Rick Beach, February 14, 1987 10:41:12 am PST
Bibliography of Software Tools for User Interface Development
The participants in the workshop were requested to bring their 10 favorite references on user interface development tools. Approximately one third of the workshop attendees complied with this request, and the following bibliography was constructed from the material they contributed. The entries in the bibliography fall into two groups. The first group contains references to existing software tools for user interface development and issues related to the construction of such tools. New researchers in this area will profit from a careful study of a number of these papers. The other group contains references to areas which have an impact on, or could in the future have an impact on, the development of user interface software tools. A number of contributers have included references that have influenced their current research and thoughts in this area. These references could provide new directions for user interface tool research.
1. Anson, E. The device model of interaction, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86 (Dallas, Texas, August 1822, 1986). In Computer Graphics 20, 4 (August 1986), 107114.
2. Atkinson, W. et al. Inside Mac, Apple Computer, Inc., 1984.
3. Baecker, R., Tilbrook, D.M., Tuori, M.I. and MacFarland, D. Newswhole [videotape]. SIGGRAPH Video Review 1, (1980), ACM, New York.
4. Bennett, J. Managing to Meet Usability Requirements. In Visual Display Terminals: Usability Issues and Health Concerns, Bennett J., Case D., Sandelin J. and Smith M. (eds.), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984.
5. Black, J.L. A general purpose dialogue processor, Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, 1977, 397408.
6. Blum, B.I. A life cycle environment for interactive information systems. In Conference on Software Tools, IEEE Computer Society Press, New York, 1985, 198206.
7. Bobrow, D. and Stefik, M. The Loops Manual, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 1984.
8. Borning, A. The Programming Language Aspects of ThingLab, A Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 3, 4 (1981), 353387.
9. Brooks, F. The Computer Scientist as Toolsmith — Studies in Interactive Computer Graphics, Proceedings of the IFIP Conference, 1977, 625634.
10. Buxton, W., Sniderman, R., Reeves, W., Patel, S. and Baecker, R. The evolution of the SSSP score editing tools, Computer Music Journal 3, 4 (1979), 1425.
11. Buxton, W. Lexical and pragmatic considerations of input structures, Computer Graphics 17, 1 (January 1983), 3137.
12. Buxton, W., Lamb, M.R., Sherman, D. and Smith, K.C. Towards a Comprehensive User Interface Management System, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'83 (Detroit, Mich., July 2529, 1983). In Computer Graphics 17, 3 (July 1983), 3542.
13. Card, S., Moran, T. and Newell, A. The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale NJ, 1983.
14. Cardelli, L. and Pike, R. Squeak: a language for communicating with mice, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'85 (San Francisco, Calif., July 2226, 1985). In Computer Graphics 19, 3 (July 1985), 199204.
15. Ciccarelli, E.C. Presentation Based User Interfaces, PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1985.
16. Clark, I.A. Software simulation as a tool for usable product design, IBM Systems Journal 20, 3 (1981), 272293.
17. Cockton, G. Where do we draw the line? — Derivation and evaluation of user interface software separation rules. In People and Computers: Designing for Usability, Harrison M. and Monk A. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 417431.
18. Coutaz, J. Abstractions for User Interface Design, IEEE Computer 18, 9 (1985), 2134.
19. Cox, B.J. Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach, Addision-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1986.
20. Cox, B.J. and Hunt, W. Objects, Icons, and Software-ICs, Byte 11, 8 (1986), 161176.
21. Doyle, K., Haynes, B., Lentczner, M. and Rosenstein, L. An Object Oriented Approach to Macintosh Application Development, Journes Langages Orients Objet, Paris, 10 January 1986, 4654.
22. Fischer, G. and Boecker, H-D. The nature of design processes and how computer systems can support them. In Integrated interactive system design, Dregano P. and Sandewall E. (eds.), North Holland, New York, 1983, 7386.
23. Foley, J.D. and Wallace, W.L. The art of natural graphic man-machine conversation, Proceedings of the IEEE 62, 4 (1974), 462471.
24. Foley, J.D. and van Dam, A. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, Addison-Wesley, 1982.
25. Foley, J., Wallace, V. and Chan, P. The Human Factors of Computer Graphics Interaction Techniques, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 4, 11 (1984), 1348.
26. Futrelle, R.P. and Barta, G. Towards the design of an intrinsically graphical language, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'78 (Atlanta, Ga., August 2325, 1978). In Computer Graphics 12, 3 (August 1978), 2832.
27. Garrett, M.T. and Foley, J.D. Graphics Programming Using a Database System with Dependency Declarations, ACM Transactions on Graphics 1, 2 (1982), 109128.
28. Gentleman, W.M. Message passing between sequential processes: the reply primitive and the administrator concept, Software—Practice and Experience 11, 5, (May 1981), 435466.
29. Good, M., Spine, T.M., Whiteside, J. and George, P. User-derived impact analysis as a tool for usability engineering. In Proceedings CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 241246.
30. Gould, L. and Finzer, W. Programming by Rehearsal, Byte 9, 6 (June 1984). Also Technical Report SCL841, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, May, 1984.
31. Gould, J.D. and Lewis, C.H. Designing for usability—Key principles and what designers think, Communications of the ACM 28, (1985), 300312.
32. Green, M. The University of Alberta user interface management system, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'85 (San Francisco, Calif., July 2226, 1985). In Computer Graphics 19, 3 (July 1985), 205213.
33. Green, M. Report on dialogue specifications. In User interface management systems, Pfaff G.E. (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985, 920.
34. Guedj, R.A., ed. Methodology of Interaction, North-Holland, 1980.
35. Hayes, P.J., Szekely, P.A. and Lerner R.A. Design Alternatives for User Interface Management Systems Based on Experience with COUSIN. In Proceedings CHI'85 Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Francisco, April 1418, 1985), ACM, New York, 169175.
36. Henderson, D.A. Jr. The Trillium User Interface Design Environment. In Proceedings CHI'86 Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 221227.
37. Hewett, T.T. The role of iterative evaluation in designing systems for usability. In People and Computers: Designing for Usability, Harrison M. and Monk A. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 196214.
38. Hopgood, F.R.A., Duce D.A., Fielding E.V.C., Robinson K. and Williams A.S., (eds.) Methodology of Window Management, Springer-Verlag, 1986.
39. Hutchins, E.L., Hollan, J.D. and Norman, D.A. Direct manipulation interfaces. In User centered system design, Norman, D.A. and Draper, S.W. (eds.), Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1986, 87124.
40. Jacob, R.J.K. Using Formal Specification in the Design of a Human-Computer Interface, Communications of the ACM 26, 4 (1983), 259264.
41. Jacob, R.J.K. A State Transition Diagram Language for Visual Programming, IEEE Computer 18, 8 (August 1985), 5159.
42. Jones, J. MacCadd, An enabling software method support tool. In People and Computers: Designing for Usability, Harrison M. and Monk A. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 132154.
43. Kasik, D.J. A user interface management system, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'82 (Boston, Mass., July 2630, 1982). In Computer Graphics 16, 3 (July 1982), 99106.
44. Kieras, D. and Polson, P. An Approach to the Formal Analysis of User Complexity, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 22, 4 (1985), 350.
45. Lakin, F. Spatial Parsing for Visual Languages. In Visual Languages, Chang Shi-Kuo (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1987.
46. Lieberman, H. Constructing Graphical User Interfaces by Example, Graphics Interface Conference, (Toronto, Canada, May 1982).
47. Lieberman, H. There's more to menu systems than meets the screen, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'85 (San Francisco, Calif., July 2226, 1985). In Computer Graphics 19, 3 (July 1985), 181189.
48. Lieberman, H. Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object-Oriented Systems. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '86), (September 29October 2, 1986), 214223.
49. MacLean, A., Barnard, P. and Wilson, M. Rapid prototyping of dialogue for human factors research: The EASIE approach. In People and Computers: Designing for Usability, Harrison M. and Monk A. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 180195.
50. Mason, R.E.A. and Carey, T.T. Prototyping Interactive Information Systems, Communications of the ACM 26, 5 (1983), 347354.
51. Meyrowitz, N. Intermedia: The Architecture and Construction of an Object-Oriented Hypermedia System and Applications Framework. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '86), (September 29October 2, 1986), 186201.
52. Moran, T.P. The command language grammar: a representation for the user interface of interactive computer systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 15, 1 (1981), 350.
53. Myers, B.A. and Buxton, W. Creating Highly Interactive and Graphical User Interfaces by Demonstration, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86 (Dallas, Texas, August 1822, 1986). In Computer Graphics 20, 4 (August 1986), 249258.
54. Newman, W.M. A System for Interactive Graphical Programming, Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1968, 4754.
55. Newman, W. and Sproull, R. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1979.
56. O'Malley, C. and Sharples, M. Tools for management and support of multiple constraints in a writer's assistant. In People and Computers: Designing for Usability, Harrison M. and Monk A. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 115131.
57. Olsen, D., Buxton, W., Ehrich, R., Kasik, D., Rhyne, J. and Sibert, J. A Context for User Interface Management, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 4, 12, (Dec 1984), 3342.
58. Olsen, D.R., Dempsey E.P. and Rogge R. Input-Output Linkage in a User Interface Management System, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'85 (San Francisco, Calif., July 2226, 1985). In Computer Graphics 19, 3 (July 1985), 191197.
59. Olsen, D.R. MIKE: The Menu Interaction Kontrol Environment, BYU Tech Report, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1986.
60. Pfaff, G.E., ed. User Interface Management Systems, (Proceedings of the IFIP/EG Workshop on User Interface Management Systems, Seeheim, Federal Republic of Germany, October 1983), Springer-Verlag, 1985.
61. Reisner, P. Analytic Tools for Human Factors of Software. In Enduser Systems and Their Human Factors, Blaser A. and Zoeppritz M. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York NY, 1984, 94121.
62. Richards, J.T., Boies, S.J. and Gould, J.D. Rapid prototyping and system development: Examination of an interface toolkit for voice and telephony application. In Proceedings CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 216220.
63. Rosenthal, D.S.H., Michener, J.C., Pfaff, G., Kessener, R. and Sabin, M. The Detailed Semantics of Graphics Input Devices. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'82 (Boston, Mass., July 2630, 1982). In Computer Graphics 16, 3 (July 1982), 3338.
64. Schmucker, K.J. Object-Oriented Programming for the Macintosh, Hayden Book Company, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, 1986.
65. Schmucker, K.J. MacApp: An Application Framework, Byte, (August 1986), 189192.
66. Schulert, A.J., Rogers, G.T. and Hamilton, J.A. ADM—A dialog manager. In Proceedings CHI'85 Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Francisco, April 1418, 1985), ACM, New York, 177183.
67. Shneiderman, B. Direct manipulation: a step beyond programming languages, IEEE Computer 16, 8 (1983), 5769.
68. Sibert, J.L., Hurley, W.D. and Bleser, T.W. An Object-Oriented User Interface Management System, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86 (Dallas, Texas, August 1822, 1986). In Computer Graphics 20, 4 (August 1986), 259268.
69. Stefik, M. and Bobrow, D. Object-oriented programming: themes and variations, AI Magazine 4, (Winter 1986), 4062.
70. Sutherland, I.E. SKETCHPAD: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System, SJCC'63, 1963.
71 Sutherland, I.E. Sketchpad [videotape]. SIGGRAPH Video Review 13, (1984), ACM, New York.
72. Swartout, W. and Balzer, R. The Invevitable Intertwining of Specification and Implementation, Communications of the ACM 25, 7 (1982), 438440.
73. Tanner, P.P. and Buxton, W.A.S. Some Issues in Future User Interface Management System (UIMS) Development. In User Interface Management Systems, Pfaff G.R. (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985, 6779.
74. Tanner, P.P., Mackay, S.A., Stewart, D.A. and Wein, M. A Multitasking Switchboard Approach to User Interface Management, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86 (Dallas, Texas, August 1822, 1986). In Computer Graphics 20, 4 (August 1986), 241248.
75. Tesler, L. The Smalltalk Environment, Byte, August, 1981.
76. Thomas, J.J. and Hamlin, G. Graphical input interaction technique (GIIT) workshop summary, Computer Graphics 17, 1 (January 1983), 530.
77. Wasserman, A. Extending state transition diagrams for the specification of human-computer interaction, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 11, 8 (1985), 699713.
78. Weinreb, D., et al. Lisp Machine Manual, Symbolics, Inc., Cambridge, Mass., 1984.
79. Workman, D.A., Arefi, F. and Dodani, M. GRIP: A formal framework for developing a support environment for graphical interactive programming, Conference on Software Tools, 1985, 138153.
80. Zdybel, F., Greenfeld, N. and Yonke, M. An Information Presentation System, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (Vancouver, BC, Canada), August 1981.
Collected bibliography
[Rich79] Rich, E.A. User Modeling via Stereotypes, Cognitive Science 3, (1979), 329354.
[Bennett86] Bennett, J.L. Collaboration of UIMS Designers and Human Factors Specialists. In this issue, Computer Graphics 21, 2 (April 1987).
[Olsen86] Olsen, D.R. Jr. Larger Issues in User Interface Management. In this issue, Computer Graphics 21, 2 (April 1987).
[Hudson86] Hudson, S.E. and King, R. A Generator of Direct Manipulation Office Systems. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 4, 2 (1986), 132163.
[Olsen83] Olsen, D.R. Jr. and Dempsey, E. SYNGRAPH: A Graphical User Interface Generator, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'83 (Detroit, Mich., July 2529, 1983). In Computer Graphics 17, 3 (July 1983), 4350.
[Buxton82] Buxton, W. An Informal Study of Selection Positioning Tasks. Proceedings Graphics Interface '82, National Canadian Graphics Association, (1982), 323328.
[Buxton86] Buxton, W. Chunking and Phrasing and the Design of Human-Computer Dialogues. Proceedings of the IFIP World Computer Congress, 1986.
[Ehrich86] Ehrich, R.W. and Williges, R.C. Advances in Human Factors/Ergonomics: Human Computer Dialogue Design, vol 2, Elsevier, New York, 1986.
[1] Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript Language Reference Manual. Addison-Wesley, 1985.
[2] Aguilar, L., Garcia Luna Aceves, J.J., Moran, D., Craighill, E.J. and Brungardt, R. Architecture for a multimedia teleconferencing system. In Proc. SIGCOMM '86 Symposium on Communications Architectures and Protocols, (August 1986). ACM, New York, 126-136.
[3] Almes, G.T., Black, A.P., Lazowska, E.D. and Noe, J.D. The Eden system: A technical review. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11, 1, (January 1985), 43-59.
[4] Andrews, G.R. and Schneider, F.B. Concepts and notations for concurrent programming. ACM Computing Surveys 15, 1, (March 1983), 3-43.
[7] Berglund, E.J. and Cheriton, D.R. Amaze: A multiplayer computer game. IEEE Software 2, 3, (May 1985), 30-39.
[8] Bolt, R.A. The Human Interface: Where People and Computers Meet. Lifetime Learning Publications, 1984.
[10] Borufka, H.G. and Pfaff, G. The design of a general-purpose command interpreter for graphics man-machine communication. In Man-Machine Communication in CAD/CAM. Sata, T. and Warman W. (eds.), North-Holland, 1981.
[13] Cheriton, D.R. The Thoth System: Multi-Process Structuring and Portability. North-Holland/Elsevier, 1982.
[14] Cheriton, D.R. The V Kernel: A software base for distributed systems. IEEE Software 1, 2, (April 1984), 19-42.
[15] Cheriton, D.R, Malcolm, M.A., Melen, L.S. and Sager, G.R. Thoth, a portable real-time operating system. Communications of the ACM 22, 2, (February 1979), 105-115.
[17] Fitzgerald, R. and Rashid, R.F. The integration of virtual memory management and interprocess communication in Accent. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 4, 2, (May 1986), 147-177.
[20] Gentleman, W.M. Using the Harmony operating system. Technical Report NRCC-ERB-966, Division of Electrical Engineering, National Research Councial of Canada, May, 1985.
[22] Gosling, J and Rosenthal, D. A window manager for bitmapped displays and UNIX. In Methodology of Window Management, F.R.A. Hopgood, et al. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1986, 115-128.
[31] Liskov, B. and Herlihy, M. Issues in process and communication structure for distributed programs. In Proc. 3rd Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, (October 1983). IEEE, 123-132.
[32] Liskov, B.H. and Scheifler, R. Guardians and actions: Linguistic support for robust distributed programs. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 5, 3, (July 1983), 381-404.
[33] Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit, Microsoft Corporation, 1986.
[35] Pike, R. Graphics in overlapping bitmap layers. ACM Transactions on Graphics 2, 2, (April 1983), 135-160.
[37] Rosenthal, D.S.H. Toward a more focused view. UNIX Review 4, 8, (August 1986), 54-63.
[39] Steinhart, J.E. Display management reference model: Preliminary first draft. Technical Report ANSI X3H3.6/86-41, ANSI Committee X3H3.6, September, 1986.
[40] Programmer's Reference Manual for the Sun Window System, Sun Microsystems Inc., 1985.
[42] Tanner, P.P., Wein, M., Gentleman, W.M., MacKay S.A. and Stewart D.A. The user interface of Adagio: A robotics multitasking multiprocessor workstation. In Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, (November 1985). IEEE, 90-98.
[43] Verdix Ada Development System, Version 5.1, Verdix Corporation, 1985.
[44] Zimmermann, H. The ISO reference model. IEEE Transactions on Communications COM-28, 4, (April 1980), 425-432.
[1] Buxton, W. and Myers B.A. A study in two-handed input. In Proceedings CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 321-326.
[2] Status report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee. Computer Graphics 13, 3, (August 1979), entire issue.
[3] Granor, T.E. A User Interface Management System Generator. Technical Report MS-CIS-86-42, GRAPHICS LAB 12, Computer Science Dept., University of Pennsylvania, 1986.
[4] Green, M. Report on dialogue specification tools. In User Interface Management Systems, Pfaff, G.E., ed., Springer-Verlag, 1985, 9-20.
[6] Hayes, P.J. and Szekely, P.A. Graceful interaction through the COUSIN command interface. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19, 3, (September 1983), 285305.
[7] Hill, R.D. Supporting concurrency, communication and synchronization in human-computer interaction — the Sassafras UIMS. To appear in ACM Transactions on Graphics, 1987.
[8] Hudson, S.E. A User Interface Management System Which Supports Direct Manipulation. PhD thesis, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 1986.
[10] Lantz, K.A. et al. Reference models, window systems, and concurrency. In this issue, Computer Graphics 21, 2 (April 1987).
[11] Lipscomb, J., Pique, M., Brooks, F.P., and Wright, W.V. The GRIP-75 man-machine interface [videotape]. SIGGRAPH Video Review 4. (1981), ACM, New York.
[13] Myers, B.A. Creating dynamic interaction techniques by demonstration. To appear in Proceedings of CHI+GI'87 (Toronto, April 59, 1987), ACM, New York.
[14] Myers, B.A. The issue of feedback. In preparation.
[19] Sisson, N. Dialogue Management Reference Model. SIGCHI Bulletin 18, 2, (October 1986), 34-35.
[1] Bennett, J. Managing to Meet Usability Requirements. In Visual Display Terminals: Usability Issues and Health Concerns, Bennett J., Case D., Sandelin J. and Smith M. (eds.), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1984.
[5] Bennett, J. Observations on Meeting Usability Goals for Software Products. Behaviour and Information Technology, 5, 2, (1986), 183193.
[6] Winograd, T. and Flores, F. Understanding Computers and Cognition, A New Foundation for Design, Ablex, 1986.
[7] Bennett, J. The Concept of Architecture Applied to User Interfaces in Interactive Computer Systems. Proceedings of INTERACT 84, (London), Shackel, B. (ed.), North-Holland, 1985, 865870,
[1] Bleser, T., and Foley, J. Towards Specifying and Evaluating the Human Factors of User-Computer Interfaces. Proceedings Human Factors in Computer Systems Conference, ACM, New York, 1982, 309314.
[2] Card, S., Moran, T. and Newell, A. The Keystroke-Level Model for User Performance Time with Interactive Systems. Communications of the ACM 23, 7, (July 1980), 398410.
[3] Gibbs, C., Kim, W.C., and Foley, J. Case Studies in the Use of IDL: Interface Definition Language. Report GWU-IIST-86-30, Dept. of EE&CS, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052.
[4] Green, M. The Design of Graphical User Interfaces, Technical Report CSRI170, University of Toronto, 1985.
[5] Hayes, P.J. and Szekely, P.A. Graceful interaction through the COUSIN command interface. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 19, 3, (September 1983), 285305.
[6] Hayes, P. Executable Interface Definitions Using Form-Based Interface Abstractions. In Advances in Computer-Human Interaction, Hartson, H.R. (Ed.), Ablex, New Jersey, 1984.
[7] Olsen, D.R. MIKE: The Menu Interaction Kontrol Environment, BYU Tech Report, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, 1986.
[8] Reisner, P. Further Developments Toward Using Formal Grammar as a Design Tool. Proceedings Human Factors in Computer Systems Conference, ACM, 1982, 304308.
[9] Sibert, J.L., Hurley, W.D. and Bleser, T.W. An Object-Oriented User Interface Management System, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86 (Dallas, Texas, August 1822, 1986). In Computer Graphics 20, 4 (August 1986), 259268.
[1] Beach, R.J., Beatty, J.C., Booth, K.S., Plebon, D.A. and Fiume, E.L. The message is the medium: Multiprocess structuring of an interactive paint program. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'82 (Boston, Mass., July 2630, 1982). In Computer Graphics 16, 3 (July 1982), 277287.
[2] Berglund, E.J. An introduction to the V-System. IEEE Micro, (August 1986), 35-52.
[3] Booth, K.S., Cowan, W.B. and Forsey, D.R. Multitasking support in a graphics workstation. In Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, (November 1985), IEEE, 82-89.
[4] Brown, M. and Heck, M. Understanding PHIGS: The Hierarchical Graphics Standard. Megatek Corporation, San Diego, CA, 1985.
[5] Dance, J.R. et al. Report on run-time structure for UIMS-supported applications. In this issue, Computer Graphics 21, 2 (April 1987).
[7] Gosling, J. SunDew: A distributed and extensible window system. In Methodology of Window Management, F.R.A. Hopgood, et al. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1986. 4758.
[9] Green, P.E. Jr. Protocol conversion. IEEE Transactions on Communications COM-34, 3, (March, 1986), 257-268.
[10] Lantz, K.A. An architecture for configurable user interfaces. In Foundation for Human-Computer Communication, K. Hopper and I.A. Newman (eds), North-Holland, 1986. 257-275.
[11] Lantz, K.A. Command interaction in distributed systems. In Proc. Fall COMPCON, (September 1980). 25-32.
[12] Lantz, K.A. An experiment in integrated multimedia conferencing. In Proc. CSCW '86: Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, (MCC Software Technology Program, December, 1986). 267-275.
[13] Lantz, K.A. On user interface reference models. SIGCHI Bulletin 18, 2, (October, 1986), 36-42.
[14] Lantz, K.A., Gradischnig, K.D., Feldman, J.A. and Rashid R.F. Rochester's Intelligent Gateway. Computer 15, 10, (October 1982), 54-68.
[15] Lantz, K.A. and Nowicki, W.I. Structured graphics for distributed systems. ACM Transactions on Graphics 3, 1, (January 1984), 23-51.
[16] Lantz, K.A., Nowicki, W.I., and Theimer M.M. An empirical study of distributed application performance. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering SE-11, 10, (October 1985), 1162-1174.
[17] Lantz, K.A., Pallas, J., and Slocum, M. TheWA beyond traditional window systems. Internal Memo, Distributed Systems Group, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University.
[18] Lantz, K.A. and Rashid, R.F. Virtual terminal management in a multiple process environment. In Proc. 7th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, (December 1979). ACM, 86-97.
[19] Lantz, K.A, et al. Reference models, window systems, and concurrency. In this issue, Computer Graphics 21, 2 (April 1987).
[20] Nowicki, W.I. Partitioning of Function in a Distributed Graphics System. PhD thesis, Stanford University, 1985.
[24] Scheifler, R.W. and Gettys, J. The X window system. To appear in ACM Transactions on Graphics.
[23] Rashid, R.F. Threads of a new system. UNIX Review 4, 8, (August 1986), 36-49.
[Apple 85] Apple Computer, Inc. Inside Macintosh. Addison-Wesley, 1985.
[Halbert 84] Halbert, D.C. Programming by Example. PhD thesis. University of California, Berkeley. 1984. Also Technical Report OSDT8402. Xerox Office Systems Division, Systems Development Department, December, 1984. 83 pages.
[Myers 86a] Myers, B.A. Visual Programming, Programming by Example, and Program Visualization; A Taxonomy. In Proceedings CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 5966.
[Nix 86] Nix, R.P. Editing by Example. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 7, 4. (October 1985), 600621.
[Bier86] Bier E. and Stone, M. Snap-Dragging. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86 (Dallas, Texas, August 1822, 1986). In Computer Graphics 20, 4 (August 1986), 233240.
[Borning86] Borning, A. Defining Constraints Graphically. In Proceedings CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 137143.
[Wixon85] Wixon, D., Whiteside, J., Good, M. and Jones, S. Building a User Defined Interface. In Proceedings CHI'85 Human Factors in Computing Systems (San Francisco, April 1418, 1985), ACM, New York, 2427.
[Wasserman80] Wasserman, A.I and Shewmake, D.T. Information System Design Methodology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, (1980), 524.
[Duisberg86] Duisberg, R. Animated Graphical Interfaces using Temporal Constraints. Proceedings CHI'86 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, April 1317, 1986), ACM, New York, 131136.
[Nelson85] Nelson, G. Juno: a Constraint-Based Graphics System. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'85 (San Francisco, Calif., July 2226, 1985). In Computer Graphics 19, 3 (July 1985), 235243.
[Konneker84] Konneker, L.K. A Graphical Interaction Technique Which Uses Gestures. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Office Automation, (1984), IEEE, 51-55.
[Ward85] Ward, J.R. and Blesser, B. Interactive Recognition of Handprinted Characters for Computer Input. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 5, 9, (Sept. 1985), 2437.
[Wolf86] Wolf, C.G. Can People Use Gesture Commands. SIGCHI Bulletin 18, 2 (October 1986), 7374. Also IBM Research Report RC 11867.
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