Copyright © 1985 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Gasbarro December 20, 1985 1:56:06 pm PST
Barth, January 22, 1986 5:34:34 pm PST
Last Edited by: Gasbarro February 4, 1987 11:29:10 am PST
DIRECTORY Core, IMSTester, Ports, RosemaryUser, ViewerClasses;
Delay: TYPE = IMSTester.Delay;
Width: TYPE = IMSTester.Width;
Sample: TYPE = IMSTester.Sample;
Period: TYPE = IMSTester.Period;
FormatType: TYPE = IMSTester.FormatType;
Board: TYPE = IMSTester.Board;
PodTiming: TYPE = IMSTester.PodTiming;
Channel: TYPE = IMSTester.Channel;
Directionality: TYPE = {force, acquire, biDirectional};
TestProc: TYPE = RosemaryUser.TestProc;
Groups: TYPE = LIST OF Group;
Group: TYPE = RECORD [
number: NAT, --unique group number
name: ROPE, --group name
directionality: Directionality,
format: FormatType ← DNRZ,
delay: Delay ← 0,
width: Width ← 20,
sample: Sample ← 0,
programable: BOOLFALSE, -- programable drive or threshold
hiDrive: REAL ← 2.4,
loDrive: REAL ← 0.4,
threshold: REAL ← 1.4,
compare: BOOLTRUE]; -- real-time compare
LoadBoardSide: TYPE = {R, L};
PodPair: TYPE = {AB, CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL};
TesterHeader: TYPE = [1..256];
DUTHeader: TYPE = [1..256];
ProbeCardPin: TYPE = [1..240];
Assignments: TYPE = LIST OF Assignment;
Assignment: TYPE = RECORD [
name: ROPE, --signal name
group: NAT, --unique group number
board: Board,
loadBoardSide: LoadBoardSide,
podPair: PodPair,
pod: PodTiming,
channel: Channel,
testerHeader: TesterHeader,
dUTHeader: DUTHeader,
probeCardPin: ProbeCardPin];
PeriodChangeProc: TYPE = PROC [period: Period] RETURNS [newGroups: Groups];
MakeStandardViewer: PROC [testName: ROPE, cellType: Core.CellType, clockAName: ROPE, clockBName: ROPENIL, groups: Groups, assignments: Assignments, period: Period];
RegisterTestProc: PUBLIC PROC [testName: ROPE, procName: ROPE, proc: TestProc, autoLoad: BOOLFALSE];
RegisterPeriodChangeProc: PUBLIC PROC [testName: ROPE, proc: PeriodChangeProc];