[—, A Manual of Style, 1969] —. A Manual of Style. The University of Chicago Press, 12th edition, 1969.
[—, APL/66] —. APL/66 User's Guide. Honeywell Information Systems, Series 60 (Level 66)/6000 DD78 Rev. 1, November 1977.
[—, DCF] —. Document Composition Facility User's Guide. IBM Corporation, SH20-9161, April 1980.
[—, Dictionary] —. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Morris, Willam, editor. Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
[—, GML] —. Document Composition Facility, Generalized Markup Language. IBM Corporation, SH20-9188, April 1980.
[—, Interpress] —. Interpress Electronic Printing Standard. Xerox System Integration Standard, XSIS 048404, April 1984.
[—, JaM] —. JaM Manual. Unpublished manuscript, December 1984.
[—, GPO] —. U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual. Government Printing Office, 1973.
[—, PostScript] —. PostScript Language Manual. Adobe Systems, First edition, revised, September 1984.
[—, SCRIBE] —. SCRIBE Document Production System. UniLogic, Fourth Edition, April 1984.
[—, TELE-A-GRAF] —. TELE-A-GRAF User's Manual. Integrated Software Systems, 1984.
[—, The Chicago Manual of Style, 1982] —. The Chicago Manual of Style. The University of Chicago Press, 13th Edition, 1982.
[AAUP, One Book/Five Ways] Association of American University Presses. One Book/Five Ways. William Kaufmann, 1978.
[Alexander, Editor Aids] —. ``Computer Aids for Authors and Editors,'' The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 13 10. February 13, 1984, 3-18.
[Alexander, Micros] George A. Alexander. ``Micros in Publishing: The Push is On,'' The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 13 16. May 14, 1984.
[Alexander, Tyxset] George A. Alexander. ``TEX on a Micro: The Tyxset Typesetting System,'' The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems 14 4. October 29, 1984, 9-14.
[Allman, -me] Eric Allman. -me Reference Manual. Unpublished manuscript, 1983.
[ANSI, GKS] ANSI Technical Committee X3H3 — Computer Graphics. ``Graphical Kernel System,'' Computer Graphics. Special GKS Issue, February 1984.
[Aspvall&Shiloach, Linear Inequalities] Bengt Aspvall and Yossi Shiloach. ``A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Solving Systems of Linear Inequalities with Two Variables per Inequality,'' SIAM Journal of Computing 9 4. November 1980, 827-845.
[Baker, 5/4 Algorithm] Brenda S. Baker, Donna J. Brown, and Howard P. Katseff. ``A 5/4 Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Packing,'' Journal of Algorithms 2 4. December 1981, 348-361.
[Baker, Packings] Brenda S. Baker, E.G. Coffman Jr., and Ronald L. Rivest. ``Orthogonal Packings in Two Dimensions,'' SIAM Journal of Computing 9 4. November 1980, 846-855.
[Barnett, Computer Typesetting] Michael P. Barnett. Computer Typesetting: Experiments and Prospects. MIT Press, 1965.
[Baudelaire&Stone, Griffin] Patrick Baudelaire and Maureen Stone. ``Techniques for Interactive Raster Graphics,'' Computer Graphics 14 3. July 1980, 314-320.
[Baudelaire, Draw] Patrick C. Baudelaire. ``Draw Manual,'' Alto User's Handbook. Xerox PARC, 1979, 97-128.
[Beach&Stone, Graphical Style] Richard J. Beach and Maureen Stone. ``Graphical Style — Towards High Quality Illustrations,'' Computer Graphics 17 3. July 1983, 127-135.
[Beach, Computerized Typesetting] Richard J. Beach. Computerized Typesetting of Technical Documents. University of Waterloo Computer Science Technical Report CS-77-38, June 1977.
[Beach, CS740 project] Richard J. Beach. A Data Structure for Formatting Hierarchical Tables. Unpublished manuscript, December 1983.
[Beach, Paint] Richard J. Beach, John C. Beatty, Kellogg S. Booth, Eugene L. Fiume, and Darlene A. Plebon. ``The Message is the Medium: Multiprocess Structuring of an Interactive
Paint Program,'' Computer Graphics 16 3. July 1982, 277-287.
[Beach, PROFF] Richard J. Beach. Photon ROFF Text Formatter (PROFF). University of Waterloo, Computer Science Research Report, CS-76-08, April 1976.
[Beach, Typeset] Richard J. Beach. Type Reference Manual. Unpublished manuscript, 1981.
[Beatty, Picture] John C. Beatty, Janet S. Chin, and Henry F. Moll. ``An Interactive Documentation System,'' Computer Graphics 13 2. August 1979, 71-82.
[Bell, Sc.Am. illustration] Edward Bell. Personal communication concerning the many iterations needed by illustrators to meet the Scientific American style and quality expectations. 1983.
[Berg, Composition] N. Edward Berg. Electronic Composition. Graphic Arts Technical Foundation, 1975.
[Biggerstaff, TABLE] Ted Biggerstaff, D. Mack Endres, and Ira R. Forman. ``TABLE: Object Oriented Editing of Complex Structures,'' IEEE Conference on Software Productivity. 1984, 334-344.
[Booth&Gentleman, Anthropomorphism] K.S. Booth, W.M. Gentleman and Jonathan Schaeffer. ``Anthropomorphic Programming,'' Conference on Issues for Large Scale Computing. Salishan Lodge, Oregon, March 1982. Also available as University of Waterloo Computer Science Research Report, CS-82-47, February, 1984.
[Borning, Thinglab] Alan Borning. ThingLab — A Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory. PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1979. Also available as Xerox PARC Technical Report SSL-79-3, 1979 or Stanford Computer Science Department Report STAN-CS-79-746, July 1979.
[Brader, Incremental Formatter] Mark Stuart Brader. An Incremental Text Formatter. University of Waterloo, Computer Science Research Report, CS-81-12, April 1981.
[Cargill, Views] T.A. Cargill. A View of Source Text for Diversely Configurable Software. University of Waterloo, Computer Science Technical Report, CS-79-28, 1979.
[Carmody, Hypertext] S. Carmody, W. Gross, T.E. Nelson, D. Rice and A. van Dam. ``A Hypertext Editing System for the /360,'' in Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics [Faiman, Pertinent Graphics]. 1969.
[Chamberlin, JANUS] D.D. Chamberlin, et al. ``JANUS: An interactive document formatter based on declarative tags,'' IBM Systems Journal 21 3. 1982, 250-271.
[Cherry, Writing Tools] Lorinda L. Cherry. ``Writing Tools,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications 1. January 1982, 100-105.
[Coffman, 2D Packing] E.G. Coffman Jr., M.R. Garey, D.S. Johnson, and R.E. Tarjan. ``Performance Bounds for Level-Oriented Two-Dimensional Packing Algorithms,'' SIAM Journal of Computing 9 4. November 1980, 808-826.
[Corliss&Bozman, NBS53] C.H. Corliss and W.R. Bozman. ``Experimental Probabilities for Spectral Lines of Seventy Elements,'' NBS Monograph 53. July 20, 1962.
[Crow, Image Environment] F.C. Crow. ``A More Flexible Image Generation Environment,'' Computer Graphics 16 3. July 1982, 9-18.
[Dantzig, LP] G. Dantzig. Linear Programming and Extensions. Princeton University Press, 1963.
[Davis, Tabular Presentation] James A. Davis and Ann M. Jacobs. ``Tabular Presentation,'' International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1968, 497-509.
[Dyck, Computing] V.A. Dyck, J.D. Lawson, J.A. Smith, and R.J. Beach. Computing: An Introduction to Structured Problem Solving Using PASCAL. Reston, 1982.
[Dyck, FORTRAN77] V.A. Dyck, J.D. Lawson, and J.A. Smith. FORTRAN 77: An Introduction to Structured Problem Solving. Reston, 1983
[Dyck, PASCAL] V.A. Dyck, J.D. Lawson, J.A. Smith, and R.J. Beach. Computing: An Introduction to Structured Problem Solving Using PASCAL. Reston, 1982
[Dyck, WATFIV-S] V.A. Dyck, J.D. Lawson, and J.A. Smith. Introduction to Computing: Structured Problem Solving Using WATFIV-S. Reston, 1979
[Dyment, Corkscrew] Doug Dyment. ``A Corkscrew for the Software Bottleneck,'' Micros 1 2. October 1982, 21-24.
[Engelbart, NLS] Douglas C. Engelbart and William K. English. ``A research center for augmenting human intellect,'' AFIPS Conference Proceedings 33. 1968, 395-410.
[Engelbart, Terminals] Douglas C. Engelbart. ``Design considerations for knowledge workshop terminals,'' Proceedings of the National Computer Conference. June 1973, 221-227.
[Faiman, Pertinent Graphics] M. Faiman and J. Nievergelt (eds). Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics. University of Illinois, 1969.
[Furuta, Survey] Richard Furuta, Jeffery Scofield, and Alan Shaw. ``Document Formatting Systems: Survey, Concepts, and Issues,'' Computing Surveys 14 3. September 1982, 417-472.
[Garey&Johnson, NP] Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. W.H. Freeman and Company, 1979.
[George&Liu, Sparse Matrices] Alan George and Joseph W-H. Liu. Computer Solution of Large Sparse Positive Definite Matrices. Prentice-Hall, 1981.
[Goines, Alphabet] David Lance Goines. A Constructed Alphabet. David R. Godine, 1982.
[Good, Etude interface] Michael. Good. ``Etude and the Folklore of User Interfaces,'' SIGPLAN Notices 16 6. June 1981, 34-43.
[Gruhn, YFL] Ann M. Gruhn. The Yorktown Formatting Language. IBM Computer Science Research Report, RC6994, June 1, 1978.
[Hall, Tabular Presentation] Ray Ovid Hall. Handbook of Tabular Presentation. Ronald Press, New York, 1943.
[Hammer, Etude] Michael Hammer, et al. ``The implementation of Etude, an integrated and interactive document production system,'' SIGPLAN Notices 16 6. June 1981, 137-141.
[Hurlburt, The Grid] Allen Hurlburt. The Grid. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.
[Ilson, Etude] Richard Ilson. An Integrated Approach to Formatted Document Production. Masters thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, August 1980.
[Johnson, CACM] Stephen C. Johnson. Private communication concerning typesetting journal articles within Bell Laboratories, 1984.
[Johnson, JACM style] Stephen C. Johnson. Personal communication concerning the difficulties when typesetting journal articles for JACM. 1984.
[Kahn&Hewitt, Actors] Kenneth M. Kahn and Carl Hewitt. ``Dynamic Graphics Using Quasi Parallelism,'' Computer Graphics 12 3. August 1978, 357-362.
[Karmakar, LP] Karmakar. linear programming has practical implementation in polynomial time.
[Kernighan&Cherry, eqn] Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda Cherry. ``A System for Typesetting Mathematics,'' Communications of the ACM 18 3. March 1975, 151-157.
[Kernighan, ditroff] Brian W. Kernighan. A Typesetter-independent TROFF. Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report, 97, March 1982.
[Kernighan, pic] Brian W. Kernighan. ``PIC—A Language for Typesetting Graphics,'' Software—Practice and Experience 12 1. January 1982, 1-21.
[Khachiyan, LP] L.G. Khachiyan. ``A Polynomial Algorithm in Linear Programming,'' Doklady Akademiia nauk SSSR Novaia Seriia 244. 1979, 1093-1096. [English translation in Soviet Mathematics Doklady 20, 1979, 191-194.]
[Kimura, thesis] Gary D. Kimura. A Structure Editor and Model for Abstract Document Objects. PhD thesis, University of Washington, July 1984. Also available as Technical Report 84-07-04, Department of Computer Science, University of Washington.
[Kimura&Shaw, Abstract Documents] Gary D. Kimura and Alan C. Shaw. ``The Structure of Abstract Document Objects,'' SIGOA Newsletter 5 1-2. June 1984, 161-169.
[Knuth, AMS lecture] D.E. Knuth. ``Mathematical typography,'' Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society 1 2. March 1979, 337-372. Reprinted in TEX and METAFONT: New Directions in Typesetting. American Mathematical Society and Digital Press. 1979, Chapter 1.
[Knuth, Line Breaking] Donald E. Knuth and Michael F. Plass. ``Breaking Paragraphs into Lines,'' Software—Practice and Experience 11. 1981, 1119-1184.
[Knuth, METAFONT] D.E. Knuth. ``METAFONT, a system for alphabet design,'' TEX and METAFONT: New Directions in Typesetting. American Mathematical Society and Digital Press, 1979, Chapter 3.
[Knuth, The TEXbook] Donald E. Knuth. The TEXbook. Addison-Wesley, 1984.
[Lamport, LaTEX] Leslie Lamport. The LaTEX Document Preparation System. Unpublished manuscript, February 11, 1984.
[Lampson, Bravo] Butler W. Lampson. ``Bravo Manual,'' Alto User's Handbook. Xerox PARC, 1979, 31-62.
[Leith, Metal type] Robert Leith. Private communication concerning typesetting customers insisting on metal type for legal documents to avoid the potential for errors in electronic compositions sytems using phototypesetters, 1981.
[Lesk, -ms] M.E. Lesk. Typing Document on the UNIX System: Using the —ms macros with Troff and Nroff. Bell Laboratories Internal Memorandum, October 8, 1976.
[Lesk, refer] M.E. Lesk. Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the UNIX System. Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report, 69, June 1978.
[Lesk, tbl] M.E. Lesk. Tbl - A Program to Format Tables. Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report, 49, September 1976.
[Liang, Hyphenation] Frank Liang. his PhD thesis at Stanford on hyphenation.
[Lipkie, Star Graphics] Daniel E. Lipkie, Steven R. Evans, John K. Newlin, and Robert L. Weissman. ``Star Graphics: An Object-Oriented Implementation,'' Computer Graphics 16 3. July 1982, 115-124.
[Lusignan, ICCH3] Serge Lusignan and John S. North (eds). Computing in the Humanities: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing in the Humanties. University of Waterloo Press, 1977.
[Muller-Brockman, Grid Systems] Josef Muller-Brockman. Grid systems in graphic design. Hastings House Publishers, 1981.
[Macdonald, Writer's Workbench] Nina H. Macdonald, Lawrence T. Frase, Patricia S. Gingrich, and Stacey A. Keenan. ``The Writer's Workbench: Computer Aids for Text Analysis,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications 1. January 1982, 105-110.
[Monier, Scribe math] Louis Monier. Private communication concerning implementing mathematics formatting for Scribe, 1984.
[Myers, Incense] Brad A. Myers. ``Incense: A System for Displaying Data Structures,'' Computer Graphics 17 3. July 1983, 115-125.
[Knott, Napier commemorative] Cargill Gilston Knott, editor. Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume, Published for the Royal Society of Edinburough by Longmans Green and Co., London, 1915. p, illust plates, EMS QA 29 N2K5, copy Berkeley
[Nelson, Juno] Greg Nelson. ``Juno, a constraint-based graphics system,'' Computer Graphics 19 3. July 1985.
[Nelson, Program Verification] Greg Nelson. Techniques for Program Verification. Xerox PARC Technical Report CSL-81-10, 1981.
[Nelson, Literary Machines] Ted Nelson. Literary Machines. Ted Nelson, Swarthmore, PA, 1981.
[Nelson, Xanadu] Theodor H. Nelson. ``Replacing the Printed Word: A Complete Literary System,'' Information Processing 1980, IFIPS. 1980, 1013-1023.
[Newman&Sproull, Computer Graphics] W.M. Newman and R.F. Sproull. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Second edition. McGraw Hill, 1973.
[Newman, Markup] William M. Newman. ``Markup Manual,'' Alto User's Handbook. Xerox PARC, 1979, 85-96.
[Ossanna, troff] Joseph F. Ossanna. NROFF/TROFF User's Manual. Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report, 54, October 1976.
[Ousterhout, Corner Stitching] John K. Ousterhout. Corner Stitching: A Data Structure Technique for VLSI Layout Tools. University of California, Berkeley, Computer Science Division Report UCB/CSD82/114, December 1982.
[Peck, Chaucer] Russell A. Peck (ed). Chaucer's Lyrics and Anelida and Arcite. University of Toronto Press, 1983.
[Phillips, Computer Typesetting] Arthur Phillips. Computer Peripherals and Typesetting. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1968.
[Phillips, Handbookd] Arthur H. Phillips. Handbook of Computer-Aided Composition. Marcel Dekker, 1980.
[Phillips, Tabular Composition] Arthur H. Phillips. ``Tabular Composition,'' The Seybold Report 8 23. August 13, 1979.
[Pierson, PAGE-1] John Pierson. Computer Composition using PAGE-1. Wiley-Interscience, 1972.
[Plass, Optimal Pagination] Michael F. Plass. Optimal Pagination Techniques for Automatic Typesetting Systems. Xerox PARC Technical Report, ISL-81-1, August, 1981.
[Plass, pagination] Michael F. Plass. Optimal Pagination Techniques for Automatic Typesetting Systems. Xerox PARC Technical Report, ISL-81-1, August, 1981.
[Reid, Scribe thesis] Brian K. Reid. Scribe: A Document Specification Language and its Compiler. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, October 1980.
[Ritchie, Turing Lecture] Dennis M. Ritchie. ``Reflections on Software Research,'' 1983 ACM Turing Award Lecture, Communications of the ACM 27 8. August 1984, 758-760.
[Rosenthal, Graphical Resources] David S.H. Rosenthal. ``Managing Graphical Resources,'' Computer Graphics 17 1. January 1983, 38-45.
[Saltzer, RUNOFF] J. Saltzer. ``Manuscript typing and editing: TYPSET, RUNOFF,'' The Compatible Time-Sharing System: A programmer's guide. MIT Press, 1965, Section AH.9.01.
[Seybold, Fundamentals] John W. Seybold. Fundamentals of Modern Photocomposition. Seybold Publications, 1979.
[Seybold, MacWrite] Seybold. survey of Macintosh word processing tools and the ImageWriter.
[Seybold, Xerox's Star] Jonathan Seybold. ``Xerox's Star,'' The Seybold Report 10 16. April 27 1981.
[Shand, CornerStitching] Mark Shand. CornerStitching. Unpublished manuscript, December 1984.
[Smith, Star Interface] David Canfield Smith, Charles Irby, Ralph Kimball, and Eric Harslem. ``The Star User Interface: An Overview,'' Proceedings of National Computer Conference. June 1982, 515-528.
[Stevens, NBS99] Mary Elizabeth Stevens and John L. Little. ``Automatic Typographic-Quality Typesetting Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Review,'' NBS Monograph 99. April 7, 1967.
[Strachey, GPM] C. Strachey. ``General-Purpose Macrogenerator,'' Computer Journal. October 1965.
[Sutherland, Sketchpad] I.E. Sutherland. ``SKETCHPAD: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System,'' SJCC. 1963, 329.
[Teitelman, Cedar] Warren Teitelman. The Cedar Programming Environment: A Midterm Report and Examination. Xerox PARC Technical Report, CSL-83-11, June 1984.
[Thomas, Graphics Parameters] Elaine L. Thomas. ``Methods for Specifiying Display Parameters in Graphics Programming Languages,'' ACM SIGPLAN/SIGGRAPH symposium on Graphic Languages. April 26-27, 1976, 54-56.
[Tilbrook, NEWSWHOLE] David M. Tilbrook. A Newspaper Pagination System. Masters thesis, Computer Science Department, University of Toronto, 1976.
[Updike, Printing Types] Daniel Berkeley Updike. Printing types, their history, forms, and use: a study in survivals, 2nd edition. Harvard University Press, 1937. Reprinted by Dover, 1980.
[van Leunen, Handbook] Mary-Claire van Leunen. A Handbook for Scholars. Alfred A. Knopf, 1978
[van Leunen, One Document] Mary-Claire van Leunen. How I Wrote One Document. Unpublished manuscript, February 2, 1984.
[van Wyk, ideal] Christopher J. van Wyk. ``A Graphics Typesetting Language,'' SIGPLAN Notices 16 6. June 1981, 99-107.
[Warnock&Wyatt, CedarGraphics] John Warnock and Douglas K. Wyatt. ``A Device Independent Graphics Imaging Model for Use with Raster Devices,'' Computer Graphics 16 3. July 1982, 313-319.
[White, Picc] Alex R. White. Picc — A C-based Illustration Language. Masters thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 1981.
[Williamson, Book Design] Hugh Williamson. Methods of Book Design. Oxford University Press, 1966.
[Winograd&Paxton, TEX Indexing] Terry Winograd and Bill Paxton. ``An Indexing Facility for TEX'', Tugboat (TEX users' group newsletter), 1 1, October 1980, Appendix A.
[Witten, Traps] Ian H. Witten, Mike Bonham, and Evelyne Strong. ``On the Power of Traps and Diversions in a Document Preparation Language,'' Software—Practice and Experience 12. 1982, 1119-1131.
[Zabula-Salelles, GOB] Ignatio Andres Zabula-Salelles. Interacting with Graphic Objects. Stanford Computer Science Department Report, STAN-CS-82-960, December 1982.
[Zeisel, Figures] Hans Zeisel. Say It With Figures. Harper & Row, Fourth edition, 1957.