Last tweaked by Mike Spreitzer on April 17, 1989 11:26:10 am PDT
DIRECTORY IO, AbSets, LichenDataStructure;
BEGIN OPEN Sets:AbSets, LichenDataStructure;
Status: TYPE ~ RECORD [expansions: INT ← 0, inst, type: ROPE ← NIL];
status: READONLY REF Status;
GroupInstancesToNewCT: PROC [d: Design, cis: Set, iName: ROPE, tNames: Set] RETURNS [newCT: CellType, newCI: CellInstance];
ExpandDesign: PROC [d: Design, cts: Set--of CellType-- ← nilSet, except: CellType ← NIL];
RaiseGCs: PROC [d: Design, gcs: Set--of CellInstance--] RETURNS [newCis: Set--of CellInstance--];
LowerKidsOnce: PROC [d: Design, kids: Set--of CellInstance--, sib: CellInstance] RETURNS [loweredCis: Set--of CellInstance--];
SplitUnorganized: PROC [d: Design, take: Set--of CellInstance--] RETURNS [from, to: CellType];
MergeUnorganized: PROC [a, b: CellType, iAssoc: OneToOne--instance of a é instance of b--] RETURNS [kept, lost: CellType, ciWas: OneToOne--kept é lost--];
GuessIAssoc: PROC [a, b: CellType] RETURNS [tAssoc: OneToOne];
CopyPWStructure: PROC [fromCT, toCT: CellType, class: PWClass, olds, cins: Set] RETURNS [was: OneToOne--wire in toCT é wire in fromCT--];
CopyInstStructure: PROC [fromCT, toCT: CellType, oldCis, cins: Set, ageWire: InvFn--wire in toCT ← wire in fromCT--, xf: Transform, ofst: Int2] RETURNS [ciWas: OneToOne--ci in toCT é ci in fromCT--];
CopyCellType: PROC [oct: CellType] RETURNS [nct: CellType, portInv: OneToOne];