-- JaM.config -- JaM for TypeScript and Tioga -- without TTY (there is especially no implementation of JaMInterruptDefs.ttyHeight !) -- Last changed by Doug Wyatt, 15-Jul-81 15:30:59 -- Last edited by Werner Winiger 10-Aug-81 15:13:43 JaM: CONFIGURATION IMPORTS Directory, File, Heap, Real, RealFns, Runtime, Space, Storage, String, Transaction, Rope EXPORTS JaMFnsDefs, JaMOtherDefs, JaMVMDefs, JaMDictionaryDefs, JaMStringDefs, JaMExecDefs, JaMLiteralDefs, JaMStackDefs, JaMAttributesDefs, JaMTypeChkDefs, JaMControlDefs, JaMScannerDefs, JaMIODefs, JaMMathDefs, JaMNameDefs, JaMArrayDefs, JaMInterruptDefs CONTROL JaMControl = { JaMFns; JaMVM; JaMDictionary; JaMString; JaMExec; JaMLiteral; JaMStack; JaMAttributes; JaMTypeChk; JaMControl; JaMScanner; JaMIO; JaMMath; JaMName; JaMArray; JaMInterrupt; }. Winiger 10-Aug-81 15:18:17 JaMControl is CONTROLed by this config