Larger Issues in User Interface Management //* UIMS Workshop Item 17 bibliograpy //* formatter is LATEX @article:beach'82, author = "Richard J. Beach and John C. Beatty and Kellogg S. Booth and Eugene L. Fiume and Darlene A Plebon", title = "The Message is the Medium: :M:ultiprocess Structuring of an Interactive Paint Program", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "16", number = "3", month = "July", year = "1982", pages = "277-287" : @techreport:boot'84, author = "Kellogg S. Booth and Jonathan Schaeffer and W. Morven Gentleman", title = "Anthropomorphic Programming", institution = "University of Waterloo", number = "CS-82-47", month = "February", year = "1984" : @article:brit'78, author = "Edward G. Britton and James S. Lipscomb and Michael E Pique", title = "Making Nested Rotations for the User", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "12", number = "3", month = "August", year = "1978", pages = "222-227" : @inproceedings:broo'77, author = "Frederick P. :Brooks, Jr.:", title = :The Computer ``Scientist'' as Toolsmith --- Studies in Interactive Computer Graphics:, booktitle = "Information Processing '77, Proc. of IFIP Congress '77", month = "August", year = "1977", pages = "625-634" : @inproceedings:buxt'86a, author = "William A. Buxton and Brad A Myers", title = "A Study in Two-Handed Input", booktitle = "Proc. CHI'86: Human Factors In Computing Systems", month = "April", year = "1986", pages = "321-326" : @incollection:buxt'86b, author = "William A. Buxton", editor = "Donald A. Norman and Stephen W. Draper", title = "There's More to Interaction than Meets the Eye: :S:ome Issues in Manual Input", booktitle = "User Centered System Design", publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.", year = "1986", pages = "319-337" : @misc:griptape, author = "James Lipscomb and Michael Pique and Frederick P. Brooks and William V. Wright", title = "The :GRIP-75: Man-Machine Interface", howpublished = "SIGGRAPH Video Review \#4", year = "1981" : @unpublished:hill'86, author = "Ralph D. Hill", title = "Supporting Concurrency and Synnchronization in Human-Computer Interaction - The :S:assafras :UIMS:", note = "To appear in Transactions on Graphics" : @unpublished:jaco'86, author = "Robert J. K. Jacob", title = "A Specification Language for Direct Manipulation User Interfaces", note = "Submitted for publication" : @article:lant'86, author = "Keith A. Lantz", title = "On User Interface Reference Models", journal = "SIGCHI Bulletin", volume = "18", number = "2", month = "October", year = "1986", pages = "36-42" : @inproceedings:mack'86, author = "Stephen A. MacKay and Peter P. Tanner", title = "Graphics Tools in :A:dagio, A Robotics Multitasking Multiprocessor Workstation", booktitle = "Proc. Graphics Interface '86", month = "May", year = "1986", pages = "98-103" : @article:rose'82, author = :David S. H. Rosenthal and James C. Michener and G\":u:nther Pfaff and Rens Kessener and Malcolm Sabin:, title = "The Detailed Semantics of Graphics Input Devices", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "16", number = "3", month = "July", year = "1982", pages = "33-38" : @article:shne'83, author = "Ben Shneiderman", title = "Direct Manipulation: :A: Step Beyond Programming Languages", journal = "IEEE Computer", volume = "16", number = "8", month = "August", year = "1983", pages = "57-69" : @article:sibe'86, author = "John L. Sibert and William D. Hurley and Teresa W. Bleser", title = "An Object-Oriented User Interface Management System", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "20", number = "4", month = "August", year = "1986", pages = "259-268" : @inproceedings:tann'85c, author = "Peter P. Tanner and Marceli Wein and W. Morven Gentleman and Stephen A. MacKay and Darlene A. Stewart", title = "The User Interface of :A:dagio, A Robotics Multitasking Multiprocessor Workstation", booktitle = "Proc. 1st Int. Conference on Computer Workstations", month = "November", year = "1985", pages = "90-98" : @article:tann'86, author = "Peter P. Tanner and Stephen A. MacKay and Darlene A. Stewart and Marceli Wein", title = "A Multitasking Switchboard Approach to User Interface Management", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "20", number = "4", month = "August", year = "1986", pages = "241-248" : @incollection:tenh'83, author = "P. J. W. :ten Hagen: and J. Derksen", editor = :G\":u:nther E. Pfaff:, title = "Parallel Input and Feedback in :D:ialogue :C:ells", booktitle = "User Interface Management Systems", publisher = "Springer-Verlag", year = "1985", pages = "109-124" : @article:thom'83, author = "James J. Thomas and Griffith Hamlin", title = "Graphical Input Interaction Technique", journal = "Computer Graphics", volume = "17", number = "1", month = "January", year = "1983", pages = "5-66" : @misc:weintape, author = "Marceli Wein and Peter P. Tanner and Kenneth B. Evans", title = "Graphics Interaction at :NRC:", howpublished = "SIGGRAPH Video Review \#4", year = "1981" : H17Bibliography.tioga Rick Beach, January 29, 1987 2:08:11 pm PST 2Icode+Ititle*J-<