<< Interpress Master Comments (for reference only)>> <> <<>> BEGIN { } { will use overlapping shapes, 1 5 ISET so set priorityImportant to TRUE 2/1000 SCALE CONCATT use 2 millimeter units << The Cone >> 3/5 SETGRAY darker gray side of cone 70 75 MOVETO 50 25 LINETO 55 75 LINETO a triangular trajectory 1 MAKEOUTLINE MASKFILL fill the darker triangle 3/10 SETGRAY light side of cone is similar 55 75 MOVETO 50 25 LINETO 30 75 LINETO 1 MAKEOUTLINE MASKFILL 2 16 ISET round ends on the stroke 0 23 ISET miter to get a sharp point 2 15 ISET stroke will be 2 units wide 1 SETGRAY set current color to black 70 75 MOVETO 50 25 LINETO 30 75 LINETO MASKSTROKE line around cone bottom << The Ice Cream >> 30 75 MOVETO 50 25 70 75 1/10 CONICTO elliptical piece at bottom 80 80 80 90 72 87 CURVETO parametric cubic at right 50 122 28 87 ARCTO circular arc at the top 15 90 30 75 1/2 CONICTO parabolic piece at left DUP make a copy of trajectory 1/5 SETGRAY light gray for ice cream 1 MAKEOUTLINE MASKFILL fill in the area 2 23 ISET use rounded joints for outline 1 SETGRAY set current color to black MASKSTROKECLOSED draw stroke outlining area } END << [Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool] ce>>