-- File TfsBase1.mesaGWilliamsSeptember 3, 1981 4:18 PM
--changed TfsInitializeCBStorage to take a default error routine
--changed code to reflect Taft’s changes to BCPL ver.
--Now check to see if core pointer is needed before TfsDoDiskComand
--Changed to put display control back into TfsDoDiskCommand and TfsGetCb as they are in the BCPL version. Needed since
--(TfsWritePages calls these routines but itself doesn’t turn off display.)

InlineDefs: FROM "inlinedefs" USING [COPY, BITOR, BITAND, BITSHIFT],
MiscDefs: FROM "miscdefs" USING [Zero],
Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zEXCH, zMISC],
SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [AllocateHeapNode, FreeHeapNode],
TridentDefs: FROM "tridentdefs";

TfsBase1: PROGRAM IMPORTS InlineDefs, MiscDefs, SystemDefs, TridentDefs
EXPORTS TridentDefs =

BEGIN OPEN InlineDefs, SystemDefs, TridentDefs;

zoneLeng: CARDINAL ← lCBZ + 6*lCB
;-- memory for command buffers

tfsSavedDisplay: WORD ← 177777B;
--1 => display not saved
tfsLeaveDisplay: BOOLEAN ← FALSE;-- TRUE to leave display on during transfer
Aretry: SIGNAL = CODE;
-- Include EXCH because of how RealTime is defined
NullRoutine: PROCEDURE[]=BEGIN i: INTEGER; i ← 0;END;
TfsInitializeCBStorage: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [disk: tfsdskPtr, cbz: cbzPtr, firstPage: INTEGER, length: CARDINAL, retry: RetryType, errorRtn: ErrorRoutType ← DefaultTfsErrorRtn] =

-- Initialize the cbz such that it can be used for TFS disk Transfers
-- This procedure is called by TfsActOnPages
-- defaultError = TRUE means use the default error routine

temptr,cb: cbPtr;-- pointer to CB queue
cbPos,cbzPos: CARDINAL;-- to determine where we are in zone

IF length # 0 THEN-- was IF numarg >= 4 THEN
MiscDefs.Zero[cbz, length];-- erase the buffer
cbz.length ← length;-- store size of buffer
cbz.errorRtn ← errorRtn;
cbz.retry ← retry;--this was a goto address
cbz.cleanupRoutine ← DefaultTfsCleanupRtn;

cbz.disk ← disk;-- store disk object pointer
cbz.currentPage ← firstPage;-- set up starting page number
cbz.queueHead ← @cbz↑.head;-- queueHead points to Head
cb ← LOOPHOLE[cbz,cbPtr]+lCBZ;
cbz.head ← cb;-- store pointer in queue head
cbzPos ← LOOPHOLE[(cbz+(cbz.length-1))];-- where end of core is

DO-- this is a BCPL repeatuntil cb eq 0...
cbz.tail ← cb;-- store pointer to CB queue in queue tail
cb.cbz ← cbz;-- store CBZ pointer in this CB
cb.kcb.blockH.status ← dstFree; -- set sector=1’s + defaults
cb ← cb + lCB;-- point to next CB, if possible
cbPos ← LOOPHOLE[cb + lCB];-- where the next next CB will start
IF cbPos > cbzPos THEN cb ← NIL;
-- if CB after next CB is not possible, ptr = 0
temptr ← cbz.tail;-- retrieve the CB queue tail
temptr.nextCB ← cb;-- store pointer to next CB there
IF cb = NIL THEN EXIT;-- if no more CB’s are possible, quit

-- of TfsInitializeCBStorage

TfsDoDiskCommand: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [disk: tfsdskPtr, cb: cbPtr, cA: POINTER, dA: PAGE, fp: FP, pageNumber: INTEGER, action: CARDINAL, nextCB: cbPtr] =

-- Expects command and label to be zeroed on entry or otherwise appropriately initialized.
--This procedure is called by TfsActOnPages. dA is a virtual disk address of the type produced by TfsVirtualDA

cbz: cbzPtr;
-- pointer to command block zone
la: dlPtr;-- pointer to label (KCB.addrL) or (DL)
actNumber: INTEGER;-- Disk command, in the range [0..10]
p: kcbPtr;-- KCB pointers
temptr: cbPtr;-- for fixing up CB chain

cbz ← cb.cbz
;-- get cbz pointer (put there by TfsInitializeCBstorage)

-- TFSbase.bcpl has code here about setting normal and error wakeups if interrupts are ever implemented.

--Set up header block part of sector transfer
cb.kcb.blockH.addr ← LOOPHOLE[@cb.kcb.diskAddress];--pointer to (cylinder,head,sector)
cb.kcb.blockH.count ← lDH;-- store length of header

-- set up label part of sector transfer. The pointer to the label is in
-- 1 of 3 places:
1. given, i.e. cb.kcb.addrL is not NIL
2. in label field of this CB
3. in the label field of the next CB.

la ← cb.kcb.blockL.addr
;-- caller may want label to go elsewhere
IF nextCB = NIL THEN la ← @cb.label
ELSE la ← lDH + @nextCB.label;
cb.kcb.blockL.addr ← la;-- store the label block pointer
cb.kcb.blockL.count ← lDL
;-- store the count for label

-- set data block part of sector transfer
cb.kcb.blockD.addr← cA;-- store address of data block
cb.kcb.blockD.count ← TFSwordsPerPage;-- fixed data block size

-- set up for label compare ( COPY [from, length, to])

InlineDefs.COPY[@fp, lFID, la
];-- copy file ID part of label(???)
la.packID ← disk.tfskd.packID;-- store pack ID
la.pageNumber ← pageNumber;-- caller’s pagenumber
cb.truePageNumber ← pageNumber
;-- store it in CB, too

-- Put in the disk address for this command.
--If DA equals fillinDA, the disk address has already been set up, or it will be filled in from the previous disk transfer.
IF dA # fillInDA THEN cb.kcb.diskAddress ← TfsRealDA[disk, dA];
cb.vDiskAddress ← dA
;-- put diskaddress in CB

-- Fill in the actual disk action for each block of the sector
actNumber ← action - diskMagic;-- take off high bits
IF actNumber NOT IN [0..10] THEN ERROR BadCommand;
cb.kcb.blockH.comm ← headerComds[actNumber];
cb.kcb.blockL.comm ← labelComds[actNumber];
cb.kcb.blockD.comm ← dataComds[actNumber];

cb.kcb.drive ← disk.dsk.driveNumber;
-- Fill in the drive Number and command seal

-- wait for interlocked activity (TfsDoRecovery, TfsTryDisk, etc. to complete

-- Turn off the display if not already off
IF tfsSavedDisplay = 177777B THEN-- -1 => display not saved
tfsSavedDisplay ← DAstart↑;
IF NOT tfsLeaveDisplay THEN DAstart↑ ← 0;

-- Enqueue the command
cb.kcb.id ← dcbID;-- Store the disk seal
p ← ptr↑;-- get the pointer stored at 640

-- If that pointer isn’t zero then
BEGIN-- chase down the chain
UNTIL p.nextKCB = NIL DO-- loop until no next KCB
p ← p.nextKCB;-- get the pointer to the next KCB

-- Next line: the nextKcb pointer should be updated with the pointer to the Kcb in the CB which was passed to us

p.nextKCB ← @cb.kcb; -- put in pointer to kcb (in this CB)
END;-- of IF p # NIL block

IF ptr↑ = NIL
THEN ptr↑ ← @cb.kcb.diskAddress
; -- fix up 640 if necessary

cb.nextCB ← NIL;
-- Put this CB back on the available queue
IF cbz.head = NIL THEN cbz.head ← cb
temptr ← cbz.tail;-- get pointer from tail
temptr.nextCB ← cb;-- and store pointer to CB in nextCB
cbz.tail ← cb
;-- set pointer to tail
;-- of DoDiskCommand

TfsGetCb: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [disk: tfsdskPtr, cbz: cbzPtr, dontClear,returnIfNoCb: BOOLEAN ← FALSE]
RETURNS [cb: cbPtr] =

-- gets the next command buffer (CB) from the command buffer zone (CBZ), waits on command completion, does error recovery
if necessary, and keeps statistics. Returns a pointer to command buffer (CB). This procedure generates a SIGNAL, which really
behaves as a GOTO. So without returning, this procedure may branch directly to the beginning of the main loop in TfsActOnPages.


dsAddr: POINTER TO Status
;-- pointer to kcb status words
compTest, diskStatus: Status
;-- catch all for status blocks
errorStatus, tempStatus: Status;
errorCount: CARDINAL
;-- temp for TFSDSK.nErrors
block: kcblockPtr
;-- pointer to KCB command block
;-- holder for real time clock
;-- loop counter for ECC correction
--temp: dlPtr
;---- pointer to label
--addr: DA
;---- hardware disk address
hiTen: WORD = 177700B
;-- all the error bits in status word
p: kcbPtr;
-- pointer to 640B

cb ← cbz.head
;-- dequeue the next CB from CBZ
ELSE ERROR BadQueue;-- there should have been a CB
cbz.head ← cb.nextCB
;-- fix head pointer to next CB
-- If the header has good status, we may use CB
IF cb.kcb.blockH.status = dstFree THEN
MiscDefs.Zero[cb, lVarCb];-- length = lDL+lKCB+1 (offset to CBZ pointer)
RETURN [cb];-- return the cb Pointer and exit
--Many ways to return a good cb
DO--main loop---- Once we exit from this loop, we’re done
-- note that code below depends on the fact that the
-- label is always transferred, tho data may not.
IF cb.kcb.blockD.comm = 0
THEN dsAddr ← @cb.kcb.blockL.status
ELSE dsAddr ← @cb.kcb.blockD.status;-- get a disk status address

-- Wait here for command completion

diskStatus ← dsAddr↑;-- get the status of this command
IF diskStatus = dstZeroStatus
{IF returnIfNoCb THEN {cbz.head ← cb; RETURN [NIL];};-- return cb = 0

inTime ← RTC↑;-- wait for command to complete or 5 seconds
DO--check status--
FOR zz: CARDINAL IN [0..6] DO z←z+1; z←z-1; ENDLOOP; --Idle()
diskStatus ← dsAddr↑;-- get the status of this command
IF diskStatus # dstZeroStatus THEN EXIT;--command completed.
p ← ptr↑;--look at 640 for activity
IF p=NIL AND cb.kcb.id = dcbID THEN {dsAddr↑ ← BITOR[dstForgotten, dstDone]; EXIT};
IF (RTC↑ - inTime) > 5*27 THEN
--command timed out and controller seems to be hung up
{dsAddr↑ ← BITOR[dstTimeout, dstDone]; EXIT};

--compileif debug then {} was here in BCPL ver

-- combine status of all the blocks for this transfer. THEN if there are no errors finish up and return the pointer to CB.
If status has not been set, then 1.) The command aborted, 2.) the read task quit, or 3.) sector pulses are not present.
--mask out non-errors
errorStatus←BITAND[dstErrors, BITOR[cb.kcb.blockD.status, BITOR[cb.kcb.blockH.status,cb.kcb.blockL.status]]];
IF errorStatus = dstZeroStatus THEN EXIT;

-- Error Recovery
-- The disk must be reset after each error, but do not tamper with the zone. Note that other disk activity can be taking place.
--We might just have an ECC error and can fix it without flushing the remainder of the command block chain.

TfsDoRecovery[disk, diskReset, FALSE];-- reset the error

--retry data-late and "forgotten" errors indefinitely, without any other recovery actions, and without counting them as errors.

IF BITAND[errorStatus, dstRetryIndefinitely] = 0 THEN
cbz.errorCount ← cbz.errorCount + 1;-- keep retrying data late errors
errorCount ← cbz.errorCount;

-- The disk should be quiet now. Do error correction stuff if this is not the first retry ...
-- Never report data-late errors, and report check errors only after they have been retried at least once since
--EOF is detected by slamming into page zero and getting a check error

compTest ← BITAND[diskStatus, 100B];--want to save CompErr bit only
IF ~(errorCount =1 AND errorStatus = dstCompErr)THEN
disk.tfskd.nErrors ← disk.tfskd.nErrors + 1; -- TfsIncrement...
block ← @cb.kcb.blockH;-- get pointer to cmd block
errorStatus ← dstZeroStatus;-- set status = Good (init)

-- ECC: attempt this only if there are no other errors in this block. This
-- includes check errors, since the first two words of a checked block are
-- not stored in memory.

FOR eccLoop IN [1..3] DO-- attempt ECC corr. for header, label, data
tempStatus ← BITAND[block.status, dstErrors];-- get status of this block
IF tempStatus =dstECCerror
BEGIN-- ECC error fixing block
disk.tfskd.nECCErrors ← disk.tfskd.nECCErrors + 1;-- bump ECC err ctr
IF errorCount >= 4 AND DataFix[block] = -1 THEN
{-- -1 means fixed, so set status = 0
tempStatus ← dstZeroStatus;-- and bump ECC fix ctr
disk.tfskd.nECCFixes ← disk.tfskd.nECCFixes + 1;
};-- end ECC counter block
END;-- end ECC error fixing block

errorStatus ← BITOR[tempStatus, errorStatus];-- put in ECC status
block ← block + lKCBblock;-- increase pointer
ENDLOOP;-- ECC error recovery loop

IF errorStatus = dstZeroStatus THEN EXIT; -- done with successful ECC error recovery,
END;-- end of recoverable errors

-- Non-recoverable error check
--Turn display back on now, since error routine might signal
IF tfsSavedDisplay # 177777B THEN
DAstart↑ ← tfsSavedDisplay;-- Restore display
tfsSavedDisplay ← 177777B;-- Indicate not saved

cbz.errorDA ← cb.vDiskAddress;-- store disk address
IF errorCount >= disk.dsk.retryCount THEN
BEGIN --non-recoverable error
disk.tfskd.nUnRecov ← disk.tfskd.nUnRecov + 1;-- bump counter
cbz.errorRtn[@cbz.errorRtn, cb, ecUnRecovDiskError]; --default currently signals
EXIT; --from main loop---- let remainder of transfers go through
-- After retry count gets high enough, do a restore before trying again

IF errorCount > BITSHIFT[disk.dsk.retryCount, Right*1] THEN
-- Check for a read-only error.. We do this after 8 retries (rather
-- then immediately) because the hardware doesn’t provide an unequivocal
-- "tried to write when read-only" indication. Also, we must do a
-- restore after the error routine returns in order to force the drive
-- to notice the new state of the switch.
-- Note that the ReadOnly bit has been masked out in errorStatus, but the status stored on top of the ID contains the
-- true state of the ReadOnly switch.
diskStatus ← LOOPHOLE[cb.kcb.id, Status];
IF (diskStatus.readOnly = 1) AND (errorStatus.deviceCk = 1) THEN
cbz.errorRtn[@cbz.errorRtn, cb, ecReadOnly];
disk.tfskd.nRestores ← disk.tfskd.nRestores + 1;
TfsDoRecovery[disk, diskRestore, FALSE];
-- Initialize again (FALSE means do not use the last argument)

TfsInitializeCBStorage[disk, cbz, cb.truePageNumber, zoneLeng, cbz.retry, cbz.errorRtn];

SIGNAL cbz.retry;-- We want to ReturnTO [cbz.retry] in calling routine.

-- of main loop

-- Exits from the main loop end up here; ready to return good cb from previous transfer.
p ← ptr↑;
IF p = NIL AND tfsSavedDisplay # 177777B THEN
{DAstart↑ ← tfsSavedDisplay;-- Restore display
tfsSavedDisplay ← 177777B};-- Indicate not saved
disk.tfskd.nTransfers ← disk.tfskd.nTransfers + 1;-- count transfers
--the following 2 lines seem superfluous
temp ← cb.kcb.blockL.addr;---- get pointer to label
addr ← temp.next;---- get next disk address
cbz.nextDA ← disk.dsk.VirtualDiskDA[disk, @cb.kcb.blockL.addr.next];-- convert real to vDA
cbz.currentNumChars ← cb.kcb.blockL.addr.numChars;-- # from label
cbz.errorCount ← 0;
cbz.cleanupRoutine[disk, cb, cbz];-- execute cleanup
IF ~dontClear THEN MiscDefs.Zero[cb, lVarCb];

END;-- of TfsGetCB

TfsActOnPages: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [disk: tfsdskPtr, caS: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF POINTER, daS: DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF PAGE, fp: FP, firstPage, lastPage: INTEGER, action: CARDINAL, numcharsPtr: POINTER, lastAction: CARDINAL, fixedCA: POINTER, cleanupRoutine: CleanUpRoutType, errorRtn: ErrorRoutType ← DefaultTfsErrorRtn, returnOnCheckError: BOOLEAN, hintLastPage: INTEGER] RETURNS [resPage: INTEGER] =

-- Returns the last page successfully acted on.
caS and daS are ARRAYs indexed by page number (e.g. caS[firstPage])
The arguments following action are optional; if one of them is zero or NIL
a default action is taken. DefaultTfsCleanupRoutine should be used if you don’t have a favorite.
-- Either one of caS or fixedCA is used. If fixedCA is non-zero it is used, otherwise caS is used.

Procedure was temporarily changed to optionally record I/O times in caS, an "array of RealTime"


cptr: cbzPtr
;-- pointer to cbz
cb: cbPtr;
-- pointer to command buffer
nextCB: cbPtr;
thisCBaction: CARDINAL
;-- current I/O command
pageNumber: INTEGER;
curFirstPage: INTEGER
;-- current first page
;-- for address calculation

-- Turn off the display if not already off This code has been moved to TfsDoDiskCommand
--IF tfsSavedDisplay = 177777B THEN---- -1 => display not saved
--tfsSavedDisplay ← DAstart↑;
--IF NOT tfsLeaveDisplay THEN DAstart↑ ← 0;

IF lastAction = 0 THEN lastAction ← action;
-- build a command buffer zone (CBZ)

cptr ← AllocateHeapNode[
zoneLeng];-- allocate core for CBZ
zoneLeng,Aretry, errorRtn];
--cptr.daS ← daS;---- store disk address descriptor
--cptr.cleanupRoutine ← cleanupRoutine;
---- store cleanup routine
--moved above code into the signal-catching block

IF hintLastPage NOT IN[firstPage..lastPage]

THEN hintLastPage ← lastPage;

Each command buffer (CB is used twice: to hold the disk label (DL) for page i-1 and to hold the disk command block (KCB) for page i.
It isn’t reused until the command for page i is done, and that is guaranteed to be after the DL for page i-1 is no longer needed, since
everything is done strictly sequetially by page number.

Note: If the hintLastPage looks reasonable and is less than lastPage, we transfer pages up to that point, then check to see whether the
last page transferred really was the last page of the file. If so, we return without having caused the disk to seek to cylinder zero as a
result of chaining forward from the last page. If the hint was wrong we have to queue up the remainder of the transfers; this causes
an extra disk rotation.

This is the point from which retries are started (from TfsGetcb)

-- CONTINUE means go around the loop again
cptr.daS ← daS;-- store disk address descriptor
cptr.cleanupRoutine ← cleanupRoutine;-- store cleanup routine
resPage ← hintLastPage;-- right now last successful page is hintLastPage
cb ← TfsGetCb[disk, cptr, FALSE, FALSE];-- get a 1st CB

-- pointer (after having called TfsInitializeCbStorage, the CB’s have status = dstFree.
--Under those conditions, TfsGetcb will exit right after getting the CB for us).

curFirstPage ← cptr.currentPage;-- set the current first page

FOR pageNumber IN [curFirstPage..hintLastPage]
IF daS[pageNumber] = eofDA
THEN {resPage ← pageNumber-1; EXIT}; -- Last page has been fixed
-- We have to be very careful, if lastAction is different from Action, to let the first set of transfers, if any, finish and be retried if necessary. For example, if Action was Write, and lastAction is Read (into the same buffer), then we must not queue the read until the write has completed and has been checked. This is because the Trident (unlike the Diablo) does not stop executing commands when an error occurs, but rather continues racing down the command chain.
thisCBaction ← action;-- implement the above comment
IF pageNumber = lastPage AND thisCBaction # lastAction THEN
IF curFirstPage # lastPage THEN
{resPage ← pageNumber-1; EXIT;};--exit from inner loop
thisCBaction ← lastAction;

IF thisCBaction = dcDoNothing THEN LOOP;-- 7+DiskMagic (Noop)

-- Non-recoverable error(s) check...

IF returnOnCheckError AND cptr.errorCount=BITSHIFT[disk.dsk.retryCount,Right*1]
THEN RETURN[-(pageNumber+77B)];-- RETURN on check error

-- If we are chaining then cause this command to fill in
-- the disk address portion of the next command

nextCB ← TfsGetCb[disk, cptr, FALSE, FALSE];-- get the next CB
IF daS[pageNumber+1] = fillInDA-- If an error, GOTO Aretry
{temp ← @nextCB.label;-- pointer to next CB’s label
cb.kcb.blockL.addr ← temp + lDH;-- displace to diskaddr part of KCB
ELSE cb.kcb.blockL.addr ← @nextCB.label;-- point to next label

IF thisCBaction IN [dcReadHLD..dcWriteD]--do we need a core pointer?
temp ← (IF (fixedCA # NIL) THEN fixedCA ELSE caS[pageNumber]);

TfsDoDiskCommand[disk,cb,temp,daS[pageNumber],fp,pageNumber,thisCBaction,NIL];--queue the transfer
cb ← nextCB;

WHILE cptr.head # NIL
DO-- wait for I/O to finish
temp ← TfsGetCb[disk, cptr, FALSE, FALSE];-- GOTO Aretry on error by raising Signal

IF resPage = lastPage OR daS[resPage+1] = eofDA THEN EXIT;
hintLastPage ← lastPage;
TfsInitializeCBStorage[disk,cptr,resPage+1,zoneLeng,Aretry, errorRtn];

;-- end of largest loop

-- Clean up
IF numcharsPtr # NIL THEN
numcharsPtr↑ ← cptr.currentNumChars;-- store number of characters
-- free the CBZ
;-- of TfsActOnPages
END.-- of TfsBase1