Copyright Ó 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Doug Wyatt, August 6, 1987 5:10:13 pm PDT
Vector2 USING [VEC];
Graphics: TYPE ~ PS.Graphics;
VEC: TYPE ~ Vector2.VEC;
Box: TYPE ~ RECORD [ll, ur: VEC];
Matrix: TYPE ~ REF MatrixRep;
MatrixRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [a, b, c, d, tx, ty: REAL];
Graphics state operators
GSave: PROC [g: Graphics];
save graphics state
GRestore: PROC [g: Graphics];
restore graphics state
GRestoreAll: PROC [g: Graphics];
restore to bottommost graphics state
InitGraphics: PROC [g: Graphics];
reset graphics state parameters
SetLineWidth: PROC [g: Graphics, lineWidth: REAL];
set line width
CurrentLineWidth: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [REAL];
return current line width
LineCap: TYPE ~ {butt, round, square};
SetLineCap: PROC [g: Graphics, lineCap: LineCap];
set shape of ends for stroke
CurrentLineCap: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [LineCap];
return current line cap
LineJoin: TYPE ~ {miter, round, bevel};
SetLineJoin: PROC [g: Graphics, lineJoin: LineJoin];
set shape of corners for stroke
CurrentLineJoin: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [LineJoin];
return current line join
SetMiterLimit: PROC [g: Graphics, miterLimit: REAL];
set miter length limit
CurrentMiterLimit: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [REAL];
return current miter limit
Dash: TYPE ~ RECORD [array: PS.Array, offset: REAL];
SetDash: PROC [g: Graphics, dash: Dash];
set dash pattern for stroking
CurrentDash: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [Dash];
return current dash pattern
SetFlat: PROC [g: Graphics, flatness: REAL];
set flatness tolerance
CurrentFlat: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [REAL];
return current flatness
SetGray: PROC [g: Graphics, gray: REAL];
set color to gray value from 0 (black) to 1 (white)
CurrentGray: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [REAL];
return current gray
HSBColor: TYPE ~ RECORD [hue, sat, brt: REAL];
SetHSBColor: PROC [g: Graphics, hsbColor: HSBColor];
set color given hue, saturation, brightness
CurrentHSBColor: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [HSBColor];
return current color hue, saturation, brightness
RGBColor: TYPE ~ RECORD [red, green, blue: REAL];
SetRGBColor: PROC [g: Graphics, rgbColor: RGBColor];
set color given red, green, blue
CurrentRGBColor: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [RGBColor];
return current color red, green, blue
Screen: TYPE ~ RECORD [freq: REAL, angle: REAL, proc: PS.Any];
SetScreen: PROC [g: Graphics, screen: Screen];
set halftone screen
CurrentScreen: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [Screen];
return current halftone screen
Transfer: TYPE ~ RECORD [proc: PS.Any];
SetTransfer: PROC [g: Graphics, transfer: Transfer];
set transfer function
CurrentTransfer: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [Transfer];
return current transfer function
Coordinate system and matrix operators
DefaultMatrix: PROC [g: Graphics, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
return device default matrix
CurrentMatrix: PROC [g: Graphics, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
return CTM
SetMatrix: PROC [g: Graphics, matrix: Matrix];
replace CTM by matrix
Concat: PROC [g: Graphics, matrix: Matrix];
replace CTM by matrix x CTM
IdentMatrix: PROC [result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
return the identity matrix
Translate: PROC [t: VEC, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
define translation by t
Scale: PROC [s: VEC, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
define scaling by s
Rotate: PROC [angle: REAL, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
define rotation by angle degrees
ConcatMatrix: PROC [matrix1, matrix2: Matrix, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
form product of two matrices
InvertMatrix: PROC [matrix: Matrix, result: Matrix] RETURNS [Matrix];
form inverse of a matrix
Transform: PROC [p: VEC, matrix: Matrix] RETURNS [VEC];
transform point p by matrix
DTransform: PROC [d: VEC, matrix: Matrix] RETURNS [VEC];
transform distance d by matrix
ITransform: PROC [p: VEC, matrix: Matrix] RETURNS [VEC];
inverse transform point p by matrix
IDTransform: PROC [d: VEC, matrix: Matrix] RETURNS [VEC];
inverse transform distance d by matrix
Path construction operators
NewPath: PROC [g: Graphics];
initialize current path to be empty
CurrentPoint: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [VEC];
return current point coordinates
MoveTo: PROC [g: Graphics, p: VEC];
set current point to p
RMoveTo: PROC [g: Graphics, d: VEC];
relative MoveTo
LineTo: PROC [g: Graphics, p: VEC];
append straight line to p
RLineTo: PROC [g: Graphics, d: VEC];
relative LineTo
ArcSense: TYPE ~ {counterclockwise, clockwise};
Arc: PROC [g: Graphics, p: VEC, r: REAL, ang1, ang2: REAL, sense: ArcSense];
append counterclockwise or clockwise arc
ArcTo: PROC [g: Graphics, p1, p2: VEC, r: REAL] RETURNS [t1, t2: VEC];
append tangent arc
CurveTo: PROC [g: Graphics, p1, p2, p3: VEC];
append Bezier cubic section
RCurveTo: PROC [g: Graphics, d1, d2, d3: VEC];
relative CurveTo
ClosePath: PROC [g: Graphics];
connect subpath back to its starting point
FlattenPath: PROC [g: Graphics];
convert curves to sequences of straight lines
ReversePath: PROC [g: Graphics];
reverse direction of current path
StrokePath: PROC [g: Graphics];
compute outline of stroked path
CharPath: PROC [g: Graphics, string: PS.String, bool: BOOL];
append character outline to current path
ClipPath: PROC [g: Graphics];
set current path to clipping path
PathBBox: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [Box];
return bounding box of current path
MoveAction: TYPE ~ PROC [p: VEC];
LineAction: TYPE ~ PROC [p: VEC];
CurveAction: TYPE ~ PROC [p1, p2, p3: VEC];
CloseAction: TYPE ~ PROC [];
PathForAll: PROC [g: Graphics, move: MoveAction, line: LineAction, curve: CurveAction, close: CloseAction];
enumerate current path
InitClip: PROC [g: Graphics];
set clip path to device default
Clip: PROC [g: Graphics, eo: BOOLFALSE];
establish new clipping path
Painting operators
ErasePage: PROC [g: Graphics];
paint current page white
Fill: PROC [g: Graphics, eo: BOOLFALSE];
fill current path with current color
Stroke: PROC [g: Graphics];
draw line along current path
Image: PROC [g: Graphics, width, height: INT, bitsPerSample: INT, matrix: Matrix,
stringProc: PROC RETURNS [PS.String]];
render sampled image onto current page
ImageMask: PROC [g: Graphics, width, height: INT, invert: BOOL, matrix: Matrix,
stringProc: PROC RETURNS [PS.String]];
render mask onto current page
Device setup and output operators
CopyPage: PROC [g: Graphics];
output current page
FrameDevice: PROC [g: Graphics, matrix: Matrix, width, height: INT, proc: PS.Any];
install frame buffer device
NullDevice: PROC [g: Graphics];
install null device
Character and font operators
DefineFont: PROC [g: Graphics, key: PS.Any, font: PS.Dict] RETURNS [PS.Dict];
register a font dictionary
FindFont: PROC [g: Graphics, key: PS.Any] RETURNS [PS.Dict];
register a font dictionary
MakeFont: PROC [font: PS.Dict, matrix: Matrix] RETURNS [PS.Dict];
transform a font
SetFont: PROC [g: Graphics, font: PS.Dict];
set font dictionary
CurrentFont: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [PS.Dict];
return current font dictionary
Show: PROC [g: Graphics, string: PS.String];
print characters of string on page
AShow: PROC [g: Graphics, a: VEC, string: PS.String];
add a to width of each char while showing string
WidthShow: PROC [g: Graphics, c: VEC, char: CHAR, string: PS.String];
add c to width of specified char while showing string
AWidthShow: PROC [g: Graphics, c: VEC, char: CHAR, a: VEC, string: PS.String];
combined effects of ashow and widthshow
KShow: PROC [g: Graphics, action: PROC [CHAR, CHAR], string: PS.String];
execute action between characters shown
StringWidth: PROC [g: Graphics, string: PS.String] RETURNS [VEC];
width of string in current font
Font cache operators
CacheInfo: TYPE ~ RECORD [bsize, bmax, msize, mmax, csize, cmax, blimit: INT];
CacheStatus: PROC [g: Graphics] RETURNS [CacheInfo];
return cache status and parameters
SetCacheDevice: PROC [g: Graphics, w: VEC, box: Box];
declare cached character metrics
SetCharWidth: PROC [g: Graphics, w: VEC];
declare uncached character metrics
SetCacheLimit: PROC [g: Graphics, blimit: INT];
set max bytes in cached character