-- NodeStyle.mesa
-- Written by Bill Paxton, January 1981
-- Last changed by Bill Paxton, March 23, 1981 3:23 PM


BEGIN OPEN nodeI:TextNode, looksI:TextLooks, tjI:TiogaJaM;

Ref: TYPE = REF Body;
fontFace: FontFace ← Regular,
fontAlphabets: FontAlphabets ← CapsAndLower,
underlining: FontUnderlining ← None,
lineFormatting: LineFormatting ← FlushLeft,
styleName: nodeI.StyleName ← nodeI.nullStyleName, -- such as "TechicalNote"
fontFamily: tjI.JaMName ← tjI.noName, -- such as "TimesRoman"
fontSize: Dist, -- in points
leftIndent: Dist, -- all lines indent at least this much on left
rightIndent: Dist, -- all lines indent at least this much on right
firstIndent: Dist, -- first line indent this much more on left
bodyIndent: Dist, -- other lines indent this much more on left
topIndent: Dist, -- top line at least this much down from top
bottomIndent: Dist, -- bottom baseline at least this up from bottom
leading: Dist, -- distance between baselines
topLeading: Dist, -- min distance from first baseline to previous
bottomLeading: Dist, -- min distance from last baseline to next
vshift: Dist, -- distance to raise text above baseline
minGaps: Dist, -- min distance between tops&bottoms of lines
minTabWidth: Dist, -- min width of space allowed for tab
tabs: ARRAY [1..numTabs] OF Dist -- array of tab stops

FontFace: TYPE = {Regular, Bold, Italic, BoldItalic};
FontAlphabets: TYPE = {CapsAndLower, CapsAndSmallCaps, LowerOnly, CapsOnly};
FontUnderlining: TYPE = {None, LettersAndDigits, Visible, All};
LineFormatting: TYPE = {FlushLeft, FlushRight, Justified, Centered};
numTabs: NAT = 20;
Dist: TYPE = REAL ← 0.0;

style: Ref; -- the current ref while executing style ops

-- ***** Operations

LoadStyle: PROC [name: nodeI.StyleName]; -- fast return if already loaded
ReloadStyle: PROC [name: nodeI.StyleName]; -- forces rereading of definition
CurrentStyle: PROC RETURNS [nodeI.StyleName];
SetStyle: PROC [name: nodeI.StyleName]; -- fast return if already current
-- otherwise ends top dict, begins dict for named style
-- use this to change style

Apply: PROC [ref: Ref, name, alt: nodeI.TypeName ← nodeI.nullTypeName];
-- does SetRef[ref]
-- does SetStyle[ref.styleName]
-- then calls JaM to execute the name
-- if name is not known and alt # nullTypeName, try it instead

ApplyLooks: PROC [ref: Ref, looks: looksI.Looks];
-- does SetRef[ref]
-- does SetStyle[ref.styleName]
-- then calls JaM to execute the looks

StyleError: ERROR; -- can be generated by Do or in loading a style