-- TSBcplFontFile.mesa -- Last modified by Michael Plass, May 27, 1982 8:39 am -- Last modified by Maureen Stone 30-Dec-81 17:14:31 -- Last modified by Geschke on November 5, 1979 4:42 PM DIRECTORY Rope, Mopcodes; TSBcplFontFile: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Byte: TYPE = [0..377B]; -- the IndexHeader corresponds to Structure IX pp5 Font Formats Manual. IndexHeader: TYPE = RECORD[type: IndexType, length: [0..4096)]; --length in words, counting this one IndexType: TYPE = {end,name,splines,chars,widths, unassigned1,unassigned2,unassigned3,unassigned4, unassigned5,unassigned6,unassigned7,unassigned8, unassigned9,unassigned10,unassigned11}; bcplMaxLength: CARDINAL = 255; BcplSTRING: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ body: PACKED ARRAY[0..bcplMaxLength] OF CHARACTER --body[0] is the length of the string ]; -- The RawIndex corresponds to the five kinds of index entries. -- EndSegment, NameSegment, SplineSegment, CharacterSegment, and WidthSegment. RawIndex: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [hdr: IndexHeader, variantPart: SELECT COMPUTED IndexType FROM end => NULL, name => [ fill: Byte, code: FontCode, -- local, unique name for font fontname: BcplSTRING ], splines, widths => [ family: FontCode, face: FaceType, bc, ec: CHARACTER, -- first and last character size: CARDINAL, -- Font size (10 micron units) rotation: CARDINAL, -- Rotation (anti clockwise) startaddress: bcplLONGPOINTER, -- Starting address of data part length: bcplLONGCARDINAL -- Length of data part ], chars => [ family: FontCode, face: FaceType, bc, ec: CHARACTER, -- first and last character size: CARDINAL, -- Font size (10 micron units) rotation: CARDINAL, -- Rotation (anti clockwise) startaddress: bcplLONGPOINTER, -- Starting address of data part length: bcplLONGCARDINAL, -- Length of data part resolutionx: CARDINAL, -- 10*(number of bits/inch) resolutiony: CARDINAL -- ditto ], ENDCASE ]; FontCode: TYPE = Byte; FaceType: TYPE = Byte; FaceWeight: TYPE = {L,M,B}; FaceSlant: TYPE = {I,R}; FaceWidth: TYPE = {C,R,E}; CharBboxDesc: TYPE = LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF BoundingBox; CharDirDesc: TYPE = LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF bcplLONGPOINTER; BoundingBox: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ xwidth, ywidth: bcplFraction, BBox, BBoy: INTEGER, BBdx, BBdy: CARDINAL]; -- BCPL data structures for spline definitions SplineDataDesc: TYPE = LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF BcplSplineData; SplineDirDesc: TYPE = CharDirDesc; BcplSplineData: TYPE = RECORD[ xwidth, ywidth, bbox, bboy, rightx, topy: BcplREAL]; BcplSplineCommand: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [type: BcplCommandCode, variantPart: SELECT OVERLAID SplineCommandCode FROM MoveTo, DrawTo => [x,y: BcplREAL], DrawCurve => [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2: BcplREAL], NewObject, EndDefinition => NULL, ENDCASE ]; BcplREAL: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ sign: [0..1], exp: [0..377B], sigbit: [0..1], topmantissa: [0..77B], restofmantissa: [0..177777B]]; BcplCommandCode: TYPE = INTEGER; -- Mesa data structures for spline definitions mesaSplineDataDesc: TYPE = LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF SplineData; mesaSplineDirDesc: TYPE = LONG DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF LONG POINTER; SplineData: TYPE = RECORD[xwidth, ywidth, bbox, bboy, rightx, topy: REAL]; SplineCommand: TYPE = RECORD [next: SplineCommandPtr, variantPart: SELECT type: SplineCommandCode FROM MoveTo, DrawTo => [x,y: REAL], DrawCurve => [x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2: REAL], NewObject, EndDefinition => NULL, ENDCASE ]; SplineCommandPtr: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO SplineCommand; SplineDataPtr: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO SplineData; SplineCommandCode: TYPE = {MoveTo, DrawTo, DrawCurve, NewObject, EndDefinition}; AllocProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE [CARDINAL] RETURNS [LONG POINTER]; GetSplineCommands: PROCEDURE [char: CHARACTER, userAlloc: AllocProc] RETURNS [sd: SplineDataPtr, scp: SplineCommandPtr]; -- reads a list of spline commands into space obtained by invoking the allocation procedure (userAlloc) and returns the pointer to you (scp) along with a pointer to the spline bounding box data (sd). It is the user's responsibility to free the command list. The procedure returns [NIL,NIL] if the splines for char are not defined in the file. OpenSDFontFile: PROCEDURE [file: Rope.ROPE]; -- opens a SD format file (named file) for reading (it does not assume the .SD extension; you must give the full file name). This code supports only one SD file open at a time. CloseSDFontFile: PROCEDURE; -- closes the file. -- converting from the doubleword world of Mesa to BCPL and conversely MesaToBcplLongPointer: PROCEDURE [p: LONG POINTER] RETURNS [bp: bcplLONGPOINTER] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zEXCH; END; BcplToMesaLongPointer: PROCEDURE [bp: bcplLONGPOINTER] RETURNS [p: LONG POINTER] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zEXCH; END; MesaToBcplLongCardinal: PROCEDURE [c: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [bc: bcplLONGCARDINAL] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zEXCH; END; BcplToMesaLongCardinal: PROCEDURE [bc: bcplLONGCARDINAL] RETURNS [c: LONG CARDINAL] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zEXCH; END; MesaToBcplFraction: PROCEDURE [f: Fraction] RETURNS [bf: bcplFraction] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zEXCH; END; BcplToMesaFraction: PROCEDURE [bf: bcplFraction] RETURNS [f: Fraction] = MACHINE CODE BEGIN Mopcodes.zEXCH; END; bcplLONGPOINTER: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ highhalf, lowhalf: WORD]; bcplLONGCARDINAL: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ highhalf, lowhalf: WORD]; bcplFraction: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ integerpart, fractionpart: WORD]; Fraction: TYPE = LONG INTEGER; -- ***** Raster font routines not implemented ***** ConvertACtoGS: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [from, to: STRING]; -- converts an AC format font file (from) to a GS format font file (to). In the process of conversion the font is rotated 90 degrees. ConvertGStoAC: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [from, to: STRING]; -- converts an GS format font file (from) to a AC format font file (to). In the process of conversion the font is rotated 90 degrees (therby undoing the rotation in ConvertACtoGS). RasterPointer: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO CharRaster; RasterDimension: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[height: [0..77B], width: [0..1777B]]; InternalRasterPointer: TYPE = POINTER TO InternalCharRaster; LongRasterPointer: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO CharRaster; InternalCharRaster: TYPE = RECORD [height, width: CARDINAL, raster: Raster]; CharRaster: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD[ height: [0..77B], width: [0..1777B], raster: Raster]; Raster:TYPE = ARRAY [0..0) OF WORD; END.