A New Approach to Imaging IC Layout and Schematics
Giordano Bruno Beretta
CSL-87-1 December 1987 [P87-00013]
© Copyright 1987, Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: Workstation-based design automation systems can be built in two ways: either as a special purpose system or on top of a general purpose environment already available on the workstation. This report assumes that the second option has been selected. In the community that uses design automation tools, imaging is often confined to implementing a set of simple but fast graphic routines. This attitude is responsible for the poor integration of many design automation systems with their underlying platforms. Especially when the information contained in a design database has to be disseminated outside the system to illustrate documentation or to print the contents of the database, design automation systems often fail to provide such services with reasonable comfort.
This report addresses the information dissemination problem by examining system integration from a document processing perspective. Three problem areas are identified: the definition of a user model, independence from imaging models, and the representation of colors.
Solutions to these problems are demonstrated in an implementation called Nectarine. Nectarine processes an image from a VLSI editor which can contain any combination of layout, schematics, and diagrams to produce a device-independent file called a master. The master—which is written in a standard page description language—can be inserted in a text document or sent to a variety of printers.
CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: B.7.2 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids—graphics; D.2.2 [Software Engineering]: Tools and Techniques—user interfaces; I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques—device independence; I.7.2 [Text Processing]: Document Preparation.
Additional Keywords and Phrases: document processing, documentation, IC layout, IC schematics, illustration, imaging, Interpress, printing, system integration.
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
1. Introduction
Electronic publishing has come a long way from paper tape and 80-column dumb terminals to modern full-page systems that show the document exactly as it will appear in printed form. In the realm of VLSI design automation (or DA), many systems are still at the level of emulating what is done on drafting paper. In this report, we show how DA tools can be integrated into existing document processing systems. Figure 1 indicates the problem area. It shows a portion of a screen as seen by a designer. Typically he or she wants to illustrate the text document at the right with the schematic at the left or to send the schematic to one of the printers whose icons appear at the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
DA tools started with the goal of being able to edit very large numbers of colored rectangles efficiently. Therefore, the focus of imaging problems in the DA tool community was the implementation of a set of fast graphic routines to display data such as schematics or layout on a monitor. Later, as designs became more complex, the emphasis shifted to providing more and more synthesis and analysis tools, leaving the imaging aspect at its primordial state.
System integration has always been a major problem in the area of DA tools. For example, considerable work has been put into attempts to standardize the interfaces between tools, so that at least the tools in a single system can be integrated. However, the tools are rarely integrated with the underlying system. In particular, VLSI editors tend to use their own imaging models (as defined in section 2), which leads to problems when information has to be disseminated, whether in internal documentation, external publications, or visual aids for meetings. The problems can range from a complete inability to insert an image produced with a VLSI editor into a document produced with a text editor, to the more subtle problem of being able to print an image on a printer that remains intelligible.
Indeed, when it comes to document preparation, only a few systems, such as Intergraph's DP/Publisher [Nobes, 1985], go beyond the creation of checkplots. A checkplot is the plot of the layout for a chip. The hardcopy of a checkplot is often produced on a black-and-white plotter using different line styles to draw the outlines of the various layers. It is used to check whether any design rules1 have been violated. Besides being of little use for electronic publishing, with the complexity of today's VLSI systems, checkplots have become obsolete and programs are used to verify the layout. This very complexity renders accurate documentation of primary importance for the successful organization and management of a project.
1. An example of a design rule is the minimum distance between two wires to avoid a short circuit that could be caused by a misregistration occurring between different lithographic exposures.
Many VLSI design cell libraries have become so rich that the bandwidth of the screen real estate of even the fastest workstations is too small. Hence, designers like to keep printouts of cell libraries and logic diagrams, relevant to their project, on their desk or wall.
As powerful general purpose workstations become increasingly available, they are becoming more and more popular for VLSI design systems. Since most of the environments already available on these workstations offer sophisticated document processing tools, it makes more sense to improve the integration of a DA system with its platform than to attempt to write from scratch a document processing program for the VLSI system. A platform is a basis on which the components of a system take their stand. Examples of platforms are operating systems and shells. To determine where integration has to take place, the requirements for information dissemination peculiar to VLSI design must be assessed. The following requirements have been identified:
1. Creating documentation must be easy, so that designers will generate it as often as the need arises, instead of working around it.
2. Integration should not hamper portability to other platforms.
3. The solution must be complete, so that all printing needs are satisfied.
The first requirement means that the same user model employed by the existing document processing tools should be used by the DA tools. The user interfaces of many DA systems are still far behind the state of the art found in other fields of computer science.
The second requirement means that the integration must be achieved at a high level, not by espousing unique imaging paradigms chosen by the designers of the platform. In particular, the implementation must be such that it does not assume a given imaging model and it remains compatible with a large number of platforms; thus portability is retained.
The third requirement means that a vast array of printing technologies must be supported. In particular, publication quality must be supported, in order to write reports, documentation, and other high quality documents. As in other applications of electronic publishing, the rendition of color is a problem. VLSI editors usually exploit the peculiarities of a specific display device to obtain the shortest painting times on the screen. Colors are determined by using appropriately tailored color maps, a facility that cannot be used effectively on a printer. When the screen is shared with a document editor, it may expect a different color map. A color representation must be found that allows discrimination of the features of a VLSI layout.
Many printing programs currently available in DA systems use paradigms tailored to a given printer technology, i.e., a specific ``driver'' is written for every printer used. For instance, they may image layout by drawing the contours of wires if they are ``targeted'' to a pen plotter. Or they may image layout by ``BITBLT-ing''2 patterns or stipples for each rectangle if they are ``targeted'' to a raster or bitmap device. These printing programs contain many optimizations to handle the large amount of data common in VLSI design while using as little CPU time as possible.
2. Read ``bit-blitting.'' BITBLT is a common name for the operations performed by the RasterOp procedure described in [Newman and Sproull, 1979], page 263.
Their major drawback is that they are too specialized and have to be almost fully rewritten for every printer type. A subjective disadvantage is that the output is not necessarily pleasing to the eye, because the stipples or outlines used exhibit a so-called ``checkplot look.'' Only a few programs allow a VLSI designer to produce, by him- or herself, color separations of high enough a quality to meet the printing industry standards for documents.
From an implementation point of view, a substantial method to achieve device independence is to use a page description language. It is not wise to store illustrations in the form of bitmaps, because bitmaps depend on the resolution of a device. Also files containing a geometric description of the illustration are not a good choice, because they contain control characters for specific devices and cannot be scaled easily.
Page description languages allow one to generate a program that draws the illustration. In order to avoid the necessity of writing drivers for the required devices, an existent language should be used. Furthermore, if a standardized language is chosen, the generated data is persistent. Such a standardized page description language will be described in section 6.1.
The next section presents a suitable imaging model for IC layout and schematics. Section 3 discusses the user interface. Section 4 describes the method used to achieve independence from underlying imaging models. In section 5, a solution is presented to the problem of producing colors that a reader can discriminate, as well as the methods by which this solution is obtained. Before the conclusions, an implementation sustaining the claims made in this report is described.
2. An Imaging Model for
IC Layout and Schematics
An imaging model describes a conception of how the operations of an imaging system affect the rendering of an image. As mentioned earlier, portability necessitates that no assumptions of a given underlying imaging model be made. Before this can be discussed, an adequate imaging model must be found for the application at hand. First a model suitable for VLSI layout is discussed, then a more sophisticated model is presented, based on the Interpress imaging model [Xerox, 1986], that allows mixing of layout and schematics.
2.1. Imaging Layout
Printing VLSI images3 in a device-independent manner poses new imaging problems, the most important of which is to render the layout in such a way that enough information is preserved in the hardcopy output. In editors for VLSI design layout, an abstraction of the physical IC layers is commonly represented by using different colors. In conventional imaging, accurate tone rendition is of primary importance while the information contained in a single fragment of the image is less important. In the rendition of a VLSI image, however, individual tones are irrelevant, since they are simply abstract properties of the physical layers in the VLSI image. At the same time, the IC designer must be able to discern all the layers in the VLSI image, including those contained in overlaps. The polygons representing the various features must be transparent [Trimberger, 1987], while, at the same time, the different intersections must yield tones that are easy to tell apart.
This property of being transparent is different within the scope of VLSI DA tools than it is in the real world. For example, in the editor presented in section 6, the second metal layer is represented using the color ``darkish vivid magenta.'' However, when metal-2 occurs over some material other than a well, the user needs it to be printed in a more transparent shade (in this case, ``very dark vivid magenta'') to prevent large power or ground wires from hiding the contents of cells over which they are routed.
As this would indicate, one of the most relevant problems of rendering VLSI images is how intersections are treated, since this determines readability. Therefore, the solution is to treat intersections explicitly, instead of trying to twist an existing imaging model to produce the desired effect. The example in the previous paragraph cannot be solved with conventional algorithms used in computer graphics for rendering realistic scenes.
By treating intersections explicitly, I mean that the intersections should be found and treated as new regions, to yield a partition of the plane. This way, the rendition of intersections can be controlled individually and independently of underlying imaging systems. Figure 2 illustrates some possible imaging models. To image VLSI layout, two problems have to be resolved: all intersections have to be found and a model for coloring the intersections has to be determined. I give a solution to the first problem in section 4 and a solution for the second problem with the method by which it's obtained in section 5.
2.2. Refining the Imaging Model
In DA systems, the data to be imaged can be of different kinds; different abstractions are used in the various stages of a design. Examples of abstraction levels are: layout, transistor schematics, gate-level descriptions, and block diagrams. When a single designer is in charge of an integrated circuit, the process usually begins by specifying a block diagram. Each block is then refined by associating a gate-level description with it, etc. Often higher level descriptions are retained near refined objects to enhance readability, i.e., it has become customary to mix layout with transistor schematics, gate-level descriptions, and block diagrams.
Similarly, cell libraries are often documented using all three levels of abstraction in the same document. Figure 3 shows a block diagram element, a transistor schematic, and the layout of a memory cell. Many modern VLSI editors offer the ability to mix layout with schematics4, hence an imaging model should be able to encompass line drawings (shown on the left in figure 3) and colored representations (shown on the right).
4. For brevity, transistor schematics, gate-level descriptions and block diagrams will be referred to collectively as ``schematics.''
From a graphic point of view, two classes of objects can be distinguished. One class contains sets of colored regions. These regions have simple shapes, but different regions should be easy to discriminate. The other class consists of text, in different fonts and orientations, and lines, such as line segments, circles, and splines.
An appropriate refinement to the imaging model treats the schematics as annotations which are never covered by layout. In this way, signal names in the layout are always readable. First an algorithm renders the layout, then another algorithm superimposes the annotations. This model is illustrated by figure 4.
3. Designing a User Interface
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler. (A. Einstein)
3.1. The User Model
It is said that one picture is worth a thousand words. However, designers will include in their documents the symbolic descriptions they consider necessary only if they can do so with the same small effort that is required to write plain text.
In pursuit of system integration, a tool that generates IC design documents should use the same user model as the system's text editor. A user model is the user's conceptual model of the information he or she manipulates and of the processes applied to this information [Newman, 1980]. While the first part of this definition has been covered in section 2.2 (annotations overlaid on layout), this section is devoted to the processes applied.
Like many CAD/CAM tools, VLSI design automation tools have a long history of inappropriate user interfaces. Indeed, most of the time, the user's model of VLSI DA systems is rather a brouhaha of commands. There are many interactive commands and variants thereof that the user needs to accomplish design tasks; the tool writers are busy providing the functions of the commands and, in return, the users are willing to make a larger learning investment to ``buy'' more functions.
A problem arises when a new user wants to learn the system. Although the complexity of the job justifies long training, an inconsistent user model forms unwanted behavior habits. The habits formed out of this absence of a consistent user model leads to avoiding some commands and replacing them by other complex command sequences that seem necessary according to the user's conception. Thus, the user can take advantage of only a subset of the system. Other researchers have given examples of common errors in user interface design [Nievergelt, 1982] and presented a detailed analysis of a VLSI editor's user interface [Card et al., 1983, chpt, 10].
In summary, there are two main requirements for the design of a user interface for a tool that integrates design automation with a document processing system:
· The sequence of operations that a user must perform to include a symbolic representation in a text document should be as short and simple as possible.
· The tool that generates IC design documents should use the same user model as the text editor.
As is suggested by figure 1, both the task of coalescing a VLSI image with a text document and of printing a VLSI image can be conceived of as a sequence of copy commands. In the first case, each invocation of the command would take a specified portion of the VLSI image and insert an equivalent illustration at a selected position in the text. In the second case, all operations required to submit the specified portion of the VLSI image to a print server5 would be performed.
5. A ``server'' is a device, connected to a network, which provides a service to users on the network. One should therefore think of a server as any collection of the necessary electronics, software, and peripheral equipment necessary to deliver a service.
Independent of the complexity of the implementation of a task, such as submitting an arbitrary VLSI image to a print server of any technology, the user's model is kept simple, because conceptually the task is simple.
Having defined what the user's model of the tool should be, the abstract concepts around which the tool is organized have been specified. This is known as the representation of the tool at the conceptual level [Moran, 1980]. In section 3.2, the details of the user interface are specified. If integration is to be achieved, the actual realization of such a user interface must depend on the paradigms in its underlying system; a functioning implementation is presented in section 6.
3.2. The User Interface
Exterminate features. (C. Thacker)
Two concepts mentioned above have to be refined. The first is to define ``a specified portion of the VLSI image to be acted upon.'' The second is to specify how the choices and variants in ways of moving a specified portion of the VLSI image are presented to the user. From an implementation point of view, this means that some parameters have to be introduced. In pursuit of clarity and orthogonality, the parameters themselves have to be chosen carefully and, futhermore, their possible values must also be taken into consideration.
Three orthogonal questions are identified: What? Where? and How many? These questions are sufficient to describe the input, the output medium, and the number of copies for a printer.
Several users have been observed and interviewed. It has been observed that the user's answers to these questions generally remain constant over a session, hence the user considers it a nuisance to set these parameters every time the command is issued. Therefore, the parameter's values should be retained for repeated invocations of the command. In the following, the possible values of the parameters are described.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
``What'' circumscribes the input. Three values are sufficient to do all the required tasks: design, selection, and WYSIWYG. The design value indicates the entire content of the VLSI image. Therefore, this value is employed to draw everything. The selection value is used to show details in a large scale and is based on the selection concept of the VLSI editor.
The third option, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get), is more subtle. Prior to the availability of the tool described here, coalescing VLSI images with text documents required the use of an additional tool and the specification of a set of parameters, including a cropping window, a translation of the origin, a scale factor, and eventually, for layout, a rotation to change the aspect ratio. However, as often is the case, a simpler method can be more powerful. The user adjusts the window of the VLSI editor so that it displays exactly what should go into the text document. When the command is executed, the tool computes the transformation and fits the image to the text layout. Use of this feature maintained, for instance, the same font size in the diagram above and the diagram below.
[Artwork node; type 'ArtworkInterpress on' to command tool]
While the first parameter thus circumscribes the input, the second parameter controls the output. Since the destination is not necessarily a printer, the second parameter sets goals rather than devices. Goals can be classified into three sub-groups: electronic documents, print servers, and compute servers.
The diagram above contains the item ``master in page description language.'' For the user, this is an implementation detail, and therefore not part of the user interface per se. Nevertheless, it is intentionally revealed to the user, thus it becomes part of the user model [Moran, 1980]. One reason to make the user aware of this extra step is that most systems have a Redo or Repeat command which reexecutes the last command. To support such a command efficiently, an intermediate data structure called a master (a program in this case) is maintained to capture the last imaged input. In this master, the illustration is stored in a normalized size, so the task can easily be redirected to a different goal.
The text editor is the most prominent member of the electronic document sub-group. For the user, the typical operation is trivial; executing the command will cause the selection in the window of the VLSI editor to be copied and fitted at the caret position in the text document. Repeating this operation allows the user to coalesce a VLSI database with a text document performing only a simple sequence of the cycle select input, select output position, and copy. The implementation details are summarized in section 6.
A disk file is the other choice available in the electronic document sub-group. If the master is represented in a standardized page description language (as discussed at the end of the introduction), writing it to a disk file is obviously valuable. Such masters are useful in electronic document exchange beyond the user's world and for archival storage, since it will always be possible to print a document in a standardized page description language. An additional application is reading the master into a general purpose graphic illustrator for further processing. This is required when illustrations for books must be improved by graphic artists.
The print servers comprise the second sub-group of output goals. The use of a standardized page description language makes available a large amount of software to drive a variety of different printers. For the purposes of printing VLSI schematics and layout, four printer technologies are particularly valuable.
Electrostatic plotters combine a reasonable resolution of 200 or 400 dpi (dots per inch) with a large paper width. This makes them the preferred output medium for complex schematics involving a large number of symbols and for layout. Thermal transfer printers have the advantage of being able to print on paper that is larger than 8.5 by 11 inches and at medium resolution. This makes them suitable for medium sized schematics.
Laser printers are well-known devices that print on 8.5 by 11 inch sheets of paper, while high resolution printers are experimental laser printers with a resolution of 1200 dpi [Starkweather, 1985]. The latter prints on photographic film or paper; a page is produced for each color separation unless the printer is in black-and-white mode.
The distinction between black-and-white and color printers is made because many color print servers offer a logical black-and-white interface which translates colors to black-and-white patterns and skips the color passes. Since publishers often require black-and-white illustrations, a good tool should support this by presenting a different logical printer for the two possibilities; this is the most natural place to implement it.
Compute servers form the third and last sub-group of output goals [Hagmann, 1986]. Their purpose is to off-load the creation of complex bitmaps from the print server to more powerful or dedicated machines. When this value is selected, the master is sent to a server that performs the raster scan-conversion, producing a (possibly compressed) bitmap. After being notified by the compute server that the bitmap is completed, the tool automatically submits it to the appropriate print server.
In contrast to the first two parameters, what and where, the third parameter, how many, is trivial. It is needed to specify the number of copies to be printed when the goal specified in the where parameter is a print or compute server.
3.3. Advanced Functions
Although this user interface covers most needs, in real life the need arises to execute more complex tasks. It is important that such requirements be satisfied by the same tool, since a special tool would result in an overly complex user model. If you add tools, you add their user models, and what you get is not a series of simple user models but a single user model that is a collection of all the previous user models and hence cumbersome and unwieldly.
On the other hand, the user interface of the initial tool should be retained as closely as possible to keep the execution of simple tasks simple. A possible stratagem is to designate the seldom used functions ``advanced'' and hide them from the casual user. The way this is realized depends on the paradigm of the system underlying the tool. For example, if the paradigm includes pop-up or pull-down menus, a nested menu can be presented to the user.
The advanced functions presented below cover all the electronic publishing needs of the VLSI designers currently using this tool.
3.3.1. Specified Scale
By default, the input is always scaled such that it fills a sheet of paper for a printer or the width of a column for a text document. An alternative to this scaling relative to a given bounding box is scaling the input relative to the size of the elements it contains. In conjunction with a 1200 dpi laser printer, the tool becomes valuable for the rapid prototyping of simple printed circuit boards. All the user has to do is to specify the value of l in micrometers6 and print the mask on a film.
6. Because different VLSI processes permit different minimal device sizes, most VLSI editors specify the geometric dimensions in an abstract unit called l. When the fabrication masks are created, the coordinates are scaled such that l corresponds to a given number of micrometers.
3.3.2. Specified Layer
An interesting problem is the preparation of bonding specifications. These are diagrams that depict which bonding pad of a chip die is to be connected to which pin of the chip carrier. Since the production of a checkplot is an overnight job and contains a great deal of irrelevant information, the designers often draw the bonding specifications by hand on ruled paper. Due to the many pins in full custom VLSI chips, this is a tedious and error-prone task.
Because bonding pads can be distinguished from all other features in a layout by the presence of a layer called ``overglass,'' a solution is simple. The user can limit the input parameter to include only features of a particular layer. This allows the user to obtain a correct bonding specification in a matter of seconds.
This feature can also be used for the rapid prototyping of simple multi-layer printed circuit boards. The user merely executes the command for each layer and obtains a set of films.
3.3.3. Automatic Page Breaking
When electronic publishing was taking its first steps, it simulated a typewriter. The user had to manually break words, lines, and pages. Similarly, the first programs for schematic capture simulated a template. The size of the template corresponded to the sheet of paper the designer had used for drafting. If a circuit did not fit in a template, the designer had to manually break it into different templates.
With the increased popularity of wide printers and plotters, programs have evolved to permit the capture of schematics on a large surface. Sometimes designers rapidly need up-to-date diagrams for un-scheduled meetings. Plotters often have long job queues and, in some shops, only trained operators are allowed to cut the paper.
The user is given the possibility of overriding the default size of the print-out to obtain a large ad hoc plot using a page printer. In effect, the tool scales the input to the user-specified size and subsequently cycles a virtual 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of paper from left to right and top to bottom. At each position, a page of a multi-page master is created. The resulting printed sheets of paper can then be manually taped together to obtain the desired diagram.
3.3.4. Dossiers
The use of dossiers7 is a highly visible way in which a well-polished tool can change the daily work of designers. The concept is easy. Shortly before a meeting or a design review, the designers open their VLSI databases containing the diagrams to be discussed at the meeting. The relevant diagrams are successively selected, and each one is printed on a separate sheet of paper, scaled to fit the sheet. The resulting multi-page master is automatically printed in collated sequence to produce a dossier. These dossiers are more useful than overhead slides because each participant can annotate his copy, or a single dossier can be circulated for comments.
7. A bundle of documents pertaining to a particular subject.
3.3.5. Ganging
When color separations are printed for book illustrations, it is desirable to place as many figures as possible on every set of separations, a technique known a ganging in the printing industry. The reason is that the cost depends on the number of separations and not on the number of color figures per page. A separate command can be used to specify the field in which the input has to be imaged.
4. Determining Intersections
As was mentioned in the introduction, independence should be maintained from any imaging model offered by the tool's platform, so as not to hamper portability. In section 2.1, the necessity of finding intersections and coloring them individually was explained. Now the problem of finding these intersections has to be solved.
From a theoretical point of view, plane-sweep is the most efficient algorithm to find the intersections of sets of arbitrary polygons [Nievergelt and Preparata, 1982]. Moreover, it has been shown [Beretta and Meier, 1986] that plane-sweep is suitable in practice for coloring intersections and performing raster scan-conversion.
Nevertheless, in the specific case of VLSI layout, a better algorithm is available. When simplicity is more important than a layout with maximal density, the layout may consist exclusively of axis-parallel rectangles. Layouts designed with this restriction are called Manhattan geometry in VLSI literature and they are most common when layout assemblers or compilers are used for full-custom and standard cell applications. This greatly simplifies the task of imaging the layout, since only one kind of object, namely rectangles, must be considered.
If plane-sweep is used to find the intersections, the output to be raster scan-converted consists of polygons, so that an algorithm for filling polygons must be used. Since most workstations efficiently support an operation known as BITBLT or RasterOp for filling rectangles [Newman and Sproull, 1979], an algorithm that outputs only rectangles is more desirable. These rectangles appear in huge quantities: a representation of a small IC chip of 35 mm2 typically contains more than a million rectangles. This large number of rectangles makes an algorithm based on an efficient data structure imperative. With its linear expected-time complexity [Ousterhout, 1984], corner stitching presents a promising data structure for this task.
4.1. Corner Stitching
Corner stitching, [Ousterhout, 1984] and [Shand, 1985], is a data-structuring technique that is efficient for performing local operations on large numbers of small rectangles aligned to the axes. In corner stitching, space is stored explicitly. Because of this, the data structure represents a decomposition of the plane generated by the input rectangles; this is called a tesselation. The elements of a tesselation are called tiles. The geometrical axioms for a decomposition are satisfied by defining a tile to be a set that is closed at the South and West sides, and is open at the North and East sides.
The tiles are linked with four pointers, called stitches. Only two corners need to be stitched to accomplish all local operations. The stitches in the lower left corner of a tile are called South-West and West-South, while those on the upper right corner are called North-East and East-North (see figure 5).
Each tile has a value, which is application-dependent. Space tiles, i.e., tiles that do not correspond to any input rectangle, have the special value L. A tesselation is kept unique and minimal by requiring maximal horizontal strips. When a non-space tile is inserted into a space, horizontally adjacent space tiles are split into thinner tiles and then joined into maximal strips. When a new non-space tile collides with an existing non-space tile, a client's procedure must supply a new value for the new tile inserted into the tesselation to represent the intersection. Only then are the maximal horizontal strips formed which restore the consistency of the tesselation.
Thus each tile contains the following information:
· The coordinates of the South-West corner. The coordinates of the North-East corner are determined by the South-West corner coordinates of the neighboring tiles.
· Four stitches to the neighbors.
· The value of the tile.
In his paper on corner stitching, Ousterhout has shown that, in a tesselation with n non-space tiles, there are at most 3n+1 space tiles. He claims that, on the average, only one space tile is needed in layout for every non-space tile. Despite this claim, the number of tiles in a tesselation is much larger than the number of rectangles in the input. This is because the intersections are decomposed to compute their color. The input for a straight transistor surrounded by white space, for instance, consists of two crossing rectangles (the example used in figure 2 is a representation of a transistor), while it generates five non-space tiles in the tesselation.
It might be argued that it would be better to defer finding the intersections to the moment when the bitmap is produced. A color map would be used to XOR the rectangles into the bitmap. This is a time/space trade-off. Although the number of rectangles is much larger by explicitly representing the intersections, every intersection is handled only once at the high level of rectangles to determine the color. When the intersections are resolved at the bitmap level, the operation of XOR-ing bit patterns is performed for every bit for every rectangle intersecting on that bit. Even if the BITBLT function is implemented efficiently, doing operations on a word basis as far as possible, this low level method is significantly slower owing to the large number of rectangles in a VLSI layout.
4.2. Client Implementation
To avoid the creation of unnecessary rectangles in the intermediate master (see section 3.2), rectangles that entirely share a common edge and are the same color are merged, using the maximal horizontal strip method introduced above. The basic idea is to assign every color a number which is stored as the value of a tile as illustrated in figure 6. If two tiles with a common edge bear the same number, they are merged into a single tile with that number.
It is preferable not to make assumptions about the possible colors to retain independence from VLSI technologies. Therefore, a separate data structure, called color table, organizes the colors. Each entry in the color table consist of a set of layer colors and a specification of a blend color. The set of layer colors contains all layers that intersect in a given tile and is the search key into the color table. The blend color specification is the resulting color-blend for the intersecting color.
The value of a tile stored in the tesselation is a reference to an entry into the color table. The algorithm for inserting a rectangle into a tesselation is as follows:
for every tile intersecting the rectangle to be inserted
if the tile already has the layer color of this rectangle do nothing
if the tile is empty
find the reference to the color in the color table
if it is not there, create a new entry
set the value of the tile to be this reference
(* some rectangles already intersect at this tile *)
add the layer color of this rectangle to the old set in the tile
find the reference to the new set of colors in the color table
if it is not there, create a new entry
replace the value of the tile by this reference
After all rectangles have been inserted into the tesselation, and after the colors for the intersections have been blended as described in the next section, they are painted into the master using a page description language as described in Section 3.2. Since, in the geometrical sense, the tesselation is a decomposition of the plane, a simple and fast intermediate encoding can be produced.
5. Coloring the Intersections
At the beginning of the VLSI era, when color monitors where quite expensive, the different layers of a layout were represented using different cross-hatch patterns. This method is still used in many books and in conference proceedings. For VLSI image editing, the introduction of color has led to a substantial increase of the designer's productivity. When VLSI books are lent out from libraries, the illustrations of layout are frequently hand-colored. This indicates the desirability of the use of color in all VLSI publications as well.
A chip die consists of silicon and aluminum, which are both grey. In principle, the colors to represent the various layers can be chosen at random. However, when a die is observed under a microscope, colors are seen, as it demonstrated by figure 7 below. Visible light has wave length between 0.38 mm and 0.78 mm, and the thickness of some of the physical layers created on a silicon wafer falls within this range. Therefore, when white light is shone through a wafer, the physical layers act as dichroic [hyphenated dio|chroic] filters. Where different layers overlap, interferences at the intra-layer boundaries create additional colors. Typically, the colors adopted in VLSI editors are inspired by these colors.
Since the thickness of one and the same layer is different from one manufacturing processes to another, there is no canonical choice of the colors, hence, the color conventions used vary from one VLSI editor to another. Figure 8 below shows the colors displayed on a color monitor by the VLSI editor introduced in section 6. To stress the unsatisfactory distribution of the colors, these are displayed as points in a CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram [Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982], [Foley and Van Dam, 1982]. This sample has been taken from a CMOS (complementary metal oxide silicon) double metal layer technology. Tones of green, red, cyan, magenta, yellow, and light yellow, are used to represent diffusion, polysilicon, metal-1, metal-2, gates, and wells, respectively.
A large proportion of the colors in figure 8 are nuances of green, yellow, orange, indigo, and magenta. Outside these five clusters there are only few instances of other colors, such as blue, cyan, and red. A plausible explanation of this state of affairs is that the implementors of VLSI editors select the color tones for the layers merely using aesthetic criteria. Subjectively, light and vivid primary colors are quite eye catching on a color monitor, therefore, the implementors may tend to select such colors, not bothering about an even distribution over the available gamut of colors. Figure 15 shows the lightness distribution of the colors displayed in figure 8.
Color monitors have a large color gamut compared to paper. This makes the clustering of the occurrence of the colors used in VLSI layout editors with respect to the color spectrum acceptable. On the other hand, an accurate mapping of the colors seen on the monitor to a device, such as a printer, with a completely different color gamut than the monitor is quite difficult if not impossible.
5.1. A Simple Solution
Since in VLSI layout the exact visual perception of a color of a given swatch is not as important as the fact that the swatches are easily discernible, it is possible to ``spread'' the clusters and to eliminate the greys. A simple heuristic approach is enough to obtain an acceptable result.
Using this simple method, the colors written in the master have a more uniform distribution over the entire color spectrum than the layer colors used by the VLSI editor, achieving more robustness regarding the mismatch of the gamut of the color monitor and of the various color printers. Designers have printed images produced with the tool described in this report on such diverse devices as high-resolution color laser printers, thermal transfer printers, and Versatec color plotters.
The difficulty of making a judgment of the relative magnitude of two color differences is reduced if the colors involved are closely similar in at least one of the three basic attributes of color perception, such as hue, saturation and lightness8. An adequate color model common in computer graphics is the HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) color model, although this model is used much more informally than in color science [Schwarz et al., 1987]. As shown by Foley and Van Dam [1982], it is easy to convert a color from the RGB model to the HSL model and vice versa.
8. Hue is the attribute of a color perception denoted by blue, green, yellow, red, purple, and so on. Saturation is the attribute of a visual sensation which permits a judgment to be made of the degree to which a chromatic stimulus differs from an achromatic stimulus regardless of their brightness. Lightness is the attribute of a visual sensation according to which the area in which the visual stimulus is presented appears to emit more or less light in proportion to that emitted by a similarly illuminated area perceived as a ``white'' stimulus. From Wyszecki and Stiles [1982].
In a simple implementation, the colors for the various layers present in the VLSI image are converted to HSL values. The hues for the layers are then distributed more uniformly across the spectrum and the resulting values are re-converted to the RGB model.
For the intersections, the RGB color model is used to construct a simple blending algorithm. Each layer is given a weight and the weighted mean of the RGB values of the colors for the intersecting layers is calculated, yielding the color for the intersection. The weight is not fixed, but depends up the context, i.e., the other intersecting layers. Given the small number of layers in a VLSI design, the implementation is a straightforward application of dynamic programming.
The color values for the CMYK model used in printers are obtained with a simple approximative calculation. First cyan, magenta, and yellow values are calculated by subtracting red, green, and blue from one [Foley and Van Dam, 1982]. Finally grey, i.e., the minimum value of cyan, magenta, and yellow, is subtracted from these three colors and used as the black value. The technique of removing grey and placing it into the black separation is known as undercolor removal or UCR. The proposed radical degree of UCR is unusual, but it allows to reduce the size of the print files by 25%, which in the case of VLSI layout is a large number of megabytes.
As a starting value, if there are n layers in an intersection, each is given weight 1/n. The value is then looked up in a table, which for every layer returns a factor in function of the other layers present. The weights are then renormalized so that their sum is 1 and the weighted mean is calculated. Cuts and vias are exceptions because their factor is always infinite to give them weight 1.
This allows one to fine-tune the rendition of such delicate layers as wells. Physically, a well is an implant in the substrate, which means that it is below all other features on the chip. An accurate representation would be to treat it as a background color. In a straightforward implementation using a blending algorithm based on mean values, the rendering of the wells looks like a veil over the area it covers. Subjectively, for the designer it is disturbing to perceive wells to be on top of the other layers when he knows that the wells are underneath. Using context dependent weights easily solves this problem, as it does for the metal-2 problem described in section 2.1.
Some experiments with different weight strategies has been carried out. Designers have been asked to read layout produced by somebody else, and the blending that permits the maximum readability has been chosen for the final implementation. Figure 9 shows an inverter imaged these colors.
Typically, in VLSI layout there are millions of rectangles, while there are only around 100 possible intersection combinations. Therefore, the color table introduced in section 4 is used to cache the blended colors, to avoid the calculation for every tile in the corner-stitched plane. When all rectangles have been inserted in the tesselation, the color table contains all intersection combinations appearing in the input. The color table is traversed only once and a color is blended for every entry. As the last step of imaging IC layout, the tesselation is enumerated into the intermediate master using the information in the color table.
5.2. A Methodology for Selecting Discriminable Colors
Although the simple method just descibed produces usable layout prints, a significant improvement can be obtained by applying the colorimetric methods developed in color science. These methods allow to achieve significantly improved readability and to use a smaller color palette than the physical model combined with transparent colors described in the literature [Trimberger, 1987].
Whilst applications like avionics have triggered the development of such methods for color monitors since long [Merrifield, 1987], [Silverstein, 1987], this methods have not been applied for computer generated hardcopies. The material in this section is based on the book by Wyszecki and Stiles, to which the reader is referred for further details. This section is limited to the presentation of the material necessary for the task at hand.
5.2.1. Basic Concepts of Colorimetry
The process of color perception is very complex and not yet fully understood, therefore there is no simple physical model for the process. This precludes the possibility to find a set of mathematical formulas to determine the colors to be used for imaging layout.
The basic idea of colorimetry is color matching, whereby a standard observer is asked to match a color which he or she is shown. In fact, color is defined as that aspect of visual perception by which an observer may distinguish differences between two structure-free fields of view of the same size and shape, such as may be caused by the differences in the spectral composition of the radiant energy concerned in the observation [Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982, p. 487].
If a color is to be measured, it is shown under well-defined conditions to a number of standard observers as defined by the CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage). It is possible and convenient to represent the color stimuli by vectors in a three-dimensional space, called the tristimulus space [ibid., p. 119]. A stimulus Q can be matched in color to an additive mixture in suitable amounts of three fixed primary stimuli; the scalar multipliers of the primary stimuli are called the tristimulus values of Q [ibid., p. 121].
It is natural to use R, G, B (red at 0.700 mm, green at 0.546 mm, and blue at 0.435 mm) as the primary stimuli. The result of a color match then is the proportion of red and green the average standard observer has perceived (blue is calculated by subtraction, because the values are given as proportions). The proportions of red and green for a number stimuli can be plotted in a so-called (r, g)-Chromaticity diagram.
For a number of cases, the observer will have to desaturate the stimulus to be matched by adding red or green to it; thus the proportion of red and green can assume negative values [ibid., p. 124]. Having to deal both with positive and negative values has several practical disadvantages. This has lead to the introduction of an imaginary tristimuls space with primary stimuli X, Y, and Z, such that stimulus values in XYZ-space are always positive. The axes X, Y, and Z do not correspond to real colors. The transformation from the RGB-space into the XYZ-space can be found at page 139 [ibid.].
The CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram as it is shown in figure 8 is obtained by projecting stimuli in XYZ-space onto the plane x + y + z = 1 to normalize against luminance. The horseshoe-shaped curve is called spectrum locus and represents the fully saturated spectral hues; because printed VLSI layout is always examied at a scale such that features are sufficiently large, in this report the spectrum locus is plotted from the data of the CIE 1964 Supplementary Standard Colorimetric System [ibid., p. 738], which is based on a standard observer with a 10° angular subtense. The straight line connecting the two ends of the spectrum locus contains non-spectral colors and is called purple line.
The transformation from the RGB values of a color monitor into tristimulus values in XYZ-space is linear [Meyer and Greenberg, 1987]. Thus, if the the red (maximum x-coordinate), green (maximum y-coordinate), and blue (minimum x-coordinate) points in figure 8 are connected to form a triangle, all colors that can be displayed on the same monitor on which the values for red, green and blue were measured, are inside this triangle. This triangle delimits the gamut of the particular monitor. For comparison, a simple approximation of the gamut of an electrostatic color printer has been plotted in figure 8.
Because the printer's gamut is smaller, colors that can be discriminated on the color monitor will be printed in colors that can no longer be discriminated. Furthermore, as the shape of the two gamuts suggests, there is no linear transformation from one gamut to the other, so that it is not possible to find a simple mapping from the colors used to display layout on the monitor to the colors used to print layout. This makes it necessary to define a new palette of colors for layout. They are called discriminable colors because they can be discriminated both on a monitor and on printed harcopy.
The (x, y)-chromaticity diagram is useful to judge the saturation and complements of colors. The techniques are described by Foley and Van Dam [1982 pp. 607-610] and shall not be repeated here.
Unfortunately, the (x, y)-chromaticity diagram is not uniform, i.e., the distance of two colors in the (x, y)-chromaticity diagram is not related to the perceived difference of the colors, so that it alone does not suffice to find a palette of discriminable colors for VLSI layout. The CIE has defined two uniform color spaces which are appropriate to predict the magnitude of the perceived color difference of two object-color stimuli, i.e., in which the Euclidean distance between pairs of near colors is proportional to the magnitude of perceived color difference between two stimuli. One of these spaces is called CIE 1976 (L*a*b*)-space, abbreviated CIELAB.
The transformation from the XYZ-space in the CIELAB-space is not linear, making it hard to visualize it. The transformation and a sketch of the CIELAB-space can be found at page 167 of Wyszecki and Stiles [1982]. L* is in the range (0, 100) and is the lightness, the attribute of a visual sensation according to which the colored feature in which the visual stimulus is presented appears to be lighter or darker in proportion to that of the ``white'' paper on which it is printed.
The a* and b* axes are more difficult to imagine. A useful experiment is to plot the values for a* and b* in the interval (0, 100) for a number of constant L* values, thus obtaining slices in the CIELAB-space. Figure 10 shows such a slice for L* = 50. The colors on the a* axis vary from ``dark vivid green cyan'' to ``vivid magenta red'' for increasing values of a*. Similarly, on the b* axis they vary from ``vivid cyanish blue'' to ``vivid yellow brown'' for increasing values of b*.
Figure 11 shows such a slice for L* = 90. The colors on the a* axis vary from ``lightish vivid green cyan'' to ``light vivid magenta red'' for increasing values of a*. Similarly, on the b* axis they vary from ``light cyanish blue'' to ``lightish vivid orange yellow'' for increasing values of b*.
Black and white are the two lightness extremes for null chromaticity, i.e., black has typically coordinates [e, 0, 0] in CIELAB-space and white [100, 0, 0], where e is a small positive number. White is best used to represent the layout substrate, and black can be used to represent the cuts.
5.2.2. Problematic Colors: Blue
The rendition of VLSI layout on a printer is problematic for two colors: blue and yellow. To understand why blue is problematic, the difference between an additive and a subtractive color model must be understood (see figure 2).
A color monitor is an example for an application of the additive color model. The screen is a black matrix. There is a raster of three distinct phosphor dots for red, green, or blue. A primary color, for example red, is generated by activating the phosphor dots for red. To generate a secondary color, for example yellow, green is added by activating also the green dots. The pitch (distance between the shadow-mask apertures) of the color monitor is sufficiently small that the human eye cannot discern the single dots and integrates the red and green stimuli into a single yellow stimulus. If also the blue phosphor dots are activated, blue is added to yellow and white is obtained.
A set of dichroic filters in the colors cyan, magenta, and yellow is an example for an application of the subtracive color model. We observe a white object. A primary color, for example cyan, is generated by holding the cyan filter in front of the object. The filter reflects the complementary color, red in this case. Subtracting red from the white object, it is seen in cyan. To generate a secondary color, for example blue, a magenta filter is added to subtract also green. If also the yellow filter added, blue is subtracted from blue and black is left.
The reason that cyan, magenta, and yellow are used for printing is historical. In the printing industry plates are mostly produced in a negative/positive process. Before the availability of color scanners, the negative color separations were produced photographically using a set of filters in the colors red, green and blue. To print the plates produced with these separations, inks of the complementary colors must be used [Strauss, 1967].
In color printing, a mixture of the additive and the subtractive color models are used. An ink has only one lightness value. Lighter colors are obtained by applying ink spots of multiple sizes and /or varying the distance between spots. Since the ink coverage is not continuous, sometimes two ink spots of different colors are printed one on top of the other and sometimes they are printed one beneath the other. For a first discussion, let us assume that the inks combine ideally in the subtractive color model.
The inks are not light emissive, but filter the light reflected by the paper. This reflected light is not white. Most papers reflect least light in the blue, more in the green, and most in the red zone of the spectrum. As a result the colors of the printed image are shifted towards the red [Strauss, 1967].
Inks are far from being able to sport the beamsplitting dichroic quality of dichroic filters. Instead of absorbing only green, magenta inks also absorbe some blue and some red. Cyan inks are the worst, because they absorb some green light, do not reflect enough blue, and do reflect some of the red light they should absorb [Strauss, 1967]. Yellow inks are almost perfect and do not represent a problem per se.
The paper substrate on which the inks are deposed is not illuminated from behind but by reflection. If a cyan mark is deposed on a white sheet of paper, the illuminating white light traverses the mark, is relected by the paper, traverses again the cyan mark, and is observed. If a magenta mark is deposed over or under the cyan mark, the light illuminating the lower mark is no longer white.
In summary, blue cannot be produced by applying equal amounts of cyan and magenta. The solution is to perform a color correction, i.e., to use less magenta than cyan, so that the resulting color is blue. This technique is well understood and incorporated in electronic color scanners since their advent on the market in 1955 [Strauss, 1967].
Unfortunately, different printers use quite different inks, so there can be no device independent color correction. The only solution is to use blue to represent a layer that is not critical, such as vias. Since it is sufficient that it be different from the black used for cuts, a blue is obtained by using an arbitrary higher proportion of cyan than magenta. Since this color will never be mixed with other colors because vias always ``win'' over representation of the other VLSI layers, there is no chance of confusion.
5.2.3. Problematic Colors: Yellow
A few paragraphs ago, it was claimed that yellow inks are almost perfect. In fact, for yellow, the problem is not in the inks but in the color itself. For spectral colors, only the narrow range around 0.57 mm to 0.59 mm is categorized as yellow [Murch, 1987]. If the frequency is increased, the color is quickly categorized as yellow-green; if the frequency is decreased, the color is quickly categorized as orange. If figures 10 and 11 are compared, it becomes clear that the perception of yellow ``degrades'' quickly to orange and brown as it is darkened. Yellow is so light, that you cannot see clearly the edges that delimit it.
For this reason, it is not a good idea to use yellow to represent wires, as the wires would become hard to recognize when they above or below a wire of a different layer. Also, yellow inks are quite vivid, even more saturated than the yellow that can be produced on a color monitor. Combined with the fact, that yellow is lighter than the other inks, a yellow feature will always stand out.
When VLSI layout is read, the most important features are transistors. Gates should be quick and unmistakable to recognize. If a metal wire passes over a gate, this wire is easily identified because most transistors are short and wide, therefore, the color of the gate does not have to be strongly modified to show coverage by metal.
The best use of yellow is therefore to represent gates. If 100% yellow is used to this purpose, a ``very light vivid yellow,'' say 30%, can be used to represent wells. In particular, it is not a good idea to use yellow to represent metal layers, where wide wires are run atop of diffusion, polysilicon, and transistor gates.
5.2.4. Basic Colors
So far, colors have been found to represent cuts (black), vias (blue), gates and wells (yellow). Colors have to be found for remaning layers, namely diffusion, polysilicon, and two or more metal layers. Which color is used to represent which layer is not so important.
The above list contains at least four layers, and cyan, magenta, red, and green are four colors that could be used to represent them. However, if an additional layer must be represented, such as a third metal layer, there are not enough colors. The narrowness of the range of yellow can be exploited to obtain two additional colors. Towards green, yellow-green can be added as an additional color to represent layers. Similarly, towards red, orange or brown can be added.
Figure 12 shows a chromaticity diagram with a possible palette of basic colors. Note, that to accommodate for the small color gamut of printers, green has been replaced by ``lightish very strong yellow green'' and red by ``lightish vivid red orange red''.
5.2.5. Traceablility and Discriminable Colors
The palette of the basic colors allows to represent the single layers. In section 5.1, an informal physical model was chosen and the colors of the intersections of layers were calculated using weighted means. When a designer reads layout, he does not rely on a physical model. This fact can be exploited to reduce the number of colors in the complete palette, thus making the task of finding discriminable colors easier.
One solution could be to select the colors in the palette so that their coordinates in CIELAB-space are all equidistant. However, layout rendered using such a palette in not very readable.
How does a designer read layout?—He tracks wires. Therefore, the main criterium for selecting colors for the intersections is to make wires traceable.
It is convenient to divide the wires into two classes. The first class consists of the wires on the polysilicon and on the two diffusion layers. These wires are usually narrow, and are dense in areas of active logic. The second class consists of the metal wires. These wires are usually wide and run atop of cells to distribute Vdd, ground, and the clock(s). Class two wires are used for the routing.
The human visual system is more sensitive to changes in lightness than to changes in hue or saturation [Foley and Van Dam, 1982]. For this reason, the colors in the basic palette are not only different in their chromaticity (see figure 12), but also in their lightness, as is shown in figure 13.
When the colors for the intersections of layers are selected, three principles are used:
1. The lightness of class one wires is kept constant.
2. The dominant wavelength of class two wires is varied as little as possible.
3. When it is important to be able to discriminate two different intersection types, the coordinates colors in CIELAB-space plane are kept as distant as possible.
The first principle allows the designer to trace a class one wire by its intensity alone, making it very easy to follow such a wire when it runs under a class two wire. Remember that the intersection of two class one wires is a gate, which is handled separately as described in section 5.2.3.
The second principle takes advantage of the width of class two wires. Such wires are global in nature and their hue is sufficient to track them. The dominant wavelength of a color can be determined graphically using the CIE 1931 (x, y)-chromaticity diagram. White is used as the achromatic reference color. When the point corresponding to the basic color of a class two wire is connected with a straight-line to this reference color, the intersection of this line with the spectrum locus is the dominant wavelength. The colors along this line between the achromatic reference color and the spectrum locus differ only by saturation.
The third principle complements the second. As I explained in section 5.2.1, the (x, y)-chromaticity diagram is not uniform, thus two color differring only slightly in saturation may not be discriminable. As a first step, the lightnesses of the colors obtained by the second principle are distributed more uniformily, as it is shown in figure 14. It is interesting to compare this lightness distribution with the one used by a VSLI editor and shown in figure 15 (see also the discussion in the introductionof section 5.
Note, that the use of discriminable colors maximizing the traceability of layout permits to use a much smaller palette, which allows for more room in the distribution of the hues and saturations. The palette of discriminable colors used in the implementation described in section 6 contain only 27 different colors. In particular, wells are shown only between wires, and not combined with the colors of wires as it was done in the simple method described in section 5.1. The distribution of the colors in CIELAB-space is depicted in figure 16.
Figure 17 revisits the CMOS inverter shown in figure 9. For comparison, figure 18 shows the same layout plotted by a conventional state-of-the-art checkplot program.
5.3. Detail Enhancement for Improved Traceability
Due to lateral interactions in the neural network of the visual system, Mach bands are perceived near the border of two juxtaposed fields of different luminance [Wyszecki and Stiles, 1982]. On the dark field a darker band is perceived and on the light field a lighter band is perceived.
In the printing industry, a mask is used to exagerate the edges between fields of different luminance, a technique known as detail enhancement (or peaking in the case of electronic color scanners) [Southworth, 1979].
In animated cartoons and comic strips, regions are outlined in black. Some tools to create checkplots attempt to use this stratagem by outlining all geometric figures in the layout, especially when they use cross-hatching to fill the regions. Although this works to some extent if the underlying VLSI editor is based on polygons, it fails if the VLSI editor is based on rectangles, as is shown by figure 19. The regions of a given color are not rectangular, so outlines clutter the interior of regions.
Since the data is already stored in a corner stitched plane, it is easy to devise a region-finding algorithm. As the tesselation is enumerated and each tile is painted into the master, the neighborhood of the tile is explored. If a neighboring tile's index into the color table is different than the tile's index, a black outline is painted along their boundary. The result is shown in figure 20.
6. An Implementation
This section describes the platform on which a prototype implementation called Nectarine has been realized and how this implementation has been integrated.
6.1. The Cedar Platform
Cedar is a programming environment whose primary purpose is to increase the productivity of programmers whose activities include experimental programming and the development of prototype software systems for a high-performance personal computer [Swinehart et al., 1986].
Nectarine processes images produced with the VLSI editor ChipNDale [ibid., page 458], which can contain both schematics and layout. For the intermediate master, the Interpress [Xerox, 1984] page description language has been chosen. The use of the Interpress Electronic Printing Standard [Xerox, 1986] (for a summary, refer to Bhushan and Plass [1986]) allows Nectarine to take advantage of all the Cedar imaging tools available for Interpress.
Interpress is a standardized page description language. More precisely, it is an interchange standard which specifies a set of instructions for print software to generate an image of a document page. ``Interchange standard'' refers to the property Interpress has of being independent of a particular environment or characteristics of computers or printers. An Interpress master is a program that can be executed on any machine for which an Interpress interpreter—called a decomposer—is available. The method of specifying how to generate images instead of specifying the images themselves—e.g., specifying a rectangle as an instruction to print a rectangle of a given dimension to be printed at a given position, instead of a bitmap and some printer control commands—leaves an Interpress master independent of such idiosyncrasies as resolution and control commands.
6.2. Program Structure
The program is structured in three modules: the user interface, the color blending implementation, and the main module which calls the corner stitching package to tesselate the layout and subsequently calls the Interpress package to produce masters that are submitted to the various print servers. Nectarine makes five passes over the data.
In the first pass, the VLSI image is traversed to identify all fonts used and to determine the print fonts corresponding to the screen fonts. This information is employed to construct the preamble of the Interpress master.
In the second pass, all intersections are found and the image plane is decomposed into a tesselation using the corner stitching algorithm. The rectangles are assigned numbers according to the layers intersecting in them. The color table, in which the intersections are classified by their resulting color, is created.
In the third pass, the color table is traversed and a color (one that represents the particular intersections occurring in the rectangle class to which the entry in the color table refers) is blended for each entry. It is in this pass that color corrections to improve ``printability'' are performed.
In the fourth pass, the tesselation is traversed. Each rectangle's color is looked up in the color table and a corresponding colored rectangle is painted into the Interpress master.
In the fifth and last pass, the annotations are handled. As shown in figure 3, painting them into the Interpress master in a separate last pass makes them appear superimposed on the marked paper. This is because the Interpress standard allows one to set a so-called priority toggle which enforces the model shown in the first example of figure 2, as described in [Xerox, 1986], section 4.1, and in [Warnock and Wyatt, 1982].
Where appropriate, caches are maintained to avoid recomputations of the same data in successive invocations of the Nectarine command.
6.3. User Interface
In concept, including a specific symbol from a VLSI image into a specific location of a text document is the same operation as copying a portion of text from one document to another. In Cedar's text editor Tioga [Swinehart et al., 1986], page 451, text is copied by selecting the source text and the destination position (called caret), and applying the copy command.
One of the paradigms used in Cedar user interfaces is based on so called control panels. These are windows that contain menu buttons. The user executes a command by clicking a mouse button when the cursor is on the menu button of the desired command. Figure 21 shows the control panel ChipNDale associates with each VLSI image.
Nectarine uses the last line in the ChipNDale control panel. The three buttons labelled What, Where, and Copies correspond to the three parameters discussed in section 3.2. Since the set of values that the parameters can assume is known in advance, a new class of menu buttons has been implemented. This class is called flip button, because when the user clicks a mouse button over one of them, the answer flips through the set of possible values. The values of the parameters are retained until they are changed explicitly, because such a change is required only rarely.
Once the parameters are specified, the copy command can be triggered. In figure 21, the highlighted menu button labelled Nectarine, and outlined with a box, is the menu button that actually triggers action. This button is referred to as the action menu button.
In section 3.3 the need of so called ``advanced'' functions hidden to the casual user had been postulated. They have been implemented as additional parameters, which have well-behaving defaults. The fields for these parameters are in a second line in the ChipNDale control panel, which becomes visible only when the panel is scrolled up. Casual users do not even suspect that the control panel is a scrollable window, hence the user interface is not complicated by these advanced features.
6.4. Coalescing ChipNDale Images with Tioga Documents
As shown in figure 1, it should be possible to coalece a ChipNDale image with a Tioga document by repeatitively copying portions of the image at given text positions, whereby the image should be scaled to fit the text document.
Tioga documents are tree-structured, with each node corresponding approximately to a paragraph or statement. Tioga allows one to define special node classes, such as to display Interpress masters on the screen.
When a node is to be painted on the screen—or more in general, formatted—the paint procedure from the node's class is called by Tioga. Using this classing mechanism, it would have been possible to insert ChipNDale data structures directly into the Tioga document, thus allowing the figures to be edited. However, this would require the VLSI editor to be loaded each time a document containing such figures is examined. Since many people reading documents with illustrations from ChipNDale are not designers and, therefore, are not running DA tools, this was considered to be a undesirable solution.
Instead, the existing Interpress artwork class has been improved. The adopted implementation allows the examination of a document with ChipNDale illustrations on any machine for which an Interpress implementation exists. This method has been accepted favorably by the VLSI designers. Due to Nectarine's powerful user interface, the designers have accepted to keep figures also in a separate ChipNDale document and to copy a figure again into a Tioga document every time the figure is amended.
The required improvement to the Interpress artwork class is because the coordinates in an Interpress master are fixed values expressed in meters, so that a master is always printed in the same size. The difficulty is that the field of the page into which a Tioga document is rendered is not static, but is determined from a style sheet and from local properties of the document at the time of formatting. In order to reflect this flexibility in an illustration copied with the aid of Nectarine, instead of associating static formatting information (such as a bounding box) as a property of the figure, Nectarine places instructions in the information for the formatter.
These instructions access the formatter's state information to determine the current margins. The known size information of the illustration is employed to compute a scaling factor such that the illustration is flush to the local margins of the document. This scaling factor is in turn used to modify the formatter's state information to achieve the desired effect. In particular, if a document is printed with a different number of columns per page, the illustrations do not have to be regenerated.
This mechanism has required only a minor change in the Interpress artwork class, yet producing active documents in this way is a major time-saver for authors. The reason the implementation of this improvement required only a minor programming effort is that Cedar makes available an interpretative language that can be used to implement formatting procedures in artwork classes. This simple stack-oriented language is called JaM [Warnock and Newell, 1980], uses a postfix notation, and is similar to Interpress.
JaM interprets a stream of tokens by placing those which are data on a stack; the tokens that are instructions are executed operating on the data in this stack. Since a Tioga document as seen by a formatter is such a stream, all that needs to be done is to insert appropriate JaM instructions in this stream.
6.5. Local Fidelity in Schematics
In the applications described in this report, the size of each printed rectangle is more important than its absolute position. For instance, in schematics, a bus is represented by a family of parallel straight-line segments. For the designer it is important that the width of each segment of the family is represented with the same number of pixels. This is achieved by translating the origin in the Interpress master to the lower left corner of the tile before painting it, because the Interpress coordinate system always has its origin on a grid point (see Xerox [1986], section 4.3.4. for more details). The procedure
PrintTile, which is called for every tile when the tesselation is enumerated to paint the tiles into the master, has the following simple structure for a rectangle of width
w, and height
h, with its lower left vertex at (x
if the color is different from the previous one, set new color
Interpress.SetXY (x1, y1)
Interpress.Trans () (* resets the origin to the current position *)
Interpress.MaskRectangle (0.0, 0.0, w, h)
6.6. Fine Tuning the Color Printer Operation
In section 5, the values of the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components of a colors were considered to be real values in the interval [0, 1]. It is clear how to produce the binary values 1 and 0: ink and no ink. How are the intermediate grey values generated?
It might be of interest to learn first how the RGB signals fed into the color monitor are generated in most of today's workstations, since this is relevant for continuous tone printing. From an electrical point of view, the different voltage values that can be applied to an electron gun and are above the noise level can be expressed with 8 bits of information. For an RGB image, this would require 24 bits. However, on a color monitor, only 7000 colors can be discriminated when displayed in non-adjacent fields [Murch, 1987].
To avoid the waste in memory space and bandwidth, the digital-to-analog converter-chips comprise a look-up table loaded by software that allows to index a pre-declared 24 bit RGB triplet with an 8 bit index. These chips also perform the g-correction. The luminance of the phosphors is not proportional to the voltage applied to an electron gun. Proportionality is achieved by taking the g-th root from the tristimulus values, where g [2.5, 3.0] [Meyer and Greenberg, 1987]. A better model is to consider the logarithms of luminance and voltage, so that g becomes the slope of a curve related to the tone reproduction curve. Images displayed with a low g are perceived to have pastel colors, while those displayed with a high g are perceived to have highly saturated colors.
Most printers do not permit continuous tone printing. An additive model is used to mix the colors of the inks with the white of the paper. This additive model combines with the subtractive model of the ink mixing.
One technique, called halftoning, consists in using ink spots of variable area. For each of the four color separations cyan, magenta, yellow, and black the image is subdivided in a raster of square bins, which is called a halftone screen. For each bin, a spot with area proportional to the lightness of the color is deposed on the paper.
The subsequent printing of the four separations causes the screens to produce interference patterns, known in the printing industry as moire patterns. The solution is to rotate the four halftone screens by different angles, a technique called angling [Strauss, 1967]. The interference patterns depend on the lightness distribution in the image, thus there is no universal set of values for angling. The standard angles are such that moire patterns are minimized for flesh tones [Southworth, 1979].
The colors for VLSI layout are not related to flesh tones, hence the standard angling will always create moire patterns. One solution is to find a set of angles for every printer that is used, a task that is not hard given that the palette of discriminable colors for VLSI layout presented in section 5.3 contains only 27 colors. A different solution is to distribute uniformely the lightnesses of the colors in the palette, so that the additive effect is pronounced and distinct moire patterns are formed. Since VLSI layout is examined with a relatively large angular subtense, the moire patterns can actually impove the readability.
Many digital printers cannot produce ink spots of variable area. On such printers, a number of pixels can be used to approximate a dot. This technique is called halftone approximation [Foley and Van Dam, 1982]. Accurate algorithms have been devised to obtain the same halftoning quality as in traditional methods [Holladay, 1986]. Unfortunately, halftone approximation substantially reduces the resolution of the printer. For instance, if the printer has a resolution of 1200 pixels per inch and 12 pixels are used to approximate a dot, the resulting resolution is 100 dots per inch.
While such a resolution may be sufficient for realistic images, it is often not acceptable for VLSI layout. Wires can be thinner than a spot of such a size, hence the wires become fuzzy and very hard to trace. Distributing uniformely in each color separation the lightnesses of the colors of the palette allows to use smaller numbers of pixels per dot, thus increasing the device resolution.
The fuzziness of the wires can be further reduced by using a halftoning algorithm where, for increasing lightness, the pixels are ``turned on'' from left to right and top to bottom in a regular pattern. If a 3
3 pixel matrix is used for each dot, the following threshold matrices have have been used in conjunction with the discriminable colors of section 5.3:
.4 .5 .6 .6 .1 .7 .5 .8 .3 .1 .6 .4
C: .1 .3 .2 M: .5 .3 .8 Y: .9 .2 .6 K: .7 .2 .9
.7 .8 .9 .4 .2 .9 .1 .7 .4 .5 .8 .3
Such dots, or more appropriately, cells, have the advantage of degrading gracefully in images with elements of sub-dot size when they are observed at a large magnification. The disadvantage is that putting marks of this size on paper is much more difficult than for the traditional halftone dots. For most inks the image will look smeary, because not all pixels will receive the same amount of ink. A careful choice of the the color palette is mandatory. In particular, these cells are not suitable for realistic images.
This technique is still halftoning for full-color printing. This is not to be confused with the so-called stipple technique [Trimberger, 1987], which was developed centuries ago to render coats of arms in black-and-white or reliefs. A stipple pattern represents a given color or VLSI layer, and its tristimulus value cannot be changed. Intersections of stipple patterns are hard to predict and they require a multi-color process to print. While they play an important role for rendering VLSI layout on black-and-white plotters, they are an anachronism in the world of color printing.
For applications in which an even larger resolution is needed, such as illustrating books with images of entire chips, line art can be used. The separations are then printed in multi-color instead of full-color, avoiding halftoning. In conjuction with a high resolution printer [Starkweather, 1985], this allows to print VLSI layout at a resolution of l = 31.75 mm, in which even the layout of a large chip is readable with the use of a good magnifying glass when it is printed in the size of a book page.
When printing in multi-color it is desirable to use only four separations to control the printing costs, because so-called quality inks will probably be required. The following colors have yielded good results:
polysilicon: RT6 red
diffusion: GT4 green
metal-1: C28 blue
metal-2: M35/2 magenta
Cuts and vias can be imaged in three of the separations to appear black. At the scale at which the use of line art becomes interesting, the other layers, such as the wells, can be omitted without hampering the readability for a VLSI designer.
7. Conclusions
Nectarine has changed the way designers work in the Cedar environment. While previously circuits were described using a hardware description language, today the designer's office walls are covered with block diagrams and schematics. The few project document fragments were done awkwardly using plain English text. A technical writer used to spend days with a calculator and a measuring ruler trying to insert very simple illustrations into Tioga documents. Today, the projects are characterized by a comprehensive and easy to read documentation, with many illustrations, and printed in professional quality.
Project meetings have become more effective. Where before the availability of Nectarine details of circuits were painted ad hoc on a whiteboard out of remembrance—frequently with errors that had far reaching effects—at today's meetings dossiers are circulated and discussed, while diagrams of the system and the subsystems are pinned on the walls.
Nectarine is a good example for serendipity. None of the described benefits had been anticipated in the project, which started with the goal of implementing a quick hack to automatically submit checkplots to print servers. Instead of writing immediately the required code, the actual needs of the users have been investigated, indicating that the missing tool in the system was not a hack to submit checkplots but a tool that knows how to image IC schematics and layout.
The use of the Interpress standard has allowed to take advantage of a large portion of existing imaging code. Also, the images can be transferred to a variety of machines, which would not be the case if the print files were bitmaps or if a VLSI editor was needed to examine and manipulate figures in a document editor.
The clean factorization of the code, which resulted in the five pass implementation organized in three modules, has made it easy to enhance Nectarine. New applications, such as printing only one layer (overglass) to print pad bonding specifications from a chip layout or printing at a given scale to produce films for printed circuit boards, could all be implemented in a matter of a few hours.
To be able to handle massive inputs, Nectarine processes the ChipNDale images in horizontal stripes called bands. The bands do not overlap, forming a geometrical decomposition of the image. This means that the five passes of Nectarine can be executed in parallel on the independent data on a MIMD (multiple instruction multiple data) workstation allowing coarse granularity. The data pertinent to a band would be pipelined through a sequence of processors, each executing static code. On bus oriented architectures, this should avoid the problem of excessive bus traffic due to the cache inconsistencies observed in task queue implementations. This speculation has to be proven with experiments.
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Remember your users, for they will certainly remember you. (R. Atkinson)
I thank the Manager of the Design and Architecture Area, Bryan Preas, and acknowledge contributions by Lissy Bland, Neil Gunther, Jeff Hoel, Christian Jacobi, Jack Kent, Subhana Menis, Hal Murray, Michael Plass, Maureen Stone, and Doug Wyatt. The designers in the Dragon project were tolerant in accepting the initial long running times; their penetrating comments provided a constructive feedback.