// IfsPressSend.bcpl -- Background process that sends Press files // Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 // Last modified April 9, 1982 12:45 PM by Taft get wordItem, ST, par1 from "Streams.d" get "IfsPress.decl" get "PupEFTP.decl" get "IfsRs.decl" get "IfsName.decl" get "IfsFiles.decl" get "IfsDirs.decl" external [ // outgoing procedures InitPress; EnablePress; PressSendCtx; EnumeratePressQueue; // incoming procedures GenPrintInstance; GetPrinterCapabilities; PressEvent LookupIFSFile; LookupFD; NextFD; LockDirFD; UnlockDirFD; DestroyFD IFSOpenFile; OpenIFSStream; CloseIFSStream; DeleteFileFromFD TransferLeaderPage; GetBufferForFD; CloseIFSFile DestroyJob; DeclarePupSoc; CreateEvent; JobOK Gets; Resets; Endofs; Closes; ReadBlock; WriteBlock; CleanupDiskStream FilePos; SetFilePos; FileLength; KsBufferAddress; LnPageSize; PositionPtr EnumeratePupAddresses OpenEFTPSoc; CloseEFTPSoc; SendEFTPBlock; SendEFTPEnd; GetEFTPAbort ExtractSubstring; DoubleDifference; DoubleIncrement; DoubleUsc; DoubleSubtract MultEq; SetTimer; TimerHasExpired; Dismiss SysAllocate; SysAllocateZero; SysFree; Zero; MoveBlock; ReadCalendar; Usc // outgoing statics @pps // incoming statics CtxRunning; system ] static [ @pps ] // The Press printing queue is represented as files whose names are // of the form <System>Press>hostname, where hostname is the name of // the printing server. Each file contains one or more Press Queue Entries // (PQE) describing a Press file to be printed. Queueing up a new Press file // consists simply of appending a new PQE to the end of the queue file // for the destination printing host. // The background Press file sender context reads through the queue files. // For each PQE marked pending, it attempts to send the Press file named // in the PQE to the designated printer. Upon success or permanent // failure, it marks the PQE as having been completed. If the printing // host is not responding, the PQE is left for a later retry. // When all PQEs in a queue file have been processed, the file is deleted. // At present only one version of a queue file for a particular server // is permitted to exist, and no information is left behind after a // printing request has been completed. Possible improvements on this // scheme are obvious. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- let InitPress() be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ pps = SysAllocateZero(lenPPS) CreateEvent(PressEvent, 6000) ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and EnablePress(value) be pps>>PPS.enable = value //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PressSendCtx(ctx) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is the context woken up to do the work. It self-destructs when done. [ // repeat CtxRunning>>RSCtx.userInfo = system pps>>PPS.somethingToDo = false pps>>PPS.timer = retryInterval/pressCheckInterval let serverDown = nil EnumeratePressQueue(PressWantFile, PressSendFile, lv serverDown) unless pps>>PPS.somethingToDo do pps>>PPS.timer = 32767 if pps>>PPS.timer ne 0 then [ pps>>PPS.ctx = 0; DestroyJob() ] ] repeat //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PressWantFile(qfd, lvServerDown) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ @lvServerDown = false pps>>PPS.somethingToDo = true unless JobOK(jobTypePress) resultis false // Process this queue file only if // (1) it was written more recently than last read, meaning new items // have been appended to it, or // (2) it was last read more than retryInterval seconds ago. let buf = GetBufferForFD(qfd) TransferLeaderPage(qfd, buf) let now = vec 2; ReadCalendar(now) let wantFile = DoubleUsc(lv buf>>ILD.written, lv buf>>ILD.read) ge 0 % DoubleDifference(now, lv buf>>ILD.read) ge retryInterval SysFree(buf) resultis wantFile ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and PressSendFile(pqe, serverName, lvServerDown) = valof //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Attempts to send the press file described by pqe to the specified server. // Returns true if the request is completed or otherwise disposed of // and false if unable to contact the printing server. // Updates the pqe.status in the true case. [ let now = vec 1; ReadCalendar(now) DoubleSubtract(now, table [ 0; discardTimeout ]) if DoubleUsc(lv pqe>>PQE.time, now) ls 0 then [ pqe>>PQE.status = ecPQETimedOut; resultis true ] if @lvServerDown % pqe>>PQE.status ne ecPQEPending resultis false let ec = nil let stream = IFSOpenFile(pqe+pqe>>PQE.fileName, lv ec) if stream eq 0 then // file seems to have gone away [ pqe>>PQE.status = ec; resultis true ] // Compute file length in 256-word records let fileLength = vec 1; FileLength(stream, fileLength) let nRecords = fileLength!0 lshift 7 + fileLength!1 rshift 9 // Convert the server name to a port let port = vec lenPort ec = EnumeratePupAddresses(serverName, 0, port) if ec ne 0 then [ Closes(stream) switchon ec into [ case ecCantGetThere: case ecNoServerResponded: @lvServerDown = true; resultis false // transient failure, retry default: pqe>>PQE.status = ec; resultis true // permanent failure ] ] if port>>Port.socket↑1 eq 0 & port>>Port.socket↑2 eq 0 then port>>Port.socket↑2 = socketEFTPReceive // Check printer capabilities if Spruce 11 format required. if pqe>>PQE.spruce11 then // GetPrinterCapabilities will adjust the Spruce 11 requests in // the pqe according to the capabilities of the server. If no // capability reply is received, then the print request will be // issued without any Spruce 11 features. If the server returns // a printer busy or not available status, then @lvServerDown will // be set so that the request can be retried later. switchon GetPrinterCapabilities(port, pqe) into [ case psGotCapabilities: endcase; case psNotSpooling: case psSpoolingAndBusy: @lvServerDown = true; Closes(stream); resultis false; default: pqe>>PQE.spruce11 = false; endcase; ] // Open an EFTP socket and begin the transfer let soc = vec lenEFTPSoc OpenEFTPSoc(soc, 0, port) DeclarePupSoc(soc) // SendPressFile (cont'd) // Main loop of transfer let recNum, ptr = 0, nil let timer = nil; SetTimer(lv timer, 100*deadTimeout) [ // repeat if recNum eq 0 then [ Resets(stream); ptr = 0 if pqe>>PQE.spruce11 then [ let buf = SysAllocate(256); let nBytes = GenPrintInstance(buf, pqe); ec = SendEFTPBlock(soc, buf, nBytes, 100*deadTimeout); SysFree(buf); ] ] let rec = KsBufferAddress(stream) + ptr rshift 1 if recNum eq nRecords-1 then [ // have document directory in the buffer now MoveBlock(lv rec>>DDV.FileStr, pqe+pqe>>PQE.fileName, size DDV.FileStr/16) MoveBlock(lv rec>>DDV.CreatStr, pqe+pqe>>PQE.requestorName, size DDV.CreatStr/16) rec>>DDV.fCopy = 1; rec>>DDV.lCopy = pqe>>PQE.copies rec>>DDV.fPage = -1; rec>>DDV.lPage = -1 ] // Send record, or End if all records now sent unless ec ls 0 do // This check is for the errors in the Spruce11 case. ec = recNum ls nRecords? SendEFTPBlock(soc, rec, 512, 100*deadTimeout), (SendEFTPEnd(soc, 100*deadTimeout)? 0, EFTPTimeout) if ec ls 0 then switchon ec into [ case EFTPAbortReceived: switchon GetEFTPAbort(soc)>>PBI.pup.words↑1 into [ default: // abandon this attempt, retry later break case FileRejectAbort: // Change this to discard the printing request when (if?) // Spruce is modified to generate this error only in // appropriate circumstances. case ReceiverBusyAbort: // restart after 1-second wait Dismiss(100) case OutOfSynchAbort: // restart immediately // fall thru ] case EFTPAbortSent: // restart immediately soc>>EFTPSoc.SeqNum = 0 recNum = 0; loop //case EFTPTimeout: // abandon this attempt, retry later default: break ] if recNum eq nRecords then // file sent successfully [ pqe>>PQE.status = ecPQECompleted; break ] // advance to next record SetTimer(lv timer, 100*deadTimeout) // making progress, reset timer recNum = recNum+1; ptr = ptr+512 PositionPtr(stream, ptr, false) // will stop at eof if ptr eq 2 lshift LnPageSize(stream) then [ ptr = 0; CleanupDiskStream(stream) ] // advance to next page ] repeatuntil TimerHasExpired(lv timer) CloseEFTPSoc(soc) DeclarePupSoc(0) Closes(stream) if ec ne 0 then @lvServerDown = true resultis ec eq 0 ] //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and EnumeratePressQueue(WantFile, HandlePQE, arg) be //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Enumerates the Press printing queue. // For each queue file (i.e., each printing server with pending requests), // calls WantFile(fd, arg) with the directory locked. // If WantFile returns true, the file is processed; if false, skipped over. // Then, for each PQE in the file, calls HandlePQE(pqe, serverName, arg). // If HandlePQE returns true, the PQE is rewritten into the file. // Finally, if the file contains no PQEs with status = pending, deletes // the file. // Note: caller must have privileges to open Press queue files for writing. [ let qfd = LookupIFSFile("<System>Press>**", lcVAll+lcMultiple) if qfd eq 0 return [ // repeat -- for each file let wantThis = LookupFD(qfd, lockRead) eq 0? WantFile(qfd, arg), false UnlockDirFD(qfd) unless wantThis do loop // Remember the FP of this file -- so we can detect whether or not // the file has been deleted and recreated during subsequent opens. let qFP = vec lFP MoveBlock(qFP, lv qfd>>FD.dr>>DR.fp, lFP) // Call HandlePQE(pqe, serverName) for each entry in the file. // n.b. do not keep file open while we are doing this, since // HandlePQE might take arbitrarily long. let serverName = ExtractSubstring(lv qfd>>FD.dr>>DR.pathName, qfd>>FD.lenSubDirString+1, qfd>>FD.lenBodyString-1) let pqe = vec maxLenPQE let pos = vec 1; Zero(pos, 2) let rewriteLast = false let foundPending = false let busyCount = 0 [ // repeat -- for each PQE let ec = nil let stream = OpenIFSStream(qfd, lv ec, modeReadWrite, wordItem) if stream eq 0 then [ if ec ne ecFileBusy % busyCount gr 10 then break busyCount = busyCount+1 Dismiss(100) loop ] unless MultEq(lv qfd>>FD.dr>>DR.fp, qFP, lFP) do [ CloseIFSStream(stream); break ] // not the same file as before // EnumeratePressQueue (cont'd) // Here have file open. Process next entry. SetFilePos(stream, pos) if rewriteLast then WriteBlock(stream, pqe, pqe!0) rewriteLast = false FilePos(stream, pos) if Endofs(stream) then [ // If no pending entries, delete file. To prevent races, // pass open file to DeleteFileFromFD. CloseIFSStream(stream, not foundPending) unless foundPending do if DeleteFileFromFD(qfd, false, true) ne 0 then CloseIFSFile(qfd) break ] let pqeOK = valof [ pqe!0 = Gets(stream) if Usc(pqe!0, maxLenPQE) gr 0 resultis false resultis ReadBlock(stream, pqe+1, pqe!0-1) eq pqe!0-1 ] CloseIFSStream(stream) unless pqeOK break rewriteLast = HandlePQE(pqe, serverName, arg) unless rewriteLast do DoubleIncrement(pos, pqe!0 lshift 1) foundPending = foundPending % (pqe>>PQE.status eq ecPQEPending) ] repeat SysFree(serverName) ] repeatwhile NextFD(qfd) DestroyFD(qfd) ]