<> <> <> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY CD, CDCells, CDOps, CDProperties, Convert, Core, CoreGeometry, CoreOps, CoreRoute, DABasics, Rope, Route, RouteUtil, RTBasic, SC, SCChanUtil, SCExprGlobalRoute, SCInstUtil, SCNetUtil, SCPrivate, SCExprRoutePinsUtil, SCRowUtil, SCUtil, SCNewWidth, Sinix; SCExprRouteImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CDCells, CDOps, CDProperties, Convert, CoreGeometry, CoreOps, CoreRoute, Rope, Route, RouteUtil, RTBasic, SC, SCChanUtil, SCInstUtil, SCNetUtil, SCExprRoutePinsUtil, SCRowUtil, SCUtil, SCNewWidth EXPORTS SCExprGlobalRoute SHARES SC = BEGIN <> SegInChan: TYPE = REF SegInChanRec; SegInChanRec: TYPE = RECORD [ segNum: INT _ 0, net: SCPrivate.Net _ NIL, leftExit, rightExit: BOOL _ FALSE, pinsInSeg: PinsInSeg _ NIL]; PinsInSeg: TYPE = LIST OF Route.Pin; <> DetailRoute: PUBLIC PROC [handle: SC.Handle] RETURNS [result: SC.Result] = { lgRows: SCPrivate.LgRows _ NARROW[handle.layoutData, SCPrivate.LayoutData].lgRows; SCNewWidth.ComputeAllChanDW[handle, areaFom]; SCInstUtil.AllOffsets[handle]; [lgRows.maxRowWidth, lgRows.numMaxRows] _ SCRowUtil.FindMaxRow[handle]; result _ NEW[SC.ResultRec _ [handle: handle, object: RouteChannels[handle]]]; SCInstUtil.AsgnChanPos[handle]; [] _ SCUtil.WriteResults["End detailed routing\n", handle, 0]}; <> ConstructRow: PROC [handle: SC.Handle, lgRow: SCPrivate.LgRow] RETURNS [row: CD.Object _ CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]] ~ { LeftEnumerateSegments: PROC [eachSegment: PROC [CoreRoute.Segment]] ~ { <> EachWirePin: CoreGeometry.EachWirePinProc = { <> IF side=left THEN eachSegment[[label: CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire], min: min, max: max, layer: layer]]}; [] _ CoreGeometry.EnumerateWireSides[mode.decoration, lgRow.lgsOnRow[1].object.cellType, EachWirePin]}; RightEnumerateSegments: PROC [eachSegment: PROC [CoreRoute.Segment]] ~ { <> EachWirePin: CoreGeometry.EachWirePinProc = { <> IF side=right THEN eachSegment[[label: CoreOps.GetShortWireName[wire], min: min, max: max, layer: layer]]}; [] _ CoreGeometry.EnumerateWireSides[mode.decoration, lgRow.lgsOnRow[lgRow.nLgsOnRow].object.cellType, EachWirePin]}; ForEachInstance: SCRowUtil.EachInstProc = { <<[pos: NAT, instance: SCPrivate.Instance] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE]>> LabelProc: PROC [pinName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [label: Route.Label _ NIL] ~ { <> EachPin: SCInstUtil.EachPinProc ~ { <> IF Rope.Equal[netPin.pin.name, pinName] THEN { label _ netPin.net.name; quit _ TRUE; }; }; IF SCUtil.IsPowerName[handle, pinName] THEN label _ pinName ELSE IF ~SCInstUtil.EnumeratePinsOnInst[instance: instance, eachPin: EachPin] THEN SC.Signal[callingError, "FeedThrough definition in library does not have all rectangles marked."]}; instOrientation: CD.Orientation _ SCInstUtil.CDOrien[instance]; object: CD.Object _ IF (instance.whichClass = ft) OR (instance.object = parms.vddObject) OR (instance.object = parms.gndObject) THEN CoreRoute.MakeRoutingCell[instance.object.cdOb, LabelProc] ELSE instance.object.cdOb; instPosition: CD.Position _ CDOps.FitObjectI[ob: object, location: [offset, 0], orientation: instOrientation].off; cdInst: CD.Instance _ RouteUtil.Include[cell: row, ob: object, position: instPosition, orientation: instOrientation]; CDProperties.PutInstanceProp[cdInst, $InstanceName, instance.name]; offset _ offset + RTBasic.IRSize[object].x}; parms: SCPrivate.Parms = NARROW [handle.parms]; mode: Sinix.Mode = parms.mode; layoutData: SCPrivate.LayoutData _ NARROW[handle.layoutData]; maxRowWidth: CD.Number _ layoutData.lgRows.maxRowWidth; rowLength: SC.Number _ lgRow.size.p; rowOffset: SC.Number _ lgRow.rowOrg.p - layoutData.lgRows.horzRowOrg; offset: SC.Number _ 0; IF rowOffset > 0 THEN { leftObject: CD.Object _ CoreRoute.ExtendObject[enumerateSegments: LeftEnumerateSegments, size: [rowOffset, lgRow.size.q], side: left, extendProc: CoreRoute.ExtendSegment]; [] _ RouteUtil.Include[cell: row, ob: leftObject, position: [offset, 0]]; offset _ offset + RTBasic.IRSize[leftObject].x}; [] _ SCRowUtil.EnumerateAllInstsOnRow[handle, lgRow.rowNum, ForEachInstance]; IF rowOffset + rowLength < maxRowWidth THEN { rightObject: CD.Object _ CoreRoute.ExtendObject[enumerateSegments: RightEnumerateSegments, size: [maxRowWidth - (rowOffset + rowLength), lgRow.size.q], side: right, extendProc: CoreRoute.ExtendSegment]; [] _ RouteUtil.Include[cell: row, ob: rightObject, position: [offset, 0]]; offset _ offset + RTBasic.IRSize[rightObject].x}; RTBasic.RepositionCell[row]}; <> RouteChannels: PROC [handle: SC.Handle] RETURNS [obj: CD.Object _ CDCells.CreateEmptyCell[]] ~ { <> RouteChannel: PROC [enumerateNets: Route.EnumerateChannelNetsProc, rowChan: SCPrivate.RowChan] ~ { <> BrokenNet: Route.BrokenNetProc ~ { <> segInChan: SegInChan _ NARROW[netData]; net: SCPrivate.Net _ segInChan.net; <> IF NOT net.externNet THEN newLabel _ sourceNet ELSE { net.numberOfRegions _ net.numberOfRegions + 1; newLabel _ CoreRoute.LabelBrokenNet[net.name, net.numberOfRegions]; net.brokenNets _ CONS[newLabel, net.brokenNets]}}; channel: CD.Object _ Route.Channel[enumerateNets: enumerateNets, min: lgRows.horzRowOrg, max: lgRows.horzRowOrg + lgRows.maxRowWidth, rulesParameters: handle.rules.rowParms, name: Rope.Cat[handle.name, "Chan", Convert.RopeFromInt[rowChan.chanNum]], brokenNets: BrokenNet, channelData: handle].object; [] _ RouteUtil.Include[cell: obj, ob: channel, position: [0, offset]]; offset _ offset + RTBasic.IRSize[channel].y; rowChan.chanWidth _ RTBasic.IRSize[channel].y}; EachChannel: SCChanUtil.EachRowChanProc ~ { <<[chan: SCPrivate.MaxChanSr, rowChan: SCPrivate.RowChan] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE]>> <> LowerChannel: Route.EnumerateChannelNetsProc ~ { <> LowerChannelNet: SCNetUtil.EachNetProc ~ { <> FOR segList: LIST OF REF ANY _ net.segsInChan, segList.rest WHILE segList # NIL DO segInChan: SegInChan _ NARROW[segList.first]; eachNet[name: net.name, enumeratePins: LowerChannelPins, exitLeftOrBottom: segInChan.leftExit, exitRightOrTop: segInChan.rightExit, trunkSize: net.trunkWidth, netData: segInChan]; ENDLOOP}; [] _ SCNetUtil.EnumerateNets[handle, LowerChannelNet]}; LowerChannelPins: Route.EnumerateChannelPinsProc ~ { <> segInChan: SegInChan _ NARROW[netData]; FOR pins: PinsInSeg _ segInChan.pinsInSeg, pins.rest UNTIL pins = NIL DO pin: Route.Pin _ pins.first; bottomOrLeftSide: BOOL _ pin.side = bottom; xfer: BOOLEAN _ segInChan.net.externNet AND SCNetUtil.ExitOnSide[handle, segInChan.net, bottom] AND pin.side = top; eachPin[bottomOrLeftSide: bottomOrLeftSide, min: pin.min, max: pin.max, depth: pin.depth, layer: pin.layer]; IF xfer THEN eachPin[bottomOrLeftSide: ~bottomOrLeftSide, min: pin.min, max: pin.max, depth: pin.depth, layer: pin.layer]; ENDLOOP}; InteriorChannel: Route.EnumerateChannelNetsProc ~ { <> InteriorChannelNet: SCNetUtil.EachNetProc ~ { <> FOR segList: LIST OF REF ANY _ net.segsInChan, segList.rest WHILE segList # NIL DO segInChan: SegInChan _ NARROW[segList.first]; eachNet[name: Rope.Cat[net.name, "-", Convert.RopeFromInt[segInChan.segNum]], enumeratePins: InteriorChannelPins, exitLeftOrBottom: segInChan.leftExit, exitRightOrTop: segInChan.rightExit, trunkSize: net.trunkWidth, netData: segInChan]; ENDLOOP}; [] _ SCNetUtil.EnumerateNets[handle, InteriorChannelNet]}; InteriorChannelPins: Route.EnumerateChannelPinsProc ~ { <> segInChan: SegInChan _ NARROW[netData]; FOR pins: PinsInSeg _ segInChan.pinsInSeg, pins.rest UNTIL pins = NIL DO pin: Route.Pin _ pins.first; bottomOrLeftSide: BOOL _ pin.side = bottom; eachPin[bottomOrLeftSide: bottomOrLeftSide, min: pin.min, max: pin.max, depth: pin.depth, layer: pin.layer]; ENDLOOP}; GetGlobalRouteForChannel[handle: handle, rowChan: rowChan]; IF chan # 1 THEN { -- include the specified row in the object being constructed [] _ RouteUtil.Include[cell: obj, ob: ConstructRow[handle, lgRows.rows[chan-1]], position: [0, offset]]; offset _ offset + lgRows.rows[chan-1].size.q}; IF chan = 1 AND rowChans.count = 2 THEN { <> RouteChannel[LowerChannel, rowChan]}; IF chan # rowChans.count AND chan # 1 THEN { <> RouteChannel[InteriorChannel, rowChan]}}; layoutData: SCPrivate.LayoutData _ NARROW[handle.layoutData]; structureData: SCPrivate.StructureData _ NARROW[handle.structureData]; rowChans: SCPrivate.RowChans _ layoutData.rowChans; lgRows: SCPrivate.LgRows _ layoutData.lgRows; offset: SC.Number _ 0; [] _ SCChanUtil.EnumerateRowChans[handle, EachChannel]; RTBasic.SetCDCellName[obj, handle.name]; RTBasic.RepositionCell[obj]}; GetGlobalRouteForChannel: PROC [handle: SC.Handle, rowChan: SCPrivate.RowChan] ~ { <> InitNet: SCNetUtil.EachNetProc = {net.segsInChan _ NIL}; MakeNetSeg: SCExprRoutePinsUtil.SegProc = { <> seg: SegInChan _ NEW[SegInChanRec _ [segNum: segNum, net: net, leftExit: leftExit, rightExit: rightExit, pinsInSeg: pinList]]; net.segsInChan _ CONS[seg, net.segsInChan]; pinList _ NIL; leftExit _ rightExit _ FALSE}; MakeNetPin: SCExprRoutePinsUtil.PinProc = { <> <<>> pin: Route.Pin _ NEW[Route.PinRec _ [min: min, max: max, depth: depth, layer: layer, side: side]]; pinList _ CONS[pin, pinList]}; MakeNetExit: SCExprRoutePinsUtil.ExitProc = { <> <<>> IF side = left THEN leftExit _ TRUE ELSE IF side = right THEN rightExit _ TRUE ELSE SC.Error[programmingError, "Not suppose to happen."]}; pinList: PinsInSeg _ NIL; leftExit, rightExit: BOOL _ FALSE; [] _ SCNetUtil.EnumerateNets[handle, InitNet]; SCExprRoutePinsUtil.GetAllNetSegInChan[handle, rowChan, MakeNetSeg, MakeNetPin, MakeNetExit]}; END.