DIRECTORY Atom USING [GetPName], BasicTime USING [earliestGMT, GMT, Now, Period], Booting USING [RegisterProcs, RollbackProc], Process USING [Abort, Detach, EnableAborts, MsecToTicks, SetTimeout], RemoteFile USING [GetProcsProc, GetServerProc, ServerHandle, ServerObject, ServerProcs, ServerProcsObject, SweepProc, ValidateProc], Rope USING [Concat, EqualSubstrs, Length, ROPE, Substr], SymTab USING [Create, Delete, EachPairAction, Erase, Fetch, Pairs, Ref, Store], UserCredentials USING [CredentialsChangeProc, RegisterForChange] ; RemoteFileImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, BasicTime, Booting, Process, Rope, SymTab, UserCredentials EXPORTS RemoteFile ~{ GetServerProc: TYPE ~ RemoteFile.GetServerProc; GMT: TYPE ~ BasicTime.GMT; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; ServerHandle: TYPE ~ RemoteFile.ServerHandle; secsBetweenSweeps: INT _ 6; downServerTTL: CARD _ 60; -- seconds waitForServerTimeout: INT _ 13; -- seconds Registration: TYPE ~ REF RegistrationObject; RegistrationObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ next: Registration, flavor: ATOM, nameSuffix: ROPE, -- constructed from flavor getServer: GetServerProc ]; registrations: Registration _ NIL; Register: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [flavor: ATOM, getServer: GetServerProc] ~ { p, prev: Registration; nameSuffix: ROPE _ Rope.Concat["-", Atom.GetPName[flavor]]; FOR p _ registrations, WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.flavor = flavor THEN { IF prev = NIL THEN registrations _ ELSE _; EXIT; }; prev _ p; ENDLOOP; IF getServer # NIL THEN registrations _ NEW[RegistrationObject _ [registrations, flavor, nameSuffix, getServer]]; }; serverTab: SymTab.Ref _ SymTab.Create[case~FALSE]; lastSweepTime: BasicTime.GMT _ BasicTime.earliestGMT; readyToSweep: CONDITION; Daemon: PROC ~ { seconds: INT; CallSweep: SymTab.EachPairAction -- [key, val] RETURNS [quit] -- ~ { h: ServerHandle ~ NARROW[val]; h.procs.sweep[h, CARD[seconds]]; RETURN [FALSE]; }; WaitReadyToSweep: ENTRY PROC ~ INLINE { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; DO thisSweepTime: BasicTime.GMT ~ BasicTime.Now[]; seconds _ BasicTime.Period[from~lastSweepTime, to~thisSweepTime]; IF seconds >= secsBetweenSweeps THEN { lastSweepTime _ thisSweepTime; EXIT; }; WAIT readyToSweep; ENDLOOP; }; TRUSTED { Process.EnableAborts[@readyToSweep]; Process.SetTimeout[@readyToSweep, Process.MsecToTicks[INT[1000]*secsBetweenSweeps]]; }; DO WaitReadyToSweep[]; [] _ SymTab.Pairs[serverTab, CallSweep]; ENDLOOP; }; Rollback: ENTRY Booting.RollbackProc ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; SymTab.Erase[serverTab]; lastSweepTime _ BasicTime.Now[]; }; CredentialsChange: ENTRY UserCredentials.CredentialsChangeProc ~ { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; SymTab.Erase[serverTab]; lastSweepTime _ BasicTime.Now[]; }; GetServerResponse: TYPE ~ REF GetServerResponseObject; GetServerResponseObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ nRunning: CARDINAL _ 0, wakeup: CONDITION, handle: ServerHandle _ NIL, downMsg: ROPE _ NIL ]; GetServer: PUBLIC PROC [server: ROPE] RETURNS [h: ServerHandle] ~ { obsolete: BOOL; downMsg: ROPE; kids: LIST OF PROCESS _ NIL; response: GetServerResponse; theRegistration: Registration; started: GMT; MakeChild: ENTRY PROC [r: Registration] RETURNS [p: PROCESS] ~ --INLINE-- { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; p _ FORK DoGetServer[r, server, response]; response.nRunning _ response.nRunning + 1; }; WaitForResponse: ENTRY PROC ~ --INLINE-- { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; WHILE (response.nRunning > 0) AND (response.handle = NIL) AND (response.downMsg = NIL) DO sinceStarted: INT ~ BasicTime.Period[from~started, to~BasicTime.Now[]]; IF sinceStarted >= waitForServerTimeout THEN EXIT; TRUSTED { Process.SetTimeout[@response.wakeup, Process.MsecToTicks[1000*(waitForServerTimeout-sinceStarted)+500]] }; WAIT response.wakeup; ENDLOOP; h _ response.handle; downMsg _ response.downMsg; }; h _ NARROW[SymTab.Fetch[serverTab, server].val]; IF h # NIL THEN { [obsolete, downMsg] _ h.procs.validate[h]; IF NOT obsolete THEN { IF downMsg # NIL THEN ErrorDownServer[h, downMsg]; RETURN; }; }; response _ NEW [GetServerResponseObject]; FOR theRegistration _ registrations, WHILE theRegistration # NIL DO suffixLen, pos: INT; suffixLen _ Rope.Length[theRegistration.nameSuffix]; pos _ Rope.Length[server] - suffixLen; IF (pos >= 0) AND Rope.EqualSubstrs[server, pos, suffixLen, theRegistration.nameSuffix, 0, suffixLen, FALSE] THEN { server _ Rope.Substr[server, 0, pos]; EXIT }; ENDLOOP; IF theRegistration # NIL THEN { DoGetServer[theRegistration, server, response]; h _ response.handle; IF h # NIL THEN _ Rope.Concat[, theRegistration.nameSuffix]; downMsg _ response.downMsg; } ELSE { started _ BasicTime.Now[]; TRUSTED { Process.EnableAborts[@response.wakeup] }; FOR each: Registration _ registrations, WHILE each # NIL DO kids _ CONS [MakeChild[each], kids]; ENDLOOP; WaitForResponse[]; FOR kid: LIST OF PROCESS _ kids, WHILE kid # NIL DO TRUSTED { Process.Abort[kid.first] }; TRUSTED { Process.Detach[kid.first] }; ENDLOOP; }; IF h = NIL THEN { IF downMsg = NIL THEN { downMsg _ "unknown server"; h _ MakeDownServer[server, $serverNotKnown, downMsg]; } ELSE { h _ MakeDownServer[server, $serverNotAvailable, downMsg]; }; }; [] _ SymTab.Store[serverTab,, h]; IF downMsg # NIL THEN ErrorDownServer[h, downMsg]; }; DoGetServer: PROC [r: Registration, server: ROPE, response: GetServerResponse] ~ { h: ServerHandle _ NIL; downMsg: ROPE _ NIL; NotifyDone: ENTRY PROC ~ --INLINE-- { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; response.nRunning _ response.nRunning - 1; IF (response.handle # NIL) OR (response.downMsg # NIL) THEN RETURN; SELECT TRUE FROM (h # NIL) OR (downMsg # NIL) => -- found it -- { response.handle _ h; response.downMsg _ downMsg; NOTIFY response.wakeup; }; (response.nRunning = 0) => -- nobody will find it -- { NOTIFY response.wakeup; }; ENDCASE; }; [h, downMsg] _ r.getServer[server ! Error -- can't happen--, ABORTED => CONTINUE]; NotifyDone[]; }; Error: PUBLIC ERROR [code: ATOM, msg: ROPE] ~ CODE; ErrorDownServer: PROC [h: ServerHandle, downMsg: ROPE _ NIL] ~ { code: ATOM; WITH SELECT FROM d: DownServerData => { code _ d.errorCode; IF downMsg = NIL THEN downMsg _ d.downMsg; }; ENDCASE => { code _ $serverNotAvailable; }; ERROR Error[code, downMsg]; }; SetCachedServer: PUBLIC PROC [server: ROPE, flavor: ATOM] ~ { r: Registration; h: ServerHandle; downMsg: ROPE; FOR r _ registrations, WHILE (r # NIL) AND (r.flavor # flavor) DO NULL ENDLOOP; IF r = NIL THEN RETURN; [h, downMsg] _ r.getServer[server]; IF h = NIL THEN { code: ATOM; IF downMsg = NIL THEN { downMsg _ "unknown server"; code _ $serverNotKnown } ELSE { code _ $serverNotAvailable }; h _ MakeDownServer[server, code, downMsg]; }; [] _ SymTab.Store[serverTab, server, h]; }; ClearCachedServer: PUBLIC PROC [server: ROPE] ~ { [] _ SymTab.Delete[serverTab, server]; }; DownServerData: TYPE ~ REF DownServerDataObject; DownServerDataObject: TYPE ~ RECORD [ ttl: CARD, errorCode: ATOM, downMsg: ROPE ]; downServerProcs: RemoteFile.ServerProcs _ NEW[RemoteFile.ServerProcsObject _ [ sweep~SweepDownServer, validate~ValidateDownServer, getProcs~GetProcsDownServer ] ]; MakeDownServer: PROC [name: ROPE, errorCode: ATOM, downMsg: ROPE] RETURNS [h: ServerHandle] ~ { d: DownServerData _ NEW[DownServerDataObject _ [downServerTTL, errorCode, downMsg]]; h _ NEW[RemoteFile.ServerObject _ [$DOWN, name, downServerProcs, d]]; }; SweepDownServer: RemoteFile.SweepProc -- [h: ServerHandle, seconds: CARD] -- ~ { d: DownServerData _ NARROW[]; IF d.ttl > seconds THEN d.ttl _ d.ttl - seconds ELSE d.ttl _ 0; }; ValidateDownServer: RemoteFile.ValidateProc -- [h: ServerHandle] RETURNS [obsolete: BOOL, down: BOOL] -- ~ { d: DownServerData _ NARROW[]; RETURN[(d.ttl = 0), d.downMsg]; }; GetProcsDownServer: RemoteFile.GetProcsProc -- [h: ServerHandle, view: ATOM] RETURNS [procs: REF] -- ~ { ErrorDownServer[h]; RETURN [NIL]; }; Booting.RegisterProcs[r~Rollback]; UserCredentials.RegisterForChange[proc~CredentialsChange]; TRUSTED { Process.Detach[ FORK Daemon[] ] }; }... ®RemoteFileImpl.mesa Copyright Ó 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Demers, November 9, 1987 10:37:44 am PST Types Parameters Registration (Exported to RemoteFile) no ENABLE UNWIND Server Handle Cache Finding a server (exported to RemoteFile) Raises Error if server is down. set [h, downMsg] ... Error Controlling the flavor of a cached server (Exported to RemoteFile) Down server implementation Initialization Ê +˜codešœ™K™˜UKšœœ>˜EK˜K˜—šžœŸ&œ˜PKšœœ ˜#Kšœœœ ˜?K˜K˜—šžœŸ<œ˜lKšœœ ˜#Kšœ˜K˜K˜—šžœŸ8œ˜hKšœ˜Kšœœ˜ Kšœ˜K˜——L™K˜"Kšœ:˜:Kšœœ˜,K˜K˜—J˜—…—$+ý