SIGGRAPH Video Review Issue 24
Edited by: Tom DeFanti, Dana Plepys, & Anna Seeto
Film & 1" transfers by Dana Plepys
E & C Media, Chicago, Illinois
Copyright notice
Most of the tapes in the SIGGRAPH video review are marked with a proper copyright notice. Among other things, this means that these tapes are not to be further copied, broadcast, photographed or edited without the explicit permission of the individual copyright owners.
SIGGRAPH'86 electronic theatre jury committee
Michelle L. Amato, Wayne Carlson, Indranit Chakravarty, Robert Cook, Nelson Max
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Linda Bel, Omnibus Computer Graphics, Inc., 2180 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4S 2B9 Canada. Copyright 1986 Bel/Omnibus Computer Graphics Inc. Credits: Animators: Linda Bel, Ron Plante, Steve Strauss;
Software support: Kevin Tureski, Carl Frederick, Kim Davidson, Greg Hermanovic; Editing: Paul Cormack. Tech Notes: Frames rendered on a VAX 786 with an Adage ADS3000 frame buffer, and an Iris 2400 Turbo.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Pat , Abel Image Research, 953 N. Highland Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90038-2481. Copyright 1986.

thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Shari Folz, Pacific Data, 1111 Karistad Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Copyright 1986, Pacific Data Images, Inc. Tech Notes: PDI uses their own proprietary in-house animation software. Design and rendering is done on Ridge 32
computers using Raster Tech frame buffers and Sony video equipment for recording.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Stephanie Mardesich, Digital Productions, 3416 S. LaCienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016. Digital Scene Simulation (TM) by Digital Productions, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Copyright 1985. All rights reserved.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Koji Ichihashi, Toyo Links Corporation, 3-13-6 Higashi-shinegawa, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo 140 Japan. Credits: Toyo Links Corporation; Creative staff: Takashi Fukumoto, Hiroyuki Hayashi, Michiko Suzuki, Tomoko
Myochin, Taku Kimura, Eiko Miyabayashi, Keiji Yamaguche, Moto Noriyuki, Art Durinski. Tech Notes: We are the only commercial computer graphics production in the world regularly using ray tracing algorithms. Using TRACY, ray tracing software, we can describe liquid shapes like Liquefied Natural Gas by meta-ellipsoids. The meta-ellipsoids are extended techniques for creating organic objects and motion. Hardware: LINKS-1 System; Software: TRACY; The original software based on ray tracing algorithm.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Xavier Nicolas, Sogitec, 32, Boulevard de la Republique, Boulogne, Paris France 92100. Copyright 1986, SOGITEC. Credits: The SOGITEC Team. Tech Notes: SOGITEC is a French production house involved for
three years in the design and production of 3-D computer animation for commercials, TV graphics, industrial films and features for the European market. 3-D computer animation software developed by SOGITEC, Perkin Elmer 3200 MPS Multi-processing computer. Real time system E&S PS 300. Two frame buffers. Output on 35 mm.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Jeff Kleiser, Omnibus Computer Graphics, Inc., c/o Paramount Studios, Studio 6, 5555 Melrose Ave., Hollywood. CA 90038. Copyright 1986, Omnibus Computer Graphics. Credits: Omnibus Staff: Edited by Jeff
Kleiser. Tech Notes: This is a potpourri of work completed in the past year at our facilities in Los Angeles, Toronto and New York. The computer generated space ship matted over live action is from the PSO/DISNEY feature release ``Flight of the Navigator.'' All images calculated using OMNIBUS software running of VAXEN, CCI, F-1 and CRAY X/MP-48 and output directly either to video or onto R1 and Dicomed film recorders.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Jennifer Grey, San Francisco Production Group, 550 Bryant Street, San Francisco, CA 94107. Copyright 1986, San Francisco Production Group. Credits: Produced by San Francisco Production Group; Directed and
designed by Jennifer Grey; Image Engineering: Dawn Lutz; Editors: Lo Mack, Mark Raupach; Audio: Mark Cretcher, Leroy Clark. Tech Notes: A story of a man inside his room reflecting his state of mind. A subjective view of his experience using synthetic imagery animated with ADD to produce a sense of weight, volume and presence. Images II Computer Graphics System (NYIT); Motion Control: ADO recorded on ABEKAS A62 DDR.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Andrew Witkin, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, 3340 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304. Copyright 1986 Schlumberger Palo Alto Research. Credits: Andy Witkin, Kurt Fleisher, Michael Kass. Thanks to
Al Barr for advice and encouragement and to Brian von Herzen for helping develop some of the software. Tech Notes: Computed on a Symbolics 3670 with software developed at Schlumberger Palo Alto Research. The frames were originally written to Betacam tape and then dubbed to 1" tape.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Jerry Weil, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974. Credits: Artist: Jerry Weil; Software: Jerry Weil. Tech Notes: This animation piece exemplifies current research being done in the modeling and animation of cloth objects.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Terry Thrift, Imagenesis, 901 NE Loop 410, Ste 960, Alamo Savings Tower, San Antonio, TX 28209. Copyright 1986, Imagenesis. Credits: Imagenesis:
Terry Thrift, LISP System Software; Dennis Wenzel, Super
Quadric Object Models; Eric Shade, Texture Mapping; Randy Moreland, Artist & Storyboard. Tech Notes: Trees (modeled with deformed Super Quadrics and Texture mapping) are transformed into a variety of ``interesting'' objects. As object transformation occurs, exposed inner features of the wood grain inside the wood log are visible. Hardware: Symbolics 3600 with 24 bit color frame buffer. All software written in Zeta Lisp.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Joe L. Clark, Jr., Video Post & Transfer, 8036 Aviation Place, Box 53, Love Field Terminal, Dallas, TX 75235. Copyright 1986, Joe L. Clark, Jr. Credits: Joe L. Clark, Jr. Tech Notes: Animation created using
Dubner CDG II's texture mapping abilities on a moving background sequence. The chrome bars move down the screen continuously while the lenses move into position one at a time from various source positions. The bars continue to roll after the final lens is in position.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Melvin L. Prueitt, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS-D415, Los Alamos, NM 87545. Copyright 1986, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Credits: Computer graphics, story and software: Melvin L. Prueitt;
Produced & edited: Charles R. Barnett. Tech Notes: This is a brief look at hypothetical alien life forms. Film was produced on an III FABO from calculations on a CRAY 1 computer. It required 51/2 hours of Cray time.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Tokyo Kogakuin College of Art, Hiroshi Nara, Yoyogi 1-35-4, Shibuya 151, Tokyo Japan. Copyright 1986 Tokyo Kogakuin College of Art. Credits: By Tokyo Kogakuin College of Art.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Junnoske Kutsuzawa, NHK Science & Technology Research Lab, 1-10-11 Kinuta, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan 157. Credits: NHK Science & Technology Research Lab; Creators: K. Komatsu, J.
Kutuzawa, K. Shirata, K.Fukui, H. Izawa, S. Inoue, and E. Nakasu. Tech Notes: IBM 4341. Parametric functions generate realistic performances in accordance with action environments. The skin model consisted of fourth order Bezier patches that can smoothly change its shape without any rupture as the character is playing.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Michael Girard and George Karl, OSU/CGRG, 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201. Copyright 1986 Girard and Karl. Credits: Animation: Michael Girard and George Karl; Animal motion synthesis software: Michael
Girard; Scoring system software: George Karl. Tech Notes: Animals and humans meet on an open plain and engage in a ritualistic dance. Animal motion is designed and synthesized using a system which integrates the dynamics, kinematics and coordination of both periodic and non-periodic body movement.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Ruedy Leeman, OSU/CGRG, 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201. Credits: Ruedy W. Leeman, Michael Czeiszperger; Produced at the Computer Graphics Research Group. Ohio State University;
Video Time: Cranston/Csuri Productions. Tech Notes: The viewer is taken on a journey through the subconscious experiencing three emotional states. Julian Gomez software. The twixt-event driven animation system, plus coaster by Tom Longtin. Snake animation calculated on a VAX/780 display MARK III frame buffer (32 bit). Sound produced at the sound synthesis lab at OSU by Michael Czeiszperger.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Anne Seidman, OSU/CGRG, 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201. Credits: Design. Animation. Implosion software: Anne Seidman; 2-D texture mapping: Susan Amkraut; Music: Bryan Helm. Tech Notes:
Susan Amkraut wrote special texture mapping programs for boulder surfaces and 2-D illusions. Anne Seidman wrote implosion software. Animation software written by Julian Gomez was used for keyframing. VAX 11/780; 32 bit frame buffer built by Marc Howard; PS 300.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Hutchinson/Sadler, OSU/CGRG, 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201. Credits: Created by: Tom Hutchinson & William Sadler; Software: Hutchinson, Amkraut & CGRG Staff; Music: Rocky Reuter. Tech
Notes: Objects generated interactively using computer assisted visualization techniques. Motion control uses collision detection of vector field forces combined with object warping on 3-D space paths.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: David Maulsby, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive, NW, Calgary, T2N 1N4 Alberta, Canada. Copyright 1986 University of Calgary. Credits: Graphicsland/University of
Calgary; Software/Animators: B. & G. Wyvill, C. McPheeters, D. Jevens, D. Hankinson, J.Allan; Cinematographer: N. Garbutt; Producer: D.L. Maulsby. Tech Notes: Graphicsland is an integrated research test bed for animation and modeling. The soft object isosurfaces were approximated by polygons, rendered using a z-buffer, smoothed by phong shading. They were perfectly suitable to ray-tracing directly without polygonal approximation, as they were composed functions in a scalar field. The ``soft'' sequence was textured using the A-buffer technique.
21. Z
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Tanya Weinberger, Telesis Productions, Inc., 277 Alexander Street, Suite 600, Rochester, NY 14601. Copyright 1986. Credits: Produced at Telesis Productions, Inc.; thought up and done by: Tanya Weinberger; Music
by: Andy Hargrave & Scott Meade; Edited by: Lou Camerlengo. Tech Notes: Animated on the Artronics BFA Paint System.
22. HUMAN VECTORS — an excerpt
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Dov Jacobson, 157 Pelton Avenue, Station Island, NY 10310. Copyright 1986 Dov Jacobson. Credits: Visuals: Dov Jacobson; Music: Soma Holiday. Tech Notes: The computer software and input device used to
produce this video were purchased at Toys-R-Us for a total of $64.50. Computer Vectrix; Software: Artmaster and Animaction.
SIGGRAPH Video Review Issue 25
Edited by: Tom DeFanti, Dana Plepys, & Anna Seeto
Film & 1" transfers by Dana Plepys
E & C Media, Chicago, Illinois
Copyright notice
Most of the tapes in the SIGGRAPH Video Review are marked with a proper copyright notice. Among other things, this means that these tapes are not to be further copied, broadcast, photographed or edited without the explicit permission of the individual copyright owners.
SIGGRAPH'86 electronic theatre jury committee
Michelle L. Amato, Wayne Carlson, Indranit Chakravarty, Robert Cook, Nelson Max
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Michelle Amato, Cranston/Csuri Productions, Inc., 1501 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201. Copyright 1986.

thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Audio Engineering Research Center, Victor Company of Japan, Shimotsuruma, Yamato, Kanagawa 242, Japan. Credits: JVC (Thanks to the National Noh Theatre). Tech Notes: An aesthetical time and space is
constructed using the Japanese Noh stage and Noh masks. Hardware: VAX-11/750, Micro VAX; Software: JVC's 3D Graphic Software.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Cathlyn Cantone, The Fantastic Animation Machine, 12 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017. Copyright 1986. Credits: The Fantastic Animation Machine, Inc.; Principals: J. Linder & S. Gavil; Production Mgr: V.
Schwaid; Art Director/Animators: H.S. Mead, E. O'Neill, J. Steinkamp; Software Team: S. Sretschinsky, L. Velho, M. Voelpel; Sales/Marketing: C. Cantone. Tech Notes: Sony BVH 2500 recorder; 1-inch C videotape Raster Technologies Model One/25-S & One/380 graphic display systems; Edge Vanguard Mine-supercomputer Unix based computer systems; proprietary software.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Ken Kilner, General Electric Corporation, P.O. Box 2500, Daytona Beach, FL 32015. Copyright 1986. Credits: Concept, Script, Direction: Ken Kilmer; Computer Graphics: Mike Nelson; Video: Lou Gallo. Tech
Notes: This short sequence illustrates how photographic `cell texturing' is employed in real-time simulations to obtain realism without additional processing penalties.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: A.H. Barr, California Institute of Technology, Computer Science 258-80, Pasadena, CA 91125. Copyright 1986. Credits: Al Barr, Ronen Barzel. Dave Gillespie, Jim Kajiya, Deven Kalra, Tim Kay, Jon Leech, John
Platt, Ernie Sasaki, John Snyder. Tech Notes: This film displays results of research by the Computer Science Graphics Group over the last year. Featured are pieces demonstrating new modeling and animation algorithms based on physical simulation as well as a new rendering technique which extends ray tracing. This film is computed on a variety of large IBM mainframes using research software developed at Caltech.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: John Mareda, Sandia National Laboratories, Div 2644, Albuquerque, NM 87165-5800. Copyright 1986 Sandia National Laboratories. Credits: Animation: John Maresa; Computer Expertise: Debbie Campbell; Scene Software:
Pete Watterberg; Water Ripple Algorithms: Gary Mastin & Dennis Ghiglia. Tech Notes: Hardware: ELXSI Multiprocessor and VAX 8600 computers. Direct to Video Animation system. Raster Technology One/25. Lyon Lamb VRS IV. Sony BVU 800. Software enhancements include ray tracing fractals efficiently and water animation algorithms.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Bruce Fox, Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation, 580 Arapeen Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. Copyright 1986. Tech Notes: All images, except for selected scenes in the opening and closing, were recorded directly and
in real time from an Evans & Sutherland CTG computer image generator with a DEC PDP 11/44 host. Sound effects came from six different libraries. Data base modeling required one man year of time by 11 modelers.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Eihachiro Makamae, Hiroshima University, Saijo, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 724, Japan. Copyright 1986. Credits: Hiroshima University

thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Nelson Max, Lawrence Livermore Labs, L 301-Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550. Credits: Computer Animation: Nelson Max; Optical Printing and Editing: John Blunden; Forest Design: Jules Bloomenthal. Tech Notes:
The images were produced on a Cray 1 and a Cray XMP, using a scan line algorithm organized in polar coordinates to compute the atmospheric shadows, as described in the proceedings of SIGGRAPH'86. The film was recorded on a Dicomed D48C.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Takao Shimomura, Japan Computer Graphics Lab, Inc., 6-17, Nampei-dai, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan 150. Copyright 1986, JCGL. Credits: Producers: Masa-aki Taira, Kazuyuki Sugimura, Masami Koma-arashi, Kazumchi Kiyono;
Directors: Masaharu Shigematsr, Takayuki Ohguchi; Animator: Masakatsu Morisugi, Hirako Kuribayashi, Kanaame Iuchi, Takashi Kubota. Tech Notes: This reel includes some production work created by JCGL from 1985 to 1986. VAX 780, IMI 500, E&S PS 300, SONY BVH-2500, Dicomed D48S, NEC-PC.
11. FGS-4000 1986 DEMO TAPE
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Susan Crouse-Kemp, Robert Bosch Corporation, 2300 South 2300 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84119. Tech Notes: The work on this tape was done by FGS-4000 users throughout the world. The FGS-4000 is a turnkey animation
system developed by the Robert Bosch Corporation, Video Equipment Division, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Antonios Iliakis, Computer Animation Lag/GMDH, Beethovenstrasse 4/6000, Frankfurt 1, West Germany 6000. Copyright 1986. Credits: Computer Animation Lab/GMBH. Tech Notes: Two
VAX 11/780 host computers each with four megabytes of main memory; 3-D animation, E&S Multi Picture System: Painting System, Images II; Video recording, Sony 1" C format, BVH 2500; Up to 8000 line film recorder. 35 mm Cine. 4x5" and 8x10" slides. Dicomed D48 CR.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Fritz Hunrath, Vertigo, Suite 221, 119 W. Pender Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 1S5, Canada. Credits: Animation: Kirk McInroy, Cliff Garbutt, Rick Balabyck; Production Manager: Fritz Hunragh; Software and
Hardware: Vertigo's R&D division and Systems management; Sound: Griffiths Gibson & Ramsay Prod. Ltd. Tech Notes: This work was produced utilizing Vertigo's proprietary V-2000 prototype animation system. Running on Sun 3/160's and IRIS 2300's.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Christine Chang, R/Greenberg Associates, 350 W. 39th Street, New York, NY 10583. Copyright 1986.

thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Robert Schaff, Art Center College of Design, 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena, CA 91103. Copyright 1986 Art Center College of Design. Credits: Faculty advisors & software authors: Jim Blinn, Bob Schaff; Students: B.
Collins, T. Brown, S. Khoe, P. Campbell, K. Lipshutz, K. Schaefle, S. Jacquemin, O. Nye, N. Diem, J. Fox, B. Backstrand. Tech Notes: Three dimensional characters were rendered over two-dimensional painted backgrounds which were texture mapped into the scene. Organized as a class for advanced three-dimensional students. Designed, modeled and test frames on IBM PC/AT's with Number Nine graphic display cards. Rendering computations on various Vaxes.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Don Nelson, project manager, Mechanical Universe, California Institute of Technology, Mail code 1-70, Pasadena,CA 91125. Credits: JPL Computer Graphics Laboratory. Tech Notes: Excerpts from a telecourse
designed to teach second term physics. VAX 780. De Anza frame buffer. Sony BVH25OD videotape recorder.
17. DYNAMICS OF eiq x(1-x)
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Alan Norton or Evelyn Melton, 114-D52, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. Credits: Alan Norton, Evelyn Melton, Wally Kleinfelder, S. Harvey, J. Hall, W. Rowiki, J. Weiss, G. Phister, T.
Kay, H.Liberman, M. Tsao. Tech Notes: This film displays results of research by the Computer Science Graphics Group over the last year. Featured are pieces demonstrating new modeling and animation algorithms based on physical simulation as well as a new rendering technique which extends ray tracing. This form is computed on a variety of large IBM mainframes using research software developed at Caltech. This animation shows the Julia set defined by the formula as the parameter q varies from 0 to 2p. Each frame shows a portion of the complex plane in which points are colored according to the number of tries to iterate to a fixed radius. These shapes are computed by a parallel boundary-detection algorithm, in which multiple processors cooperate to explore only the parts of the image which are close to the boundaries of interest.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Guy Guillet, MIT Media Labs, 20 Ames Street, Room 429, Cambridge, MA 02139. Copyright 1986. Credits: Yasuhito Suenaga; Videotape production: Guy Guillet. Tech Notes: This demonstrates how one can increase
the resolution of an image by averaging frames of almost identical images. This research could help enhance the present broadcast signal with hardware at the receiver without having to increase its bandwidth.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Thomas A. DeFanti, University of Illinois at Chicago, EECC MC154, P.O. Box 4348, Chicago, IL 60680. Copyright 1984 Real Time Design, Inc. Credits: Graham Campbell, Thomas A. DeFanti, Jeff Frederiksen, Stephen
A. Joyce, Lawrence A. Leske, John A. Lindgerg, Daniel J. Sandin; Edited by: Daniel J. Sandin, Dana M. Plepys; Last Starfighter images courtesy of Digital Productions, Copyright 1984, Digital Scene Simulation (SM). All rights reserved. Tech Notes: Videotape accompanying technical session presentation at SIGGRAPH '86. Realism in computer graphics typically requires generating the images in 24 or more bits/pixel. Once the image is completed, several methods exist for storing it in a way that conserves disk space or minimizes transmission time. ``Color Cell Compression'' or CCC preserves at least a limited animation & local update capability, yet yields extraordinary-looking color images in an average of two bits/pixel independent of images complexity. The method also permits real-time decode of these images by simple hardware. Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank Bally Corp. for several years of support. Ed Catmull & Pat Cole at Lucasfilm Ltd. for some early help in demonstrating the CCC ideas; and John Whitney Jr. of Digital Productions, Inc. for supplying some of the test images.
20. 4K TAPE
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Jane Veeder, Pacific Northwest College of Art, 1219 S.W. Park Avenue, Portland, OR 97205. Copyright 1986 Jane Veeder. Credits: Video: Jane Veeder; Audio: Clark Salisbury, Jane Veeder. Tech Notes:
Commissioned by the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) and Siemens. For ARS Electronica 86.
thickness: 68 pt length: 90 pt
Contact: Marilyn Abers, The Media Staff, 1824 12th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404. Copyright 1986 Marilyn Abers. Credits: Computer animation: Marilyn Abers; Sound editing: Mark Freidman. Tech Notes:
Aurora 125 with Lyon Lamb controller (no editing).