DIRECTORY ArpaConfig USING [ourLocalName, specialDomains, validDomains], ArpaMT USING [Info, ParseHeaders, TranslateMessage, TranslateToGrapevine], ArpaSMTPDescr USING [Descr, GetFormat, GetGvSender, GetPrecedeMsgText, GetReturnPathLine, GetSource, RetrieveMsgStream, UniqueID, Unparse], ArpaSMTPGVSend USING [WithItemAction], ArpaSMTPSupport USING [HeaderParseError, Log], ArpaSMTPSyntax USING [EnumerateGVItems, GVItemProc, NormalizeName], ArpaSMTPQueue USING [DLWithoutUpArrow], Convert USING [RopeFromInt], FS USING [Delete, Error, StreamOpen], GVBasics USING [Connect, ItemType, maxGVStringLength, RName], GVNames USING [Expand, MemberInfo, GetMembers, NameType, RListHandle, GetConnect], GVSend USING [AddRecipient, AddToItem, CheckValidity, Create, Handle, Send, SendFailed, SetMailDropList, StartItem, StartSend, StartSendInfo], GVProtocol USING [GetSocket], IO USING [Close, GetBlock, GetLength, RopeFromROS, ROS, STREAM], RefText USING [ObtainScratch, ReleaseScratch, TrustTextAsRope], Pup USING [Address], PupName USING [Error, NameLookup], Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Fetch, Find, IsEmpty, Length, ROPE, Substr], GVSendImpl USING [serverAddr, serverKnown]; ArpaSMTPGVSendImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS ArpaConfig, ArpaMT, ArpaSMTPDescr, ArpaSMTPSupport, ArpaSMTPSyntax, ArpaSMTPQueue, Convert, FS, GVNames, GVProtocol, GVSend, GVSendImpl, IO, PupName, RefText, Rope EXPORTS ArpaSMTPGVSend SHARES GVSendImpl = -- Need to manipulate GV server cache to avoid overloading server BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; totalGvMsgsSent: PUBLIC INT _ 0; totalGvBytesSent: PUBLIC INT _ 0; gvMsgCounter: INT _ 0; gvMsgCountSwitch: INT _ 1; arpaMailDropAddresses: PupAddresses; PupAddresses: TYPE = REF PupAddressSeq; PupAddressSeq: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE possible: CARDINAL OF Pup.Address]; thisServer: CARDINAL _ 0; maxServer: CARDINAL _ 0; Connection: TYPE = REF ConnectionRep; -- so it can be opaque ConnectionRep: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD[stream: GVSend.Handle, bytes: INT]; Open: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [conn: Connection] = { RETURN[NEW[ConnectionRep _ [GVSend.Create[], 0]]]; -- no errors; connection not opened until item sent }; SendItem: PUBLIC PROC [descr: ArpaSMTPDescr.Descr, recipList: LIST OF ROPE, conn: Connection] = { handle: GVSend.Handle =; numAttempts: INT _ 0; BEGIN ENABLE GVSend.SendFailed => IF NOT notDelivered THEN { ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[noteworthy, "GVSend had difficulty sending the following item:\n", ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr, long], "Last error was ", why, "."]; CONTINUE; -- i.e. RETURN } ELSE IF (numAttempts _ numAttempts + 1) > 10 THEN { ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[important, "GVSend failed 10 times to send the following item:\n", ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr, long], "Last error was ", why, ".\nWill try again later."]; ERROR Failed[withItem: retryLater, reason: Rope.Concat["GVSend failed 10 times: ", why], problemWithGV: FALSE]; } ELSE { ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[noteworthy, "GVSend failed to send the following item: ", ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr], ".\nLast error was ", why, ". Retrying."]; RETRY; }; sender: ROPE _ ArpaSMTPDescr.GetGvSender[descr]; returnTo: ROPE _ ArpaSMTPDescr.GetGvSender[descr]; badRecipients: ROPE _ NIL; good: INT _ 0; getPrecedeMsgText: ROPE _ ArpaSMTPDescr.GetPrecedeMsgText[descr]; getReturnPathLine: ROPE _ ArpaSMTPDescr.GetReturnPathLine[descr]; buffer: REF TEXT; bufferRope: ROPE; -- these two are punned startResult: GVSend.StartSendInfo; msgStream: STREAM; gvDL: BOOL _ FALSE; SendGVMsgItem: ArpaSMTPSyntax.GVItemProc = { -- GV format only, for the Enumerate proc iType: GVBasics.ItemType = itemHeader.type; IF iType = PostMark OR iType = Sender OR iType = ReturnTo OR iType = Recipients OR iType = LastItem THEN RETURN; IF iType = Tioga1 OR iType IN [Smalltalk..lastSmallTalk] OR iType IN [Interlisp..lastInterlisp] OR iType = GGW THEN RETURN; GVSend.StartItem[handle~handle, type~itemHeader.type]; IF iType = Text THEN { IF getReturnPathLine # NIL THEN { -- Not likely GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: getReturnPathLine]; GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: "\n"]; conn.bytes _ conn.bytes + getReturnPathLine.Length[] + 1; getReturnPathLine _ NIL; }; IF getPrecedeMsgText # NIL THEN { GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: getPrecedeMsgText]; GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: "\n"]; conn.bytes _ conn.bytes + getPrecedeMsgText.Length[] + 1; getPrecedeMsgText _ NIL; }; }; SendGVMsgItemData[handle, msgStream, itemHeader.length]; }; SendGVMsgItemData: PROC [handle: GVSend.Handle, itemStream: STREAM, nBytes: INT] = { WHILE nBytes > 0 DO nBytesRead: INT; nBytesRead _ itemStream.GetBlock[ block: buffer, count: MIN[nBytes, buffer.maxLength]]; IF nBytesRead = 0 THEN EXIT; -- Grapevine error (item length wrong), ignore nBytes _ nBytes - nBytesRead; GVSend.AddToItem[handle~handle, buffer~bufferRope]; conn.bytes _ conn.bytes + nBytesRead; ENDLOOP; }; AddBadRecip: PROC [positionInList: INT, name: ROPE] = { good _ good - 1; IF badRecipients # NIL THEN badRecipients _ Rope.Concat[badRecipients, "\n"]; badRecipients _ Rope.Cat[badRecipients, "\t\"", name, "\" => invalid recipient"]; }; FOR list: LIST OF ROPE _ recipList, UNTIL list = NIL DO recipient: ROPE _ list.first; IF (Rope.Find[recipient, "^"] # -1 AND ValidDL[recipient]) OR ArpaSMTPQueue.DLWithoutUpArrow[recipient] THEN { returnTo _ Rope.Cat["Owners-", recipient]; gvDL _ TRUE; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; sender _ ValidSender[sender, descr]; IF ~gvDL THEN returnTo _ ValidSender[returnTo, descr]; SELECT ArpaSMTPDescr.GetFormat[descr] FROM gv => NULL; arpa => { input: IO.STREAM _ ArpaSMTPDescr.RetrieveMsgStream[descr]; errors: IO.STREAM = IO.ROS[]; info: ArpaMT.Info _ ArpaMT.ParseHeaders[input, errors]; input.Close[]; ArpaMT.TranslateToGrapevine[info]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; startResult _ GVSend.StartSend[ handle: handle, sender: sender, senderPwd: "", returnTo: returnTo, validate: TRUE]; SELECT startResult FROM ok => NULL; badSender, badPwd => { -- something is wrong! ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[ CRITICAL, "Grapevine refused input, claiming \"bad ", IF startResult = badSender THEN "sender" ELSE "password", "\" for sender \"", sender, "\".\nWill try again later, though intervention is probably required."]; ERROR Failed[ withItem: retryLater, reason: "Grapevine said bad sender/password", problemWithGV: FALSE]; }; badReturnTo => { ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[ATTENTION, "Grapevine StartSend failed, claiming \"bad ReturnTo\" for the name \"", returnTo, "\"\nwhen I tried to send the following item:\n", ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr, long], "Will place that item on the BadQueue. Edit the file and requeue."]; ERROR Failed[ withItem: retryLater, reason: "Grapevine said bad ReturnTo", problemWithGV: FALSE]; }; allDown => { ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[important, "Grapevine StartSend failed, claiming \"all down\" ", "when I tried to send the following item: ", ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr], ".\nWill try again later."]; ERROR Failed[ withItem: retryLater, reason: "All GV servers are down", problemWithGV: TRUE]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; FOR restRecips: LIST OF ROPE _ recipList, UNTIL restRecips = NIL DO who: ROPE _ restRecips.first; good _ good + 1; {bad: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; FOR list: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ ArpaConfig.validDomains, UNTIL list = NIL DO domain: Rope.ROPE _ list.first; IF DotTailed[who, domain] THEN {bad _ TRUE; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF bad THEN {AddBadRecip[0,who]; LOOP}; }; GVSend.AddRecipient[handle: handle, recipient: who]; ENDLOOP; [] _ GVSend.CheckValidity[handle: handle, notify: AddBadRecip]; conn.bytes _ 0; msgStream _ ArpaSMTPDescr.RetrieveMsgStream[descr]; buffer _ RefText.ObtainScratch[512]; bufferRope _ RefText.TrustTextAsRope[buffer]; SELECT ArpaSMTPDescr.GetFormat[descr] FROM gv => { ArpaSMTPSyntax.EnumerateGVItems[GVStream: msgStream, proc: SendGVMsgItem]; }; arpa => { DeleteVersions: PROC[name: Rope.ROPE, nVersions: CARDINAL] = {FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..nVersions) DO FS.Delete[name]; ENDLOOP;}; tempName: ROPE = "///MG/ToGrapevine"; keep: CARDINAL = 5; temp: IO.STREAM; errors: IO.STREAM = IO.ROS[]; temp _ FS.StreamOpen[fileName: tempName, accessOptions: $create, keep: keep ! FS.Error => {IF error.code = $noMoreVersions THEN {DeleteVersions[tempName, keep]; RETRY}}]; ArpaMT.TranslateMessage[in: msgStream, out: temp, error: errors, direction: toGrapevine, id: ArpaSMTPDescr.UniqueID[descr] ]; msgStream.Close[]; temp.Close[]; msgStream _ FS.StreamOpen[tempName, $read]; GVSend.StartItem[handle, Text]; IF getReturnPathLine # NIL THEN { GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: getReturnPathLine]; GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: "\n"]; conn.bytes _ conn.bytes + getReturnPathLine.Length[] + 1; }; IF getPrecedeMsgText # NIL THEN { GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: getPrecedeMsgText]; GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: "\n"]; conn.bytes _ conn.bytes + getPrecedeMsgText.Length[] + 1; }; IF errors.GetLength[] # 0 THEN { IF FALSE THEN { comment: ROPE = "Comment: ***** Troubles parsing headers. Fixups may look strange.\n"; GVSend.AddToItem[ handle: handle, buffer: comment]; GVSend.AddToItem[handle: handle, buffer: IO.RopeFromROS[errors]]; conn.bytes _ conn.bytes + comment.Length[]; }; ArpaSMTPSupport.HeaderParseError[recipList, descr]; }; SendGVMsgItemData[ handle: handle, itemStream: msgStream, nBytes: msgStream.GetLength[]]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; msgStream.Close[]; GVSend.Send[handle]; RefText.ReleaseScratch[buffer]; IF badRecipients = NIL THEN { totalGvMsgsSent _ totalGvMsgsSent +1; totalGvBytesSent _ totalGvBytesSent + conn.bytes; MaybeRotateGvServer[]; ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[noteworthy, ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr], Bytes[conn.bytes], "Grapevine."]; } ELSE { reason: ROPE; IF badRecipients # NIL THEN reason _ Rope.Cat[reason, "Unable to deliver msg to the following recipients:\n", badRecipients, "."]; IF good > 0 THEN reason _ Rope.Cat[ reason, "\nSuccessfully delivered to some recipients."]; ArpaSMTPSupport.Log[ noteworthy, ArpaSMTPDescr.Unparse[descr], " will be returned because.\n", reason]; ERROR Failed[withItem: returnToSender, reason: reason, problemWithGV: FALSE]; } END; }; MaybeRotateGvServer: PROC = { gvMsgCounter _ gvMsgCounter +1; IF gvMsgCounter = gvMsgCountSwitch THEN { gvMsgCounter _ 0; IF thisServer >= maxServer THEN thisServer _ 0 ELSE thisServer _ thisServer +1; GVSendImpl.serverAddr _ arpaMailDropAddresses[thisServer]; GVSendImpl.serverKnown _ TRUE}; }; SetMailDropAddresses: PROC[who: GVBasics.RName] = { mInfo: GVNames.MemberInfo = GVNames.GetMembers[who]; count: INT _ -1; SELECT mInfo.type FROM notFound, individual => ERROR; allDown => ERROR; group => { m: group GVNames.MemberInfo = NARROW[mInfo, group GVNames.MemberInfo]; IF m.count = 0 THEN ERROR; maxServer _ m.count-1; arpaMailDropAddresses _ NEW[PupAddressSeq[m.count]]; FOR member: GVNames.RListHandle _ m.members, UNTIL member = NIL DO cInfo: GVNames.NameType; connect: GVBasics.Connect; [cInfo, connect] _ GVNames.GetConnect[member.first]; SELECT cInfo FROM individual => BEGIN addr: Pup.Address = PupName.NameLookup[connect, GVProtocol.GetSocket[RSEnquiry] ! PupName.Error => GOTO Cant]; count _ count +1; arpaMailDropAddresses[count] _ addr; EXITS Cant => NULL; END; ENDCASE => NULL; -- ignore others ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF count < 0 THEN ERROR; -- need at least one server GVSendImpl.serverAddr _ arpaMailDropAddresses[thisServer]; GVSendImpl.serverKnown _ TRUE; }; Failed: PUBLIC ERROR [withItem: ArpaSMTPGVSend.WithItemAction, reason: ROPE, problemWithGV: BOOL] = CODE; Bytes: PROC [bytes: INT] RETURNS [rope: ROPE] = { rope _ Rope.Cat[" sent ", Convert.RopeFromInt[bytes], " bytes to "]; }; ValidSender: PROC [raw: ROPE, descr: ArpaSMTPDescr.Descr] RETURNS [arpa: ROPE] = BEGIN tmp: ROPE; IF raw = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; arpa _ MinimalValidPath[raw]; -- @Foo:X@Y case SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Find[arpa, ","] # -1 => { tmp _ Rope.Cat["\"", arpa, "\"@", ArpaConfig.ourLocalName]; IF Rope.Length[tmp] > GVBasics.maxGVStringLength THEN arpa _ MinimalValidPath[arpa] ELSE arpa _ tmp; }; arpa.Fetch[0] = '@ => { tmp _ Rope.Cat["\"", arpa, "\"@", ArpaConfig.ourLocalName]; IF Rope.Length[tmp] > GVBasics.maxGVStringLength THEN arpa _ MinimalValidPath[arpa] ELSE arpa _ tmp; }; SpecialDomain[arpa] => NULL; -- User@Host.bitnet, .csnet, or .uucp ENDCASE => BEGIN user, host, newHost: ROPE; [user, host] _ BreakName[arpa, '@]; newHost _ ArpaSMTPSyntax.NormalizeName[host]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[newHost] THEN { arpa _ Rope.Cat["\"", arpa, "\"@", ArpaConfig.ourLocalName]; } ELSE arpa _ Rope.Cat[user, "@", newHost]; END; IF arpa.Fetch[0] = '@ THEN arpa _ Rope.Cat["\"", arpa, "\"@", ArpaConfig.ourLocalName]; IF Rope.Length[arpa] > GVBasics.maxGVStringLength THEN { IF Rope.Length[raw] > GVBasics.maxGVStringLength OR raw.Fetch[0] = '@ THEN arpa _ Rope.Cat["SenderNameTooLong@", ArpaSMTPDescr.GetSource[descr]] ELSE arpa _ raw; }; END; MinimalValidPath: PROC [raw: ROPE] RETURNS [minPath: ROPE] = { left, right: ROPE; user, host, gateway: ROPE; IF raw = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; IF raw.Fetch[0] # '@ THEN RETURN[raw]; [left, right] _ BreakName[raw, ':]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[left] OR Rope.IsEmpty[right] THEN RETURN[raw]; [user, host] _ BreakName[right, '@]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[user] OR Rope.IsEmpty[host] THEN RETURN[raw]; IF Rope.Find[host, ".",, FALSE] = -1 THEN host _ Rope.Cat[host, ".ARPA"]; IF ~SpecialDomain[host] THEN { newHost: ROPE _ ArpaSMTPSyntax.NormalizeName[host]; IF ~Rope.IsEmpty[newHost] THEN RETURN[Rope.Cat[user, "@", newHost]]; }; [, gateway] _ BreakName[left, '@]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[gateway] THEN RETURN[raw]; gateway _ ArpaSMTPSyntax.NormalizeName[gateway]; IF Rope.IsEmpty[gateway] THEN RETURN[raw]; minPath _ Rope.Cat["@", gateway]; minPath _ Rope.Cat[minPath, ":", user, "@", host]; }; SpecialDomain: PROC [raw: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { FOR list: LIST OF Rope.ROPE _ ArpaConfig.specialDomains, UNTIL list = NIL DO domain: Rope.ROPE _ list.first; IF DotTailed[raw, domain] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE];}; BreakName: PROC[name: Rope.ROPE, char: CHAR _ '.] RETURNS[left, right: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN length: INT = name.Length[]; FOR i: INT DECREASING IN [0..length) DO IF name.Fetch[i] = char THEN RETURN[ left: name.Substr[start: 0, len: i], right: name.Substr[start: i+1, len: length-(i+1)] ]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[left: NIL, right: NIL]; END; Tailed: PROC [body, tail: ROPE] RETURNS [match: BOOL] = { bodyLength: INT = body.Length[]; tailLength: INT = tail.Length[]; back: ROPE; IF bodyLength <= tailLength THEN RETURN[FALSE]; back _ Rope.Substr[body, bodyLength-tailLength, tailLength]; IF Rope.Equal[back, tail, FALSE] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; RETURN[FALSE]; }; DotTailed: PROC [body, tail: ROPE] RETURNS [match: BOOL] = { IF ~Tailed[body, tail] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; IF Rope.Fetch[body, Rope.Length[body]-Rope.Length[tail]-1] # '. THEN RETURN[FALSE]; RETURN[TRUE]; }; cacheOfKnownBadDLs: LIST OF ROPE; cacheOfKnownGoodDLs: LIST OF ROPE; ValidDL: PROC [dl: ROPE] RETURNS [valid: BOOL] = { FOR list: LIST OF ROPE _ cacheOfKnownGoodDLs, UNTIL list = NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[dl, list.first, FALSE] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; FOR list: LIST OF ROPE _ cacheOfKnownBadDLs, UNTIL list = NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[dl, list.first, FALSE] THEN RETURN[FALSE]; ENDLOOP; SELECT GVNames.Expand[dl].type FROM noChange => ERROR; group => { cacheOfKnownGoodDLs _ CONS[dl, cacheOfKnownGoodDLs]; RETURN[TRUE]; }; individual, notFound => { cacheOfKnownBadDLs _ CONS[dl, cacheOfKnownBadDLs]; RETURN[FALSE]; }; protocolError, wrongServer => ERROR; allDown => RETURN[TRUE]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; GVSend.SetMailDropList[""]; SetMailDropAddresses[""]; END. DArpaSMTPGVSendImpl.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: DCraft, December 21, 1983 1:11 pm Last Edited by: Taft, February 3, 1984 11:12:08 am PST Last Edited by: HGM, July 26, 1985 1:38:05 pm PDT John Larson, March 9, 1988 11:37:46 am PST Close: PROC [gvStream: Connection] = {}; Close is not a defined procedure because of the way Grapevine views "connections". The handle is only storage space; the connection is opened and closed by the GVSend calls StartSend and Send, respectively (called by SendItem). Since the stream is only opened by StartSend and is only closed by Send or if SendFailed is raised, we do not have to worry about closing the stream. bangs: ROPE _ NIL; Beware of bounds fault - count is a NAT This might confuse somebody if a msg is sent to several DLs, but that's better than having the confusion go back out the the net when a msg is sent to a DL and a person. With the new Domain naming scheme, normalizing names can take long enough so that sending a msg to GV times out while we are negotiating with the ARPA name servers. An extra translation here will load the cache. Order must be: StartSend, AddRecipient..., CheckValidity, [StartItem, AddToItem...]..., Send. Try StartSend and decode the result. Note that the StartSend..Send "loop" is only broken when an item is successfully sent, StartSend fails, or there are too many retries. This happens occasionally. I guess it's a server bug. Send and validate all the recipients, constructing a BadRecipients rope. Now send the message body. @A,@B:User@Host => comma would be bogus in rejection msgs Can't hack reverse path, so add ourLocalName User@Host (no .ARPA) Somebody fed us an alias rather than the truth. Normalize it. Yetch. Somebody fed us a bogus name in a return path. Rejection msgs from GV will probably not work. Κ˜headšœ™codešœ<™Mšœœ>˜JMšœœx˜‹Mšœœ˜&Mšœœ˜.Mšœœ/˜CMšœœ˜'Mšœœ˜Mšœœ˜%Mšœ œ/˜=MšœœE˜RMšœœ‚˜ŽMšœ œ ˜Mšœœ+œœ˜@Mšœœ2˜?Mšœœ ˜Mšœœ˜"Mšœœ4œ ˜LMšœ œ˜+——šΟnœœ˜!š˜Mšœ\œ+œ˜₯—Mšœ˜MšœΟcA˜VMš˜Mšœœœ˜Mšœœœœ˜Mšœœœ˜ Mšœœœ˜!Mšœœ˜Mšœœ˜Mšœ$˜$Mšœœœ˜'Mš œœœœ œœ˜JMšœ œ˜Mšœ œ˜M˜Mšœ œœŸ˜Jšœ œ˜Mšœœ˜Mš œœœœœ˜Jšœœœ˜&Mšœ#˜#Jšœœœœ˜>Mšœ$˜$Jšœœœœ˜=Mšœœœ!˜JJ˜šœœ˜Mšœœ&˜3Mšœ œ˜D˜J˜——Jšœ"˜"Jšœœœ˜*Jšœ0˜0Jšœœœ˜*Jšœ!˜!Jšœ2˜2J˜Jšœ˜J˜—š ž œœœœœ˜5š œœœœ(œœ˜VJšœ œ˜Jšœœœœ˜,Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜J˜J˜—š ž œœ œœœœ˜SJš˜Jšœœ˜š œœ œœ ˜'šœœœ˜$Jšœ$˜$Jšœ4˜4—Jšœ˜—Jšœœ œ˜Jšœ˜J˜J˜J˜M˜—š žœœœœ œ˜9Mšœ œ˜ Mšœ œ˜ Mšœœ˜ Mšœœœœ˜/Mšœ<˜œœœ˜SJšœœ˜—™Mšœœœœ˜!Mšœœœœ˜"M˜—š žœœœœ œ˜2š œœœœ"œœ˜KMš œœœœœ˜7Mšœ˜—š œœœœ!œœ˜JMš œœœœœ˜8Mšœ˜—šœ˜#Jšœ œ˜šœ ˜ Mšœœ˜4Mšœœ˜—šœ˜Mšœœ˜2Mšœœ˜—Jšœœ˜$Jšœ œœ˜Jšœœ˜——Mšœ*˜*Mšœ(˜(Mšœ˜——…—=Wq