Copyright Ó 1985, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Louis Monier May 17, 1986 1:35:25 pm PDT
Bertrand Serlet April 28, 1988 1:48:55 pm PDT
Barth, April 22, 1986 7:30:28 pm PST
Spreitzer, April 11, 1986 10:52:25 am PST
Last Edited by: Louis Monier July 26, 1988 7:14:55 pm PDT
Jean-Marc Frailong December 28, 1987 10:00:21 am PST
Last edited by: Christian Jacobi, January 9, 1987 12:16:44 pm PST
CD, CDBasics, CDCells, CDDirectory, CDEnvironment, CDInstances, CDIO, CDOps, CDProperties,
Core, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreIO, CoreOps, CoreProperties,
GList, InstanceTable, IO,
PW, PWCore,
RefTab, Rope,
Sinix, SinixOps, Sisyph, TerminalIO;
IMPORTS Atom, CD, CDBasics, CDCells, CDDirectory, CDEnvironment, CDInstances, CDIO, CDOps, CDProperties, CoreClasses, CoreIO, CoreOps, CoreProperties, CoreGeometry, GList, RefTab, InstanceTable, IO, PW, PWCore, Rope, Sinix, SinixOps, Sisyph, TerminalIO
SHARES CDCells, CDDirectory =
Signal: PUBLIC SIGNAL [cellType: CellType] = CODE;
Error: PUBLIC ERROR [type: ATOM, message: ROPE, cellType: CellType] = CODE;
PinsCorrespondingToSeveralPublics: PUBLIC SIGNAL [cellType: CellType, obj: Object, publics: Wires, geometry: CoreGeometry.Instances] = CODE;
NoPinsOnAtomicPublic: PUBLIC SIGNAL [cellType: CellType, obj: Object, public: Wire, message: ROPENIL] = CODE;
layoutAtomsTable: RefTab.Ref ← RefTab.Create[];
LayoutAtomData: TYPE = REF LayoutAtomDataRec;
LayoutAtomDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [layoutProc: LayoutProc, decorateProc: DecorateProc, attributesProc: AttributesProc ← NIL];
RegisterLayoutAtom: PUBLIC PROC [layoutAtom: ATOM, layoutProc: LayoutProc, decorateProc: DecorateProc ← NIL, attributesProc: AttributesProc ← NIL] RETURNS [sameAtom: ATOM] = {
sameAtom ← layoutAtom;
IF ~RefTab.Store[layoutAtomsTable, layoutAtom, NEW [LayoutAtomDataRec ← [layoutProc: layoutProc, decorateProc: decorateProc, attributesProc: attributesProc]]]
THEN TerminalIO.PutF["LayoutProc and DecorateProc for %g overwritten\n", IO.atom[layoutAtom]];
GetLayoutAtomData: PROC [layoutAtom: ATOM] RETURNS [layoutAtomData: LayoutAtomData] = {
layoutAtomData ← NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[layoutAtomsTable, layoutAtom].val];
IF layoutAtomData#NIL THEN RETURN;
CDEnvironment.ExecFileEntry[Atom.GetPName[layoutAtom], NIL, "PWCore"];
layoutAtomData ← NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[layoutAtomsTable, layoutAtom].val];
GetLayoutAtomRegistration: PUBLIC PROC [layoutAtom: ATOM] RETURNS [layoutProc: LayoutProc ← NIL, decorateProc: DecorateProc ← NIL, attributesProc: AttributesProc ← NIL] = {
layoutAtomData: LayoutAtomData ← GetLayoutAtomData[layoutAtom];
IF layoutAtomData=NIL THEN RETURN;
layoutProc ← layoutAtomData.layoutProc;
decorateProc ← layoutAtomData.decorateProc;
attributesProc ← layoutAtomData.attributesProc;
layoutAtomProp: PUBLIC ATOM ← CoreProperties.RegisterProperty[$Layout];
GetLayoutAtom: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType] RETURNS [layoutAtom: ATOMNIL] = {
layoutAtom ← NARROW [CoreProperties.InheritCellTypeProp[cellType, layoutAtomProp]];
Copies decorations from from to to
CopyDecorations: PROC [to, from: CellType, obj: Object] = {
CopyPins: PROC [toWire, fromWire: Wire] = {
IF NOT CoreGeometry.HasPins[extractMode.decoration, fromWire]
THEN SIGNAL NoPinsOnAtomicPublic[from, obj, fromWire, CoreOps.GetFullWireName[from.public, fromWire]];
CoreGeometry.AddIndirectLazyPins[extractMode.decoration, toWire, fromWire];
We check that the public of the source and the public of the recasted layout are similar, and we copy properties from one to the other
CoreOps.VisitAtomicPairs[to.public, from.public, CopyPins];
Checks that's ct is properly decorated.
CheckDecorations: PROC [ct: CellType, obj: Object] = {
CheckPins: PROC [wire: Wire] = {
IF NOT CoreGeometry.HasPins[extractMode.decoration, wire] THEN
SIGNAL NoPinsOnAtomicPublic[ct, obj, wire, CoreOps.GetFullWireName[ct.public, wire]];
CoreOps.VisitRootAtomics[ct.public, CheckPins];
fromPWCoreProp: PRIVATE ATOM ← $FromPWCoreLayout; -- on CD.Objects
FromPWCoreRecord: TYPE = RECORD [int: INT];
SetFromPWCore: PRIVATE PROC [cellType: CellType] = {
obj: CD.Object ← CoreGeometry.GetObject[extractMode.decoration, cellType];
int: INTLOOPHOLE [cellType];
IF CDProperties.GetObjectProp[obj, fromPWCoreProp]#NIL THEN Signal[cellType]; -- same object is stuffed on two different cells! That breaks the invariants, and Lichen will not work!
CDProperties.PutObjectProp[obj, fromPWCoreProp, NEW [FromPWCoreRecord ← [int]]];
Layout: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType] RETURNS [obj: Object] = {
layoutAtom: ATOM;
layoutAtomData: LayoutAtomData;
obj ← CoreGeometry.GetObject[extractMode.decoration, cellType];
layoutAtom ← NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cellType, layoutAtomProp]];
IF layoutAtom=NIL THEN
layoutAtom ← NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellClassProp[cellType.class, layoutAtomProp]];
IF layoutAtom=NIL AND cellType.class.recast=NIL THEN
ERROR Error[$NoLayoutAtom, "Impossible to find a layoutAtom for this cellType", cellType];
layoutAtomData ← GetLayoutAtomData[IF layoutAtom=NIL THEN $Recast ELSE layoutAtom];
IF layoutAtomData=NIL THEN
ERROR Error[$NoRegistration, IO.PutFR["LayoutAtom %g has not been registered", IO.atom[layoutAtom]], cellType];
We compute the attributes (if any)
IF layoutAtomData.attributesProc#NIL THEN layoutAtomData.attributesProc[cellType];
Now the layout
obj ← layoutAtomData.layoutProc[cellType];
PW.SetName[obj, CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType]];
We decorate for lazy decorations
CoreGeometry.PutObject[extractMode.decoration, cellType, obj];
Now we decorate the source cellType
IF layoutAtomData.decorateProc#NIL THEN layoutAtomData.decorateProc[cellType, obj];
We check those decorations, and we decorate layoutCellType. We need to do that in order to be able to return layoutCellType as the result of the extraction.
CheckDecorations[cellType, obj];
We mark obj as coming from Layout
GetPWCoreExtractedCTKey: PUBLIC PROC [extractedCT: CellType] RETURNS [key: INT ← 0] = {
obj: CD.Object ← CoreGeometry.GetObject[extractMode.decoration, extractedCT];
ref: REF FromPWCoreRecord ← NARROW [CDProperties.GetObjectProp[obj, fromPWCoreProp]];
IF ref#NIL THEN key ←;
IsPWCoreGenerated: PUBLIC PROC [obj: Object] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
RETURN [CDProperties.GetObjectProp[obj, fromPWCoreProp]#NIL];
FromLayoutWithoutPublic: PUBLIC PROC [obj: Object] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
cellType ← NARROW [Sinix.Extract[obj, extractMode].result];
IF IsPWCoreGenerated[obj] THEN RETURN; -- done twice!
SetLayoutAndDecoration[cellType, obj];
CheckDecorations[cellType, obj];
Global Variable
extractMode: PUBLIC Sinix.Mode ← SinixOps.GetExtractMode[$cmosB];
$Get, $GetAndFlatten, $Value and $ValueNoDecorate
maskSuffix: PUBLIC ROPE ← ".mask";
GetAndAddSuffix: PROC [cellType: CellType] RETURNS [obj: Object] = {
source: CD.Design ← NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cellType, $PWCoreSourceDesign]];
Here could be added the code for searching in a "Design" property if source=NIL?
obj ← PW.Get[source, IO.PutR[IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType]], IO.rope[maskSuffix]]];
Question for the reader: Why are we making an indirect here???
Answer: because two different cellTypes can have the exact same name, Layout: $Get and $PWCoreSourceDesign: design. For example two icons extracted in different Sisyph contexts will yield two different (but identical!) cellTypes.
Get: LayoutProc = {
obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[GetAndAddSuffix[cellType]];
GetAndFlatten: LayoutProc = {
obj ← PW.Flatten[GetAndAddSuffix[cellType]];
Value: LayoutProc = {
obj ← NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cellType, $PWCoreValue]];
DecorateValue: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
extractedCT: CellType ← NARROW [Sinix.Extract[obj, extractMode].result];
extractedToSource: RefTab.Ref ← RefTab.Create[extractedCT.public.size];
FindInExtractedPublic: CoreOps.EachWireProc = {
FOR names: LIST OF ROPE ← CoreOps.GetFullWireNames[cellType.public, wire], WHILE names#NIL DO
name: ROPE ← names.first;
extractedWire: Wire ← CoreOps.FindWire[extractedCT.public, name];
previousSourceWire: Wire ← NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[extractedToSource, extractedWire].val];
IF extractedWire=NIL OR extractedWire.size#0 THEN LOOP;
IF previousSourceWire#NIL AND previousSourceWire#wire THEN SIGNAL PinsCorrespondingToSeveralPublics[cellType, obj, LIST [previousSourceWire, wire], CoreGeometry.GetPins[extractMode.decoration, extractedWire]];
IF NOT CoreGeometry.HasPins[extractMode.decoration, extractedWire]
THEN SIGNAL NoPinsOnAtomicPublic[cellType, obj, extractedWire, name];
CoreGeometry.AddIndirectLazyPins[extractMode.decoration, wire, extractedWire];
[] ← RefTab.Store[extractedToSource, extractedWire, wire];
[] ← CoreOps.VisitWire[cellType.public, FindInExtractedPublic];
Abuts, Arrays and Recast
sisyphFudge: INTCD.FetchTechnology[$cmosB].lambda/2; -- Not very clean here!
AttributeAbutXorY: AttributesProc = {
ambiguous, inX: BOOL;
[ambiguous, inX] ← InstancesInXOrY[Sisyph.mode.decoration, cellType, sisyphFudge];
IF ambiguous THEN ERROR Error[$CallerBug, "*** Ambiguity for deciding between AbutX and AbutY.\n", cellType];
SortInstances[Sisyph.mode.decoration, cellType, IF inX THEN SortInX ELSE SortInY];
LayoutAbutXorY: LayoutProc = {
obj ← (IF InstancesInXOrY[Sisyph.mode.decoration, cellType, sisyphFudge].inX THEN AbutX ELSE AbutY)[cellType];
DecorateAbutXorY: DecorateProc = {
(IF InstancesInXOrY[Sisyph.mode.decoration, cellType, sisyphFudge].inX THEN DecorateAbutX ELSE DecorateAbutY)[cellType, obj];
AttributeX: AttributesProc = {SortInstances[Sisyph.mode.decoration, cellType, SortInX]};
AttributeY: AttributesProc = {SortInstances[Sisyph.mode.decoration, cellType, SortInY]};
AbutX: LayoutProc = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
subObjects: LIST OF Object ← NIL;
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [0 .. data.size) DO
subObjects ← CONS [Layout[data[i].type], subObjects];
obj ← PW.AbutListX[subObjects];
AbutY: LayoutProc = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
subObjects: LIST OF Object ← NIL;
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [0 .. data.size) DO
subObjects ← CONS [Layout[data[i].type], subObjects];
obj ← PW.AbutListY[subObjects];
AbutFlipXAndDecorate: LayoutProc = {obj ← AbutFlipAndDecorate[cellType, TRUE]};
AbutFlipYAndDecorate: LayoutProc = {obj ← AbutFlipAndDecorate[cellType, FALSE]};
AbutFlipAndDecorate: PROC [cellType: CellType, inX: BOOL] RETURNS [obj: Object] = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
flip: BOOLFALSE; -- indicates polarity of the coming flip
instances: CD.InstanceList ← NIL; -- instances for constructing the cell
layout0: CD.Object ← Layout[data[0].type];
isize0: CD.Position ← CD.InterestSize[layout0];
pos: CD.Position ← [0, 0]; -- position (in ir coordonnates) of the coming cell
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. data.size) DO
orientation: CD.Orientation ← IF flip THEN IF inX THEN mirrorX ELSE rotate180X ELSE original;
layout: CD.Object ← Layout[data[i].type];
ir: CD.Rect = CDBasics.MapRect[CD.InterestRect[layout], [[0, 0], orientation]];
isize: CD.Position ← CDBasics.SizeOfRect[ir];
trans: CD.Transformation = [CDBasics.SubPoints[pos, CDBasics.BaseOfRect[ir]], orientation]; -- translation, in the CD coordonnate system
IF NOT (IF inX THEN isize.y=isize0.y ELSE isize.x=isize0.x) THEN ERROR; -- incompatible y dimension for an abutX
instances ← CONS [CDInstances.NewInst[layout, trans], instances];
We decorate each instance with the appropriate trans, so that the Lazy GetPins can find the location
CoreGeometry.PutTrans[extractMode.decoration, data[i], trans];
IF inX THEN pos.x ← pos.x + isize.x ELSE pos.y ← pos.y + isize.y;
flip ← NOT flip;
obj ← PW.CreateCell[instances: instances];
CoreGeometry.PutRecordLazyPins[extractMode.decoration, cellType, CD.InterestRect[obj]];
ReverseAbutX: LayoutProc = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
subObjects: LIST OF Object ← NIL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. data.size) DO
subObjects ← CONS [Layout[data[i].type], subObjects];
obj ← PW.AbutListX[subObjects];
ReverseAbutY: LayoutProc = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
subObjects: LIST OF Object ← NIL;
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. data.size) DO
subObjects ← CONS [Layout[data[i].type], subObjects];
obj ← PW.AbutListY[subObjects];
ArrayX: LayoutProc = {
recasted: CellType ← CoreOps.Recast[cellType];
SetLayout[recasted, $RawAbutX]; obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[recasted]];
ArrayY: LayoutProc = {
recasted: CellType ← CoreOps.Recast[cellType];
SetLayout[recasted, $RawAbutY]; obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[recasted]];
ArrayFlipX: LayoutProc = {
recasted: CellType ← CoreOps.Recast[cellType];
SetLayout[recasted, $RawAbutFlipX]; obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[recasted]];
ArrayFlipY: LayoutProc = {
recasted: CellType ← CoreOps.Recast[cellType];
SetLayout[recasted, $RawAbutFlipY]; obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[recasted]];
ReverseArrayX: LayoutProc = {
recasted: CellType ← CoreOps.Recast[cellType];
SetLayout[recasted, $RawReverseAbutX]; obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[recasted]];
ReverseArrayY: LayoutProc = {
recasted: CellType ← CoreOps.Recast[cellType];
SetLayout[recasted, $RawReverseAbutY]; obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[recasted]];
Recast: LayoutProc = {
obj ← PW.CreateIndirect[Layout[CoreOps.Recast[cellType]]];
DecorateAbut: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType, obj: Object, sort: SortProc] = {
InsertInst: CDCells.InstEnumerator = {
IF inst.trans.orient#original THEN ERROR Error[$CallerBug, "DecorateAbut is only applicable to objects expanding into cells without rotation", cellType];
sorted ← CONS [inst, sorted];
CompareInst: GList.CompareProc = {
inst1: CD.Instance = NARROW [ref1];
inst2: CD.Instance = NARROW [ref2];
RETURN [IF sort[ObjectBase[inst1.ob, inst1.trans], ObjectBase[inst2.ob, inst2.trans]]
THEN less ELSE greater];
sorted: LIST OF CD.Instance;
recordData: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
WHILE obj.class#CDCells.pCellClass DO obj ← CDDirectory.Expand1[obj].new ENDLOOP;
[] ← CDCells.EnumerateInstances[obj, InsertInst];
sorted ← NARROW [GList.Sort[sorted, CompareInst]];
We decorate each instance with the appropriate trans, so that the Lazy GetPins can find the location
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. recordData.size) DO
CoreGeometry.PutTrans[extractMode.decoration, recordData[i], sorted.first.trans];
sorted ←;
IF sorted#NIL THEN ERROR Error[$CallerBug, "DecorateAbut assumption not valid: CD cell has more instances than record CellType", cellType];
CoreGeometry.PutRecordLazyPins[extractMode.decoration, cellType, CD.InterestRect[obj]];
DecorateAbutX: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
DecorateAbut[cellType, obj, SortInX];
DecorateAbutY: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
DecorateAbut[cellType, obj, SortInY];
DecorateReverseAbutX: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
DecorateAbut[cellType, obj, ReverseSortInX];
DecorateReverseAbutY: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
DecorateAbut[cellType, obj, ReverseSortInY];
DecorateRecasted: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
CopyDecorations[cellType, CoreOps.Recast[cellType], obj];
Rotated: PROC [cellType: CellType] RETURNS [rotatedCT: CellType] = {
rct: CoreClasses.RecordCellType;
IF cellType.class#CoreClasses.recordCellClass THEN ERROR Error[$CallerBug, "Rotation CellType expected [RecordCell with one instance]", cellType];
rct ← NARROW [];
IF rct.size#1 THEN ERROR Error[$CallerBug, "Rotation CellType expected [RecordCell with one instance]", cellType];
rotatedCT ← rct[0].type;
FlipX: LayoutProc = {obj ← PW.FlipX[Layout[Rotated[cellType]]]};
FlipY: LayoutProc = {obj ← PW.FlipY[Layout[Rotated[cellType]]]};
Rot90: LayoutProc = {obj ← PW.Rot90[Layout[Rotated[cellType]]]};
Rot180: LayoutProc = {obj ← PW.Rot180[Layout[Rotated[cellType]]]};
Rot270: LayoutProc = {obj ← PW.Rot270[Layout[Rotated[cellType]]]};
DecorateRotated: PUBLIC DecorateProc = {
rotatedCT: CellType = Rotated[cellType];
trans: CoreGeometry.Transformation;
DecorateUniqueInst: CDCells.InstEnumerator = {trans ← inst.trans};
This line is important since obj can be of the class "Rotation" itself.
WHILE obj.class#CDCells.pCellClass DO obj ← CDDirectory.Expand1[obj].new ENDLOOP;
IF CDCells.CountInstances[obj]#1 THEN ERROR Error[$CallerBug, "DecorateRotated is not supposed to be called with an obj that does not expand into a one instance cell", cellType];
[] ← CDCells.EnumerateInstances[obj, DecorateUniqueInst];
CoreGeometry.PutTrans[extractMode.decoration, NARROW [, CoreClasses.RecordCellType][0], trans];
CoreGeometry.PutRecordLazyPins[extractMode.decoration, cellType, CD.InterestRect[obj]];
Help for writing DecorateProcs
SortInX: PUBLIC PROC [pos1, pos2: CD.Position] RETURNS [BOOL] = {RETURN [pos1.x<pos2.x]};
SortInY: PUBLIC PROC [pos1, pos2: CD.Position] RETURNS [BOOL] = {RETURN [pos1.y<pos2.y]};
ReverseSortInX: PUBLIC PROC [pos1, pos2: CD.Position] RETURNS [BOOL] = {RETURN [pos1.x>pos2.x]};
ReverseSortInY: PUBLIC PROC [pos1, pos2: CD.Position] RETURNS [BOOL] = {RETURN [pos1.y>pos2.y]};
ObjectBase: PROC [obj: CD.Object, trans: CoreGeometry.Transformation] RETURNS [pos: CD.Position] = {
pos ← CDBasics.BaseOfRect[CDBasics.MapRect[CD.InterestRect[obj], trans]];
InstanceBase: PROC [decoration: CoreGeometry.Decoration, cellType: CellType, trans: CoreGeometry.Transformation] RETURNS [pos: CD.Position] = {
pos ← ObjectBase[CoreGeometry.GetObject[decoration, cellType], trans];
InstancesInXOrY: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: CoreGeometry.Decoration, record: CellType, fudge: INT ← 0] RETURNS [ambiguous, inX: BOOL] = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
overlappingInX, overlappingInY: BOOLFALSE;
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. data.size-1) DO
rect1: CD.Rect ← CDBasics.MapRect[
CD.InterestRect[CoreGeometry.GetObject[decoration, data[i].type]],
CoreGeometry.GetTrans[decoration, data[i]]
FOR j: NAT IN (i .. data.size) DO
rect2: CD.Rect ← CDBasics.MapRect[
CD.InterestRect[CoreGeometry.GetObject[decoration, data[j].type]],
CoreGeometry.GetTrans[decoration, data[j]]
IF rect1.x1+fudge<rect2.x2 AND rect2.x1+fudge<rect1.x2 THEN overlappingInX ← TRUE;
IF rect1.y1+fudge<rect2.y2 AND rect2.y1+fudge<rect1.y2 THEN overlappingInY ← TRUE;
ambiguous ← overlappingInX=overlappingInY;
inX ← overlappingInY;
SortInstances: PUBLIC PROC [decoration: CoreGeometry.Decoration, cellType: CellType, sort: SortProc] = {
data: CoreClasses.RecordCellType ← NARROW [];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. data.size-1) DO
FOR j: NAT IN (i .. data.size) DO
IF ~sort[
InstanceBase[decoration, data[i].type, CoreGeometry.GetTrans[decoration, data[i]]],
InstanceBase[decoration, data[j].type, CoreGeometry.GetTrans[decoration, data[j]]]
] THEN {
w: CoreClasses.CellInstance ← data[i];
data[i] ← data[j]; data[j] ← w;
Short cut
SetLayout: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType, layoutAtom: ATOM, userDataProp: ATOMNIL, userData: REFNIL] = {
CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cellType, layoutAtomProp, layoutAtom];
IF userDataProp#NIL THEN CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cellType, userDataProp, userData];
RotateCellType: PUBLIC PROC [rotatedCellType: CellType, orientation: ATOM] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
public: Wire = CoreOps.CreateWires[size: rotatedCellType.public.size];
internal: Wire = CoreOps.CreateWires[size: rotatedCellType.public.size];
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. rotatedCellType.public.size) DO
new: Wire = CoreOps.CopyWire[rotatedCellType.public[i]];
public[i] ← internal[i] ← new;
cellType ← CoreClasses.CreateRecordCell[public: public, internal: internal, instances: LIST [CoreClasses.CreateInstance[actual: internal, type: rotatedCellType]]];
SetLayout[cellType, orientation];
Saving "Checkpoints"
Slight modification of CDDirectoryOps.IncludeDescribedObjects to avoid problems when dealing with objects inclkuded in 2 designs.
IncludeDescribedObjects: PROC [design: CD.Design, ob: CD.Object] = {
EachObject: CDDirectory.EachObjectProc = {
IF me.class.composed THEN {
name: Rope.ROPE ← CDDirectory.Name[me, design];
name ← NARROW [CDProperties.GetObjectProp[me, $Describe]];
Hack, of course!
IF CDProperties.GetObjectProp[me, $OwnerDesign]#NIL AND NOT me.immutable THEN RETURN;
[] ← CDDirectory.Include[design, me, name, TRUE];
[] ← CDDirectory.EnumerateObject[ob: ob, proc: EachObject]
Store: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType, withCuteFonts: BOOLFALSE] = {
name:    ROPE   ← CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType];
TerminalIO.PutF["Saving the Core for cell %g ...\n", IO.rope[name]];
[] ← CoreIO.ReportSaveCellType[cellType];
StoreShell[cellType, withCuteFonts];
TerminalIO.PutF["\nLayout checkpoint:\n %g.core\n %gLayout.dale\n %gShell.dale\n",
IO.rope[name], IO.rope[name], IO.rope[name]]};
StoreShell: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType, withCuteFonts: BOOLFALSE] = {
name:    ROPE   ← CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType];
shellFileName: ROPE   ← Rope.Cat[name, "Shell"];
shellDesign:  CD.Design ← CDOps.CreateDesign[CD.FetchTechnology[$cmosB]];
shell:    CD.Object;
TerminalIO.PutF["Saving the Shell for cell %g ...\n", IO.rope[name]];
shell ← CoreGeometry.CreateShell[extractMode.decoration, cellType, withCuteFonts]; ← shellFileName;
[] ← CDDirectory.Include[shellDesign, shell, name];
[] ← CDOps.IncludeObjectI[shellDesign, shell];
[] ← CDIO.WriteDesign[shellDesign, shellFileName];
CDOps.SetMutability[shellDesign, inaccessible]}; -- to avoid GCollected objects!
StoreLayout: PUBLIC PROC [cellType: CellType] = {
name:    ROPE   ← CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cellType];
layoutFileName: ROPE   ← Rope.Cat[name, "Layout"];
layoutDesign: CD.Design ← CDOps.CreateDesign[CD.FetchTechnology[$cmosB]];
layout:   CD.Object  ← Layout[cellType];
TerminalIO.PutF["Saving the Layout for cell %g ...\n", IO.rope[name]]; ← layoutFileName;
layout ← PW.CreateCell
[LIST [CDInstances.NewInst[layout]], CD.InterestRect[layout], name.Cat[".mask"]];
[] ← CDDirectory.Include[layoutDesign, layout, name.Cat[".mask"]];
[] ← CDOps.IncludeObjectI[layoutDesign, layout];
IncludeDescribedObjects[layoutDesign, layout];
[] ← CDIO.WriteDesign[layoutDesign, layoutFileName];
CDOps.SetMutability[layoutDesign, inaccessible]}; -- to avoid GCollected objects!
Retrieve: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE] RETURNS [cellType: CellType] = {
obj: CD.Object;
TerminalIO.PutF["Retrieving %g.core\n", IO.rope[name]];
cellType ← CoreIO.RestoreCellType[name];
obj ← CoreGeometry.GetObject[extractMode.decoration, cellType];
TerminalIO.PutF["%g.core Retrieved\n", IO.rope[name]]};
Backdoor for clients such as PWCoreLichen
LayoutInfo: PUBLIC PROC [sourceCT: CellType] RETURNS [layout: Object, extractedCT: CellType, extractedToSource: RefTab.Ref, key: INT] = {
FillTable: PROC [sourcePublic: Wire] = {
EachSourcePin: CoreGeometry.EachInstanceProc = {
Action: PROC [extractedInstance: CoreGeometry.Instance, value: InstanceTable.Value] = {
extractedWire: Wire = NARROW [value];
prevSource: Wire ← NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[extractedToSource, extractedWire].val];
IF prevSource=sourcePublic THEN RETURN; -- already considered
IF NOT extractMode.touchProc[extractMode.touchProc, instance, extractedInstance]
IF prevSource#NIL THEN SIGNAL PinsCorrespondingToSeveralPublics[sourceCT, layout, LIST [prevSource, sourcePublic], LIST [instance, extractedInstance]];
[] ← RefTab.Store[extractedToSource, extractedWire, sourcePublic];
InstanceTable.Enumerate[extractedInstances, Action, CoreGeometry.BBox[instance]];
[] ← CoreGeometry.EnumeratePins[extractMode.decoration, sourcePublic, EachSourcePin];
extractedInstances: InstanceTable.Table; -- table instance -> extractedPublic
layout ← PWCore.Layout[sourceCT];
extractedCT ← NARROW [Sinix.Extract[layout, extractMode].result];
extractedToSource ← RefTab.Create[]; -- maps extractedWire to source
extractedInstances ← InstanceTableFromPublic[extractMode.decoration, layout.bbox, extractedCT.public];
key ← GetPWCoreExtractedCTKey[extractedCT];
CoreOps.VisitRootAtomics[sourceCT.public, FillTable];
Creates a table instance -> public
InstanceTableFromPublic: PROC [decoration: CoreGeometry.Decoration, bbox: CD.Rect, public: WireSeq] RETURNS [table: InstanceTable.Table] = {
FillInstanceTable: PROC [wire: Wire] = {
AddPinInTable: CoreGeometry.EachInstanceProc = {
InstanceTable.Insert[table, instance, wire];
[] ← CoreGeometry.EnumeratePins[decoration, wire, AddPinInTable];
table ← InstanceTable.Create[bbox];
CoreOps.VisitRootAtomics[public, FillInstanceTable];
Initialization and various registrations
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Get, Get, DecorateValue];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$GetAndFlatten, GetAndFlatten, DecorateValue];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Value, Value, DecorateValue];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ValueNoDecorate, Value];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$AbutListXNoDecorate, AbutX];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$AbutListYNoDecorate, AbutY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$RawAbutX, AbutX, DecorateAbutX];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$RawAbutY, AbutY, DecorateAbutY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$RawAbutFlipX, AbutFlipXAndDecorate];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$RawAbutFlipY, AbutFlipYAndDecorate];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$AbutFlipX, AbutFlipXAndDecorate, NIL, AttributeX];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$AbutFlipY, AbutFlipYAndDecorate, NIL, AttributeY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$RawReverseAbutX, ReverseAbutX, DecorateReverseAbutX];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$RawReverseAbutY, ReverseAbutY, DecorateReverseAbutY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$AbutX, AbutX, DecorateAbutX, AttributeX];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$AbutY, AbutY, DecorateAbutY, AttributeY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Abut, LayoutAbutXorY, DecorateAbutXorY, AttributeAbutXorY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ReverseAbutX, ReverseAbutX, DecorateReverseAbutX, AttributeX];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ReverseAbutY, ReverseAbutY, DecorateReverseAbutY, AttributeY];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ArrayX, ArrayX, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ArrayY, ArrayY, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ArrayFlipX, ArrayFlipX, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ArrayFlipY, ArrayFlipY, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ReverseArrayX, ReverseArrayX, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$ReverseArrayY, ReverseArrayY, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Recast, Recast, DecorateRecasted];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$FlipX, FlipX, DecorateRotated];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$FlipY, FlipY, DecorateRotated];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Rot90, Rot90, DecorateRotated];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Rot180, Rot180, DecorateRotated];
[] ← RegisterLayoutAtom[$Rot270, Rot270, DecorateRotated];