriorPlotNumber (NIL, 0,1,2, or 3)) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedYData MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot DisplayedYVector (PriorPlotNumber) (* Returns the FloatVector of numbers that constitute the Y data in the plot currently displayed (if PriorPlotNumber is NIL or 0) or the data of a previously displayed plot as given by PriorPlotNumber (NIL, 0,1,2, or 3)) (method DynamicScatterPlot.DisplayedYVector MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot FitLeastSquaresLine NIL (* Does the least squares fit of the simple linear regession y = a + bx + error to the displayed points. Plots this line on ThePlot and returns the Fit.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.FitLeastSquaresLine MethodClassification Add% a% straight% line)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot FitResistantLine NIL (* Adds a straight line to the plot which is resistant to outlying points: the fitting routine used is called the "resistant line" %. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for further detail.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.FitResistantLine MethodClassification Add% a% straight% line)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot PlotPoints NIL NIL (method DynamicScatterPlot.PlotPoints MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot RunningLinear (Span) (* Computes a running linear smooth using local least squares over a fraction of the Xs given by Span (default is .1)) (method DynamicScatterPlot.RunningLinear MethodClassification Smooth% the% Ys)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot SaveTransformedXData NIL (* Returns a FloatVector containing the reexpressed X data, as displayed.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.SaveTransformedXData MethodClassification Save% Data )) (METH DynamicScatterPlot SaveTransformedYData NIL (* Returns a FloatVector containing the reexpressed Y data, as displayed.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.SaveTransformedYData MethodClassification Save% Data )) (METH DynamicScatterPlot SimpleSmooth (Smoother Twicing?) (* Adds a smooth curve to the scatterplot using one of a variety of nonlinear smoothers which, except for ordering the Ys, ignore X. Default smoother is repeated running medians of 3, or S3R. Possibilities include S3, S3R, S4, S5, HANN, and two compound smoothers S3RSSH and S4253H. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for details.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.SimpleSmooth MethodClassification Smooth% the% Ys)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot Suggestions NIL (* Produces some generic suggestions as to how one might proceed given that a bivariate regression is being considered.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.Suggestions MethodClassification Suggestions)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot XOffSet NIL (* Gets the OffSet, if any, required to reexpress the X data. OffSet is the absolute value of the minimum value of the Xs, if this value is LEQ 0.0. Otherwise OffSet is NIL.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.XOffSet MethodClassification Internal)) (METH DynamicScatterPlot YOffSet NIL (* Gets the OffSet, if any, required to reexpress the Y data. OffSet is the absolute value of the minimum value of the Ys, if this value is LEQ 0.0. Otherwise OffSet is NIL.) (method DynamicScatterPlot.YOffSet MethodClassification Internal)) (METH Histogram GraphBatch NIL NIL (method Histogram.GraphBatch MethodClassification Display)) (METH IndexPlot S3RSSH,Twice NIL NIL (method IndexPlot.S3RSSH,Twice MethodClassification Smooth)) (METH IndexPlot S4253H,Twice NIL (* Adds a smooth curve to the scatterplot using the compound nonlinear smoother S4253H, with twicing. Each digit in the smoother corresponds to applying a running median of that number of points to the data and H is for "Hanning" , a weighted average of three points. Twice means the smooth was "reroughed" and then applied again. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "THe ABC's of EDA" for details.) (method IndexPlot.S4253H,Twice MethodClassification Smooth)) (METH IndexPlot Smooth (Smoother Twicing?) (* Adds a smooth curve to the scatterplot using one of a variety of nonlinear smoothers which, except for ordering the Ys, ignore X. Default smoother is repeated running medians of 3, or S3R. Possibilities include S3, S3R, S4, S5, HANN, and two compound smoothers S3RSSH and S4253H. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for details.) (method IndexPlot.Smooth MethodClassification Smooth)) (METH Plot Close NIL NIL) (METH Plot Destroy NIL NIL) (METH Plot NewInstance NIL NIL) (METH Plot NewInstanceWithValues NIL NIL) (METH Plot Open NIL NIL) (METH QQEmpirical AddResistantLine NIL NIL) (METH QQEmpirical AfterInit NIL (* Point labels do not make any sense on empirical QQPlots.)) (METH QQGauss AddResistantLine NIL NIL) (METH QQGauss AfterInit NIL (* Specialization)) (METH QQPlot AddResistantLine NIL (* Adds a straight line to the plot which is resistant to outlying points: the fitting routine used is called the "resistant line" %. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for further detail.) (method QQPlot.AddResistantLine MethodClassification AddAStraightLine)) (METH QQPlot AddStraightLine (Slope Intercept LineLabel) (* Adds the straight line Y = Intercept + Slope * X to the plot.) (method QQPlot.AddStraightLine MethodClassification AddAStraightLine)) (METH QQPlot AfterInit NIL NIL) (METH QQTheoretical AddResistantLine NIL (* Specialized to add the PointIDs to the Fit.)) (METH QQTheoretical AfterInit NIL (* For theoretical QQPlots it makes sense to keep the labels with the observations.)) (METH ResidualScatter AddLeastSquaresLine NIL (* Specialization)) (METH ResidualScatter AddResistantLine NIL (* Specialization)) (METH ResidualScatter AfterInit NIL NIL) (METH ResidualScatter RunningLinear (Span) NIL (method ResidualScatter.RunningLinear MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualScatter SimpleSmooth (Smoother Twicing?) (* Same as in ScatterPlot. Adds a smooth curve to the residual scatterplot using one of a variety of nonlinear smoothers which, except for ordering the residuals, ignore X. Default smoother is repeated running medians of 3, or S3R. Possibilities include S3, S3R, S4, S5, HANN, and two compound smoothers S3RSSH and S4253H. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for details.) (method ResidualScatter.SimpleSmooth MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualScatter SmoothNegativeResiduals (Smoother SpanOrTwicing?) (* Add a smooth curve throught the negative residuals only. Default smoother is a running linear smooth with span = 0.1.) (method ResidualScatter.SmoothNegativeResiduals MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualScatter SmoothPositiveResiduals (Smoother SpanOrTwicing?) NIL (method ResidualScatter.SmoothPositiveResiduals MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualScatter Suggestions NIL (* Produces some generic suggestions as to how one might proceed given that a bivariate regression is being considered.) (method ResidualScatter.Suggestions MethodClassification Suggestions)) (METH ResidualVsFit AddLeastSquaresLine NIL (* Specialization)) (METH ResidualVsFit AddResistantLine NIL (* Specialization)) (METH ResidualVsFit Heteroscedasticity? NIL (* Provides a visual cue for checking dependence of residual variance on the fitted values (heteroscedasticity = nonconstancy of residual variation) , by adding a running linear smooth (span = .1) to the positive and negative residuals.) (method ResidualVsFit.Heteroscedasticity? MethodClassification Heteroscedasticity?)) (METH ResidualVsFit RunningLinear (Span) (* Same as in Scatterplot. Computes a running linear smooth using local least squares over a fraction of the Xs given by Span (default is .1))) (METH ResidualVsFit SimpleSmooth (Smoother Twicing?) (* Same as in ScatterPlot. Adds a smooth curve to the residual scatterplot using one of a variety of nonlinear smoothers which, except for ordering the residuals, ignore X. Default smoother is repeated running medians of 3, or S3R. Possibilities include S3, S3R, S4, S5, HANN, and two compound smoothers S3RSSH and S4253H. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for details.)) (METH ResidualVsFit Suggestions NIL (* Produces some generic suggestions as to how one might proceed given that a bivariate regression is being considered.) (method ResidualVsFit.Suggestions MethodClassification Suggestions)) (METH ResidualVsIndex AddResistantLine NIL (* Specialization)) (METH ResidualVsIndex S3RSSH,Twice NIL (* Smooth the residuals using the compound smoother S3RSSH,Twice.) (method ResidualVsIndex.S3RSSH,Twice MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualVsIndex S4253H,Twice NIL (* Smooth the residuals using the compound smoother S4253H,Twice.) (method ResidualVsIndex.S4253H,Twice MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualVsIndex Smooth (Smoother Twicing?) (* Adds a smooth curve to the scatterplot using one of a variety of nonlinear smoothers which, except for ordering the Ys, ignore X. Default smoother is repeated running medians of 3, or S3R. Possibilities include S3, S3R, S4, S5, HANN, and two compound smoothers S3RSSH and S4253H. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for details.) (method ResidualVsIndex.Smooth MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualVsIndex SmoothNegativeResiduals (Smoother SpanOrTwicing?) (* Add a smooth curve throught the negative residuals only. Default smoother is a running linear smooth with span = 0.1.) (method ResidualVsIndex.SmoothNegativeResiduals MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualVsIndex SmoothPositiveResiduals (Smoother SpanOrTwicing?) NIL (method ResidualVsIndex.SmoothPositiveResiduals MethodClassification SmoothResiduals)) (METH ResidualVsIndex Suggestions NIL (* Produces some generic suggestions as to how one might proceed given that a bivariate regression is being considered.) (method ResidualVsIndex.Suggestions MethodClassification Suggestions)) (METH ScatterPlot AddLeastSquaresLine NIL NIL (method ScatterPlot.AddLeastSquaresLine MethodClassification AddAStraightLine)) (METH ScatterPlot AddResistantLine NIL NIL (method ScatterPlot.AddResistantLine MethodClassification AddAStraightLine)) (METH ScatterPlot AddStraightLine (Slope Intercept LineLabel) (* Adds the straight line Y = Intercept + Slope * X to the plot.) (method ScatterPlot.AddStraightLine MethodClassification AddAStraightLine)) (METH ScatterPlot RunningLinear (Span) (* Computes a running linear smooth using local least squares over a fraction of the Xs given by Span (default is .1)) (method ScatterPlot.RunningLinear MethodClassification SmoothTheYs)) (METH ScatterPlot SimpleSmooth (Smoother Twicing?) (* Adds a smooth curve to the scatterplot using one of a variety of nonlinear smoothers which, except for ordering the Ys, ignore X. Default smoother is repeated running medians of 3, or S3R. Possibilities include S3, S3R, S4, S5, HANN, and two compound smoothers S3RSSH and S4253H. See Velleman and Hoaglin (1981) "The ABCs of EDA" for details.) (method ScatterPlot.SimpleSmooth MethodClassification SmoothTheYs)) (METH ScatterPlot Suggestions NIL (* Produces some generic suggestions as to how one might proceed given that a bivariate regression is being considered.) (method ScatterPlot.Suggestions MethodClassification Suggestions)) (METH XYPlot AddACurve (XCoord YCoord CurveLabel) (* Add a curve to the plot given by the coordinates in the FloatVectors X and Y.) (method XYPlot.AddACurve MethodClassification Display)) (METH XYPlot AddStraightLine (Slope Intercept LineLabel) (* Adds the straight line Y = Intercept + Slope * X to the plot.) (method XYPlot.AddStraightLine MethodClassification Display)) (METH XYPlot AfterInit NIL NIL) (METH XYPlot EnsureLabelledPlot (Title XLabel YLabel) NIL (method XYPlot.EnsureLabelledPlot MethodClassification Internal)) (METH XYPlot LabelThePoints (NewLabels) (* Puts labels on the points. Default takes labels from y or x, else 1 to n.) (method XYPlot.LabelThePoints MethodClassification Internal)) (METH XYPlot PlotPoints NIL (* Scatter plot the Instance Variable Y on the vertical axis versus Instance Variable X on the horizontal axis.) (method XYPlot.PlotPoints MethodClassification Internal)) (METH XYPlot PromptForPointLabels (ThePromptWindow) (* Prompts the user for a StringVector of labels for the points in the plot.) (method XYPlot.PromptForPointLabels MethodClassification Internal)) (PUTPROPS OPENPLOTWINDOW READVICE (NIL (AFTER NIL (WINDOWPROP (fetch PLOTWINDOW of PLOT) (QUOTE BUTTONEVENTFN) (FUNCTION PlotButtonEventFn))) (AFTER NIL (WINDOWPROP (fetch PLOTWINDOW of PLOT) (QUOTE RIGHTBUTTONFN) (FUNCTION PlotRightButtonFn))) (AFTER BOTTOM (_ (PLOTPROP PLOT (QUOTE LoopsWindow)) SetOuterRegion (WINDOWPROP (PLOTPROP PLOT (QUOTE PLOTWINDOW)) (QUOTE REGION)) (QUOTE DontUpdate))) ( AFTER TOP (_ (PLOTPROP PLOT (QUOTE LoopsWindow)) AttachLispWindow (PLOTPROP PLOT (QUOTE PLOTWINDOW)))) )) (READVISE OPENPLOTWINDOW) (PUTPROPS DINDEPLOTS COPYRIGHT ("Massachusetts Institute of Technology" 1985 1986)) NIL