DIRECTORY TiogaOpsDefs, TiogaExtraOps, EditSpan, MessageWindow, NameSymbolTable, NodeAddrs, NodeStyle, Rope, RunReader, TEditDocument, TEditDocumentPrivate, TEditInput, TEditInputOps, TEditLocks, TEditMesaOps, TEditOps, TEditSelection, TextEdit, TextLooks, TextLooksSupport, TextNode, TiogaOps, TreeFind; TiogaOpsImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS EditSpan, NodeAddrs, NameSymbolTable, NodeStyle, Rope, TEditInput, TEditInputOps, TEditLocks, TEditMesaOps, TEditOps, TEditSelection, TextEdit, TextLooks, TextNode, TiogaOps EXPORTS TiogaOpsDefs, TiogaOps, TiogaExtraOps = BEGIN OPEN TiogaOps, TiogaExtraOps, TiogaOpsDefs; Ref: TYPE = REF NodeBody; -- points to a Tioga node NodeBody: PUBLIC TYPE = TextNode.Body; CallWithLocks: PUBLIC PROC [proc: PROC [root: Ref], root: Ref _ NIL] = { lockedSel, lockedDoc: BOOL _ FALSE; Cleanup: PROC = { IF lockedSel THEN UnlockSel; IF lockedDoc THEN Unlock[root] }; { ENABLE UNWIND => Cleanup; LockSel; lockedSel _ TRUE; IF root=NIL AND (root _ SelectionRoot[])=NIL THEN { Cleanup; ERROR NoSelection }; Lock[root]; lockedDoc _ TRUE; proc[root] }; Cleanup }; NoSelection: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; -- raised by CallWithLocks when there is no selection Lock: PUBLIC PROC [root: Ref] = { [] _ TEditLocks.Lock[root, "TiogaOpsClient"] }; Unlock: PUBLIC PROC [root: Ref] = { TEditLocks.Unlock[root] }; GetSelectionId: PROC [which: WhichSelection] RETURNS [TEditDocument.SelectionId] = { RETURN [SELECT which FROM primary => primary, secondary => secondary, feedback => feedback, ENDCASE => ERROR ] }; LockSel: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { TEditSelection.LockSel[GetSelectionId[which], "TiogaOpsClient"] }; UnlockSel: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { TEditSelection.UnlockSel[GetSelectionId[which]] }; DocGran: PROC [granularity: SelectionGrain] RETURNS [TEditDocument.SelectionGrain] = { RETURN [SELECT granularity FROM point => point, char => char, word => word, node => node, branch => branch, ENDCASE => ERROR] }; MyGran: PROC [granularity: TEditDocument.SelectionGrain] RETURNS [SelectionGrain] = { RETURN [SELECT granularity FROM point => point, char => char, word => word, node => node, branch => branch, ENDCASE => ERROR] }; DocLoc: PROC [loc: Location] RETURNS [TextNode.Location] = INLINE { RETURN [[loc.node, loc.where]] }; MyLoc: PROC [loc: TextNode.Location] RETURNS [Location] = INLINE { RETURN [[loc.node, loc.where]] }; GetSelection: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichSelection _ primary] RETURNS [ viewer: Viewer, start, end: Location, level: SelectionGrain, caretBefore: BOOL, pendingDelete: BOOL] = { sel: TEditDocument.Selection = SELECT which FROM primary => TEditSelection.pSel, secondary => TEditSelection.sSel, feedback => TEditSelection.fSel, ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN [sel.viewer, MyLoc[sel.start.pos], MyLoc[sel.end.pos], MyGran[sel.granularity], sel.insertion=before, sel.pendingDelete] }; SelectionRoot: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichSelection _ primary] RETURNS [root: Ref] = { RETURN [TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[ TEditSelection.SelectionRoot[ SELECT which FROM primary => TEditSelection.pSel, secondary => TEditSelection.sSel, feedback => TEditSelection.fSel, ENDCASE => ERROR]]] }; SelectionError: PUBLIC ERROR [ec: SelectionErrorCode] = CODE; CheckSelection: PROC [sel: TEditDocument.Selection] = { root, first, last: TextNode.Ref; t1, t2: TextNode.RefTextNode; tdd: TEditDocument.TEditDocumentData; IF sel.viewer=NIL OR sel.viewer.destroyed OR (tdd _ NARROW[])=NIL OR (root _ tdd.text)=NIL THEN ERROR SelectionError[IllegalViewer]; IF (first _ sel.start.pos.node)=NIL OR (last _ sel.end.pos.node)=NIL THEN ERROR SelectionError[IllegalNode]; IF TextNode.Root[first] # root THEN ERROR SelectionError[WrongDoc]; IF first # last THEN -- make sure nodes in same tree and right order IF EditSpan.CompareNodeOrder[first,last] # before THEN ERROR SelectionError[WrongOrder]; IF sel.start.pos.where # TextNode.NodeItself THEN -- make sure start index is ok IF (t1 _ TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[first])=NIL OR sel.start.pos.where NOT IN [0..TextEdit.Size[t1]] THEN ERROR SelectionError[BadStartOffset]; IF sel.end.pos.where # TextNode.NodeItself THEN -- make sure end index is ok IF (t2 _ TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[last])=NIL OR sel.end.pos.where NOT IN [0..TextEdit.Size[t2]] THEN ERROR SelectionError[BadEndOffset]; IF t1 # NIL AND t1 = t2 THEN -- make sure start is not after end IF sel.start.pos.where > sel.end.pos.where THEN ERROR SelectionError[BadEndOffset]; }; SetSelection: PUBLIC PROC [ viewer: Viewer, start, end: Location, level: SelectionGrain _ char, caretBefore: BOOL _ TRUE, pendingDelete: BOOL _ FALSE, which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; tempSel: TEditDocument.Selection _ TEditSelection.Alloc[]; tempSel^ _ SELECT which FROM primary => TEditSelection.pSel^, secondary => TEditSelection.sSel^, feedback => TEditSelection.fSel^, ENDCASE => ERROR; tempSel.viewer _ viewer; _ NARROW[]; tempSel.start.pos _ DocLoc[start]; tempSel.end.pos _ DocLoc[end]; tempSel.granularity _ DocGran[level]; tempSel.insertion _ IF caretBefore OR tempSel.granularity=point THEN before ELSE after; tempSel.pendingDelete _ pendingDelete; CheckSelection[tempSel]; TEditSelection.MakeSelection[tempSel, SELECT which FROM primary => primary, secondary => secondary, feedback => feedback, ENDCASE => ERROR]; TEditSelection.Free[tempSel] }; SelectNodes: PUBLIC PROC [ viewer: Viewer, start, end: Ref, level: SelectionGrain _ node, caretBefore: BOOL _ TRUE, pendingDelete: BOOL _ FALSE, which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { SetSelection[viewer, [start,0], [end, MAX[Rope.Size[GetRope[end]],1]-1], level, caretBefore, pendingDelete, which] }; SelectBranches: PUBLIC PROC [ viewer: Viewer, start, end: Ref, level: SelectionGrain _ node, caretBefore: BOOL _ TRUE, pendingDelete: BOOL _ FALSE, which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { SelectNodes[viewer, start, LastWithin[end], level, caretBefore, pendingDelete, which] }; SelectDocument: PUBLIC PROC [ viewer: Viewer, level: SelectionGrain _ node, caretBefore: BOOL _ TRUE, pendingDelete: BOOL _ FALSE, which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { tdd: TEditDocument.TEditDocumentData _ NARROW[]; root: Ref _ ViewerDoc[viewer]; SelectBranches[viewer, FirstChild[root], LastChild[root], level, caretBefore, pendingDelete, which] }; CancelSelection: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { TEditSelection.Deselect[GetSelectionId[which]] }; SaveSelA: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.SaveSelectionA[] }; RestoreSelA: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.RestoreSelectionA[] }; SaveSelB: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.SaveSelectionB[] }; RestoreSelB: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.RestoreSelectionB[] }; GrowSelection: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditSelection.GrowSelection[] }; GrowSelectionToBlanks: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditSelection.GrowSelectionToBlanks[] }; GrowSelectionToSomething: PUBLIC PROC [left, right: PROC [CHAR] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]] = { TEditSelection.GrowSelectionToSomething[left, right] }; SearchWhere: PROC [whichDir: SearchDir] RETURNS [TEditSelection.FindWhere] = INLINE { RETURN [SELECT whichDir FROM forwards => forwards, backwards => backwards, anywhere => anywhere, ENDCASE => ERROR] }; FindText: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer, rope: ROPE _ NIL, whichDir: SearchDir _ forwards, which: WhichSelection _ primary, case: BOOL _ TRUE -- case => case of characters is significant -- ] RETURNS [found: BOOL] = { IF rope=NIL THEN rope _ TEditOps.GetSelContents[]; RETURN [TEditSelection.DoFind[ viewer: viewer, rope: rope, id: GetSelectionId[which], case: case, findWhere: SearchWhere[whichDir]]] }; FindWord: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer, rope: ROPE _ NIL, whichDir: SearchDir _ forwards, which: WhichSelection _ primary, case: BOOL _ TRUE -- case => case of characters is significant -- ] RETURNS [found: BOOL] = { IF rope=NIL THEN rope _ TEditOps.GetSelContents[]; RETURN [TEditSelection.DoFind[viewer: viewer, rope: rope, case: case, id: GetSelectionId[which], findWhere: SearchWhere[whichDir], word: TRUE]] }; FindDef: PUBLIC PROC [viewer: Viewer, rope: ROPE _ NIL, whichDir: SearchDir _ forwards, which: WhichSelection _ primary, case: BOOL _ TRUE -- case => case of characters is significant -- ] RETURNS [found: BOOL] = { IF rope=NIL THEN rope _ TEditOps.GetSelContents[]; RETURN [TEditSelection.DoFind[viewer: viewer, rope: rope, case: case, id: GetSelectionId[which], findWhere: SearchWhere[whichDir], word: TRUE, def: TRUE]] }; LocRelative: PUBLIC PROC [ location: Location, count: Offset, break: NAT _ 1, skipCommentNodes: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [Location] = { RETURN [ MyLoc[TextNode.LocRelative[DocLoc[location], count, break, skipCommentNodes]]] }; LocOffset: PUBLIC PROC [loc1, loc2: Location, break: NAT _ 1, skipCommentNodes: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [count: Offset] = { count _ TextNode.LocOffset[DocLoc[loc1], DocLoc[loc2], break, skipCommentNodes ! TextNode.BadArgs => ERROR BadArgs] }; BadArgs: PUBLIC ERROR=CODE; GetCaret: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [loc: Location] = { RETURN [MyLoc[TEditOps.CaretLoc[]]] }; CaretBefore: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditSelection.CaretBeforeSelection[] }; CaretAfter: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditSelection.CaretAfterSelection[] }; CaretOnly: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.MakePointSelection[] }; GoToNextCharacter: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.GoToNextChar[n] }; GoToNextWord: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.GoToNextWord[n] }; GoToNextNode: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.GoToNextNode[n] }; GoToPreviousCharacter: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.GoToPreviousChar[n] }; GoToPreviousWord: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.GoToPreviousWord[n] }; GoToPreviousNode: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.GoToPreviousNode[n] }; ToPrimary: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Copy[primary] }; ToSecondary: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Copy[secondary] }; Transpose: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Transpose[] }; InsertRope: PUBLIC PROC [rope: ROPE] = { TEditInputOps.InsertRope[rope] }; InsertChar: PUBLIC PROC [char: CHAR] = { TEditInputOps.InsertChar[char] }; InsertLineBreak: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.InsertLineBreak[] }; BackSpace: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.BackSpace[n] }; BackWord: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.BackWord[n] }; DeleteNextCharacter: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.DeleteNextChar[n] }; DeleteNextWord: PUBLIC PROC [n: INT _ 1] = { TEditInputOps.DeleteNextWord[n] }; InsertTime: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.InsertTime[] }; InsertBrackets: PUBLIC PROC [left, right: CHAR] = { TEditInputOps.InsertBrackets[left, right] }; MakeControlCharacter: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.MakeControlCharacter[] }; UnMakeControlCharacter: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.UnMakeControlCharacter[] }; MakeOctalCharacter: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.MakeOctalCharacter[] }; UnMakeOctalCharacter: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.UnMakeOctalCharacter[] }; ExpandAbbreviation: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.ExpandAbbreviation[] }; Delete: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Delete[] }; Paste: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Paste[] }; SaveForPaste: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.SaveForPaste[] }; SaveSpanForPaste: PUBLIC PROC [startLoc, endLoc: Location, grain: SelectionGrain _ char] = { TEditInputOps.SaveSpanForPaste[DocLoc[startLoc], DocLoc[endLoc], DocGran[grain]] }; AllLower: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Capitalise[allLower] }; AllCaps: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Capitalise[allCaps] }; InitialCaps: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Capitalise[initCaps] }; FirstCap: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Capitalise[firstCap] }; MesaFormatting: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditMesaOps.SetMesaLooksOp[] }; Repeat: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.Repeat[] }; Undo: PUBLIC PROC = { [] _ TEditInput.Cancel[] }; Break: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Break[] }; Join: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Join[] }; Nest: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.Nest[] }; UnNest: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.UnNest[] }; SetSelectionLooks: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichSelection _ primary] = { TEditSelection.SetSelLooks[SELECT which FROM primary => TEditSelection.pSel, secondary => TEditSelection.sSel, feedback => TEditSelection.fSel, ENDCASE => ERROR] }; FetchLooks: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref, index: Offset] RETURNS [ROPE] = { RETURN [TextLooks.LooksToRope[TextEdit.FetchLooks[TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[node],index]]] }; SetLooks: PUBLIC PROC [looks: ROPE, which: WhichLooks _ selection] = { lks: TextLooks.Looks = TextLooks.RopeToLooks[looks]; IF which=selection THEN TEditInputOps.ChangeLooks[add: lks, remove: TextLooks.allLooks] ELSE TEditInputOps.ChangeCaretLooks[add: lks, remove: TextLooks.allLooks] }; AddLooks: PUBLIC PROC [looks: ROPE, which: WhichLooks _ selection] = { lks: TextLooks.Looks = TextLooks.RopeToLooks[looks]; IF which=selection THEN TEditInputOps.ChangeLooks[add: lks, remove: TextLooks.noLooks] ELSE TEditInputOps.ChangeCaretLooks[add: lks, remove: TextLooks.noLooks] }; SubtractLooks: PUBLIC PROC [looks: ROPE, which: WhichLooks _ selection] = { lks: TextLooks.Looks = TextLooks.RopeToLooks[looks]; IF which=selection THEN TEditInputOps.ChangeLooks[add: TextLooks.noLooks, remove: lks] ELSE TEditInputOps.ChangeCaretLooks[add: TextLooks.noLooks, remove: lks] }; ClearLooks: PUBLIC PROC [which: WhichLooks _ selection] = { IF which=selection THEN TEditInputOps.ChangeLooks[add: TextLooks.noLooks, remove: TextLooks.allLooks] ELSE TEditInputOps.ChangeCaretLooks[add: TextLooks.noLooks, remove: TextLooks.allLooks] }; CopyLooks: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.CopyLooks[] }; GetFormat: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref] RETURNS [ROPE] = { name: NameSymbolTable.Name = node.typename; RETURN [IF name=NameSymbolTable.nullName THEN "default" ELSE NameSymbolTable.RopeFromName[name]] }; ForEachNode: PROC [which: WhichNodes, proc: PROC [TextNode.Ref]] = { pSel: TEditDocument.Selection = TEditSelection.pSel; SELECT which FROM root => proc[TextNode.Root[pSel.start.pos.node]]; selection => FOR node: TextNode.Ref _ pSel.start.pos.node, TextNode.StepForward[node] DO proc[node]; IF node = pSel.end.pos.node THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR }; SetFormat: PUBLIC PROC [format: ROPE, which: WhichNodes _ selection] = { Set: PROC [ref: TextNode.Ref] = { TEditInputOps.SetTypeName[format, ref] }; ForEachNode[which, Set] }; SetNodeFormat: PUBLIC PROC [format: ROPE, node: Ref] = TRUSTED { root: TextNode.Ref; type: TextNode.TypeName _ IF format=NIL THEN TextNode.nullTypeName ELSE NameSymbolTable.MakeName[LOOPHOLE[Rope.Flatten[format]]]; root _ TextNode.Root[node]; [] _ TEditLocks.Lock[root, "TiogaOpsSetNodeFormat"]; TextEdit.ChangeType[node, type, NIL, root]; TEditLocks.Unlock[root] }; SetNodeStyle: PUBLIC PROC [style: ROPE, node: Ref] = { root: TextNode.Ref _ TextNode.Root[node]; [] _ TEditLocks.Lock[root, "TiogaOpsSetNodeStyle"]; TextEdit.ChangeStyle[node, style, NIL, root]; TEditLocks.Unlock[root] }; CaretNodeFormat: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.SetType[] }; InsertFormat: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.GetType[] }; CopyFormat: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.CopyType[] }; GetStyle: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref] RETURNS [ROPE] = { name: NameSymbolTable.Name = NodeStyle.StyleNameForNode[node]; RETURN [IF name=NameSymbolTable.nullName THEN "default" ELSE NameSymbolTable.RopeFromName[name]] }; SetStyle: PUBLIC PROC [style: ROPE, which: WhichNodes _ selection] = { Set: PROC [ref: TextNode.Ref] = { TEditInputOps.SetStyleName[style, ref] }; ForEachNode[which, Set] }; IsComment: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref] RETURNS [BOOL] = { txt: TextNode.RefTextNode = TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[node]; RETURN [txt # NIL AND txt.comment] }; SetComment: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.SetCommentProp[TRUE] }; SetNotComment: PUBLIC PROC = { TEditInputOps.SetCommentProp[FALSE] }; SetProp: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, value: REF, which: WhichNodes _ selection] = { Put: PROC [node: TextNode.Ref] = { TextEdit.PutProp[node, name, value, TEditInput.CurrentEvent[]] }; ForEachNode[which, Put] }; RegisterAbbrevFailedProc: PUBLIC PROC [proc: PROC RETURNS [BOOL]] = { TEditInputOps.RegisterAbbrevFailedProc[proc] }; RegisterFileNameProc: PUBLIC PROC [ proc: PROC [ROPE, Viewer] RETURNS [fileName: ROPE, search: ROPE]] = { TEditOps.RegisterFileNameProc[proc] }; PutTextKey: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref, where: Offset, key: REF] = { NodeAddrs.PutTextAddr[TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[node], key, where] }; GetTextKey: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref, key: REF] RETURNS [loc: Location] = { where: Offset; n: TextNode.RefTextNode; [n, where] _ NodeAddrs.GetTextAddr[TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[node], key ! NodeAddrs.TextAddrNotFound => GOTO Error]; RETURN [[n, where]]; EXITS Error => ERROR TextKeyNotFound }; TextKeyNotFound: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; RemoveTextKey: PUBLIC PROC [node: Ref, key: REF] = { NodeAddrs.RemTextAddr[TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[node], key] }; MapTextKeys: PUBLIC PROC [ node: Ref, proc: PROC [key: REF, where: Offset] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { Do: PROC [addr: REF, location: Offset] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { RETURN [proc[addr, location]] }; RETURN [NodeAddrs.MapTextAddrs[TextNode.NarrowToTextNode[node], Do]] }; END. €TiogaOpsImpl.Mesa written by Bill Paxton. June 1982 last written by Paxton. December 28, 1982 12:38 pm Last Edited by: Paxton, January 10, 1983 4:14 pm Last Edited by: Maxwell, January 19, 1983 12:31 pm Last Edited by: Plass, April 15, 1983 4:01 pm Document Locks Selections Find Location procedures Caret (for primary selection) Edits requiring secondary selections Editing applying to primary selection Node Editing Looks sets the selection looks from the looks of the character next to the caret Formats Styles Comment Property Node Property Lists Miscellaneous call-back procedures Text keys: persistent "addresses" for characters in text nodes Associates the key with the given offset in the text node. Key moves with the text as edits take place in the node. Key doesn't move to new node. May use same key with different nodes without interference. Tells you where the key is in the node at the current time. Κ―˜JšΟc™Jš!™!Jš2™2Jšœœ™0J™2J™-šΟk ˜ Jšœ ˜ Jšœ˜J˜ J˜J˜J˜ J˜ J˜J˜ J˜J˜J˜ J˜J˜ J˜ J˜ J˜J˜ J˜ J˜J˜ J˜ J˜ J˜—Jšœž ˜šžœ ˜J˜ J˜J˜ J˜J˜ J˜Jšœ ˜ J˜ J˜ J˜J˜ J˜ J˜ Jšœ˜—Jšžœ(˜/Jšžœžœ'˜1J˜Jšœžœžœ ˜3Jšœ žœžœ˜&J˜Jš™˜š Οn œžœžœžœžœ˜HJšœžœžœ˜#Jš Ÿœžœžœ žœ žœ žœ˜Pšœžœžœ ˜Jšœžœ˜š žœžœžœžœžœ˜3Jšœ žœ˜—Jšœžœ˜J˜ —J˜ —J˜Jšœ žœžœžœ5˜WJ˜JšŸœžœžœ@˜QJ˜JšŸœžœžœ+˜>J˜šŸœžœžœ ˜Tšžœžœž˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšžœžœ˜——J˜šŸœžœžœ&˜:JšœB˜B—J˜šŸ œžœžœ&˜˜N—J˜—š™K˜šŸ œžœžœžœ˜Ušžœžœ ž˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ˜Kšžœžœ˜K˜——š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ ž˜XJšœ ˜ Jšœžœžœ,œ˜CJšžœ žœ˜Jšžœžœžœ"˜2šžœ˜Jšœ6˜6Jšœ2˜2—J˜—š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ ž˜XJšœ ˜ Jšœžœžœ,œ˜CJšžœ žœ˜Jšžœžœžœ"˜2šžœ'˜-Jšœ2˜2Jšœ(žœ˜1J˜——š Ÿœžœžœžœžœ ž˜WJšœ ˜ Jšœžœžœ,œ˜CJšžœ žœ˜Jšžœžœžœ"˜2šžœ'˜-Jšœ2˜2Jšœ(žœžœ˜—JšžœG˜KJ˜—šŸ œžœžœ žœ$˜KJšœ4˜4šžœž˜J˜>—JšžœG˜KJ˜—šŸ œžœžœ$˜;šžœž˜J˜M—šž˜J˜UJ˜——KšŸ œžœžœ!˜7J˜—Jš™˜š Ÿ œžœžœ žœžœ˜5J˜+šžœžœžœ ž˜—J˜K˜4Jšœ žœ˜+Jšœ˜—K˜šŸ œžœžœ žœ˜6J˜)K˜3Jšœ"žœ˜-Jšœ˜—K˜KšŸœžœžœ˜;J˜KšŸ œžœžœ˜8J˜KšŸ œžœžœ ˜7J˜—Jš™˜š Ÿœžœžœ žœžœ˜4J˜>šžœžœžœ ž˜™>J™šŸ œž œ!žœ˜@JšœΠ™ΠJšœE˜E—J˜šŸ œž œžœžœ˜IJ™;J˜J˜˜IJšœžœ˜*—Jšžœ˜Jšžœ žœ˜'—J˜Jšœžœžœžœ˜%J˜šŸ œž œžœ˜4Jšœ>˜>—J˜šŸ œž œ˜Jšœ ˜ Jš œžœžœžœžœ˜7Jšžœžœ˜š œžœžœžœžœ˜