DIRECTORY Imager USING [Context], IO USING [STREAM], IPMaster USING [Skeleton], Rope USING [ROPE]; Interpress: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ~ BEGIN ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE ~ IO.STREAM; LogProc: TYPE ~ PROC [master: OpenMaster, class: INT, code: ATOM, explanation: ROPE]; OpenMaster: TYPE ~ REF OpenMasterRep; OpenMasterRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [ pages: INT, -- number of pages in the master skeleton: IPMaster.Skeleton, -- skeleton structure of the master logProc: LogProc, -- error logging procedure logData: REF, -- data for the logProc impl: REF OpenMasterImplRep -- implementation details ]; OpenMasterImplRep: TYPE; Open: PROC [fileName: ROPE, logProc: LogProc, logData: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [OpenMaster]; FromStream: PROC [stream: STREAM, logProc: LogProc, logData: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [OpenMaster]; DoPage: PROC[master: OpenMaster, page: INT, context: Imager.Context]; AddMaster: PROC [master: OpenMaster, inner: PROC]; GetMaster: PROC RETURNS [OpenMaster]; END. ΦInterpress.mesa Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Doug Wyatt, November 12, 1985 9:35:07 pm PST Michael Plass, June 7, 1985 3:31:24 pm PDT Opens the named Interpress master and executes the preamble. Executes a page of the master; page IN[1..master.pages]. Uses ProcessProps to add an $InterpressMaster property for the duration of the call of inner. Returns the current value of the $InterpressMaster property, NIL if none found. Κώ˜codešœ™Kšœ Οmœ1™