DIRECTORY ; RuntimeError: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN BoundsFault: ERROR; DivideCheck: SAFE SIGNAL; LinkageFault: ERROR; PointerFault: ERROR; ResumeError: SIGNAL; UnwindError: ERROR; SendMsgSignal: SIGNAL RETURNS [message: WORD, signal: SIGNAL ANY RETURNS ANY]; StartFault: SIGNAL [dest: PROGRAM]; StackError: ERROR; UnboundProcedure: SIGNAL [dest: PROC ANY RETURNS ANY] RETURNS [PROC ANY RETURNS ANY]; UNCAUGHT: SAFE ERROR [signal: SIGNAL ANY RETURNS ANY, parameters: WORD]; ZeroDivisor: SAFE SIGNAL; UCSProc: TYPE = PROC [msg: WORD, signal: SIGNAL ANY RETURNS ANY, frame: POINTER]; RegisterUncaughtSignalHandler: PROC [proc: UCSProc] RETURNS [old: UCSProc]; InformationalSignal: SAFE PROC [signal: SIGNAL]; END. DRuntimeError.mesa For Dragon Copyright c 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Levin on May 25, 1983 5:21 pm Russ Atkinson (RRA) February 19, 1985 1:01:44 pm PST Doug Wyatt, February 26, 1985 3:11:29 pm PST Carl Hauser, April 30, 1987 12:52:57 pm PDT Signals and errors generated by the Mesa runtime raised by bounds checking raised by overflow on a divide raised by NIL pointer checking raised when an ERROR is resumed raised when an UNWIND catch phrase tries to start another UNWIND; used to request the current signal and message inside of an ANY catch phrase ... is typically disastrous, caused by bad or clobbered code ... raised when transfer is attempted to an unbound procedure ... raised when the UncaughtSignalHandler is about to be called. Using UNCAUGHT is much better than handling ANY! UNCAUGHT should be provided by the compiler, eventually. the classic divide by zero signal Related procedures Registration mechanism for the global uncaught signal handling function. This is a temporary kludge that provides a minimal informational signal mechanism. Κ– "Cedar" style˜codešœ™KšΠbl ™ Kšœ Οmœ1™