Rick Beach, January 29, 1987 2:11:14 pm PST
//* UIMS Workship Item 13 Bibliograpy
//* I believe that this is formated with Scribe
@string(LastEditDate="Wed May 21 13:43:17 1986")

@string(ACMCS="ACM Computing Surveys")
@string(ACMConf="ACM Computer Science Conference")
@string(ACMTOCS="ACM Transactions on Computer Systems")
@string(ACMTODS="ACM Transactions on Database Systems")
@string(ACMTOG="ACM Transactions on Graphics")
@string(ACMTOIS="ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems")
@string(ACMTOPLAS="ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems")
@string(Acta="Acta Informatica")
@string(AI="Artificial Intelligence")
@string(Austin-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of Texas - Austin
@string(BBN="Bolt Beranek and Newman")
@string(Berkeley="University of California - Berkeley")
@string(Berkeley-CSD="Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
@string(BNR="Bell Northern Research Ltd.")
@string(BLTJ="AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal")
@string(BSTJ="The Bell System Technical Journal")
@string(BWDDMCN1="Proc. 1st Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management
and Computer Networks")
@string(BWDDMCN2="Proc. 2nd Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and
@string(BWDDMCN3="Proc. 3rd Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and
@string(BWDDMCN4="Proc. 4th Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and
@string(BWDDMCN5="Proc. 5th Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and
@string(BWDDMCN6="Proc. 6th Berkeley Workshop on Distributed Data Management and
@string(CLCN4="Proc. 4th Conference on Local Computer Networks")
@string(CLCN7="Proc. 7th Conference on Local Computer Networks")
@string(CMU="Carnegie-Mellon University")
@string(CMU-CSD="Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University")
@string(CMU-ITC="Information Technology Center, Carnegie-Mellon University")
@string(COIS2="Proc. 2nd Conference on Office Information Systems")
@string(COMPSAC="Proc. COMPSAC")
@string(Cornell="Cornell University")
@string(Cornell-CSD="Department of Computer Science, Cornell University")
@string(CSCW86="Proc. CSCW '86: Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Wor
@string(DCS1="Proc. 1st Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS2="Proc. 2nd Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS3="Proc. 3rd Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS4="Proc. 4th Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS5="Proc. 5th Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS6="Proc. 6th Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS7="Proc. 7th Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DCS8="Proc. 8th Data Communications Symposium")
@string(DPQ="Distributed Processing Quarterly")
@string(DSAIBook="Distributed Systems - Architecture and Implementation: An Adva
@string(DSAIEditors="B.W. Lampson, M. Paul, and H.J. Siegert")
@string(FallCON="Proc. Fall COMPCON")
@string(FIDC="Proc. Workshop on Fundamental Issues in Distributed Computing")
@string(FJCC="Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conference")
@string(HICSS10="Proc. 10th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences")
@string(HICSS11="Proc. 11th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences")
@string(HICSS17="Proc. 17th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences")
@string(IBMJRD="IBM Journal of Research and Development")
@string(IBMSJ="IBM Systems Journal")
@string(IBMSanJose="IBM San Jose Research Center")
@string(IBMWatson="IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center")
@string(ICC="Proc. International Conference on Communications")
@string(ICCC1="Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer Communications")
@string(ICCC2="Proc. 2nd International Conference on Computer Communications")
@string(ICCC3="Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computer Communications")
@string(ICCC4="Proc. 4th International Conference on Computer Communications")
@string(ICCC5="Proc. 5th International Conference on Computer Communications")
@string(ICDCS1="Proc. 1st International Conference on Distributed Computing Syst
@string(ICDCS2="Proc. 2nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Syst
@string(ICDCS3="Proc. 3rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Syst
@string(ICDCS4="Proc. 4th International Conference on Distributed Computing Syst
@string(ICMD="Proc. International Conference on the Management of Data")
@string(ICVLDB1="Proc. International Conference on Very Large Databases")
@string(ICVLDB4="Proc. 4th International Conference on Very Large Databases")
@string(ICVLDB7="Proc. 7th International Conference on Very Large Databases")
@string(ICVLDB8="Proc. 8th International Conference on Very Large Databases")
@string(ICSE1="Proc. 1st International Conference on Software Engineering")
@string(ICSE2="Proc. 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering")
@string(ICSE3="Proc. 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering")
@string(ICSE4="Proc. 4th International Conference on Software Engineering")
@string(ICSE5="Proc. 5th International Conference on Software Engineering")
@string(ICSE6="Proc. 6th International Conference on Software Engineering")
@string(IEEECGAA="IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications")
@string(IEEEComm="IEEE Communications Magazine")
@string(IEEEJSAC="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication")
@string(IEEEProc="Proc. IEEE")
@string(IEEESoftware="IEEE Software")
@string(IEEETCCA="IEEE Computer Architecture Technical Committee Newsletter")
@string(IEEETCDP="IEEE Distributed Processing Technical Committee Newsletter")
@string(IEEETOComm="IEEE Transactions on Communications")
@string(IEEETOComp="IEEE Transactions on Computers")
@string(IEEETOCE="IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics")
@string(IEEETOIT="IEEE Transactions on Information Theory")
@string(IEEETOSE="IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering")
@string(IJMMS="International Journal of Man-Machine Studies")
@string(IPL="Information Processing Letters")
@string(ISCMS1="Proc. International Symposium on Computer Message Systems")
@string(ISCMS2="Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Computer Message Systems")
@string(ISI="USC/Information Sciences Institute")
@string(ISLCN="Proc. International Symposium on Local Computer Networks")
@string(Madison-CSD="Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin - Mad
@string(MIT="Massachusetts Institute of Technology")
@string(MIT-AI="Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of T
@string(MIT-LCS="Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Tec
@string(MITMAC="Project MAC, Massachusetts Institute of Technology")
@string(NCC="Proc. National Computer Conference")
@string(NIC="Network Information Center, SRI International")
@string(OSBook="Operating Systems: An Advanced Course")
@string(OSEditors="R. Bayer, R.M. Graham, and G. Seegmueller")
@string(PARC="Xerox Palo Alto Research Center")
@string(PODC1="Proc. Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing")
@string(PODC2="Proc. 2nd Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing")
@string(PODC3="Proc. 3rd Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing")
@string(PODC4="Proc. 4th Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing")
@string(PODS1="Proc. 1st Symposium on Principles of Database Systems")
@string(POPL4="Proc. 4th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages")
@string(POPL5="Proc. 5th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages")
@string(POPL6="Proc. 6th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages")
@string(Rochester="University of Rochester")
@string(Rochester-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester")
@string(SJCC="Proc. Spring Joint Computer Conference")
@string(SIGCHI="SIGCHI Bulletin")
@string(SIGCOMM="Computer Communication Review")
@string(SIGCOMM83="Proc. SIGCOMM '83 Symposium on Communications Architectures a
@string(SIGCOMM84="Proc. SIGCOMM '84 Symposium on Communications Architectures a
@string(SIGCOMM86="Proc. SIGCOMM '86 Symposium on Communications Architectures a
@String(SIGGRAPH="Computer Graphics")
@string(SIGGRAPH75="Proc. SIGGRAPH '75")
@string(SIGGRAPH76="Proc. SIGGRAPH '76")
@string(SIGGRAPH77="Proc. SIGGRAPH '77")
@string(SIGGRAPH78="Proc. SIGGRAPH '78")
@string(SIGGRAPH79="Proc. SIGGRAPH '79")
@string(SIGGRAPH80="Proc. SIGGRAPH '80")
@string(SIGGRAPH81="Proc. SIGGRAPH '81")
@string(SIGGRAPH82="Proc. SIGGRAPH '82")
@string(SIGGRAPH83="Proc. SIGGRAPH '83")
@string(SIGGRAPH84="Proc. SIGGRAPH '84")
@string(SIGGRAPH85="Proc. SIGGRAPH '85")
@string(SIGGRAPH86="Proc. SIGGRAPH '86")
@string(SIGOA="SIGOA Newsletter")
@string(SIGOPS="Operating Systems Review")
@string(SIGPLAN="SIGPLAN Notices")
@string(SOSP1="Proc. Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP2="Proc. 2nd Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP3="Proc. 3rd Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP4="Proc. 4th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP5="Proc. 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP6="Proc. 6th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP7="Proc. 7th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP8="Proc. 8th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP9="Proc. 9th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SOSP10="Proc. 10th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles")
@string(SPE="Software: Practice and Experience")
@string(SpringCON="Proc. Spring COMPCON")
@string(SRDSDS2="Proc. 2nd Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and
@string(SRDSDS3="Proc. 3rd Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and
@string(SRI="SRI International")
@string(Stanford="Stanford University")
@string(STANFORD-CSD="Department of Computer Science, Stanford University")
@string(STANFORD-CSL="Computer Systems Laboratory, Departments of Computer Scien
@string(Stanford-DSG="Distributed Systems Group, Department of Computer Science,
@string(STANFORD-ISL="Integrated Circuits Laboratory, Department of Electrical E
@string(Toronto-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto")
@string(UBC-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia"
@string(UCLA-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of California - Los
@string(UDel-EE="Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Delaware")
@string(USC-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of Southern Californ
@string(USENIXSummer="Proc. Summer USENIX Conference")
@string(UserCentered="User Centered System Design: New Perspectives on Human-Com
@string(UserCenteredEditors="D.A. Norman and S.W. Draper")
@string(Washington-CSD="Department of Computer Science, University of Washington

@inproceedings(Beachetal1982, key "Beach!RJ,Beatty,Booth",
author "R.J. Beach, J.C. Beatty, K.S. Booth, D.A. Plebon, and E.L.
Fiume", title "The message is the medium: Multiprocess structuring of an
interactive paint program",
booktitle SIGGRAPH82,
pages 277-287,
organization ACM,
month July,
year 1982)

@article(Berglund1986, key "Berglund!EJ",
author "E.J. Berglund",
title "An introduction to the V-System",
journal "IEEE Micro",
pages 35-52,
month August,
year 1986)

@inproceedings(BoothCowanForsey1985, key "Booth!KS,Cowan,Forsey",
author "K.S. Booth, W.B. Cowan, and D.R. Forsey",
title "Multitasking support in a graphics workstation",
booktitle "Proc. 1st International Conference on Computer
Workstations", pages 82-89,
organization IEEE,
month November,
year 1985)

@book(BrownHeck1985, key "Brown!M,Heck",
author "M. Brown and M. Heck",
title "Understanding PHIGS: The Hierarchical Graphics Standard",
publisher "Megatek Corporation, San Diego, CA",
year 1985)

@article(Dance*1987, key "Dance!JR,Gaynor",
author "J.R. Dance, T.E. Granor, R.D. Hill, S.E. Hudson, J. Meads,
B.A. Myers, and A. Schulert",
title "Report on run-time structure for UIMS-supported applications",
journal SIGGRAPH,
month "this",
year "issue")

@book(FoleyvanDam1982, key "Foley,vanDam",
author "J.D. Foley and A. van Dam",
title "Fundamentals of interactive computer graphics",
publisher Addison-Wesley,
year 1982)

@incollection(Gosling1986, key "Gosling!J sundew",
author "J. Gosling",
title "SunDew: A distributed and extensible window system",
booktitle "Methodology of Window Management",
editors "F.R.A. Hopgood, @i(et al.)",
pages 47-58,
publisher Springer-Verlag,
year 1986)

@inproceedings(Green1985, key "Green!M",
author "M. Green",
title "The University of Alberta user interface management system",
booktitle SIGGRAPH85,
pages 205-213,
organization ACM,
month July,
year 1985)

@article(Green1986, key 'Green!PE protocol',
author "P.E. Green, Jr.",
title "Protocol conversion",
journal IEEEToComm,
volume COM-34,
number 3,
pages 257-268,
month March,
year 1986)

@article(Lantz*1987, key "Lantz,Tanner,Binding",
author "K.A. Lantz, P.P. Tanner, C. Binding, K.-T. Huang, and A.
Dwelly", title "Reference models, window systems, and concurrency",
journal SIGGRAPH,
month "this",
year "issue")

@inproceedings(Lantz1980a, key "Lantz Command",
author "K.A. Lantz",
title "Command interaction in distributed systems",
booktitle FallCON,
pages "25-32",
organization "IEEE",
month September,
year 1980)

@incollection(Lantz1986b, key "Lantz architecture",
author "K.A. Lantz",
title "An architecture for configurable user interfaces",
editors "K. Hopper and I.A. Newman",
booktitle "Foundation for Human-Computer Communication",
pages 257-275,
publisher North-Holland,
year 1986)

@inproceedings(Lantz1986c, key "Lantz experiment",
author "K.A. Lantz",
title "An experiment in integrated multimedia conferencing",
booktitle CSCW86,
organization "MCC Software Technology Program",
pages 267-275,
month December,
year 1986)

@article(Lantz1986d, key "Lantz on",
author "K.A. Lantz",
title "On user interface reference models",
journal SIGCHI,
volume 18,
number 2,
pages 36-42,
month October,
year 1986)

@article(LantzNowicki1984b, key "Lantz,Nowicki structured",
author "K.A. Lantz and W.I. Nowicki",
title "Structured graphics for distributed systems",
journal ACMTOG,
volume 3,
number 1,
pages 23-51,
month January,
year 1984)

@article(LantzNowickiTheimer1985, key "Lantz,Nowicki,Theimer empirical",
author "K.A. Lantz, W.I. Nowicki, and M.M. Theimer",
title "An empirical study of distributed application performance",
journal IEEEToSE,
volume SE-11,
number 10,
pages 1162-1174,
month October,
year 1985)

@unpublished(LantzPallasSlocum1987, key "Lantz,Pallas",
author "K.A. Lantz, J. Pallas, and M. Slocum",
title "TheWA beyond traditional window systems",
note "Internal Memo, @value(Stanford-DSG)")

@inproceedings(LantzRashid1979a, key "Lantz,Rashid Virtual",
author "K.A. Lantz and R.F. Rashid",
title "Virtual terminal management in a multiple process environment",
booktitle SOSP7,
pages "86-97",
organization "ACM",
month December,
year 1979)

@article(Lantzetal1982b, key "Lantz,Gradischnig,Feldman,Rashid",
author "K.A. Lantz, K.D. Gradischnig, J.A. Feldman, and R.F. Rashid",
title "Rochester's Intelligent Gateway",
journal Computer,
volume 15,
number 10,
pages 54-68,
month October,
year 1982)

@phdthesis(Nowicki1985, key "Nowicki Partitioning",
author "W.I. Nowicki",
title "Partitioning of Function in a Distributed Graphics System",
school "Stanford University",
year 1985)

@article(Olsenetal1984, key "Olsen!DR,Buxton,Ehrich",
author "D.R. Olsen Jr., W. Buxton, R. Ehrich, D.J. Kasik, J.R.
Rhyne, and J. Sibert",
title "A context for user interface management",
journal IEEECGAA,
volume 4,
number 12,
pages 33-42,
month December,
year 1984)

@book(Pfaff1985, key "Pfaff!GE user",
editor "G.E. Pfaff",
title "User Interface Management Systems",
publisher "Springer-Verlag",
year 1985)

@article(FitzgeraldRashid1986, key "Fitzgerald!R,Rashid",
author "R. Fitzgerald and R.F. Rashid",
title "The integration of virtual memory management and interprocess
communication in Accent",
journal ACMTOCS,
volume 4,
number 2,
pages 147-177,
month May,
year 1986)

@article(Rashid1986, key "Rashid threads",
author "R.F. Rashid",
title "Threads of a new system",
journal "UNIX Review",
volume 4,
number 8,
pages 36-49,
month August,
year 1986)

@inproceedings(SansomJulinRashid1986, key "Sansom!RD,Julin,Rashid",
author "R.D. Sansom, D.P. Julin, and R.F. Rashid",
title "Extending a capability based system into a network
environment", booktitle SIGCOMM86,
pages 265-274,
organization ACM,
month August,
year 1986)

@unpublished(ScheiflerGettys1987, key "Scheifler,Gettys X",
author "R.W. Scheifler and J. Gettys",
title "The X window system",
note "To appear in @i(@value(ACMTOG)), April 1987")

@inproceedings(Tanner*1986, key "Tanner,MacKay,Stewart,Wein",
author "P.P. Tanner, S.A. MacKay, D.A. Stewart, and M. Wein",
title "A multitasking switchboard approach to user interface
management", booktitle SIGGRAPH86,
organization ACM,
pages 241-248,
month August,
year 1986)

@article(Thomasetal1983, key "Thomas!JJ,Hamlin,Buxton",
author "J.J. Thomas, G. Hamlin, W. Buxton, D. Rosenthal, A. Yen, and
D. Kasik (Eds.)",
title "Graphical input interaction techniques: Workshop summary",
journal SIGGRAPH,
volume 17,
number 1,
pages 5-30,
month January,
year 1983)