The SIGGRAPH executive committee has developed a set of guidelines for our annual conference. When the guidelines were last approved, the executive committee asked me to prepare a brief introductory article and a copy of the guidelines for publication in the newsletter.
The guidelines were developed to provide executive committee guidance and expectations to the conference committees. In addition, the guidelines serve as an indication to SIGGRAPH members and conference attendees of what they should expect from the conference.
The guidelines are continually changing; we expect to develop revisions on an approximately annual basis. Readers who have comments may contact me at the address listed on the inside front cover.
2.1. Conference chairs
The vice-chair for conference planning will recommend two persons to serve as co-chairs for a conference. The combined skills of these two should include technical expertise in computer graphics, knowledge of computer graphics products and services, meeting organization competence and managerial and financial skills. The executive committee makes the final selection of conference chairs.
There is a minority opinion that it would be easier for a single person to chair the conference, particularly if the co-chairs have not had an opportunity to work together before beginning this intense effort. For the time being, the SIGGRAPH executive committee feels that the workload requires two people. If, in the future, the addition of professional staff increases to the point where the workload is significantly reduced, the issue will be revisited.
2.2. Technical program chair
The conference co-chairs will select a program chair, subject to executive committee approval. The program chair is a member of the previous year's program committee.
2.3. Conference planning committee
The conference planning committee (CPC) is chaired by the vice-chair for conference planning. Membership consists of conference co-chairs from the previous two conferences and all future conferences. Other members may be appointed by the SIGGRAPH chair. The CPC typically meets three times per year the day before the non-conference SIGGRAPH executive committee meetings.
All member conference co-chairs are expected to attend all CPC meetings and are encouraged to attend executive committee meetings. Conference co-chairs' expenses for attending the CPC/EC meetings will be reimbursed from their conference accounts. After a conference's accounts have been closed, their expenses will be paid by SIGGRAPH.
2.4. Net Surplus
ACM SIGGRAPH depends on conference income for a significant part of its yearly activities. Each year the SIGGRAPH executive committee makes budget plans for SIGGRAPH based on income expected from the conference. In the summary area of the conference budget there will be an item called ``SIGGRAPH operations.'' This number will also appear in the SIGGRAPH budget and will be determined by the SIGGRAPH executive committee. In addition, there will also be a surplus for which SIGGRAPH will make provisions in its budget. As a guideline, the SIGGRAPH operations plus the surplus should be 10 percent of the conference income. The conference budget expenses will include 15 percent of budgeted expenses as a contingency.
2.5. Proceedings
ACM SIGGRAPH must budget for the cost of sending the proceedings to the SIGGRAPH membership and therefore must control the proceedings cost. The conference committee will work closely with the SIGGRAPH editor-in-chief.
2.6. Budget
The conference co-chairs are responsible for developing a budget for their conference and insuring that it is followed. Accordingly, the SIGGRAPH executive committee expects budget presentations by the co-chairs at the winter executive committee meetings. The first presentation will be approximately one year and six months before the conference in question and the second approximately six months before. The first presentation should be general, focus on major initiatives the co-chairs propose for their conference and include approximate entries in the conference financial summary format. The second presentation will be more detailed and will focus on the actual budget.
The budget should have a descriptive section that explains key items, particularly those which differ significantly from previous conferences. The conference co-chairs should send copies of the budget to the vice-chair for conference planning so it can be distributed to conference planning and executive committee members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.
2.7. Costs and registration fees
In order to continue to make the conference accessible to the computer graphics community it is important to control the costs, consistent with having a high quality conference. In particular, students are to receive a substantial break in registration fees.
2.8. Professional management
Committees may hire professionals who are reimbursed for their services with the requirement that these professionals exhibit credentials and experience in the area in which they are being hired. The executive committee recommends that long-range planning not allow SIGGRAPH conferences to be locked into any one professional supplier. When professional management is sought, competitive bids should be solicited through ACM headquarters. Professionals are encouraged to participate in committee meetings. Professionals carry out policy decisions; a volunteer committee member should oversee each contractor and make the policy decisions.
2.9. Contracts
The executive committee recommends that conference volunteers not sign contracts without seeking the assistance of ACM headquarters. Volunteers should work with ACM headquarters staff, allowing enough lead time for the conferences manager to sign any contracts. Contracts should contain a conference chair signature to indicate that the contract has been read and agreed to by the conference chair. It is critical that both volunteers and headquarters staff process the necessary documents in a timely manner.
Conference volunteers may sign contracts independent of the headquarters staff if the value is less than $50,000 and the life of the contract is less than four months if there is insufficient time to get headquarters involvement. This should be done with caution because it has been determined that such actions by volunteers are binding on the ACM.
Contracts which have a term of more than one conference or contain options to apply to multiple conferences must have SIGGRAPH executive committee approval. Multi-conference contracts may contain provisions that limit the freedom of a conference committee. Year to year continuity is one of the reasons that the executive committee has entered into such a contract. A conference committee may not arbitrarily ignore or reinterpret the provisions of such contracts.
2.10. Volunteers
Volunteers remain the lifeblood of the conference. The executive committee encourages continuity but with regular turnover to allow new ideas and directions. The conference committee itself consists entirely of volunteers.
The primary benefit of serving on a conference committee is the satisfaction gained from a job well done and recognition among one's peers. There are no other rewards to be expected other than mementos of low intrinsic value. Volunteers can expect reimbursement for reasonable personal expenses incurred as a result of their committee work. All applicable ACM policies and procedures will be followed.
In addition to the volunteer conference committee, many other people volunteer their time to make the conference a success. These non-committee volunteers may be rewarded for their efforts by providing complimentary conference access, registrations, materials, accommodations and/or travel to the conference site. Such benefits must be agreed to in advance and must follow an approved schedule. Each conference committee is responsible for developing and following such a schedule.
2.11. Administrative assistants
Key conference committee members are encouraged to hire administrative assistants. The primary purposes of such an assistant are to handle administrative tasks and to serve as a contact point for the volunteer. The volunteer is still responsible for decisions and care should be exercised in administrative assistant contacts with other volunteers so that it does not appear that the administrative assistant is controlling the volunteers. All such positions must be approved by the conference chairs. Typically there will be an administrative assistant who works directly for the co-chairs. The title of this person may be selected by the co-chairs, but care must be exercised so there is no confusion between this person and the SIGGRAPH conference coordinator at ACM headquarters.
2.12. Conference equipment
Occasionally tangible items of significant residual value will be purchased as a cost-effective alternative to rental. These items become, in effect, SIGGRAPH property and their disposal will be controlled by the SIGGRAPH executive committee. Typically, these items will be passed on to following conference committees. Under no circumstances should the conference committee members expect to keep these items for their personal use after the conference has closed.
2.13. Final report
A final report with complete budget and actual financial information and a summary of conference activities is required by ACM policy within 120 days of the conference. The SIGGRAPH executive committee recognizes that this has not happened in the past. Nevertheless, it is the policy and approval for deviations from this policy must be granted by ACM. In addition, the ACM SIGGRAPH executive committee strongly recommends a thorough final report detailing all activities be prepared for the benefit of future conference committees.
2.14. Future conference committees
Future conference committee members should be given full access to planning meetings and other activities that will help them learn their roles for future conferences.
2.15. ACM
It is important that conference chairs build a working relationship with ACM volunteers and headquarters professional staff. ACM provides a policy and procedures manual, approves technical meeting request forms (including budget) and signs all appropriate contracts. Conference chairs are responsible for ensuring that all conference committee members are aware of ACM policies and procedures.
The SIGGRAPH conference coordinator is an ACM professional staff member who is dedicated to supporting the SIGGRAPH annual conferences. It is expected that the SIGGRAPH conference coordinator will be a resource for the conference committees, serve as a focal point for access to assistance from ACM headquarters and support year to year activities.
Space will be provided for an ACM booth, usually outside the exhibit floor. The ACM will sell ACM and SIGGRAPH memberships in this booth. The conference will honor the receipts from these membership sales as proof necessary to obtain member registration rates. It is not possible to revise a conference registration to member category if the registrant has obtained ACM and/or SIGGRAPH membership after registering for the conference.
2.16. Support functions
Operations which support the conference activities should be at a high professional level based on past conference experiences. Such functions include efficient registration facilities and high quality audio visuals. In particular, incentives should be established to insure that all presenter generated slides reflect the desired quality. The executive committee requests that purchase orders not be accepted as payment for conference registration or conference materials fees. However, it is recommended that credit cards be accepted for payment of on site registration and/or conference materials fees.
2.17. Exhibitor advisory committee (EAC)
This committee reports to the SIGGRAPH executive committee and is a resource for the conference committee on all exhibitor related issues. The contact is the liaison person between the EAC and SIGGRAPH, a SIGGRAPH volunteer appointee. The EAC is chaired by the current conference's exhibits chair.
2.18. Expense reimbursement
Authorized expenses incurred by volunteers and professionals working directly on the conference will be reimbursed by the conference per ACM policies and applicable contracts. Expense reimbursement is reserved for those individuals directly working on the conference.
Note that ACM policies and IRS regulations do not permit the reimbursement of expenses incurred by family members, dependents or associates of conference volunteers, unless they are working directly on the conference. Some committee members may receive complimentary services such as hotel rooms or suites. It is acceptable for conference committee member guests to share these services with the conference committee member.
2.19. Conference committee meetings
Experience has shown that full committee meetings are very valuable even though the expense for the typically geographically distributed committees is non-trivial. There should be budget support for four to six committee meetings which will typically be held in the conference city in order to permit easy organization of facility inspection tours and to take advantage of favorable hotel rates in the properties which are being used for the conference.
In addition, a post conference `wrap-up' meeting should be planned. Besides resolving items from the conference, this meeting will serve as a debriefing session for future conference co-chairs. The full conference committee will attend this meeting only if the conference has been financially successful.
The post conference committee meeting is an excellent opportunity to have the traditional `thank you' social event for the conference committee. If carefully planned, this meeting may be held at a site other than the conference city at small additional expense. The social function will be open to one guest per committee member, but under no circumstances will any travel or subsistence expenses for the guest be reimbursed by the conference. All post conference committee meeting and social event expenses will be fully budgeted.
2.20. Excess conference materials
At the end of the conference, there will be conference materials left over. The conference committee should make arrangements in advance for the disposal of these items. Arrangements may be made with the local groups coordinator and/or education committee chair. Items inventoried by ACM will be returned to the appropriate location. Note that copyright issues do not permit the sale of course notes except at the conference.
It is expected that these conference materials will not be sold or stored after the conclusion of the conference. Some inventory may be required to fulfill previously ordered conference materials that were not picked up at the conference. The recipient is expected to pay for shipping and handling of all conference materials not picked up at the conference. This policy should be stated on all registration instructions.
2.21. Complimentary policy
An executive committee approved complimentary policy exists and must be followed by the conference committees.
2.22. SIGGRAPH executive committee
The SIGGRAPH executive committee and ACM guests should be specifically invited to all special events. As appropriate, special seating should be set aside for the executive committee and guests.
2.23. Deadlines
The SIGGRAPH executive committee recommends that a fixed schedule of deadlines for contributors be established and adhered to each year. This is intended to ease the burden on this important group. It is understood that these dates will not change to reflect the changing dates of the conference.