Aronson-Computer Graphic
May 5, 1987
From: Richard J. Beach, SIGGRAPH editor-in-chief
To: Fred Aronson, ACM HQ
Dick Hespos, ACM HQ
 Kelly Booth, SIGGRAPH chair
Date:May 5, 1987
Re: New trade publication Computer Graphic
The enclosed trade publication has chosen a title, Computer Graphic, that is extremely similar to the title of the ACM SIGGRAPH serial Computer Graphics. The names differ only by the plural of the word graphics.
I have received two copies and other copies have been mailed to members of our research group. I cannot identify the mailing list used for this distribution. So far, it is not obvious that any ACM list has been used.
The publisher is Harris Publications Inc., 1115 Broadway—8th floor, New York, NY 10010.
My concerns over the similarity of name reflect the potential confusion between a scholarly research/professional journal and this more glitzy trade publication oriented to personal computer graphics and desktop publishing. Computer Graphics, the ACM journal has a long established reputation for quality production and content. Many libraries treat Computer Graphics as an archival journal, especially due to the annual SIGGRAPH conference proceedings that are important reference.
This new journal has a chaotic design, contains very little technical content, and addresses a very different market segment of computer graphicists.
I would appreciate any action or advice on how to proceed with my concerns. Kelly Booth recalls that John Beatty may have been through this before, if that situation might be of any help.
Thanks for your assistance.