PROC [masterName, peachName: Rope.
ROPE, printerKey:
ATOM, copies:
INT, doNotScale:
BOOL, sizeHint:
REF Imager.Rectangle ←
NIL, abortFlag:
This is a mess. The religion asks me to propagate the error I get from PeachPrint to my client. However, PeachPrint just sits there until all printing is done or aborts locking up ChipNDale. Therefore, until PeachPrint is not fixed and forks off a process by its own, I do it myself and swallow that bloody event.
If the image is in portrait format and the printer uses roll paper, the rectangle usedField from DoInterpress can be specified as a sizeHint to increase the scale so a to use the full roll width.
Note: the origin in PDParams refers to the field, not to the medium.