Rick Beach, November 19, 1986 4:10:28 pm PST
Æ about the cover (Copper/Plass)
Contributions (technical articles, tutorials, bibliographies)
Æ Computer Graphics in Japan, SIGGRAPH liason (Herr)
ÆÆ Essays from the S'86 Art Show Catalog (Beach)
ÆÆ Book reviews (Singh paper) find original from Baldev for Lynn
ÆÆ SVR 24 & 25 tables of contents
Æ S'86 Dick Phillips (check Friday)
SIGGRAPH Activities (minutes, conference reports)
ÆÆ Nominations (Defanti paper) compose stuff from Exec board minutes
Æ SIGGRAPH fiscal 86 budget wrapup (Kaplon / SBA)
Æ SIGGRAPH fiscal 87 budget (Kaplon . . . )
Æ SIGGRAPH Exec Board minutes Dallas (Carey)
Æ local groups (Mead)
Æ standards (Keith)
Æ dues increase (Keith)
Æ software tools workshop
ÆÆ UNC Workshop wrapup (Crow)
Æ UNC Workshop coupon (Beach)
Æ Interactive image report (Defanti)
ÆÆ Guidelines for small conferences, workshops and special events (Christiansen) send copy to Lynn for typing
ÆÆ SIGGRAPH'88 Technical Program Chair selected (Newton/Gooderich)
ÆÆ Educational discount list (Judy Brown)
ÆÆ Educational column (Judy Brown)
Æ Computer Graphics in Japan (Laurin Herr) call to check
Announcements (things to come)
Æ SIGGRAPH Dates (Beach)
ÆÆ Educational Resource Grant announcement (message)
ÆÆ Educational Directory announcement (message)
ÆÆ call for PhD abstracts (Jeff McConnell N/A yet)
ÆÆ IFIP INTERACT'87 call for videotapes (paper)