DIRECTORY Buttons USING [Create], IO, Labels USING [Create], PopUpSelection USING [Request], SoftcardOps, SoftcardToolPrivate; SoftcardToolVariousBitsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Buttons, Labels, PopUpSelection, SoftcardOps, SoftcardToolPrivate EXPORTS SoftcardToolPrivate = BEGIN OPEN IO, SoftcardToolPrivate; BuildVariousButtons: PUBLIC PROC[topViewer, sibx: Viewer] RETURNS[sib: Viewer] = { sib _ sibx; sib _ Labels.Create[ info: [ name: " ControlBits ", parent: topViewer, wx: leftEdge, wy: sib.wy + sib.wh + betweenHeight, wh: entryHeight, border: FALSE, scrollable: FALSE], font: labelFont ]; sib _ Buttons.Create[ info: [ name: " Read ", parent: topViewer, wx: sib.wx+sib.ww+5, wy: sib.wy, wh: entryHeight, border: TRUE, scrollable: FALSE], font: activeFont, proc: ReadControlBits ]; sib _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: " Set ", parent: topViewer, wx: sib.wx+sib.ww+1, wy: sib.wy, wh: entryHeight, border: TRUE, scrollable: FALSE ], font: activeFont, proc: SetControlBits ]; sib _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: " Reset ", parent: topViewer, wx: sib.wx+sib.ww+1, wy: sib.wy, wh: entryHeight, border: TRUE, scrollable: FALSE ], font: activeFont, proc: ResetControlBits ]; sib _ Labels.Create[ info: [ name: " StatusBits ", parent: topViewer, wx: leftEdge, wy: sib.wy + sib.wh + betweenHeight, wh: entryHeight, border: FALSE, scrollable: FALSE], font: labelFont ]; sib _ Buttons.Create[ info: [ name: " Read ", parent: topViewer, wx: sib.wx+sib.ww+5, wy: sib.wy, wh: entryHeight, border: TRUE, scrollable: FALSE], font: activeFont, proc: ReadStatusBits ]; sib _ Buttons.Create[ info: [name: " Reset ", parent: topViewer, wx: sib.wx+sib.ww+1, wy: sib.wy, wh: entryHeight, border: TRUE, scrollable: FALSE ], font: activeFont, proc: ResetStatusBits ]; }; ReadControlBits: PUBLIC ClickProc = { which: SoftcardOps.ControlBit; name: ROPE; val: BOOL; [which, name] _ SelectControlBit[]; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN; val _ SoftcardOps.ReadControlBit[which]; TSOutPutF[" %g is %g\n", [rope[name]], [boolean[val]] ]; }; SetControlBits: PUBLIC ClickProc = { which: SoftcardOps.ControlBit; name: ROPE; prev: BOOL; [which, name] _ SelectControlBit[]; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN; prev _ SoftcardOps.SetControlBit[which]; IF which = dragonRun THEN SetDragonStateLabelButton[running]; TSOutPutF[" %g has been set: previous value was %g\n", [rope[name]], [boolean[prev]] ]; }; ResetControlBits: PUBLIC ClickProc = { which: SoftcardOps.ControlBit; name: ROPE; prev: BOOL; [which, name] _ SelectControlBit[]; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN; prev _ SoftcardOps.ResetControlBit[which]; IF which = dragonRun THEN SetDragonStateLabelButton[stopped]; TSOutPutF[" %g has been reset: previous value was %g\n", [rope[name]], [boolean[prev]] ]; }; controlBitList: LIST OF ROPE = LIST[ "resetDragon", "notInterruptDragonToIOP", "interruptDragonToMesa", "dragonRun", "dragonStep", "writeParity", "virtualMemAccessIOP", "virtualMemAccessMesa", "virtualMemAccessIFU", "virtualMemAccessEU", "resetIFUCacheStateMachine", "notResetIFUCache", "ifuBreakpointEnabled", "resetEUCacheStateMachine", "notResetEUCache", "euBreakpointEnabled", "iopIntToDragon", "mesaIntToDragon", "notResetClock"]; SelectControlBit: PROC RETURNS[SoftcardOps.ControlBit, ROPE] = { which: INT = PopUpSelection.Request[ header: "ControlBit", choice: controlBitList]; SELECT which FROM 1 => RETURN[resetDragon, "resetDragon"]; 2 => RETURN[interruptDragonToIOP, "interruptDragonToIOP"]; 3 => RETURN[interruptDragonToMesa, "interruptDragonToMesa"]; 4 => RETURN[dragonRun, "dragonRun"]; 5 => RETURN[dragonStep, "dragonStep"]; 6 => RETURN[writeParity, "writeParity"]; 7 => RETURN[virtualMemAccessIOP, "virtualMemAccessIOP"]; 8 => RETURN[virtualMemAccessMesa, "virtualMemAccessMesa"]; 9 => RETURN[virtualMemAccessIFU, "virtualMemAccessIFU"]; 10 => RETURN[virtualMemAccessEU, "virtualMemAccessEU"]; 11 => RETURN[resetIFUCacheStateMachine, "resetIFUCacheStateMachine"]; 12 => RETURN[notResetIFUCache, "notResetIFUCache"]; 13 => RETURN[ifuBreakpointEnabled, "ifuBreakpointEnabled"]; 14 => RETURN[resetEUCacheStateMachine, "resetEUCacheStateMachine"]; 15 => RETURN[notResetEUCache, "notResetEUCache"]; 16 => RETURN[euBreakpointEnabled, "euBreakpointEnabled"]; 17 => RETURN[iopIntToDragon, "iopIntToDragon"]; 18 => RETURN[mesaIntToDragon, "mesaIntToDragon"]; 19 => RETURN[notResetClock, "notResetClock"]; ENDCASE => RETURN[resetDragon, NIL]; }; ReadStatusBits: PUBLIC ClickProc = { which: SoftcardOps.StatusBit; name: ROPE; val: BOOL; [which, name] _ SelectStatusBit[]; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN; val _ SoftcardOps.ReadStatusBit[which]; TSOutPutF[" %g is %g\n", [rope[name]], [boolean[val]] ]; }; ResetStatusBits: PUBLIC ClickProc = { which: SoftcardOps.StatusBit; name: ROPE; prev: BOOL; [which, name] _ SelectStatusBit[]; IF name = NIL THEN RETURN; IF which = dOutIFU OR which = dOutEU OR which = phaseA THEN TSOutPutF["Cannot reset %g\n", [rope[name]] ] ELSE { prev _ SoftcardOps.ResetStatusBit[which]; TSOutPutF[" %g has been reset: previous value was %g\n", [rope[name]], [boolean[prev]] ]; }; }; statusBitList: LIST OF ROPE = LIST[ "dOutIFU", "dOutEU", "phaseA", "periodicIntToDragon", "notMemoryError", "euBkptReached", "ifuBkptReached", "mapError"]; SelectStatusBit: PROC RETURNS[SoftcardOps.StatusBit, ROPE] = { which: INT = PopUpSelection.Request[ header: "StatusBit", choice: statusBitList]; SELECT which FROM 1 => RETURN[dOutIFU, "dOutIFU"]; 2 => RETURN[dOutEU, "dOutEU"]; 3 => RETURN[phaseA, "phaseA"]; 4 => RETURN[periodicIntToDragon, "periodicIntToDragon"]; 5 => RETURN[notMemoryError, "notMemoryError"]; 6 => RETURN[euBkptReached, "euBkptReached"]; 7 => RETURN[ifuBkptReached, "ifuBkptReached"]; 8 => RETURN[mapError, "mapError"]; ENDCASE => RETURN[dOutIFU, NIL]; }; END. hSoftcardToolVariousBitsImpl.mesa Copyright Σ 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Willie-Sue, March 6, 1987 1:42:43 pm PST * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * builds the miscellaneous buttons - sibx is the last button created in caller ControlBits StatusBits ********************************************* Κ’˜codešœ ™ Kšœ<™šœœ˜$Jšœ˜J˜—šœ˜Jšœœ˜!Jšœœ˜Jšœœ˜Jšœœ-˜9Jšœœ#˜/Jšœœ!˜-Jšœœ#˜/Jšœœ˜#Jšœœ œ˜ —J˜J˜——K˜Kšœ˜—…—„~