-- RapunzelServiceImpl.mesa -- Copyright (C) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Bill Jackson (bj) September 22, 1986 6:31:14 pm PDT -- Willie-Sue, January 16, 1987 2:48:17 pm PST DIRECTORY ESCAlpha USING [alpha], Heap USING [systemZone], Inline USING [HighHalf, LowHalf, LongNumber], Mopcodes USING [zESC], Put USING [LongNumber, Text], System USING [NetworkAddress], Rapunzel; RapunzelServiceImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Heap, Inline, Put, Rapunzel EXPORTS Rapunzel = { OPEN Rapunzel; -- Types & Magic #'s pMemFetch: ESCAlpha.alpha = 3EH; pMemSmash: ESCAlpha.alpha = 3FH; firstPhysical: Rapunzel.Address = 0; lowestGuarded: Rapunzel.Address = (LONG[12]*256*256); -- 1.5MB lastPhysical: Rapunzel.Address = ((LONG[32]*256*256)-1); -- 2^(5+8+8) words = 4MB lowerBound: CARDINAL = 0; upperBound: CARDINAL = 1023; Mem: TYPE = ARRAY [lowerBound..upperBound] OF WORD; -- Global State mem: Mem; nilHandle: BindHandle; simulation: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; debugging: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; shftAAddr: Rapunzel.Address; shftBAddr: Rapunzel.Address; Fault: PUBLIC ERROR [bH: BindHandle, code: Rapunzel.FaultCode, address: Rapunzel.Address] = CODE; MemFetch: PROC [LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [WORD] = MACHINE CODE { Mopcodes.zESC, pMemFetch }; MemSmash: PROC [LONG CARDINAL, WORD] = MACHINE CODE { Mopcodes.zESC, pMemSmash }; Display: PROC [lead: LONG STRING, value: LONG CARDINAL] = { IF (NOT debugging) THEN RETURN; Put.Text[NIL, lead]; Put.LongNumber[NIL, value, [base: 8]]; Put.Text[NIL, "B\n"]; }; PeekOpCode: PROC [bH: BindHandle, addr: LONG CARDINAL] RETURNS [word: WORD] = INLINE { phys: CARDINAL = Inline.LowHalf[addr]; IF (simulation) THEN { IF NOT (phys IN [lowerBound..upperBound]) THEN ERROR Fault[bH, nonexistent, addr]; word _ mem[phys]; } ELSE { IF NOT (addr IN [lowestGuarded..lastPhysical]) THEN ERROR Fault[bH, IF (addr < lowestGuarded) THEN protection ELSE nonexistent, addr]; word _ MemFetch[addr]; }; }; PokeOpCode: PROC [bH: BindHandle, addr: LONG CARDINAL, word: WORD] = INLINE { phys: CARDINAL = Inline.LowHalf[addr]; IF (simulation) THEN { IF NOT (phys IN [lowerBound..upperBound]) THEN ERROR Fault[bH, nonexistent, addr]; mem[phys] _ word; } ELSE { IF NOT (addr IN [lowestGuarded..lastPhysical]) THEN ERROR Fault[bH, IF (addr < lowestGuarded) THEN protection ELSE nonexistent, addr]; MemSmash[addr, word]; }; }; SetShftAddrs: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, shftA, shftB: Rapunzel.Address] = { shftAAddr _ shftA; shftBAddr _ shftB; }; PeekShort: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, address: Rapunzel.Address] RETURNS [result: Rapunzel.Short] = { Display["PeekShort - address: ", address]; result _ PeekOpCode[bH, address]; Display[" result: ", result]; }; PokeShort: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, address: Rapunzel.Address, value: Rapunzel.Short] = { Display["PokeShort - address: ", address]; Display[" value: ", value]; PokeOpCode[bH, address, value]; }; PeekLong: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, address: Rapunzel.Address] RETURNS [result: Rapunzel.Long] = { xx: Inline.LongNumber; Display["PeekLong - address: ", address]; xx.low _ PeekOpCode[bH, address]; xx.high _ PeekOpCode[bH, (address+1)]; result _ xx.lc; Display[" result: ", result]; }; PokeLong: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, address: Rapunzel.Address, value: Rapunzel.Long] = { Display["PokeLong - address: ", address]; Display[" value: ", value]; PokeOpCode[bH, address, Inline.LowHalf[value]]; PokeOpCode[bH, (address+1), Inline.HighHalf[value]]; }; PeekSeqShort: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, address: Rapunzel.Address, count: CARDINAL] RETURNS [results: LONG POINTER TO Rapunzel.SeqShort] = { Chunk: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE COMPUTED Rapunzel.SeqShortIndex OF Rapunzel.Short]; zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE = Heap.systemZone; chunk: LONG POINTER = zone.NEW [Chunk[count]]; Display["PeekSeqShort - address: ", address]; Display[" count: ", count]; results _ zone.NEW [Rapunzel.SeqShort _ DESCRIPTOR[chunk, count]]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..count) DO results[i] _ PeekOpCode[bH, (address+i)]; Display[" ", results[i]]; ENDLOOP; }; PokeSeqShort: PUBLIC PROC[bH: BindHandle, address: Rapunzel.Address, valueSeq: LONG POINTER TO Rapunzel.SeqShort] = { Display["PokeSeqShort - address: ", address]; Display[" count: ", LENGTH[valueSeq^]]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..LENGTH[valueSeq^]) DO Display[" ", valueSeq[i]]; PokeOpCode[bH, (address+i), valueSeq[i]]; ENDLOOP; }; DoCmds: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, cmdSeq: LONG POINTER TO Rapunzel.SeqCmd] RETURNS [resultSeq: LONG POINTER TO Rapunzel.SeqResult] = { Chunk: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE COMPUTED Rapunzel.SeqResultIndex OF Rapunzel.Result]; zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE = Heap.systemZone; chunk: LONG POINTER; resLength: CARDINAL; resIndex: CARDINAL _ 0; cmdIndex: CARDINAL _ 0; BEGIN this: Rapunzel.Cmd = cmdSeq[0]; WITH this: this SELECT FROM -- returnLength => resLength _ this.returnLength.returnLength * SIZE[Rapunzel.Result]; returnLength => resLength _ this.returnLength.returnLength; ENDCASE => resLength _ cmdSeq^.LENGTH; END; chunk _ zone.NEW [Chunk[resLength]]; resultSeq _ zone.NEW [Rapunzel.SeqResult _ DESCRIPTOR[chunk, resLength]]; Display["DoCmds -- count: ", cmdSeq^.LENGTH]; WHILE cmdIndex < cmdSeq^.LENGTH DO this: Rapunzel.Cmd = cmdSeq[cmdIndex]; cmdIndex _ cmdIndex + 1; WITH this: this SELECT FROM peekShort => { address: Rapunzel.Address = this.peekShort.address; res: Rapunzel.PeekShortResult ¬ NULL; res _ [PeekOpCode[bH, address]]; IF (debugging) THEN { Display[" address: ", address]; Display[" peekShort: ", res]; }; resultSeq[resIndex] _ [peekShort[res]]; resIndex _ resIndex + 1; }; pokeShort => { address: Rapunzel.Address = this.pokeShort.address; -- res: Rapunzel.PokeShortResult ¬ NULL; IF (debugging) THEN { Display[" address: ", address]; Display[" pokeShort: ", this.pokeShort.value]; }; PokeOpCode[bH, address, this.pokeShort.value]; resultSeq[resIndex] _ [pokeShort[NULL]]; resIndex _ resIndex + 1; }; shftRead => { address: Rapunzel.Address = this.shftRead.address; numRepeats: Rapunzel.Short = this.shftRead.numRepeats; res: Rapunzel.ShftReadResult = [numRepeats]; IF (debugging) THEN { Display[" address: ", address]; Display[" shiftRead - numRepeats: ", numRepeats]; }; resultSeq[resIndex] _ [shftRead[res]]; resIndex _ resIndex + 1; FOR j: CARDINAL IN [0..numRepeats) DO res: Rapunzel.PeekShortResult ¬ NULL; [] _ PeekOpCode[bH, shftAAddr]; [] _ PeekOpCode[bH, shftBAddr]; res _ [PeekOpCode[bH, address]]; resultSeq[resIndex] _ [peekShort[res]]; resIndex _ resIndex + 1; ENDLOOP; }; shftWrite => { address: Rapunzel.Address = this.shftWrite.address; numRepeats: Rapunzel.Short = this.shftWrite.numRepeats; res: Rapunzel.ShftWriteResult = [numRepeats]; IF (debugging) THEN { Display[" address: ", address]; Display[" shiftWrite - numRepeats: ", numRepeats]; }; resultSeq[resIndex] _ [shftWrite[res]]; resIndex _ resIndex + 1; FOR j: CARDINAL IN [0..numRepeats) DO writeVal: Rapunzel.Cmd = cmdSeq[cmdIndex]; cmdIndex _ cmdIndex + 1; WITH writeVal: writeVal SELECT FROM pokeShort => { PokeOpCode[bH, address, writeVal.pokeShort.value]; [] _ PeekOpCode[bH, shftAAddr]; [] _ PeekOpCode[bH, shftBAddr]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR Fault[bH, nonexistent, 0]; ENDLOOP; }; returnLength => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR Fault[bH, nonexistent, 0]; ENDLOOP; }; FreePeekSeqShortResults: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, resultSeq: LONG POINTER TO SeqShort] = { zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE = Heap.systemZone; zone.FREE [@(resultSeq^.BASE)]; zone.FREE [@(resultSeq)]; }; FreeDoCmdsResults: PUBLIC PROC [bH: BindHandle, resultSeq: LONG POINTER TO SeqResult] = { zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE = Heap.systemZone; zone.FREE [@(resultSeq^.BASE)]; zone.FREE [@(resultSeq)]; }; Init: PROC = { trash: System.NetworkAddress _ TRASH; mem _ ALL[0]; nilHandle _ Rapunzel.RemoteBind[trash, NIL]; IF (nilHandle # NIL) THEN ERROR; }; Shutdown: PROC = { nilHandle _ Rapunzel.RemoteUnbind[nilHandle]; IF (nilHandle # NIL) THEN ERROR; }; Init[]; }...