/* File XCTimer.c */ #include "XCDefs.h" #include "XCInts.h" #asm LOF LCG; Turn off listing of printf.c #endasm #include "printf.c" #asm LON LG; Turn it back on #endasm /* ======================================================================== */ /* main */ /* ======================================================================== */ main() { static char response = ' '; Aints = Bints = 0; signon(); startInterrupts(inthandle); while (response != 'Q' && response != 'q') {if (CtlCk()) { response = getchar(); if (response =='Q' || response == 'q') break; printf("\nChannel A Interrupts received: %d\n", Aints); printf("\nChannel B Interrupts received: %d\n", Bints); Bints = Aints = 0; } printf("\nSample text."); IntMsWait(5000); /* see if a 5 second wait works */ }; }/*end of main */