<> <> <> <> <> To get a 24x80 window to ParcVax and log in, type: TerminalEmulator -term dm2500 ParcVax <> Open and select the TerminalEmulator. Don't worry if the primary selection is in the wrong place. Tell ParcVAX you are emulating a dm2500 setenv TERM dm2500 Do some unix-y things, like `ls', or `head /etc/passwd'. Don't do anything that generates output too far ahead of you, since TerminalEmulator likes to show it all to you before letting you stop it. Create a sample C program (no, you can't shift-select to the TerminalEmulator, sigh.): From the shell, type: vi hello.c type a to get into append mode, and then: main() { printf("hello world!\n"); } type ESC to get back to command mode, and then: :wq Back in the shell, type: cc hello.c When that's finished, type: ./a.out to print out hello world! Cat the program up onto the screen with: cat hello.c Open a new viewer and shift select the C program into the viewer. Mention that there's also ftp between ParcVax and the local file servers. Say that we have troff to dovers. But not tioga documents to troff input. Other advantages of unix: usenet and netnews access. We're not above stealing user interfaces or paradigms we think are useful. Play some screen oriented games, for example, /usr/games/rogue or /usr/games/canfield. These require that you know how to use the games. <. Underscores will show up as left-arrows.>>