SIGGRAPH '87 Guide for Authors
Maureen Stone
SIGGRAPH'87 Technical Program Chair
This is a guide for authors submitting papers to the annual ACM SIGGRAPH conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques. A submission should contain previously unpublished, original research results and should meet the ACM standards for a scholarly publication. Accepted papers will be presented during three days of technical sessions at the conference and published in the conference proceedings, a special issue of Computer Graphics.
The SIGGRAPH conferences are reviewed conferences, which means that each paper is read by several reviewers. Unlike a refereed journal, these reviewers cannot suggest complex changes to the paper and review the paper again after the author has modified it. The paper must be acceptable as originally submitted, although a reviewer may request minor modifications before publication. There is a well-established procedure for reviewing papers to determine their appropriateness and acceptability for the conference. This guide is designed to give potential authors an insight into that reviewing procedure and to present some guidelines on what constitutes a successful SIGGRAPH paper. It is written, not as an official SIGGRAPH policy paper, but as a guideline for authors submitting or planning to submit papers to the 1987 conference.
The reviewing process is administered by the technical program committee chair, who selects and coordinates the technical program committee. The technical program committee is a group of approximately 20 computer graphics professionals selected for their knowledge of the field, their experience with SIGGRAPH and their willingness to serve the community in this manner. The committee members act as senior reviewers for the conference.
The papers are due at the technical program office on January 13, 1987. This is a hard and fast deadline. Late papers will be returned without review. If you intend to be one of the many who send your paper at the last minute, please use a reputable courier service. Papers which get lost in transit may not arrive in time to be considered. Your paper will be acknowledged via first class mail when it arrives, so if you do not hear from us within a week from when you expect your paper to have arrived, please call the program committee office.
On January 14th, a subset of the program committee will begin to distribute the papers. Each paper is allocated to one of the senior reviewers, based on the subject area discussed in the paper as defined by the title, abstract and a brief look at the body of the paper. Papers which clearly do not meet SIGGRAPH's standards for applicability, originality, completeness or page length may be rejected at this point. Depending on the number of papers submitted, each committee member will receive about eight to ten papers. He/she is responsible both for reviewing each paper and for sending the paper to at least two other reviewers for additional comments. Every effort is made in selecting reviewers to ensure a fair and unbiased review. Allowing for the mailing of papers and reviews back and forth, this process takes about six weeks.
In early March, the technical program committee will meet. By that time, each paper has been reviewed at least three times and the opinions collected, resulting in a list of papers ordered by review results. Papers receiving three reviews highly recommending acceptance are usually accepted without much further discussion; those receiving three rejection ratings also receive little further attention. The balance of the meeting is spent deciding which of the other papers to include in the program. The conference cannot comfortably accommodate more than 35 papers, with 33 being the ideal number to fit into 11 sessions, so this limitation is a factor when making the final selections. As soon as the program committee meeting is finished, the selected papers are sorted into sessions and the advance program is finalized.
Acceptance notification will be made at the end of March 1987 and final, camera-ready copies of the papers will be due in mid-May 1987. The printing process begins immediately thereafter so that the proceedings may be printed in time for the conference in July.
A submitted paper should include a descriptive title, an abstract of 100 to 300 words, key words and CR categories, a discussion of how the reported results relate to other work, illustrative figures and citations to the relevant literature. The paper should present sufficient detail of the new work plus appropriate background or references to enable the reviewers to convince themselves that the ideas presented are correct and the work performed could be duplicated. The acceptance or rejection decision is based on the content of the paper as submitted, since there is no way to guarantee that shortcomings will be corrected in the final version. Video and film material integral to the content of the paper should accompany the paper. The video portion of accepted papers may be published in the SIGGRAPH video review.
Appropriate topics for papers include, but are not limited to: image rendering, lighting models, geometric modeling, CAD/CAM/CIM, animation, interaction handling and techniques, graphics hardware, data and process visualization, graphics systems, integrated text and graphics, graphic design, color and the use of graphics in applications. This year we are especially interested in graphics technology applicable to workstations.
The paper must be previously unpublished and every effort will be made to avoid concurrent publication of papers. Professional courtesy dictates that authors should notify the technical program chair if a paper submitted for review to SIGGRAPH is accepted for publication elsewhere.
Final formatted length for accepted papers will be eight double column pages, which corresponds to approximately 20 double-spaced typed pages unformatted. Authors are encouraged to consult the Communications of the ACM information for authors, published twice a year (most recently in the January 1986 CACM) for a description of ACM standard format.
The format of the papers submitted in January should be adequate for the review process. It is, of course, to the author's advantage to make the reviewer's job as easy as possible. A well-written paper, double-spaced, printed with a high quality printer or typewriter, with useful illustrations (photographs are preferable to slides) will appeal to reviewers. Given the visual nature of most of the papers presented at SIGGRAPH, it is surprising how many papers are presented for review without pictures or a videotape to support the ideas presented. It is not necessary to have the ultimate picture or the final, polished version of the videotape for review. However, the reviewers are much more likely to accept papers containing some indication that the authors' claims of generating great pictures or producing easy-to-use systems are supported over those that leave the final results to the reviewer's imagination.
Conference presentation
The authors of each accepted paper are expected to give a presentation lasting approximately 20 minutes at the conference. Authors should include a note with their submission if they are planning anything for the presentation that is not obvious from the paper; for example, an author may point out that he/she will have a videotape or live demonstration at the conference showing the results of the paper. Authors of accepted papers are sent detailed instructions for preparing for the conference presentation.
The authors, other than employees of the U.S. government and their employers must be prepared to sign a copyright transfer form before the paper is published. ``It is a policy of ACM to own the copyrights on its technical publications to protect the interests of ACM, its authors, their employers and at the same time to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others'' (extracted from ACM copyright procedures).
A good SIGGRAPH paper will make both a respectable paper for the proceedings and a good conference talk. As an author you should ask yourself the following questions before submitting your paper. Papers without good answers to these questions are unlikely to be accepted at SIGGRAPH.
What problem are you solving?
There is no point in publishing a paper unless it presents a solution to a problem. Try to state all your constraints and assumptions. This is an area where it can be invaluable to have someone not intimately familiar with your work read the paper. Include a crisp description of the problem in the abstract and try to suggest it in the title. The choice of senior reviewer for the paper is based almost entirely on the answer to this question.
What were the previous solutions?
What are the relevant published works in your problem area? What deficiencies in their solutions are you trying to overcome? How does the new solution differ from previously published results? Don't expect the reviewers to automatically know this information as they are unlikely to have read precisely the relevant literature recently. Make specific comparisons to your references; don't just compile a list of vaguely related papers.
How well did you solve your problem?
Based on your problem statement, what did you accomplish? The author is responsible for proving that the problem is solved. Include pictures, statistics or whatever is required to make your case. If you find this part of the paper difficult to write, perhaps the work is not yet finished and the paper should be deferred until next year.
What does this work contribute to the field?
What are your new ideas? If you don't have at least one new idea, you don't have a publishable paper. Can your results be applied anywhere outside of your project? If not, the paper is probably too specific for SIGGRAPH. Beware also of trying to write a paper with too large a scope. A short conference paper can only present a few, concise ideas. Trying to turn a 100 page thesis into an eight page paper will produce a result that is either too vague to be believable or too terse to be understandable. Either isolate a small, self-contained set of ideas or write a journal article.
Is the paper complete?
The question that generates the most discussion at the program committee meeting is whether a paper is complete. If the paper presents an algorithm or technique, an experienced practitioner in the field should be able to implement it using the paper and its references. If the paper claims to present a faster or more efficient way of implementing an established technique, it must contain enough detail to redo the experiment on competing implementations. When you quote numbers be sure that they do not lie; state clearly whether they were measured, simulated or derived and how you did the measurements, simulations or derivations.
Does the paper contain too much information?
Many large, poorly written papers contain a good paper trying to get out. It is the author's responsibility, not the reviewer's, to discover this paper. If you have solved a single practical problem, don't try to generalize it for the purposes of publication. If you have a formal theory or mathematical formulation, don't include all the vagaries of the implementation unless they are critical to the utility of the theory. Don't include the contents of your user's manual; try to describe the model or functionality achieved. You should assume your audience has a working knowledge of the contents of a good computer graphics text and access to the major journals in computer science and electrical engineering.
Can this paper be presented well?
While SIGGRAPH papers are judged primarily as technical papers, consideration is also given to how suitable the topic is for a conference presentation. Think of how you would present your ideas and how big the audience is likely to be. Papers that have a small number of concisely stated new ideas, can appeal to a large audience and are visually interesting tend to be easy to present well. As recent conferences clearly show, this criteria does not eliminate papers that have mathematics, theory or are specialized if they contain significant new ideas.
The papers that present a new algorithm, technique or piece of hardware are the easiest papers to write and review. If the content is truly new, effective and makes a useful contribution to the state of the art, it is likely to be considered acceptable for SIGGRAPH. Equally valuable, but harder to write and evaluate, are papers that describe systems and applications. While the criteria above will be applied to all papers, below are some specific hints for authors of these papers.
A systems paper may present a real system, either by a global survey of an entire system or by selective examination of specific themes embodied in the system. Or, it may present the design for a system that includes ideas or techniques you feel are important to present to the technical community, even without an implementation. Make it obvious from the abstract which category applies to your paper.
If a system has been implemented, include information about how it has been used and what this usage shows about the practical importance of the system. Do the users include anyone other than the authors? Do they depend on it for their work or do they just play with it? If the system is still in the design phase, it is most important to state the design criteria and constraints. Back up your decisions with references to similar systems that are already implemented, stating what problems you are solving or what solutions you are including in your design. Reviewers tend to be very skeptical of design-only papers unless there are new ideas of obviously high quality.
The paper should emphasize the novel aspects of the system, what underlying themes are present, what problems were anticipated/encountered in building the system and how the structure presented provides solutions to these problems. In general, avoid details that are only of interest to users of the system and concentrate on those that would be interesting to someone building a similar system. Avoid sweeping claims, especially for paper designs. Levin and Redell's article ``An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions, or How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper'' [1], while oriented towards operating systems, is highly recommended for further guidelines on writing systems papers.
An application paper presents an application area and a problem in that area that was solved using computer graphics. The techniques used don't have to be unique, but the use must not be completely obvious. The author should concentrate on what was learned by using graphics in this manner and how well the use of graphics worked compared to previous techniques for solving the same problem. As in a systems paper, the audience should be other applications programmers, not the end user. Successful applications papers provide some general insight into the use of computer graphics and interactive techniques to solve problems.
Copies of this guide plus the ACM Computing Reviews (CR) classification information are available from the SIGGRAPH conference office. Call (312) 644-6610 and request an author's packet for the SIGGRAPH '87 technical program. For further information, call or write:
SIGGRAPH '87 Technical Program Office
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(415) 858-2890
1. R. Levin and D. Redell, ``An Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions, or How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper.'' ACM Operating Systems Review, (SIGOPS Quarterly), p. 3540.