Copyright Ó 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Barth, February 5, 1988 6:46:55 pm PST
DIRECTORY BiScrollers, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, ImagerFont, ImagerSample, InputFocus, IO, MessageWindow, Pipal, PipalEdit, PipalInt, PipalInteractiveEdit, PipalPaint, PipalReal, PipalTextEditor, Real, Rope, TerminalIO, VFonts, ViewerClasses, ViewerOps;
PipalTextEditorImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM
IMPORTS BiScrollers, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, ImagerFont, ImagerSample, InputFocus, IO, MessageWindow, Pipal, PipalEdit, PipalInt, PipalInteractiveEdit, PipalPaint, PipalReal, Real, Rope, TerminalIO, VFonts, ViewerOps
EXPORTS PipalTextEditor =
BEGIN OPEN PipalTextEditor;
Text Class
pipalTextClass: PUBLIC Pipal.Class ← Pipal.RegisterClass[name: "PipalText", type: CODE[PipalTextRec]];
TextDescribe: Pipal.DescribeProc = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW [object];
Pipal.PutIndent[out, indent, cr];
IO.PutF[out, "Text [%g]", IO.rope[text.rope]];
TextSize: PipalReal.SizeProc ~ {
size ← NARROW[object, PipalText].size;
fixedFont: Imager.Font ← VFonts.defaultFont;
feedbackHeight: REAL ← 4.0;
fontHeight: REAL ← ImagerFont.FontBoundingBox[fixedFont].descent + ImagerFont.FontBoundingBox[fixedFont].ascent;
lineHeight: REAL ← fontHeight + feedbackHeight;
TextPaint: PipalPaint.PaintProc ~ {
EachRow: RowProc = {
Imager.SetXY[context, [0.0, y]];
Imager.ShowRope[context, text.rope, interval.base, interval.size];
text: PipalText ← NARROW[object];
Imager.SetColor[context, Imager.black];
Imager.SetFont[context, fixedFont];
[] ← EnumerateRows[text, EachRow];
emptySize: PipalReal.Size ← PipalReal.emptySize;
CreatePipalText: PUBLIC PROC [rope: Pipal.ROPE, size: PipalReal.Size ← PipalReal.emptySize] RETURNS [text: PipalText] = {
text ← NEW[PipalTextRec ← [rope, size]];
IF size=PipalReal.emptySize THEN {
extents: ImagerFont.Extents ← ImagerFont.RopeBoundingBox[font: fixedFont, rope: rope];
text.size ← [extents.leftExtent+extents.rightExtent, lineHeight];
GetSelectionInterval: PUBLIC PROC [text: PipalText, position: PipalReal.Position, grain: SelectionGrain] RETURNS [interval: PipalInt.Interval ← [0, 0], closerRight: BOOLFALSE] = {
EachChar: CharProc = {
distance: REAL ← RectanglePointDistance[bbox, position];
thisIsSeparator: BOOL ← CharSeparator[char];
IF setRight AND thisIsSeparator THEN {
setRight ← FALSE;
closerRight ← rightEdge-position.y<position.x-leftEdge;
interval.size ← IF grain=char THEN 1 ELSE location-leftLocation;
quit ← directHit;
IF lastWasSeparator OR thisIsSeparator THEN {
leftEdge ← bbox.base.x;
leftLocation ← location;
lastWasSeparator ← thisIsSeparator;
directHit ← PipalReal.IsInsidePoint[bbox, position];
IF directHit OR distance<closest THEN {
closest ← distance;
interval.base ← IF grain=char THEN location ELSE leftLocation;
setRight ← TRUE;
rightEdge ← bbox.base.x + bbox.size.x;
closest: REAL ← PipalReal.infinity;
lastWasSeparator: BOOLTRUE;
setRight: BOOLFALSE;
directHit: BOOLFALSE;
leftEdge, rightEdge: REAL ← 0.0;
leftLocation: Location ← 0;
[] ← EnumerateChars[text, EachChar];
IF setRight THEN {
closerRight ← rightEdge-position.y<position.x-leftEdge;
interval.size ← IF grain=char THEN 1 ELSE Rope.Length[text.rope]-leftLocation;
CharProc: TYPE = PROC [char: CHAR, location: Location, bbox: PipalReal.Rectangle] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE];
EnumerateChars: PROC [text: PipalText, eachChar: CharProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE] = {
EachRow: RowProc = {
quit ← EnumerateCharsInRow[text, interval, y, eachChar];
quit ← EnumerateRows[text, EachRow];
EnumerateCharsInRow: PROC [text: PipalText, interval: PipalInt.Interval, y: REAL, eachChar: CharProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE] = {
x: REAL ← 0.0;
FOR loc: Location IN [interval.base..interval.base+interval.size) DO
char: CHAR ← Rope.Fetch[text.rope, loc];
cx: REAL ← CharSize[char].x;
IF eachChar[char, loc, [[x, y-feedbackHeight], [cx, lineHeight]]] THEN {quit ← TRUE; EXIT};
x ← x + cx;
CharSize: PROC [char: CHAR] RETURNS [size: PipalReal.Size] = {
size ← [ImagerFont.Escapement[fixedFont, [0, LOOPHOLE[char]]].x, lineHeight]
RowProc: TYPE = PROC [interval: PipalInt.Interval, y: REAL] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE];
EnumerateRows: PROC [text: PipalText, eachRow: RowProc] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE] = {
start: Location ← 0;
y: REAL ← text.size.y-lineHeight+feedbackHeight;
length: INT ← Rope.Length[text.rope];
IF length>0 THEN DO
rightEdge: REAL ← 0.0;
firstUnpaintedChar: Location ← start;
lastSeparator: Location ← start;
char: CHAR ← Rope.Fetch[text.rope, firstUnpaintedChar];
rightEdge ← rightEdge + CharSize[char].x;
IF rightEdge>=text.size.x THEN EXIT;
IF CharSeparator[char] THEN lastSeparator ← firstUnpaintedChar;
firstUnpaintedChar ← firstUnpaintedChar + 1;
IF firstUnpaintedChar=length THEN EXIT;
IF firstUnpaintedChar=length THEN lastSeparator ← length-1;
IF eachRow[[start, lastSeparator-start+1], y] THEN {quit ← TRUE; EXIT};
IF lastSeparator+1=length THEN EXIT;
start ← lastSeparator+1;
y ← y-lineHeight;
CharSeparator: PROC [char: CHAR] RETURNS [separator: BOOL] = {
separator ← char IN [IO.NUL .. IO.SP] OR char=', OR char=': OR char=';;
Text Editor Class
textEditorClass: PUBLIC Pipal.Class ← Pipal.RegisterClass[name: "TextEditor", type: CODE[TextEditorRec]];
TextEditorDescribe: Pipal.DescribeProc = {
textEditor: TextEditor ← NARROW[object];
Pipal.PutIndent[out, indent, cr];
IO.PutF[out, "Text Editor"];
TextEditorSize: PipalReal.SizeProc ~ {
size ← PipalReal.emptySize;
black: Imager.Color ← ImagerBackdoor.MakeStipple[stipple: 0FFFFH, xor: TRUE];
lightGrey: Imager.Color ← ImagerBackdoor.MakeStipple[stipple: 0208H, xor: TRUE];
darkGrey: Imager.Color ← ImagerBackdoor.MakeStipple[stipple: 0A5A5H, xor: TRUE];
caretH: INTEGER = 6;
caretW: INTEGER = 16;
CaretBits: TYPE ~ REF CaretBitsRep;
CaretBitsRep: TYPE = ARRAY [0..caretH) OF WORD;
caretBits: CaretBits ← NEW[CaretBitsRep ← [
000400B, -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
001600B, -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
003700B, -- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
003300B, -- 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
006140B, -- 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
004040B -- 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
caretMap: ImagerSample.SampleMap ← SampleMapFromCaretBits[caretBits];
SampleMapFromCaretBits: PROC [bits: CaretBits] RETURNS [ImagerSample.SampleMap] ~ TRUSTED {
RETURN [ImagerSample.UnsafeNewSampleMap[
box: [min: [s: 0, f: 0], max: [s: caretH, f: caretW]],
bitsPerSample: 1, bitsPerLine: BITS[WORD], base: [word: LOOPHOLE[bits], bit: 0],
ref: bits, words: SIZE[CaretBitsRep]
TextEditorPaint: PipalPaint.PaintProc = {
EachRow: RowProc = {
y ← y-feedbackHeight;
FOR selection: Selections IN Selections DO
IF te.selections[selection].valid AND PipalInt.IntersectInterval[interval, te.selections[selection].interval] THEN {
sel: Selection ← te.selections[selection];
selectInterval: PipalInt.Interval ← IntersectIntervals[interval, sel.interval];
start: REAL ← ImagerFont.RopeEscapement[fixedFont, text.rope, interval.base, selectInterval.base-interval.base].x;
selection=primary => Imager.SetColor[context, black];
sel.pendingDelete => Imager.SetColor[context, lightGrey];
ENDCASE => Imager.SetColor[context, darkGrey];
IF selectInterval.size>0 THEN {
length: REAL ← ImagerFont.RopeEscapement[fixedFont, text.rope, selectInterval.base, selectInterval.size].x;
IF sel.pendingDelete THEN Imager.MaskRectangle[context, [start, y, length, fontHeight]]
ELSE Imager.MaskRectangle[context, [start, y, length, feedbackHeight]];
IF (sel.caretAfter AND PipalInt.IsInsideIntervalNumber[selectInterval, sel.interval.base+sel.interval.size]) OR (NOT sel.caretAfter AND PipalInt.IsInsideIntervalNumber[selectInterval, sel.interval.base]) THEN Imager.MaskBitmap[context, caretMap, [0, 7], Imager.defaultScanMode, [IF sel.caretAfter THEN start+length ELSE start, y+feedbackHeight]];
ELSE Imager.MaskBitmap[context, caretMap, [0, 7], Imager.defaultScanMode, [start, y+feedbackHeight]];
editor: PipalEdit.Editor ← NARROW[object];
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
PipalPaint.Paint[text, context];
Imager.SetStrokeWidth[context, feedbackHeight];
[] ← EnumerateRows[text, EachRow];
Create: PUBLIC PROC [text: PipalText] RETURNS [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
editor ← PipalEdit.CreateEditor[text, NEW[TextEditorRec]];
InsertRope: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor, characters: Pipal.ROPE] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
[text, te] ← BasicInsert[text, te, characters];
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "insert rope", text, te];
InsertChar: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor, character: CHAR] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
[text, te] ← BasicInsert[text, te, Rope.FromChar[character]];
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "insert char", text, te];
Move: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
[text, te] ← BasicCopy[text, te];
[text, te] ← BasicDelete[text, te, secondary];
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "move", text, te];
Copy: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
[text, te] ← BasicCopy[text, te];
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "copy", text, te];
Transpose: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← NARROW[editor.state, TextEditor]^];
IF NOT te.selections[primary].valid THEN ERROR Pipal.Error[$noPrimarySelection];
IF NOT te.selections[secondary].valid THEN ERROR Pipal.Error[$noSecondarySelection];
i1: PipalInt.Interval;
i2: PipalInt.Interval;
switched: BOOL;
[i1, i2, switched] ← DecomposeIntervals[te.selections[primary].interval, te.selections[secondary].interval];
text ← CreatePipalText[Rope.Cat[
Rope.Substr[text.rope, 0, i1.base],
Rope.Substr[text.rope, i2.base, i2.size],
Rope.Substr[text.rope, i1.base+i1.size, i2.base-(i1.base+i1.size)],
Rope.Substr[text.rope, i1.base, i1.size],
Rope.Substr[text.rope, i2.base+i2.size, Rope.Length[text.rope]-i2.base+i2.size]], text.size];
difference: INT ← te.selections[primary].interval.size - te.selections[secondary].interval.size;
t: Location ← te.selections[primary].interval.base;
te.selections[primary].interval.base ← te.selections[secondary].interval.base;
te.selections[secondary].interval.base ← t;
IF switched THEN te.selections[secondary].interval.base ← te.selections[secondary].interval.base + difference
ELSE te.selections[primary].interval.base ← te.selections[primary].interval.base - difference;
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "transpose", text, te];
Delete: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← NARROW[editor.state, TextEditor]^];
IF NOT te.selections[primary].valid THEN ERROR Pipal.Error[$noPrimarySelection];
te.paste ← Rope.Substr[text.rope, te.selections[primary].interval.base, te.selections[primary].interval.size];
[text, te] ← BasicDelete[text, te, primary];
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "delete", text, te];
Paste: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
[text, te] ← BasicInsert[text, te, te.paste];
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "paste", text, te];
Erase: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← NARROW[editor.state, TextEditor]^];
sel: Selection ← te.selections[primary];
loc: Location;
IF NOT sel.valid THEN ERROR Pipal.Error[$noPrimarySelection];
loc ← IF sel.caretAfter THEN sel.interval.base+sel.interval.size ELSE sel.interval.base;
IF loc=0 THEN ERROR Pipal.Error[$noCharacterToErase];
text ← CreatePipalText[Rope.Cat[Rope.Substr[text.rope, 0, loc-1], Rope.Substr[text.rope, loc, Rope.Length[text.rope]-loc]], text.size];
loc ← loc - 1;
FOR selection: Selections IN Selections DO
IF te.selections[selection].valid AND te.selections[selection].interval.size>0 THEN {
IF PipalInt.IsInsideIntervalNumber[te.selections[selection].interval, loc] THEN te.selections[selection].interval.size ← te.selections[selection].interval.size - 1;
IF loc<=te.selections[selection].interval.base THEN te.selections[selection].interval.base ← te.selections[selection].interval.base - 1;
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "erase", text, te];
BasicCopy: PROC [oldText: PipalText, oldte: TextEditor] RETURNS [newText: PipalText, newte: TextEditor] = {
IF oldte.selections[secondary].valid THEN {
[newText, newte] ← BasicInsert[oldText, oldte, Rope.Substr[oldText.rope, oldte.selections[secondary].interval.base, oldte.selections[secondary].interval.size]];
ELSE ERROR Pipal.Error[$noSecondarySelection];
BasicInsert: PROC [oldText: PipalText, oldte: TextEditor, characters: Pipal.ROPE] RETURNS [newText: PipalText, newte: TextEditor] = {
size: Location ← Rope.Size[characters];
loc: Location;
IF NOT oldte.selections[primary].valid THEN ERROR Pipal.Error[$noPrimarySelection];
loc ← IF oldte.selections[primary].caretAfter THEN oldte.selections[primary].interval.base + oldte.selections[primary].interval.size ELSE oldte.selections[primary].interval.base;
IF oldte.selections[primary].pendingDelete THEN {
paste: Rope.ROPE ← Rope.Substr[oldText.rope, oldte.selections[primary].interval.base, oldte.selections[primary].interval.size];
[newText, newte] ← BasicDelete[oldText, oldte, primary];
newte.paste ← paste;
newText ← oldText;
newte ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← oldte^];
newText ← CreatePipalText[Rope.Cat[
Rope.Substr[newText.rope, 0, loc],
Rope.Substr[newText.rope, loc, Rope.Size[newText.rope]-loc]], newText.size];
FOR selection: Selections IN Selections DO
IF newte.selections[selection].valid AND loc<=newte.selections[selection].interval.base THEN newte.selections[selection].interval.base ← newte.selections[selection].interval.base + size;
BasicDelete: PROC [oldText: PipalText, oldte: TextEditor, selection: Selections] RETURNS [newText: PipalText, newte: TextEditor] = {
base: Location ← oldte.selections[selection].interval.base;
size: INT ← oldte.selections[selection].interval.size;
newText ← CreatePipalText[Rope.Cat[Rope.Substr[oldText.rope, 0, base], Rope.Substr[oldText.rope, base+size, Rope.Size[oldText.rope]-(base+size)]], oldText.size];
newte ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← oldte^];
newte.selections[selection].interval.size ← 0;
FOR selection: Selections IN Selections DO
IF newte.selections[selection].valid AND base<newte.selections[selection].interval.base THEN newte.selections[selection].interval.base ← IF base+size<newte.selections[selection].interval.base THEN newte.selections[selection].interval.base - size ELSE base;
SetSelection: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor, interval: PipalInt.Interval, selection: Selections ← primary, pendingDelete: BOOLFALSE, caretAfter: BOOLFALSE, granularity: SelectionGrain ← char] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← NARROW[editor.state, TextEditor]^];
te.selections[selection].valid ← TRUE;
te.selections[selection].interval ← interval;
te.selections[selection].pendingDelete ← pendingDelete;
te.selections[selection].caretAfter ← caretAfter;
te.selections[selection].granularity ← granularity;
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "select", text, te];
CancelSelection: PUBLIC PROC [editor: PipalEdit.Editor, selection: Selections ← primary] = {
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
te: TextEditor ← NEW[TextEditorRec ← NARROW[editor.state, TextEditor]^];
te.selections[selection].valid ← FALSE;
PipalEdit.Do[editor, "cancel selection", text, te];
IntersectIntervals: PROC [i1, i2: PipalInt.Interval] RETURNS [i3: PipalInt.Interval] = {
i3.base ← MAX[i1.base, i2.base];
i3.size ← MIN[i1.base+i1.size, i2.base+i2.size]-i3.base;
DecomposeIntervals: PROC [i1, i2: PipalInt.Interval] RETURNS [i3, i4: PipalInt.Interval, switched: BOOLFALSE] = {
Orders i1 and i2 so that i3.base<i4.base and then computes intervals which cover the nonintersecting portions of i3 and i4. If i1 and i2 are exchanged then switched is TRUE.
IF i1.base>i2.base THEN {
t: PipalInt.Interval ← i1; i1 ← i2; i2 ← t;
switched ← TRUE;
i3.base ← i1.base;
i3.size ← MIN[i1.size, i2.base-i1.base];
i4.base ← MAX[i2.base, i1.base+i1.size];
i4.size ← MIN[i2.size, ABS[(i2.base+i2.size)-(i1.base+i1.size)]];
RectanglePointDistance: PROC [rectangle: PipalReal.Rectangle, position: PipalReal.Position] RETURNS [distance: REAL] = {
This is a hack, really should compute distance to edges, not corner points.
distance ← MIN[
PointDistance[position, rectangle.base],
PointDistance[position, [rectangle.base.x, rectangle.base.y+rectangle.size.y]],
PointDistance[position, [rectangle.base.x+rectangle.size.x, rectangle.base.y]],
PointDistance[position, [rectangle.base.x+rectangle.size.x, rectangle.base.y+rectangle.size.y]]];
PointDistance: PROC [p1, p2: PipalReal.Position] RETURNS [distance: REAL] = {
x1x2: REALABS[p1.x-p2.x];
y1y2: REALABS[p1.y-p2.y];
distance ← Real.SqRt[x1x2*x1x2+y1y2*y1y2];
Interactive Editor
InteractiveEditor: PUBLIC PROC [size: PipalReal.Size] RETURNS [viewerData: PipalInteractiveEdit.ViewerData] = {
viewerData ← PipalInteractiveEdit.Create[Create[CreatePipalText[NIL, size]], "PipalTextEditor.TIP", EditorNotify, NEW[EditorNotifyDataRec]];
EditorNotifyData: TYPE = REF EditorNotifyDataRec;
EditorNotifyDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [
coords: PipalReal.Vector ← PipalReal.zeroVector, -- mx, my
editState: EditState ← reset,
sel: Selections ← primary,
selState: SelState ← reset,
pdelState: PDelState ← reset,
prevPSel: Selection,
changeLevel: LevelChange ← same,
mouseColor: MouseColor ← red,
editMessage: Rope.ROPENIL];
EditState: TYPE = {
reset, -- no edit specified
abort, -- edit aborted
tolimbo, -- delete primary
toprimary, -- copy/move secondary selection to/onto primary
tosecondary, -- copy/move primary to/onto secondary
toboth -- transpose primary and secondary
SelState: TYPE = {
reset, -- not specified yet
primary, -- making a primary selection
PDelState: TYPE = {
reset, -- not specified yet
pending, -- making a pending delete selection
LevelChange: TYPE = {reduce, expand, same};
MouseColor: TYPE = {red, yellow, blue, dead};
BadMouse: SIGNAL = CODE;
toPrimaryMessages: REF MessageArray ← NEW [MessageArray];
toSecondaryMessages: REF MessageArray ← NEW [MessageArray];
EditorNotify: ViewerClasses.NotifyProc = {
Complain: PROC [atom: ATOM] = {
IO.PutF[TerminalIO.TOS[], "Unimplemented tip table atom %g\n", IO.atom[atom]];
someComplaint ← TRUE;
AbortSecondary: PROC = {
MessageWindow.Append["Make a primary selection first.",TRUE];
d.editState ← abort; d.mouseColor ← dead
EditMessage: PROC = {
msg: Rope.ROPESELECT d.editState FROM
tolimbo => "Select for delete",
toprimary => toPrimaryMessages [textEditor.selections[primary].pendingDelete] [textEditor.selections[secondary].pendingDelete],
tosecondary => toSecondaryMessages [textEditor.selections[primary].pendingDelete] [textEditor.selections[secondary].pendingDelete],
toboth => "Select for transpose",
IF msg = NIL OR msg = d.editMessage THEN RETURN;
d.editMessage ← msg
Extend: PROC [saveEnds: BOOL] = {
IF d.editState=abort THEN RETURN;
IF d.mouseColor # blue THEN {
IF d.mouseColor = dead THEN SIGNAL BadMouse;
d.mouseColor ← blue;
d.prevPSel ← textEditor.selections[primary];
saveEnds ← TRUE;
grain: SelectionGrain ← textEditor.selections[d.sel].granularity;
old: PipalInt.Interval ← textEditor.selections[d.sel].interval;
new: PipalInt.Interval;
set: PipalInt.Interval;
closerRight: BOOL;
[new, closerRight] ← GetSelectionInterval[text, d.coords, grain];
IF old.base<=new.base THEN {
set.base ← old.base;
set.size ← new.base+new.size-old.base;
set.base ← new.base;
set.size ← old.base+old.size-new.base;
SetSelection[editor, set, d.sel, d.pDel, closerRight, grain];
IF d.sel=secondary THEN EditMessage[];
viewerData: PipalInteractiveEdit.ViewerData ← NARROW [BiScrollers.ClientDataOfViewer[self]];
d: EditorNotifyData ← NARROW[viewerData.data];
editor: PipalEdit.Editor ← viewerData.editor;
text: PipalText ← NARROW[editor.object];
textEditor: TextEditor ← NARROW[editor.state];
someComplaint: BOOLFALSE;
FOR input ← input, input.rest UNTIL input=NIL DO WITH input.first SELECT FROM
coords: BiScrollers.ClientCoords => d.coords ← coords^;
char: REF CHAR => SELECT char^ FROM
IO.BS => Erase[editor ! Pipal.Error => IF reason=$noCharacterToErase THEN {TerminalIO.PutRope["No character to erase\n"]; CONTINUE} ELSE REJECT];
ENDCASE => InsertChar[editor, char^];
atom: ATOM => {
$BlueMouse => {
IF d.mouseColor = dead THEN SIGNAL BadMouse;
d.mouseColor ← blue;
d.prevPSel ← textEditor.selections[primary];
$DoEdit => {
SELECT d.editState FROM
tolimbo => Delete[editor];
reset, abort => NULL;
toprimary => {Copy[editor]; CancelSelection[editor, secondary]};
tosecondary => Complain[$DoEditToSecondary];
toboth => Transpose[editor];
d.editState ← reset;
d.sel ← primary;
d.selState ← reset;
d.pdelState ← reset;
d.pDel ← FALSE;
d.mouseColor ← red;
IF d.editMessage # NIL THEN MessageWindow.Clear[];
d.editMessage ← NIL;
$ForceSelNotPendDel => {
d.pdelState ← reset;
d.pdelState ← not;
d.pDel ← FALSE;
$ForceSelPendDel => {
d.pdelState ← reset;
d.pdelState ← pending;
d.pDel ← TRUE;
$RedMouse => {
IF d.mouseColor = dead THEN SIGNAL BadMouse;
d.mouseColor ← red;
d.prevPSel ← textEditor.selections[primary];
$SelChar => {
IF NOT d.editState=abort THEN {
IF d.sel=secondary AND NOT textEditor.selections[primary].valid THEN AbortSecondary[]
interval: PipalInt.Interval;
closerRight: BOOL;
[interval, closerRight] ← GetSelectionInterval[text, d.coords, char];
SetSelection[editor, interval, d.sel, d.pDel, closerRight, char];
IF d.editState=tolimbo OR d.sel=secondary THEN EditMessage[];
$SelExpand => d.changeLevel ← expand;
$SelExtend => Extend[FALSE];
$SelNotPendDel => IF d.pdelState=reset THEN {
d.pdelState ← not;
d.pDel ← FALSE;
$SelPendDel => IF d.pdelState=reset THEN {
d.pdelState ← pending;
d.pDel ← TRUE;
$SelReduce => d.changeLevel ← reduce;
$SelSecondary => IF d.selState=reset THEN {
d.selState ← secondary;
d.sel ← secondary;
$SelStartExtend => Extend[TRUE];
$SelUpdate => {
IF NOT d.editState=abort THEN {
IF d.sel=secondary AND NOT textEditor.selections[primary].valid THEN AbortSecondary[]
grain: SelectionGrain ← textEditor.selections[d.sel].granularity;
interval: PipalInt.Interval;
closerRight: BOOL;
[interval, closerRight] ← GetSelectionInterval[text, d.coords, grain];
SetSelection[editor, interval, d.sel, d.pDel, closerRight, grain];
IF d.sel=secondary THEN EditMessage[];
$SelWord => {
IF NOT d.editState=abort THEN {
IF d.sel=secondary AND NOT textEditor.selections[primary].valid THEN AbortSecondary[]
interval: PipalInt.Interval;
closerRight: BOOL;
[interval, closerRight] ← GetSelectionInterval[text, d.coords, word];
SetSelection[editor, interval, d.sel, d.pDel, closerRight, word];
IF d.editState=tolimbo OR d.sel=secondary THEN EditMessage[];
$ToLimbo => IF d.editState=reset THEN d.editState ← tolimbo;
$ToPrimary => IF d.editState=reset OR d.editState=tolimbo THEN d.editState ← toprimary;
$YellowMouse => {
IF d.mouseColor = dead THEN SIGNAL BadMouse;
d.mouseColor ← yellow;
d.prevPSel ← textEditor.selections[primary];
IO.PutF[TerminalIO.TOS[], "Unknown tip table atom %g\n", IO.atom[atom]];
someComplaint ← TRUE;
IF someComplaint THEN TerminalIO.PutRope["\n"];
ViewerOps.PaintViewer[self, all];
Pipal.PutClassMethod[pipalTextClass, Pipal.describeMethod, NEW [Pipal.DescribeProc ← TextDescribe]];
Pipal.PutClassMethod[pipalTextClass, PipalReal.sizeMethod, NEW [PipalReal.SizeProc ← TextSize]];
Pipal.PutClassMethod[pipalTextClass, PipalPaint.paintMethod, NEW [PipalPaint.PaintProc ← TextPaint]];
Pipal.PutClassMethod[textEditorClass, Pipal.describeMethod, NEW [Pipal.DescribeProc ← TextEditorDescribe]];
Pipal.PutClassMethod[textEditorClass, PipalReal.sizeMethod, NEW [PipalReal.SizeProc ← TextEditorSize]];
Pipal.PutClassMethod[textEditorClass, PipalPaint.paintMethod, NEW [PipalPaint.PaintProc ← TextEditorPaint]];
toPrimaryMessages[FALSE][FALSE] ← "Select for copy to caret";
toPrimaryMessages[FALSE][TRUE] ← "Select for move to caret";
toPrimaryMessages[TRUE][FALSE] ← "Select replacement";
toPrimaryMessages[TRUE][TRUE] ← "Select for move onto";
toSecondaryMessages[FALSE][FALSE] ← "Select destination for copy";
toSecondaryMessages[FALSE][TRUE] ← "Select for replacement";
toSecondaryMessages[TRUE][FALSE] ← "Select destination for move";
toSecondaryMessages[TRUE][TRUE] ← "Select destination for move onto";