Rick Beach, October 19, 1984 11:36:18 am PDT
1. glossary terms get look-e (emphasis) to identify them in the manuscript the first time they appear
2. use `thesis' instead of `dissertation'
editting instead of editing
centre instead of center
neighbour instead of neighbor
behaviour instead of behavior
colour instead of color
3. Edit macros to change <name>, <initials>. into <initials> <name>,
ClearOperations "ClearSearchFor \"'#'] \" SearchForward" ClearCommandNumber "1" DoSetOps
ClearOperations "ClearSearchFor \"<surname>, <initials>, \" ClearReplaceBy \"<initials> <surname>, \" MatchText MatchLooks MatchPattern SearchForward DoIt " ClearCommandNumber "2" DoSetOps
ClearOperations "ClearSearchFor \"<surname>, <initials> \" ClearReplaceBy \"<initials> <surname>. \" MatchText MatchLooks MatchPattern SearchForward DoIt" ClearCommandNumber "3" DoSetOps
ClearOperations "ClearSearchFor \"<surname>, <initials>. \" ClearReplaceBy \"<initials> <surname>. \" MatchText MatchLooks MatchPattern SearchForward DoIt" ClearCommandNumber "4" DoSetOps
ClearOperations "ClearSearchFor \"<surname>, <initials> and \" ClearReplaceBy \"<initials> <surname> and \" MatchText MatchLooks MatchPattern SearchForward DoIt" ClearCommandNumber "5" DoSetOps