Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rick Beach, June 30, 1982 10:54 pm
Michael Plass, July 19, 1982 11:55 am
Maureen Stone April 20, 1983 3:49 pm
Rick Beach, November 26, 1982 3:37 pm
Rick Beach, February 11, 1985 12:23:15 pm PST
IMPORTS BasicTime, Buttons, CGArea, CGMatrix, CGPath, CGStorage, FS, Containers, GraphicsToPressPrivate, Graphics, GraphicsColor, InputFocus, IO, JaM, JaMOps, JaMTS, Menus, NameSymbolTable, NodeProps, NodeStyle, NodeStyleExtra, PutGet, Real, RealFns, Rope, SirPress, TEditInput, TextEdit, TextNode, TJaMGraphics, TJaMGraphicsInfo, TJaMGraphicsContexts, TSArtwork, UserCredentials, VFonts, ViewerOps, ViewerTools
CONTROL TiogaArtworkViewerImpl, TACalligImpl, TACaptionImpl, TARenderImpl, TAPenImpl, TAPrivateImpl, TAPropertiesImpl, TAShadowImpl, TAStyleImpl, GriffinToTAImpl, GriffinToJaMImpl, TATypeSetterFaceImpl =
TiogaArtworkViewerImpl; -- Create the Viewer and buttons
GriffinToTAImpl; -- does the conversion from Griffin to Tioga Artwork
GriffinToTANodesImpl; -- procedures to create Tioga document nodes
GriffinToJaMImpl; --procedures to create JaM scripts
PairListImpl; -- some procedures for maintaining lists of things
SplinePkg; -- Makes neat curves
TAGraphicsHacksImpl; --the boxer device
TACalligImpl; -- thick or thin, we love them all
TACaptionImpl; --does captions
TARenderImpl; -- The document tree walk procedures
TAPrivateImpl; --actual communication with JaM
TAPropertiesImpl; -- extract property information
TAStyleImpl; -- the StyleParams not in Tioga yet
CubicImpl; -- Makes neat curves
ComplexImpl; -- mathematics made easy?
PolygonPenImpl; -- implements the funny pens
QuadraticImpl; -- the roots of the quadratic equation
RealConvertImpl; --for the few old Griffin files that have bcpl reals in them
Renamed from TATS, changed interface to typesetter. Michael Plass, July 19, 1982 10:51 am