Command Summary Center select objects to be centered, then CTRLSpace Scroll spaceBar down; draw vector w middleMouse; spacebar up Stop Repaint ESC-LF Ticks PeriodSpacebar (.Spacebar) Zoom Out TabSpace Draw Text: Draw Text T-middleMouse Edit Satellites CR: no change; -(minus): delete expr; edit: retype entire expr Satellites Menu LSpace Menu Replace Text Y-Space Menu Cut wire select wire, holding down \-rightMouse sweep across wire Draw wire middleMouse flip wire while drawing with middleMouse, hit spaceBar 90" bend in wire while drawing with middleMouse, hit shift Stretch wire select wire, Tab down, draw additional segment with leftMouse Import X-Z-middleMouse Copy shift down, draw vector with leftMouse to location of copy Delete CTRL-D Mirror T-leftMouse (x-axis); E-leftMouse (y-axis) Move By A Vector CTRL down, draw vector with the leftMouse Move Incrementally CTRL-A: left; CTRL-W: up CTRL-S: right; CTRL-Z: down Repetition select object to be repeated, then =-middleMouse Rotate R-leftMouse UnDelete ESC-D Print: Print H-middleMouse or execute NectarineSchematics in DATools SubDir Select: Select leftMouse Extend Selection rightMouse Area Select leftMouse down, move mouse to sweep out rectangular box Special Commands: Search Object DSpace Menu, case-sensitive Stop Cmd In Progress DEL-ESC FDisplay: Draw Wires: Import: Manipulate Graphical Objects: Ttitleicentered lineFormatting centered lastLineFormatting 36 pt smaller topLeading 26 pt smaller bottomLeadingblohead42 pt smaller topLeading 12 pt smaller bottomLeading Idefault3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndentbooos-4M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent5=M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent"M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent12 pt smaller bottomLeadingbl M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent  M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent?NM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent 12 pt smaller bottomLeading M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent 9BM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent  M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent .7M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndentbm *:M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent =J12 pt smaller bottomLeadingM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent12 pt smaller bottomLeadingM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent6?M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent*4M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent)=M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent9OM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent 1?M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent12 pt smaller bottomLeadingM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent>G12 pt smaller bottomLeading M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent 7E12 pt smaller bottomLeadingM3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndent ,M3clearTabStops 2.00 in flushLeft tabStop restIndentR