DIRECTORY Basics USING [HWORD]; XNSErrorTypes: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ BEGIN ErrorType: TYPE ~ Basics.HWORD; ErrorParam: TYPE ~ Basics.HWORD; unspecifiedErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 0]; badChecksumErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 1]; noSocketErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 2]; resourceLimitsErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 3]; listenerRejectErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 4]; invalidPacketTypeErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 5]; protocolViolationErr: ErrorType ~ [0, 6]; unspecifiedInRouteErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 0]; inconsistentErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 1]; cantGetThereErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 2]; excessHopsErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 3]; tooBigErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 4]; congestionWarningErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 5]; congestionDiscardErr: ErrorType ~ [2, 6]; noErr: ErrorType ~ [39, 16]; connectionLimitErr: ErrorType ~ [39, 17]; nullParam: ErrorParam ~ [0,0]; END. œXNSErrorTypes.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Demers, December 19, 1986 8:29:22 pm PST Error Types for XNS Level 2 Error Protocol per XSIS 028112, December 1981. Error Types for packets that got to destination machine but weren't processed Error Types for packets that didn't get to destination machine "Used by ForwardBuffer for various hacks" Default Error Parameter Κ˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™K˜*K˜$K˜$K˜"K˜K˜)K˜)—K˜™)K˜K˜)K˜—™K˜——Kšžœ˜J˜J˜J˜J˜J˜—…—Η