Copyright Ó 1985, 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Written by gbb, January 12, 1987 11:47:17 am PST
gbb September 25, 1987 3:55:20 pm PDT
Genista is the Grandson of Spinifex. It is a hierarchical design rule checker that monkeys around in a Core design and tries to find all the ChipNDale geometry in order to check as many design rules as it possibly can.
Gli uomini vollero piuttosto le tenebre che la luce (Giovanni, III, 19.)
CD USING [Layer, Number, Rect],
CoreGeometry USING [CellType, Decoration, Rect, Transformation, Wire],
Transf: TYPE ~ CoreGeometry.Transformation;
CoreCell: TYPE ~ CoreGeometry.CellType;
Layout: TYPE ~ CoreGeometry.Decoration;
Wire: TYPE ~ CoreGeometry.Wire;
Rect: TYPE ~ CoreGeometry.Rect; -- RECORD [x1, y1, x2, y2: Number]; Number = INT
CheckDesignRules: PROC [cell: CoreCell, external: Wire, tech: Tech, viaFlatness: BOOLFALSE, stopFlag: REF BOOL, layout: Layout] RETURNS [quantity: CARDINAL ← 0];
cell and its subcells are verified, except the cells with property $DoNotDRC <> NIL. Design rule violations are flagged in the Core cell using the property DRV (Design Rule Violation) with key DRVkey = $DrcError. The property DRV is put only on cells having at least one violation.
The tech handle must be created using one of the technology dependent modules.
If via flatness is verified only if the appropriate toggle is set. Since Genista is hierarchical, the verification of via flatness makes sense only for shallow hierarchies of not more than three levels.
The stopFlag is tested periodically. If it is TRUE Drc stops. This parameter is required because it is the only way the client can know whether the DRC was aborted.
The return parameter quantity contains the number of errors found.
coreInconsistent: ERROR [reason: Rope.ROPE, torch: REF ANY];
Access to violations
DRV: TYPE ~ REF DesignRuleViolation;
DesignRuleViolation: TYPE ~ RECORD [count: INT ← 0, places: LIST OF ErrorRect];
ErrorRect: TYPE ~ RECORD [r: CD.Rect, msg: Rope.ROPE];
Types for writing the technology dependent part
State: PRIVATE TYPE ~ REF StateRec;
tech: Tech,   -- technology dependent part
nt, ttNt, ctNt: TNT.TNT,  -- neighbourhood tables
viaFlatness: BOOLFALSE,  -- only for shallow cells
abort: REF BOOL,   -- is graceful
globalErrorCount: CARD ← 0,  -- the number of errors in this run
anathemas: ARRAY [0 .. 9] OF CARDALL [0], -- dogma violations not flagged
wireCreationCount: CARD ← 1,  -- for debugging
attributes: CoreGeometry.Decoration]; -- key for geometry
WireInstance: PRIVATE TYPE ~ RECORD [local, global: Wire, transf: Transf, gateHint: GateHint];
GateHint: PRIVATE TYPE ~ REF WireInstance ← NIL;
WireSet: PRIVATE TYPE ~ REF WireSetRec;
WireSetRec: PRIVATE TYPE ~ RECORD [elt: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF WireInstance];
WirePairProc: PRIVATE TYPE ~ PROC [cell: CoreCell, w1, w2: WireInstance, relatedWires: REF ANYNIL, window: Rect, state: State];
w1 and w2 are the wire instances, relatedWires are those whose geometry might avoid a design rule violation at a different hierarchical level. The window is supposed to be already bloated.
WireProc: PRIVATE TYPE ~ PROC [cell: CoreCell, w: Wire, state: State];
CellProc: PRIVATE TYPE ~ PROC [cell: CoreCell, state: State];
Tech: TYPE ~ REF TechRec;
checkedBy: PUBLIC ATOM,
ruleTables: REF,
maxSeparation, ttMaxSep, ctMaxSep: CD.Number ← LAST [CD.Number],
illegalLayer: ARRAY CD.Layer OF BOOLALL [TRUE],
lambda: CD.Number, -- creature comfort for debugging
verifyWire: WireProc,
verifyWirePair: WirePairProc,
verifyCell: PUBLIC CellProc ← NIL];
Semantic detail: the procedures are called in the above order. In particular, the cell procedure can assume that the wire procedure has already been called for the cell. The cell procedure is a hack circumvent inadequacies in the extraction software.
MarkError: PRIVATE PROC [obj: CoreCell, state: State, e: ErrorRect];
AtomicWireHull: PRIVATE PROC [w: WireInstance, state: State] RETURNS [h: Rect]