-- File: ViewersIOStream.mesa
--   Teitelman on  14-Dec-81 12:10:22

	Rope, IOStream, TypeScript, ViewerClasses;
ViewersIOStream: DEFINITIONS  =


CreateViewerStreams: PROC [name: Rope.ROPE ← NIL, viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL]
	RETURNS [in: IOStream.Handle, out: IOStream.Handle]; 
  -- If viewer is non-NIL, creats two IOStreams, one for input, one for output,
  -- and "connects" them to the indicated viewer. Viewer must be of viewerclass
  -- TypeScript or raises RTTypesBasic.NarrowRefFault.
  -- If viewer is NIL, creates a Viewer of class TypeScript with name name
  -- (default to whatever Viewer defaults to), and proceeds as above. 
  -- N.B. It is perfectly permissible to have more than one output stream connected
  -- to the same viewer. However, if two input IOStreams are connected to the same
  -- viewer and a character is typed, only one of the streams will get the character.