DOMFWR(D) [domfwr.ea: DomainFile write. D = ("DOMAINFILEdate", key, data) is a domain specification, where key is either "Z", "Q", "ZMOD", or "QEXT", and data is either () (Z and Q), (m) (ZMOD), or (V, M, (u, v)) (QEXT).] (1) FIRST3(D;H,K,A); cwrite('('); cwrite(' '); clout(H); emptob; if EQUAL(K,"Z") then { clout("Z"); emptob }; if EQUAL(K,"Q") then { clout("Q"); emptob }; if EQUAL(K,"ZMOD") then { clout("ZMOD "); IWRITE(A); emptob }; if EQUAL(K,"QEXT") then { clout("QEXT "); FIRST3(A;V,M,J); ANWRL(V,M,J); emptob }; cwrite(')'); emptob; return.. HJf) *\|