Rick, You should have received 18 items. Please check for receipt of each item and notify me if any are missing. I may be having E-Mail problems over the next few days because they are installing some network hardware on our machine. In the mornings I can almost always be reached at home at (801) 226-3132. Feel free to call about any problems. In looking at what received from the authors there is a rather loose interpretation of what a 7 page limit is. In particular there was some widening of the margins, lowering of the point size and other games to get inside the limit. We have probably reached closer to 130 pages than 100. If this becomes a serious problem, let me know and we can try to work something out. Good luck Dan. H99FinalMessage.tioga Rick Beach, January 29, 1987 2:08:11 pm PST Κ)˜™Icode™+—J˜γ—…—ζW