-- RopeReader.mesa -- written by Bill Paxton, January 1981 -- last edit by Bill Paxton, December 22, 1981 10:02 am -- RopeReader provides fast inline access to characters in ropes -- designed for speed in reading a sequence of characters -- either forwards or backwards -- from packed arrays such as created by mapping pages from a file -- or from text ropes (the packed sequence of characters variant) -- create a reader by RopeReader.Create -- reader: RopeReader.Ref ← RopeReader.Create[]; -- position it where you want to read by SetPosition -- RopeReader.SetPosition[reader,rope,index]; -- where rope is Rope.Ref to read from -- and index is the initial position for the reader -- you can reposition a reader at any time -- read its position in any of the following ways: -- [rope,index] ← RopeReader.Position[reader]; -- rope ← RopeReader.GetRope[reader]; -- index ← RopeReader.GetIndex[reader]; -- to read in ascending order (left to right) -- initialize position before first character to be read -- for example, use 0 to start at beginning of rope -- then call Get which reads to the right and increments the position -- char ← RopeReader.Get[reader]; -- to read in descending order (right to left) -- initialize position after first character to be read -- for example, use size of rope to start at end -- then call Backwards which reads to the left and decrements the position -- char ← RopeReader.Backwards[reader]; -- can also get a character without changing the reader position -- to look at the next character that Get would return, call Peek -- char ← RopeReader.Peek[reader]; -- to look at what Backwards would return, call PeekBackwards -- char ← RopeReader.PeekBackwards[reader]; -- can intermix reading or peeking to left and right -- don't need to reinitialize the reader to change direction -- if read off either end of rope, you can either get an error -- or a client-specified character -- there are equality and comparison routines that use readers for efficiency -- Equal, EqSubstr, EqSubstrs -- Compare, CompareSubstr, CompareSubstrs -- operations are also provided to read a block of characters -- destination given by either a REF TEXT or a REF chars array -- can read either forward or backwards from source DIRECTORY Rope, Space; RopeReader: DEFINITIONS IMPORTS Rope, Space = BEGIN -- ***** RopeReader Declarations Ref: TYPE = REF Body; -- Body of reader is a private record ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Text: TYPE = Rope.Text; Offset: TYPE = INT; MaxLen: Offset = Rope.MaxLen; ReadOffEnd: ERROR; -- ***** RopeReader Operations Create: PROC RETURNS [Ref]; SetPosition: PROC [reader: Ref, rope: ROPE, index: Offset ← 0] = INLINE { IF GetRope[reader]#rope OR GetIndex[reader]#index THEN { reader.current ← reader.first ← reader.after ← 0; reader.chars ← NIL; reader.text ← NIL; reader.rope ← rope; reader.index ← index}}; SetIndex: PROC [reader: Ref, index: Offset ← 0] = INLINE { IF GetIndex[reader]#index THEN { reader.current ← reader.first ← reader.after ← 0; reader.chars ← NIL; reader.text ← NIL; reader.index ← index}}; BackupIndex: PROC [reader: Ref, amount: Offset] = INLINE { SetIndex[reader, GetIndex[reader]-amount] }; BumpIndex: PROC [reader: Ref, amount: Offset] = INLINE { SetIndex[reader, GetIndex[reader]+amount] }; Position: PROC [reader: Ref] RETURNS [rope: ROPE, index: Offset] = INLINE { RETURN [reader.rope, reader.index+reader.current-reader.first] }; GetRope: PROC [reader: Ref] RETURNS [rope: ROPE] = INLINE { RETURN [reader.rope] }; GetIndex: PROC [reader: Ref] RETURNS [index: Offset] = INLINE { RETURN [reader.index+reader.current-reader.first] }; GetEndChar: PROC [reader: Ref] RETURNS [endChar: CHAR] = INLINE { RETURN [reader.endChar] }; CharForEndOfRope: PROC [reader: Ref] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE { RETURN [reader.charForEndOfRope] }; SetCharForEndOfRope: PROC [reader: Ref, char: CHAR] = INLINE { reader.endChar ← char; reader.charForEndOfRope ← TRUE }; ClearCharForEndOfRope: PROC [reader: Ref] = INLINE { reader.charForEndOfRope ← FALSE }; ReaderProc: TYPE = PROC [reader: Ref] RETURNS [CHAR]; Get: ReaderProc = INLINE { -- get character, then increment reader location current: NAT; IF (current←reader.current) >= reader.after THEN RETURN[ReadChar[reader,get]]; reader.current ← current+1; RETURN[IF reader.txtFlag THEN reader.text[current] ELSE reader.chars[current]]}; Backwards: ReaderProc = INLINE { -- decrement reader location, then get character current: NAT; IF (current←reader.current) <= reader.first THEN RETURN[ReadChar[reader,backwards]]; reader.current ← current ← current-1; RETURN[IF reader.txtFlag THEN reader.text[current] ELSE reader.chars[current]]}; Peek: ReaderProc = INLINE { -- get character without incrementing reader location current: NAT; IF (current←reader.current) >= reader.after THEN RETURN[ReadChar[reader,peek]]; RETURN[IF reader.txtFlag THEN reader.text[current] ELSE reader.chars[current]]}; PeekBackwards: ReaderProc = INLINE { -- like Backwards, but doesn't change position current: NAT; IF (current←reader.current) <= reader.first THEN RETURN[ReadChar[reader,peekbackwards]]; RETURN[IF reader.txtFlag THEN reader.text[current-1] ELSE reader.chars[current-1]]}; Mode: PRIVATE TYPE = {get, backwards, peek, peekbackwards}; ReadChar: PRIVATE PROC [reader: Ref, mode: Mode] RETURNS [CHAR]; -- here are some operations making use of readers Equal: PROC [r1,r2: ROPE, rdr1,rdr2: Ref ← NIL] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE { -- uses readers rdr1 and rdr2 to read ropes r1 and r2 to test for equality RETURN [EqSubstrs[r1,r2,0,0,MaxLen,rdr1,rdr2]] }; EqSubstrs: PROC [r1,r2: ROPE, start1,start2,len: Offset, rdr1,rdr2: Ref ← NIL] RETURNS [BOOLEAN]; -- uses readers rdr1 and rdr2 to read ropes r1 and r2 to test for equality -- returns TRUE if r1 starting at start1 is same as -- len chars of r2 starting at start2 -- returns FALSE if not enough chars available in either rope -- i.e., if start1+len > size[r1] or start2+len > size[r2] -- if rdr1 or rdr2 is NIL, gets own readers from cache Compare: PROC [r1,r2: ROPE, rdr1,rdr2: Ref ← NIL, case: BOOLEAN ← TRUE] RETURNS [INTEGER] = INLINE { -- uses readers rdr1 and rdr2 to compare ropes r1 and r2 -- returns -1 for r1 < r2; 0 for r1 = r2; and +1 for r1 > r2 -- if ~case then all characters forced lowercase for comparison RETURN [CompareSubstrs[r1,r2,0,MaxLen,0,MaxLen,rdr1,rdr2,case]] }; CompareSubstrs: PROC [ r1,r2: ROPE, start1,len1,start2,len2: Offset, rdr1,rdr2: Ref ← NIL, case: BOOLEAN ← TRUE] RETURNS [INTEGER]; -- uses readers rdr1 and rdr2 to compare substrings of ropes r1 and r2 -- if rdr1 or rdr2 is NIL, gets own readers from cache -- the following operations provide for reading blocks of characters String: TYPE = REF TEXT; GetText: PROC [reader: Ref, txt: Text, length: NAT ← LAST[NAT]] RETURNS [count: NAT]; -- appends characters to text from rope; returns number of characters -- updates txt.length BackwardsGetText: PROC [reader: Ref, txt: Text, length: NAT ← LAST[NAT]] RETURNS [count: NAT]; -- appends characters to text from rope; returns number of characters -- updates txt.length GetString: PROC [reader: Ref, str: String, length: NAT ← LAST[NAT]] RETURNS [count: NAT]; -- appends characters to string from rope; returns number of characters -- updates str.length BackwardsGetString: PROC [reader: Ref, str: String, length: NAT ← LAST[NAT]] RETURNS [count: NAT]; -- appends characters to string from rope; returns number of characters -- updates str.length GetChars: PROC [ reader: Ref, chars: REF CharsArray, length: NAT ← LAST[NAT], offset: NAT ← 0] RETURNS [count: NAT]; -- appends characters to CharsArray from rope; returns number of characters BackwardsGetChars: PROC [ reader: Ref, chars: REF CharsArray, length: NAT ← LAST[NAT], offset: NAT ← 0] RETURNS [count: NAT]; -- The following is available for creating ropes using Chars arrays Chars: TYPE = REF READONLY CharsArray; -- CharsArray is a packed array of characters CharsRope: PROC [chars: Chars, space: Space.Handle ← Space.nullHandle] RETURNS [ROPE]; -- if the Chars array was acquired by calling RTStorageOps, pass the space to CharsRope -- so it can set up finalization for it -- this routine is mainly for internal use -- The next routines provide a small cache of rope readers -- so can avoid creating a lot of garbage readers -- don't use these unless you are certain to free the reader at most once -- no harm if fail to free it, but total chaos if you free it more than once GetRopeReader: PROC RETURNS [reader: Ref]; FreeRopeReader: PROC [reader: Ref]; -- ***** Private declarations Body: TYPE = PRIVATE RECORD [ current: NAT ← 0, -- index of current character first: NAT ← 0, -- index of first character to read after: NAT ← 0, -- index beyond last character to read chars: Chars, -- character array that we are currently reading text: Text, -- text rope that we are currently reading rope: ROPE, -- rope that we are reading index: Offset ← 0, -- index in rope of first character txtFlag: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, -- if true, read from text. else read from chars charForEndOfRope: BOOLEAN ← FALSE, -- if true, return endChar; else give ERROR ReadOffEnd endChar: CHAR ← 0C -- char to return when reach end of rope ]; charsPerPage: NAT = 512; pagesPerArray: NAT = 16; charsPerArray: NAT = charsPerPage*pagesPerArray; CharsArray: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..charsPerArray) OF CHAR; -- ***** Initialization StartRopeReader, StartRopeReaderMisc, StartRopeReaderGet: PROC; -- for initialization only END.