-- Tfm.mesa Tfm.mesa$ -- Definition of Tex/Tioga font metric (.Tfm) files for Pilot -- Last changed by Michael Plass, 14-Oct-81 9:13:49 -- N.B. These are the specifications for the new-style Tfm format, as per Lyle Ramshaw's Nov. 1980 specifications. Tfm: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Byte: TYPE = [0..377B]; Char: TYPE = CHARACTER; -- should match TSTypes.Char Word: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [hiHalf, lowHalf: CARDINAL]; -- note a Word is 32 bits long, and in BigEndian order. Fixed: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ValueTimesTwoToTheTwentieth: Word]; FixedArray: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [entry(0): PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL OF Fixed]; Long: PROCEDURE [w:Word] RETURNS [LONG INTEGER] = INLINE BEGIN -- this depends on the way Mesa long integers are stored t: MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [lowHalf, hiHalf: CARDINAL]; t.lowHalf ← w.lowHalf; t.hiHalf ← w.hiHalf; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[t,LONG INTEGER]] END; Directory: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [lf: CARDINAL, -- length of entire file in Words lh: CARDINAL, -- length of header data bc: CARDINAL, -- first character code in font ec: CARDINAL, -- last character code in font nw: CARDINAL, -- number of Words in width table nh: CARDINAL, -- number of Words in height table nd: CARDINAL, -- number of Words in depth table ni: CARDINAL, -- number of Words in italic correction table nl: CARDINAL, -- number of Words of lig/kern program nk: CARDINAL, -- number of Words in kern table ne: CARDINAL, -- number of Words in extensible character table np: CARDINAL -- number of font parameters ]; ValidDirectory: PROCEDURE [h: Directory] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE BEGIN OPEN h; RETURN [lh<=24 -- Allow headers to grow a bit -- AND ec>=bc AND ec<256 AND nw <= 256 AND nh <= 16 AND nd <= 16 AND ni <= 64 AND nl <= 256 AND nk <= 256 AND ne <= 256 AND np <= 24 AND lf = 6 + lh + (ec-bc+1) + nw + nh + nd + ni + nl + nk + ne + np] END; -- The header: occupies lh Words Header:TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [checkSum: Word, -- identifies the version of the font designSize: Fixed, -- nominal size of the font, in TEX points characterCodingScheme: CharacterCodingScheme, externalFontIdentifier: ExternalFontIdentifier, extraInfo: ExtraInfo]; CharacterCodingScheme: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..40) OF CHARACTER; -- LOOPHOLE[id[0],Byte] tells the number of characters in the id ExternalFontIdentifier: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..20) OF CHARACTER; -- LOOPHOLE[id[0],Byte] tells the number of characters in the id ExtraInfo: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [sevenBitSafe(0:0..0): BOOLEAN, -- lig table stays in first half unused(0:1..23): RECORD [], parcFaceByte(0:24..31): Byte]; -- The font information: occupies (ec-bc+1) Words FInfo: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [entry(0): PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL OF FInfoEntry]; FInfoTag: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {none(0), lig(1), list(2), var(3)}; FInfoEntry: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [widthIndex(0:0..7): [0..256), -- index into width table heightIndex(0:8..11): [0..16), -- index into height table depthIndex(0:12..15): [0..16), -- index into depth table charIcIndex(0:16..21): [0..64), -- index to italic corr. or mathop kern remainder(0:22..31): SELECT tag(0:22..23): FInfoTag FROM none => [unused(0:24..31): RECORD[]], lig => [ligKernStart(0:24..31): [0..256)], list => [nextBigger(0:24..31): CHARACTER], var => [extIndex(0:24..31): [0..256)] ENDCASE]; -- The width information: occupies nw Words Width: TYPE = FixedArray; -- The height information: occupies nh Words Height: TYPE = FixedArray; -- The depth information: occupies nd Words Depth: TYPE = FixedArray; -- The italic correction table: occupies ni Words CharIc: TYPE = FixedArray; -- The ligature/kerning program: occupies nl Words -- The LigKern table contains instructions for a simple machine that decides how to treat special letter pairs. LigKern: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [entry(0): PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL OF LigKernEntry]; LigOrKern: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {lig(0), kern(1)}; LigKernEntry: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [stop(0:0..0): BOOLEAN, -- means this is a final program step unused(0:1..7): RECORD[], nextChar(0:8..15): CHARACTER, -- if this is the next character, then ... action(0:16..31): SELECT tag(0:16..16): LigOrKern FROM lig => [unused(0:17..23):RECORD[], ligCode(0:24..31): CHARACTER], kern =>[unused(0:17..23):RECORD[], kernIndex(0:24..31): Byte] ENDCASE]; -- The kern table: occupies nk Words Kern: TYPE = FixedArray; -- The extensible character table: occupies ne Words Exten: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [entry(0): PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL OF ExtRecipe]; ExtRecipe: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [top(0:0..7), mid(0:8..15), bot(0:16..23), ext(0:24..31): CHARACTER]; -- The font parameters: occupy np Words Param: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [entry(0): PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED ParamIndex OF Fixed]; ParamIndex: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT -- see MetaFont manual, pages 98-100 {slant(0), -- index for amount of italic slant (do not scale) spaceWidth(1), spaceStretch(2), spaceShrink(3), xHeight(4), quad(5), x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,mathSyParamLen}; extraSpace: ParamIndex = x0; normalParamLen: ParamIndex = x1; -- Params used only for mathsy fonts mathSpace: ParamIndex = x0; num1: ParamIndex = x1; num2: ParamIndex = x2; num3: ParamIndex = x3; denom1: ParamIndex = x4; denom2: ParamIndex = x5; sup1: ParamIndex = x6; sup2: ParamIndex = x7; sup3: ParamIndex = x8; sub1: ParamIndex = x9; sub2: ParamIndex = x10; supdrop: ParamIndex = x11; subdrop: ParamIndex = x12; delim1: ParamIndex = x13; delim2: ParamIndex = x14; axisheight: ParamIndex = x15; -- Params used only for mathex fonts defaultRuleThickness: ParamIndex = x1; bigOpSpacing1: ParamIndex = x2; bigOpSpacing2: ParamIndex = x3; bigOpSpacing3: ParamIndex = x4; bigOpSpacing4: ParamIndex = x5; bigOpSpacing5: ParamIndex = x6; mathExParamLength: ParamIndex = x7; END..