DIRECTORY Ascii USING [Digit], Complex, Cubic, Graphics, GraphicsBasic, GraphicsColor, JaM, TAPrivate, TJaMGraphics, PolygonPen, Real, RealFns, Rope, SirPress, Vector, CGPath, TACallig; TACalligImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Ascii, Complex, Cubic, Graphics, GraphicsColor, JaM, TAPrivate, TJaMGraphics, PolygonPen, Real, RealFns, Rope, SirPress, CGPath, Vector EXPORTS TACallig= { ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Vec: TYPE = GraphicsBasic.Vec; pi: REAL = 3.14159625; RoundPenCacheRef: TYPE = REF RoundPenCacheRec; RoundPenCacheRec: TYPE = RECORD [ next: RoundPenCacheRef, numCorners: CARDINAL, multiplier: Vec, record: PolygonPen.Pen]; pens: RoundPenCacheRef _ NIL; curLoc: Vec; pen: PolygonPen.Pen; rectangularPen: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; shadowLoc: Vec; shadowPen: PolygonPen.Pen; p: SirPress.PressHandle _ NIL; press: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; path: Graphics.Path _ Graphics.NewPath[]; penPath: Graphics.Path _ Graphics.NewPath[]; PaintPath: PROC [context: Graphics.Context] = {Graphics.DrawArea[context,path]}; PaintPenPath: PROC [context: Graphics.Context] = {Graphics.DrawArea[context,penPath]}; Mica: PROCEDURE[pt:REAL] RETURNS [LONG INTEGER] = INLINE { RETURN[Real.RoundLI[pt*2540.0/72.0]]}; Transform: PROCEDURE[u: Vec] RETURNS[v: Vec] = { paint: PROC[context: Graphics.Context] = { [v.x, v.y] _ Graphics.UserToWorld[context, u.x, u.y]}; TJaMGraphics.Painter[paint, TAPrivate.state]; }; JBeginObject: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.StartOutline[p] ELSE Graphics.FlushPath[path]; }; JEndObject: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.EndOutline[p] ELSE {TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]}; }; JMoveTo: PROC [state: JaM.State] = {t: Vec _ PopVec[state]; Graphics.MoveTo[path, t.x, t.y]}; JLineTo: PROC [state: JaM.State] = {t: Vec _ PopVec[state]; Graphics.LineTo[path, t.x, t.y]}; JCurveTo: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { b3:Vec _ PopVec[state]; b2:Vec _ PopVec[state]; b1: Vec _ PopVec[state]; Graphics.CurveTo[path,b1.x,b1.y, b2.x,b2.y, b3.x,b3.y]}; JDrawPath: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { width: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; IF width <= 0 AND ~press THEN SimplePath[state] ELSE { pen _ RoundPen[width]; JOutlinePath[state]}; }; SimplePath: PROC [state: JaM.State] = {TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPath, state]}; JOutlinePath: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { moveTo: PROC[z0: Vec] = {curLoc _ z0}; lineTo: PROC[z1: Vec] = { IF rectangularPen THEN {OPEN Vector; dv: Vec _ Unit[Sub[z1,curLoc]]; dh: Vec _ [-pen[0].y*dv.y,pen[0].y*dv.x]; --normal * height dw: Vec _ [pen[0].x*dv.x,pen[0].x*dv.y]; --direction * width v: Vec _ curLoc; IF dv=[0,0] THEN PolygonPen.Dot[pen, z1, PenMoveTo, PenLineTo, PenCurveTo] ELSE { PenMoveTo[ Add[Sub[v,dw],dh] ]; PenLineTo[ Sub[Sub[v,dw],dh] ]; PenLineTo[ Sub[Add[z1,dw],dh] ]; PenLineTo[ Add[Add[z1,dw],dh] ]; PenLineTo[ Add[Sub[v,dw],dh] ]; }; } ELSE PolygonPen.Line[pen, curLoc, z1, PenMoveTo, PenLineTo, PenCurveTo]; curLoc _ z1}; curveTo: PROC[b1,b2,b3: Vec] = { PolygonPen.Stroke[pen, [curLoc, b1, b2, b3], PenMoveTo, PenLineTo, PenCurveTo]; curLoc _ b3}; IF press THEN SirPress.StartOutline[p]; CGPath.Generate[path,moveTo,lineTo,curveTo]; IF press THEN SirPress.EndOutline[p] ELSE TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPenPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]; Graphics.FlushPath[penPath]; }; PenMoveTo: PolygonPen.MoveToProc = { IF press THEN { tz0: Vec = Transform[z0]; SirPress.EndOutline[p]; SirPress.StartOutline[p]; SirPress.PutMoveTo[p,Mica[tz0.x],Mica[tz0.y]]} ELSE { TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPenPath, TAPrivate.state]; Graphics.MoveTo[penPath,z0.x,z0.y]}; curLoc _ z0; }; PenLineTo: PolygonPen.LineToProc = { IF press THEN {tz1: Vec = Transform[z1]; SirPress.PutDrawTo[p,Mica[tz1.x],Mica[tz1.y]]} ELSE Graphics.LineTo[penPath,z1.x,z1.y]; curLoc _ z1; }; PenCurveTo: PolygonPen.CurveToProc = { IF press THEN { tcurLoc: Vec = Transform[curLoc]; tz1: Vec = Transform[z1]; tz2: Vec = Transform[z2]; tz3: Vec = Transform[z3]; c: Cubic.Coeffs _ Cubic.BezierToCoeffs[[tcurLoc,tz1,tz2,tz3]]; SirPress.PutCubic[p, Mica[c.c1.x], Mica[c.c1.y], Mica[c.c2.x], Mica[c.c2.y], Mica[c.c3.x],Mica[c.c3.y]]} ELSE Graphics.CurveTo[penPath,z1.x,z1.y,z2.x,z2.y,z3.x,z3.y]; curLoc _ z3; }; JShadowPen: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { shadowPen _ pen}; JShadowPath: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { moveTo: PROC[z0: Vec] = {curLoc _ z0}; lineTo: PROC[z1: Vec] = { PolygonPen.Line[pen, curLoc, z1, ShadowMoveTo, ShadowLineTo, ShadowCurveTo]; curLoc _ z1}; curveTo: PROC[b1,b2,b3: Vec] = { PolygonPen.Stroke[pen, [curLoc, b1, b2, b3], ShadowMoveTo, ShadowLineTo, ShadowCurveTo]; curLoc _ b3}; IF press THEN SirPress.StartOutline[p]; CGPath.Generate[path,moveTo,lineTo,curveTo]; IF press THEN SirPress.EndOutline[p] ELSE TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPenPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]; Graphics.FlushPath[penPath]; }; ShadowMoveTo: PolygonPen.MoveToProc = { shadowLoc _ z0}; ShadowLineTo: PolygonPen.LineToProc = { PolygonPen.Line[shadowPen, shadowLoc, z1, PenMoveTo, PenLineTo, PenCurveTo]; shadowLoc _ z1}; ShadowCurveTo: PolygonPen.CurveToProc = { PolygonPen.Stroke[shadowPen, [shadowLoc, z1, z2, z3], PenMoveTo, PenLineTo, PenCurveTo]; shadowLoc _ z3}; JDrawArea: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN { moveTo: PROC[z0: Vec] = { tz0: Vec = Transform[z0]; SirPress.PutMoveTo[p, Mica[tz0.x], Mica[tz0.y]]; curLoc _ z0}; lineTo: PROC[z1: Vec] = { tz1: Vec = Transform[z1]; SirPress.PutDrawTo[p, Mica[tz1.x], Mica[tz1.y]]; curLoc _ z1}; curveTo: PROC[b1,b2,b3: Vec] = { tcurLoc: Vec = Transform[curLoc]; tb1: Vec = Transform[b1]; tb2: Vec = Transform[b2]; tb3: Vec = Transform[b3]; c: Cubic.Coeffs _ Cubic.BezierToCoeffs[[tcurLoc, tb1, tb2, tb3]]; SirPress.PutCubic[p, Mica[c.c1.x], Mica[c.c1.y], Mica[c.c2.x], Mica[c.c2.y], Mica[c.c3.x], Mica[c.c3.y]]; curLoc _ b3}; SirPress.StartOutline[p]; CGPath.Generate[path,moveTo,lineTo,curveTo]; SirPress.EndOutline[p]; } ELSE { TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]; }; }; PopVec: PROCEDURE [state: JaM.State] RETURNS [v:Vec] = { v.y _ JaM.PopReal[state]; v.x _ JaM.PopReal[state]}; PopRope: PROCEDURE [state: JaM.State] RETURNS [t: ROPE] = { t _ JaM.PopRope[state]; }; UseThisPressHandle: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[pressHandle: SirPress.PressHandle] = { p _ pressHandle; press _ p#NIL}; ForgetThePressHandle: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = { p _ NIL; press _ FALSE}; JOpenPress: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { name: ROPE _ PopRope[state]; p _ SirPress.NewPressHandle[FixFileName[name, ".Press"]]; press _ p#NIL}; FixFileName: PROC [oldname, extension: ROPE] RETURNS [newname:ROPE] = { dotPosition: INTEGER _ Rope.Find[oldname, "."]; IF dotPosition < 0 THEN newname _ Rope.Cat[oldname, extension] ELSE newname _ Rope.Cat[Rope.Substr[oldname, 0, dotPosition], extension]; }; JClosePress: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.ClosePress[p]; p _ NIL; press _ FALSE}; JNewPage: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.WritePage[p]}; JPen: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { n: NAT _ JaM.PopInt[state]; pen _ NEW[PolygonPen.PenRec[n]]; FOR i:NAT DECREASING IN [0..n) DO pen[i] _ PopVec[state]; ENDLOOP; rectangularPen _ FALSE; }; JRoundPen: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { pen _ RoundPen[JaM.PopReal[state]]}; RoundPen: PROC[width: REAL] RETURNS[PolygonPen.Pen] = { halfWidth: REAL = MAX[.5, width/2]; nCorners: CARDINAL _ Real.RoundC[0.5+(pi*RealFns.SqRt[halfWidth])]; r: RoundPenCacheRef _ pens; i: CARDINAL; rectangularPen _ FALSE; WHILE r#NIL DO IF r.numCorners=nCorners THEN RETURN[r.record]; r _; ENDLOOP; pens _ NEW[RoundPenCacheRec _ [pens, nCorners, Complex.Exp[[0,2*pi/nCorners]], NEW[PolygonPen.PenRec[nCorners]]] ]; pens.record[0] _ [halfWidth, 0]; FOR i IN [1 .. nCorners) DO pens.record[i] _ Complex.Mul[pens.record[i-1], pens.multiplier]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[pens.record]; }; JRectangularPen: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { slant: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; height: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; width: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; pen _ RectangularPen[width, height, slant]}; RectangularPen: PROC[width, height, slant: REAL] RETURNS[pen: PolygonPen.Pen] = { halfWidth: REAL _ MAX[0.5, width/2]; halfHeight: REAL _ MAX[0.5, height/2]; rotate: Vec = Complex.Exp[[0,-(slant*pi/180)]]; pen _ NEW[PolygonPen.PenRec[4]]; pen[0] _ Complex.Mul[[halfWidth, halfHeight], rotate]; pen[1] _ Complex.Mul[[halfWidth, -halfHeight], rotate]; pen[2] _ Complex.Mul[[-halfWidth, -halfHeight], rotate]; pen[3] _ Complex.Mul[[-halfWidth, halfHeight], rotate]; rectangularPen _ slant=0; RETURN[pen]; }; JItalicPen: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { slant: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; length: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; pen _ ItalicPen[length, slant]; }; ItalicPen: PROC[length, slant: REAL] RETURNS[pen: PolygonPen.Pen] = { pen _ NEW[PolygonPen.PenRec[2]]; pen[0] _ [0,0]; pen[1] _ Complex.Mul[[0, -MAX[1.0,length]], Complex.Exp[[0,-(slant*pi/180)]]]; rectangularPen _ FALSE; RETURN[pen]; }; JEllipticalPen: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { slant: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; height: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; width: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; pen _ EllipticalPen[width, height, slant]}; EllipticalPen: PROC[width, height, slant: REAL] RETURNS[pen: PolygonPen.Pen] = { a: REAL = MAX[0.5, width/2]; b: REAL = MAX[0.5, height/2]; nCorners: CARDINAL = Real.RoundC[0.5+(pi*RealFns.SqRt[2*MIN[a,b]])]; theta: REAL = 2*pi/nCorners; cosTheta: REAL = RealFns.Cos[theta]; sinTheta: REAL = RealFns.Sin[theta]; cosSlant: REAL = RealFns.CosDeg[slant]; sinSlant: REAL = RealFns.SinDeg[slant]; cosAccum: REAL _ 1; sinAccum: REAL _ 0; x,y,t: REAL; pen _ NEW[PolygonPen.PenRec[nCorners]]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. nCorners) DO x _ a*cosAccum; y _ b*sinAccum; pen[i] _ [x*cosSlant-y*sinSlant, x*sinSlant+y*cosSlant]; t _ cosAccum*cosTheta-sinAccum*sinTheta; sinAccum _ sinAccum*cosTheta+cosAccum*sinTheta; cosAccum _ t; ENDLOOP; rectangularPen _ FALSE; RETURN[pen]; }; JDrawDot: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { point: Vec _ PopVec[state]; IF press THEN SirPress.StartOutline[p]; PolygonPen.Dot[pen,point,PenMoveTo,PenLineTo,PenCurveTo]; IF press THEN SirPress.EndOutline[p] ELSE {TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]}; }; JDrawLine: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { point: Vec _ PopVec[state]; t: Vec _ PopVec[state]; s: Vec _ PopVec[state]; IF press THEN SirPress.StartOutline[p]; PolygonPen.Line[pen,s,t,PenMoveTo,PenLineTo,PenCurveTo]; IF press THEN SirPress.EndOutline[p] ELSE {TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]}; }; JDrawBezier: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { b3: Vec _ PopVec[state]; b2: Vec _ PopVec[state]; b1: Vec _ PopVec[state]; b0: Vec _ PopVec[state]; IF press THEN SirPress.StartOutline[p]; PolygonPen.Stroke[pen,[b0,b1,b2,b3],PenMoveTo,PenLineTo,PenCurveTo]; IF press THEN SirPress.EndOutline[p] ELSE {TJaMGraphics.Painter[PaintPath, state]; Graphics.FlushPath[path]}; }; JDrawText: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { paint: PROC [context: Graphics.Context] = { Graphics.SetCP[context,loc.x,loc.y]; Graphics.DrawRope[self: context, rope: string, font: font]; }; string: ROPE _ PopRope[state]; loc: Vec _ PopVec[state]; IF press THEN { tloc: Vec = Transform[loc]; SirPress.PutText[p,string,Mica[tloc.x],Mica[tloc.y]]} ELSE TJaMGraphics.Painter[paint, state]; }; font: Graphics.FontRef _ NIL; JSetFont: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { fontName: ROPE _ PopRope[state]; IF press THEN { len: INTEGER _ Rope.Length[fontName]-1; family: ROPE; face, size: INTEGER _ 0; units: INTEGER _ 1; DO SELECT Rope.Fetch[fontName, len] FROM 'B => {face _ face + 1; len _ len - 1}; 'I => {face _ face + 2; len _ len - 1}; ENDCASE => EXIT; ENDLOOP; WHILE Ascii.Digit[Rope.Fetch[fontName, len]] DO size _ size+(Rope.Fetch[fontName, len]-'0)*units; len _ len-1; units _ units*10; ENDLOOP; family _ Rope.Substr[fontName, 0, len+1]; SirPress.SetFont[p,family,size,face]} ELSE font _ Graphics.MakeFont[fontName]; }; JHSVColor: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { v: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; s: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; h: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; paint: PROC [context: Graphics.Context] = { Graphics.SetColor[context, GraphicsColor.HSVToColor[h, s, v]]; }; IF press THEN SirPress.SetColor[p,Real.RoundI[h*240],Real.RoundI[s*255],Real.RoundI[v*255]] ELSE TJaMGraphics.Painter[paint, state]; }; JPressHue: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.SetHue[p,JaM.PopInt[state]]}; JPressSaturation: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.SetSaturation[p,JaM.PopInt[state]]}; JPressBrightness: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN SirPress.SetBrightness[p,JaM.PopInt[state]]}; JPressHSB: PROC [state: JaM.State] = { IF press THEN { v: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; s: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; h: REAL _ JaM.PopReal[state]; SirPress.SetColor[p,Real.RoundI[h*240],Real.RoundI[s*255],Real.RoundI[v*255]]; }; }; RegisterCallig: PUBLIC PROC [initState: JaM.State] ~ { JaM.Register[initState, ".openpress",JOpenPress]; -- filename .openpress JaM.Register[initState, ".closepress",JClosePress]; -- .closepress JaM.Register[initState, ".pressnewpage",JNewPage]; -- .pressnewpage JaM.Register[initState, ".beginpressobject",JBeginObject]; -- .beginpressobject JaM.Register[initState, ".endpressobject",JEndObject]; -- .endpressobject JaM.Register[initState, ".calligmoveto",JMoveTo]; -- x y .calligmoveto JaM.Register[initState, ".calliglineto",JLineTo]; -- x y .calliglineto JaM.Register[initState, ".calligcurveto",JCurveTo]; -- b1.x b1.y b2.x b2.y b3.x b3.y .calligcurveto JaM.Register[initState, ".calligdrawdot",JDrawDot]; -- x y .calligdrawdot JaM.Register[initState, ".calligdrawline",JDrawLine]; -- sx sy tx ty .calligdrawline JaM.Register[initState, ".calligdrawbezier",JDrawBezier]; -- b0.x b0.y b1.x b1.y b2.x b2.y b3.x b3.y .calligdrawbezier JaM.Register[initState, ".calligdrawpath",JDrawPath]; -- width .calligdrawpath JaM.Register[initState, ".calligoutlinepath",JOutlinePath]; -- .calligdrawpath, assumes pen JaM.Register[initState, ".calligdrawarea",JDrawArea]; -- .calligdrawarea JaM.Register[initState, ".callighsvcolor",JHSVColor]; -- hue[0-1) saturation[0-1) brightness[0-1) .callighsvcolor JaM.Register[initState, ".calligpen",JPen]; -- x1 y1 . . . xn yn n .calligpen JaM.Register[initState, ".calligroundpen",JRoundPen]; -- diameter .calligroundpen JaM.Register[initState, ".calligrectangularpen",JRectangularPen]; -- width height slant .calligrectangularpen JaM.Register[initState, ".calligitalicpen",JItalicPen]; -- length slant .calligitalicpen JaM.Register[initState, ".calligellipticalpen",JEllipticalPen]; -- width height slant .calligellipticalpen JaM.Register[initState, ".presshue",JPressHue]; -- hue[0-255] .presshue JaM.Register[initState, ".presssaturation",JPressSaturation]; -- saturation[0-255] .presssaturation JaM.Register[initState, ".pressbrightness",JPressBrightness]; -- brightness[0-255] .pressbrightness JaM.Register[initState, ".presshsb",JPressHSB]; -- hue[0-1) saturation[0-1) brightness[0-1) .presshsb JaM.Register[initState, ".calligtext",JDrawText]; -- string .calligtext JaM.Register[initState, ".presssetfont",JSetFont]; -- fontname .presssetfont JaM.Register[initState, ".calligshadowpen",JShadowPen]; -- some-pen-definition .calligshadowpen JaM.Register[initState, ".calligshadowpath",JShadowPath]; -- .calligshadowpath, assumes shadow pen pen _ NEW[PolygonPen.PenRec[2]]; pen[0] _ [-2,-2]; pen[1] _ [2,2]; }; }. 2TACalligImpl.mesa, for drawing thick lines for TiogaArtwork. Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. liberally borrowed from Callig.mesa Rick Beach, February 11, 1985 12:21:41 pm PST Maureen Stone April 24, 1983 5:37 pm create a regular polygon of n sides, with n > pi*sqrt(w/2) Ê#˜šœ<™˜J˜J˜J˜——Jšžœ9˜=J˜ J˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜'J˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜(Jšœžœ˜&šœžœ ˜J˜LJ˜ —šœ žœ˜ J˜XJ˜ —Jšžœžœ˜'J˜,Jšžœžœ˜$Jšžœ+˜/J˜J˜J˜J˜—˜'J˜J˜—˜'J˜LJ˜J˜—˜)J˜XJ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&šžœžœ˜šœžœ ˜J˜JJ˜ —šœžœ ˜J˜JJ˜ —šœ žœ˜ J˜!J˜J˜J˜J˜A˜J˜T—J˜ —J˜J˜,J˜J˜—šžœ˜J˜'J˜J˜—J˜J˜—šŸœž œžœ ˜8Jšœ˜Jšœ˜J˜—šŸœž œžœžœ˜;Jšœ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœž œ'˜KJ˜Jšœ žœ˜J˜—šŸœžœž œ˜*Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜'Jšœžœ˜J˜9Jšœ žœ˜J˜—š Ÿ œžœžœžœ žœ˜GJšœ žœ˜/šžœž˜J˜&—šž˜J˜D—J˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜(Jšžœžœ˜%Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜J˜—šŸœžœ˜%Jšžœžœ˜%J˜—šŸœžœ˜!Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜ Jš žœžœž œžœžœžœ˜BJšœžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&Jšœ$˜$J˜—Jšœ:™:šŸœžœžœžœ˜7Jšœ žœžœ˜#Jšœ žœ1˜CJ˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜šžœžœž˜Jšžœžœžœ ˜/J˜ Jšžœ˜—JšœžœEžœ!˜sJ˜ šžœžœž˜J˜@Jšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜—šŸœžœ˜,Jšœžœ˜!Jšœžœ˜"Jšœžœ˜!J˜,J˜—šŸœžœžœžœ˜QJšœ žœžœ˜$Jšœ žœžœ˜&J˜/Jšœžœ˜ J˜6J˜7J˜8J˜7J˜Jšžœ˜ J˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜'Jšœžœ˜!Jšœžœ˜"J˜J˜J˜—šŸ œžœžœžœ˜EJšœžœ˜ J˜Jšœžœ1˜NJšœžœ˜Jšžœ˜ J˜J˜—šŸœžœ˜+Jšœžœ˜!Jšœžœ˜"Jšœžœ˜!J˜+J˜—šŸ œžœžœžœ˜PJšœžœžœ˜Jšœžœžœ˜Jšœ žœ&žœ ˜DJšœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜%Jšœ žœ˜$Jšœ žœ˜'Jšœ žœ˜'Jšœ žœ˜Jšœ žœ˜Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜'šžœžœžœž˜%J˜J˜J˜8J˜(J˜/J˜ Jšžœ˜—Jšœžœ˜Jšžœ˜ J˜J˜—šŸœžœ˜%Jšœ˜Jšžœžœ˜'J˜9Jšžœžœ˜$JšžœD˜HJ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšžœžœ˜'J˜8Jšžœžœ˜$JšžœD˜HJ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜(Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšžœžœ˜'J˜DJšžœžœ˜$JšžœD˜HJ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&šœžœ ˜+J˜$Jšœ;˜;J˜—Jšœžœ˜Jšœ˜šžœžœ˜JšœQ˜Q—Jšžœ$˜(J˜J˜—Jšœžœ˜šŸœžœ˜%Jšœ žœ˜ šžœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜'Jšœžœ˜ Jšœ žœ˜Jšœžœ˜šžœžœž˜(J˜'J˜'Jšžœžœ˜Jšžœ˜—šžœ(ž˜/J˜1J˜ J˜Jšžœ˜—J˜)Jšœ%˜%—Jšžœ$˜(J˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜šœžœ ˜+Jšœ>˜>Jšœ˜—šžœ˜JšžœN˜RJšžœ$˜(—Jšœ˜J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&Jšžœžœ'˜4J˜—šŸœžœ˜-Jšžœžœ.˜;J˜—šŸœžœ˜-Jšžœžœ.˜;J˜—šŸ œžœ˜&šžœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜J˜NJ˜—J˜J˜—šŸœž œ˜7Jšœ2 ˜HJšœ4 ˜BJšœ3 ˜CJšœ; ˜OJšœ7 ˜IJšœ2 ˜FJšœ2 ˜FJšœ4 /˜cJšœ4 ˜IJšœ6 ˜TJšœ: <˜vJšœ6 ˜NJšœ< ˜[Jšœ6 ˜HJšœ6 ;˜qJšœ, !˜MJšœ6 ˜QJšœB +˜mJšœ8  ˜XJšœ@ *˜jJšœ0 ˜GJšœ> %˜cJšœ> &˜dJšœ0 6˜fJšœ2 ˜GJšœ3 ˜LJ˜Jšœ8 '˜_Jšœ: (˜bJ˜Jšœžœ˜ J˜J˜J˜J˜—J˜J˜—…—;~JÓ