FindTool.Doc    1-Nov-81 16:47:52

by Bill Paxton

(-- not up to date as of 1-Nov-81 16:47:52 --)

Documentation for Find and Substitute:

The Target is a text field containing the search pattern.
	Clear and select the field by using Target as a button.

The Search Forward! command searches from the selection
	toward the end of the file.

The Search Backwards! command searches from the selection
	toward the start of the file.

There are several switches controlling the search.
	Toggle them by hitting the ">>" buttons.

If you specify Matching looks and a character in the pattern has looks,
	the looks of a matching character must also have those looks.
	For example, if the pattern includes a * with looks x and y,
	the characters matching the * will have looks x and y too.
	The matching characters may have other looks too.

If you specify Matching Literally, 
	the text of the match must be exactly the same as the target.

If you specify Matching as Pattern
	Alpha characters in the target match independent of case
		unless preceeded by a single quote (').
	The following characters have special meaning in the target:
	' means match the following character in the pattern exactly
		Use this to override the special meaning of the next character
		or to cause upper vs. lower case to matter in the match.
	# matches any single character
	* matches any number of characters (including 0)
		Matches shortest sequence that allows rest of pattern to match.
	@ matches any single alphanumeric character
	& matches any number of alphanumeric characters (including 0)
		Matches shortest sequence that allows rest of pattern to match.
	! matches any single non-alphanumeric character
	~ matches any number of non-alphanumeric characters (including 0)
		Matches shortest sequence that allows rest of pattern to match.
	| matches a search boundary
		A search boundary is a non-alphanumeric at start and end of search text
		doesn't actually exist in search text, but is added automatically by matcher
		useful if want to match at start or end of nodes, for example
		| must be first or last character of pattern
	{ marks the beginning of the match for selection or replacement
	} marks the end of the match for selection or replacement

If you specify Matching Words Only,
	the pattern is in effect replaced by !{pattern}!
	so that it will only match when bounded by non-alphanumeric characters.

The Source field is used for Replace and Substitute commands.
	Clear and select the field by using Source as a button.

The Replace command replaces the selection by the contents of the Source.

The Yes command does a Replace followed by a Search Forward.
The No command simply does a Search Forward.
	These are intended for use in making selective substitutes.

The Substitute command searches within the selection
	replacing text that matches the current pattern.