<> <> <> <> <> <> <<>> <> DragOpsCross: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN <> Word: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY FiveBitIndex OF BOOL; ZerosWord: Word = LOOPHOLE[LONG[0]]; <> OnesWord: Word = LOOPHOLE[LONG[-1]]; <> <<>> wordsPerPage: CARDINAL = 1024; bytesPerWord: CARDINAL = 4; charsPerWord: CARDINAL = 4; bitsPerByte: CARDINAL = 8; bitsPerCharacter: CARDINAL = 8; bitsPerWord: CARDINAL = bitsPerByte*bytesPerWord; bytesPerPage: CARDINAL = wordsPerPage*bytesPerWord; logWordsPerPage: CARDINAL = 10; -- LogBase2[wordsPerPage] logBitsPerByte: CARDINAL = 3; --LogBase2[bitsPerByte] logBitsPerChar: CARDINAL = 3; --LogBase2[bitsPerCharacter] logBytesPerWord: CARDINAL = 1; --LogBase2[bytesPerWord] logCharsPerWord: CARDINAL = 1; --LogBase2[bytesPerWord] logBitsPerWord: CARDINAL = logBitsPerByte + logBytesPerWord; logBytesPerPage: CARDINAL = logBytesPerWord + logWordsPerPage; PageCount: TYPE = INT; <> PageNumber: TYPE = INT; <> maxPagesInVM: PageCount = LONG[4]*LONG[1024]*LONG[1024]; <<22-bit page index>> SixBitIndex: TYPE = [0..64); FiveBitIndex: TYPE = [0..32); TwoWords: TYPE = ARRAY [0..1] OF Word; FourBitIndex: TYPE = [0..16); Half: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY FourBitIndex OF BOOL; ZerosHalf: Half = LOOPHOLE[0]; OnesHalf: Half = LOOPHOLE[-1]; ThreeBitIndex: TYPE = [0..7]; FourHalves: TYPE = ARRAY [0..3] OF Half; TwoHalves: TYPE = ARRAY [0..1] OF Half; Byte: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY ThreeBitIndex OF BOOL; ZerosByte: Byte = LOOPHOLE[0]; OnesByte: Byte = LOOPHOLE[377B]; EightBytes: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..7] OF Byte; FourBytes: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY ByteIndex OF Byte; ByteIndex: TYPE = [0..bytesPerWord); BytesPerWord: NAT = 4; TwoBytes: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..1] OF Byte; Comparison: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {less(0), equal(1), greater(2)}; <> ByteAddress: TYPE = RECORD [Word]; <> WordAddress: TYPE = RECORD [Word]; <> <> <> <<>> FieldDescriptor: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ reserved: [0..7] _ 0, <> insert: BOOL _ FALSE, <> mask: [0..32] _ 32, <<# of right-justified 1s in the mask (mask = 0 => no 1s)>> shift: [0..32] _ 0 <> ]; <> <<(wizards only, current opcode assignments are probably wrong)>> <<>> <> RegIndex: TYPE = [0..16); <> PadByte: TYPE = [0..255]; <> Lit8: TYPE = [0..255]; <<8-bit literal or displacement>> Op4: TYPE = [0..15]; <<4-bit opcode>> Op8: TYPE = [0..255]; <<8-bit opcode>> JDist8: TYPE = [0..255]; <> Inst: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { <> <<000 => 1 byte [000B..037B]>> <<001 => 5 bytes [040B..077B]>> <<01- => 1 byte [100B..177B]>> <<10- => 2 bytes [200B..277B]>> <<11- => 3 bytes [300B..377B]>> <> <<0------- PC + stack JSR>> <<10------ PC + alphaS JB>> <<110----- PC + alphaBetaS JDB and LFC>> <<111----- PC + betaS RJB's and JBB's>> <<>> <> x000b (000B), x001b, x002b, x003b, x004b, x005b, x006b, x007b, x010b (010B), x011b, x012b, x013b, x014b, x015b, x016b, x017b, dLC0 (020B), dLC1, dLC2, dLC3, dLC4, dLC5, dLC6, dLC7, dLC8 (030B), dLC9, dLC10, dLC11, x034b, x035b, x036b, x037b, <<>> <> x040b (040B), x041b, x042b, x043b, x044b, x045b, x046b, x047b, x050b (050B), x051b, x052b, x053b, x054b, x055b, x056b, x057b, x060b (060B), dDFC, dLIQB, x063b, dADDQB, dSUBQB, dJ5, dJQB, x070b (070B), x071b, x072b, x073b, x074b, x075b, x076b, x077b, <<>> <> dOR (100B), dAND, dRX, dBC, dADD, dSUB, dLADD, dLSUB, dDUP (110B), dDIS, x112b, dEXDIS, dSFC, dSFCI, dRETN, dJSD, x120b (120B), x121b, x122b, x123b, dKFC, x125b, dJ1, dJSR, x130b (130B), x131b, x132b, x133b, x134b, x135b, x136b, x137b, <<>> <> dLR0 (140B), dLR1, dLR2, dLR3, dLR4, dLR5, dLR6, dLR7, dLR8 (150B), dLR9, dLR10, dLR11, dLR12, dLR13, dLR14, dLR15, dSR0 (160B), dSR1, dSR2, dSR3, dSR4, dSR5, dSR6, dSR7, dSR8 (170B), dSR9, dSR10, dSR11, dSR12, dSR13, dSR14, dSR15, <> dQOR (200B), dQAND, dQRX, dQBC, dQADD, dQSUB, dQLADD, dQLSUB, <<>> <> dALS (210B), dAL, dASL, dAS, dCST, x215b, dRET, x217b, dLIP (220B), dSIP, dLIB, x223b, dADDB, dSUBB, dJ2, dJB, dRB (230B), dWB, dRSB, dWSB, x234b, x235b, x236b, dPSB, <<>> <> dLRI0 (240B), dLRI1, dLRI2, dLRI3, dLRI4, dLRI5, dLRI6, dLRI7, dLRI8 (250B), dLRI9, dLRI10, dLRI11, dLRI12, dLRI13, dLRI14, dLRI15, dSRI0 (260B), dSRI1, dSRI2, dSRI3, dSRI4, dSRI5, dSRI6, dSRI7, dSRI8 (270B), dSRI9, dSRI10, dSRI11, dSRI12, dSRI13, dSRI14, dSRI15, <> dROR (300B), dRAND, dRRX, dRBC, dRADD, dRSUB, dRLADD, dRLSUB, dRXOR (310B), x311b, dRFU, x313b, dRVADD, dRVSUB, dRUADD, dRUSUB, <<>> <> dLGF (320B), dLFC, dLIDB, dFSDB, dADDDB, dSUBDB, dJ3, dJDB, dRAI (330B), dWAI, dRRI, dWRI, dIODA, dIOD, dION, x337b, <> x340b (340B), dRJEB, dRJLB, dRJLEB, x344b, dRJNEB, dRJGEB, dRJGB, x350b (350B), dRJNEBJ, dRJGEBJ, dRJGBJ, x354b, dRJEBJ, dRJLBJ, dRJLEBJ, <> dJEBB (360B), dJNEBB, dJEBBJ, dJNEBBJ, x364b, x365b, x366b, x367b, <> dSHL (370B), dSHR, dSHDL, dSHDR, x374b, x375b, x376b, x377b}; dFirst: Inst = FIRST[Inst]; dLast: Inst = LAST[Inst]; <> OIformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> OQBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, b0,b1,b2,b3: Lit8, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> LRformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Op4, reg: RegIndex, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> QRformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, aOp: ShortRegQR, opt,aux: BOOL, reg: RegIndex ]; ShortRegQR: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { topAtop(0), -- C: [S], A: [S], B: general pushAtop(1), -- C: [S+1]+, A: [S], B: general pushA0(2), -- C: [S+1]+, A: c0, B: general pushA1(3)}; -- C: [S+1]+, A: c1, B: general <> <<>> <> OBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, lit: Lit8 ]; <> LRBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Op4, reg: RegIndex, lit: Lit8 ]; <> RRformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, aOpt,cOpt,bOpt,aux: BOOL, b: RegIndex, c,a: RegIndex, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> ODBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, lit0: Lit8, lit1: Lit8, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> LRRBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, disp: Lit8, reg1,reg2: RegIndex, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> RJBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, aOp: ShortRegRJB, opt,aux: BOOL, reg: RegIndex, dist: JDist8, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; ShortRegRJB: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { c0(0), -- constant 0 c1(1), -- constant 1 top(2), -- [S] popTop(3)}; -- [S]- <> <<>> <> JBBformat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ op: Inst, lit: Lit8, dist: JDist8, pad: PadByte _ 0 ]; <> <> TrapWidthWords: NAT = 4; <> TrapWidthBytes: NAT = TrapWidthWords*bytesPerWord; <> XopBase: CARD = 1000000B; <> TrapBase: CARD = XopBase+256*TrapWidthWords; <> KernalLimit: CARD = 100000000B; <> TrapIndex: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { <> <> <> <<>> StackUnderflowTrap (00B), -- called if RET* or ALS and IFU stack is empty IFUPageFaultTrap (01B), -- called when IFU gets a page fault ResetTrap (07B), -- transfered to (no call) when RESET is asserted IFUStackOverflowTrap (10B), -- called when IFU stack fills EUStackOverflowTrap (11B), -- called when SP goes beyond SPlim RescheduleTrap (12B), -- called when RESCHEDULE is acknowledged <> <Rosemary>Dragon.mesa. The traps that the current instruction set sees are starred (**). Most of the other conditions are used to influence conditional jumps. These traps are not maskable.>> ALUCondFalse (20B), -- ALU fault FALSE ALUCondEZ (21B), -- ALU fault = (zero) ALUCondLZ (22B), -- ALU fault < (zero) ALUCondLE (23B), -- ALU fault <= (zero) ALUCondSpare (24B), -- unused condition/fault ALUCondNE (25B), -- ALU fault = (zero) ALUCondGE (26B), -- ALU fault >= (zero) ALUCondGZ (27B), -- ALU fault > (zero) ALUCondOver (30B), -- ALU fault overflow ** ALUCondBC (31B), -- ALU fault bounds check ** ALUCondIL (32B), -- ALU fault illegal Lisp number ** ALUCondDO (33B), -- ALU Division Overflow ** ALUCondNotOver (34B), -- ALU fault NOT overflow ALUCondNB (35B), -- ALU fault NOT bounds check ALUCondNI (36B), -- ALU fault NOT illegal Lisp number ModeFault (37B), -- Kernel instruction attempted in user mode << (must be 37B, see McCreight)>> <> <> MemAccessFault (40B), -- Mem access fault (insufficient rights) IOAccessFault (41B), -- IO access fault (insufficient rights) MapFault (42B), -- map cache miss AUFault (43B), -- (external) arithmetic unit fault DynaBusTimeOut (44B), -- DynaBus time out DynaBusOtherFault (47B)}; -- some other bus fault <> <> <<>> <> ProcessorRegister: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT { euStack (0), -- beginning of EU Stack euJunk (128), -- the non-matching EU register euToKBus (129), -- send result on K bus to IFU euMAR (130), -- MemoryAddressRegister euField (131), -- Field register euConstant (132), -- Base of EU constant registers (12 regs) euAux (144), -- Base of EU aux registers (16 regs) euBogus (160), -- [euBogus..euLast] not legal (NA) (80 regs) euLast (239), -- last possible EU reg (NA) <> ifuYoungestL (240), -- youngest L in IFU stack ifuYoungestPC (241), -- youngest PC in IFU stack ifuEldestL (242), -- eldest L in IFU stack ifuEldestPC (243), -- eldest PC in IFU stack (rd removes, wt adds) ifuSLimit (244), -- stack limit register <> ifuBogus (245), -- [ifuBogus..ifuLast] are not legal (NA) ifuL (252), -- current L register (NA) ifuS (253), -- current S register (NA) ifuPC (254), -- current program counter (NA) ifuLast (255) -- last possible IFU reg (NA) }; EURegs: TYPE = ProcessorRegister[euStack..euLast]; EULegalRegs: TYPE = ProcessorRegister[euStack..euBogus); <> IFURegs: TYPE = ProcessorRegister[ifuYoungestL..ifuLast]; IFULegalRegs: TYPE = ProcessorRegister[ifuYoungestL..ifuBogus); StackedStatusWord: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ version (0: 00..07): [0..255] _ 0, padBits (0: 08..13): [0..63] _ 0, userMode (0: 14..14): BOOL _ FALSE, -- TRUE => user, FALSE => kernel trapsEnabled (0: 15..15): BOOL _ FALSE, padByte (0: 16..23): [0..255] _ 0, lBase (0: 24..31): [0..255] _ 0 ]; -- EU local frame base <> IFUStackIndex: TYPE = [0..IFUStackSize); IFUStackSize: NAT = 15; <> IFUOverflow: NAT = 12; <> <> EUStackIndex: TYPE = [0..EUStackSize); EUStackSize: NAT = 128; <<>> <> EULocalIndex: TYPE = [0..EULocals); EULocals: NAT = 16; <<>> <> EUAuxIndex: TYPE = [0..EUAuxRegs); EUAuxRegs: NAT = 16; <<>> <> EUConstIndex: TYPE = [0..EUConstants); EUConstants: NAT = 12; <> <> IOLocation: TYPE = CARD; <> <> ioRescheduleRequest: IOLocation = 1000000B; <> ioResetRequest: IOLocation = 1000001B; <> IOOperand: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ pDataA: Byte _ ZerosByte, -- IO address or address offset pCmd: PCmdFormat _ [cache[]] -- PBus command ]; PCmdFormat: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ SELECT tag: PCmdClass FROM other => [pad: [0..128) _ 0], < Noop>> < Reserved for non-cache operations>> cache => [ byteSelect: PCmdByteSelect _ ALL[TRUE], <> <> space: PCmdSpace _ memory, special: BOOL _ FALSE, <> <> <> direction: PCmdDirection _ read], ENDCASE]; PCmdByteSelect: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY [0..3] OF BOOL; PCmdClass: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {other (0), cache (1)}; PCmdSpace: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {memory (0), io (1)}; PCmdDirection: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT {read(0), write(1)}; END.