atomic wire a single wire (as opposed to a group of wires) basic CellTypes describes CellTypes used in the Core data structure whose CellClass does not provide a Recast Proc to express the decomposition of the CellType into a simpler, logically equivalent manner. There is exactly one CellClass that could provide a Recast Proc to express its decomposition in a simpler, logically equivalent form but does not do so. This is the RecordCellClass. The other CellTypes whose CellClasses do not provide a Recast Proc are either atomic, for example the transistor CellType, or have an undefined decomposition. butting contact a technique used to conserve area on a chip by coalescing the contacts between layers buried contact connection between the poly and diffusion layers of a chip made to avoid creating a transistor cascode switch style a cell (switch) in which some analog tricks are used to keep the electrical potential at 2.5 volts (rather than at 0 volts) so that the amount of current needed to get to 5 volts is less channel a rectangular routing region with terminals along its edges. Horizontal channels have terminals along their top and bottom edges. Vertical channels have terminals along their right and left edges. The objective of channel routing is to electrically connect all the nets using a minimum width channel. check plot large printout of the mask-level description of an integrated circuit CIF Caltech Intermediate Form, a standard machine readable form for representing integrated system layouts compactor a compiler that takes a description of the topology of a cell and creates a mask to be used as a blueprint in fabricating the circuit. Because the compiler tries to create as compact a mask as possible, it is known as a compactor. components circuit primitives to be used in creating integrated circuits conform Conform as used in the DATools documentation and interfaces describes a function to map public to actual wires such that every actual has some public that corresponds to it and furthermore, for every actual subwire its number of children is the same as the number of children of the corresponding public subwire. Here is a formal definition: Conform(a, p) W E f: p* _ a* such that f(p)=a & A p' B p: |p'| = |f(p')| & A i B [0 .. |p'|): f(p'[i]) = f(p')[i]. A conforms to p iff there exists a function f which maps every subwire of p into some subwire of a, and in particular maps p into a, and for every subwire p' of p, f(p') has the same number of children as p' and for every index i [0..p') f(p'[i]) is the f(p')child[i]. In writing the above, the following unusual notations have been used. w* means wire w and all its subwires |w| means the number of children of w w[i] means the i'th child of w congestion a condition that occurs when the interconnection wiring is too dense so that there is some undesirable interaction among the nets core-limited (core-bound) A circuit is core-limited if the area needed to generate the circuit logic is greater than the perimeter needed to generate the circuit's signals. (c.f. pad-limited) core record class describes the structuring mechanism used to take a collection of cell types of various classes and bind them together. See [DATools]Core>CoreClasses.mesa for more details. design A design is the object created by the user. It may represent one or many circuits. Every design is in a particular technology (CMos-B, NMos) and consists of some geometry and a Directory. detailed routing (exact embedding) converts the approximate routes created by global routing into exact routes (c.f. routing) feedthrough The placement of standard cells in a VLSI circuit sometimes requires connections between cells that are separated by an intervening row. When this occurs a cell containing that signal is created in the intervening row. This cell is called a feedthrough. floorplanning A term used to describe the process of placing the functional units of either an integrated circuits or a system. In integrated circuit placement the floorplanning process tends toward a bottom-up physical approach, while in system design floorplanning tends to be top-down and functional. Flooringplanning can be used as a tool to focus on the trade-offs that must be made on a number of metrics including area, speed, power, testability to create an optimal design. global routing (rough routing) resolves net lists into approximate routes that consist of horizontal and vertical line segments (c.f. routing) icon In the DATools world, boxes with public wires that represent either a schematic or a piece of Cedar code. import in ChipNDale, import means to make a reference to the imported design. If objects are changed in the imported design, and the design that references them is re-loaded, the changes made are propagated to our importing design. (c.f. include) include in ChipNDale, include means to take some objects from one design and literally copy them into another design. No links are established between the objects in question. If the original objects change, the design that was created using these objects will not change. (c.f. import) interconnection nets (nets) the connections among the signal sets of an integrated circuit interface geometry defines the public wire of a schematic. also determines where electrical connections may be made when a schematic is used directly within another schematic interestRect the black ouline displayed when a cell is selected. This definition is not 100% exact. The InterestRect is not the bounding box of the geometry, there are other xxxRect for that. Its important properties are: 1. PW uses the InterestRect to abut objects. 2. You can set it interactively with S-Middle, and it becomes then independent of the geometry of the object. Once you set it, it stays, even if you edit the cell. If you don't set it, the default is (almost) the bounding box, but if you make minor edits to the cell, it might change and give you trouble when abuting cells. LSSD Level-Sensitive Scan Design. A termed coined at IBM to refer to a particular way of implementing the scan path. (See the definition for scan path below.) mask a template containing the precise images to be used in patterning silicon wafers non-slicing structure in the placement of cells and macro-cells of an integrated circuit, a circuit is described as non-slicing if it cannot be hierarchically divided by single horizontal or vertical lines into two subparts until all the cells are separated. Programming languages can easily represent slicing structures by binary trees. Non-slicing structures are much more difficult to represent. pad-limited (pad-bound) A VLSI circuit is pad-limited if the perimeter dictated by the circuit's signals (pins) is greater than the area required by the circuit logic used to create the signals. Thus, pad-limited circuits typically have some amount of unused space between the circuit pads and the core of the circuit. A circuit that is pad-limited, thus having some unused silicon area will have a higher yield than a circuit of the same area that is not pad-limited. (c.f. core-limited) PCB Printed Circuit Board pins (ports) the terminals of a component that are to be connected during the layout process placement the process of positioning the components of an integrated circuit. The major focus in placement is on minimizing the length of interconnection wiring because this minimum length translates into the minimum time required for propagation of signals, and thus into the best performance for the completed circuit. (c.f. routing) recast procedure converts the representation of the children of a cell type into a representation which is closer to the root of the partially ordered set routing (routes, paths) the process of making all the connections between all the cells of an integrated circuit or the components of a printed circuit board. For integrated circuits, routing is often divided into a global phase where approximate routes are defined and a detailed phase where exact routes are chosen. (c.f. placement) routing area (interconnect area) the area of an integrated circuit that is used to make all the connections between various cells. For circuits designed using standard cells, this area is about 60% of the overall circuit area. scan path a design strategy for testing VLSI circuits that allows the internal function of a circuit to be observed and controlled. Signals are sent to a couple of test pins to force the circuit to function in test mode. When in this mode, the integrated circuit connects some or all of its flip-flops into a single shift register so that the bits in those elements can be shifted out, examined, perhaps changed, and shifted back in. The design must be synchronous for this testing strategy to work. The reason a scan path design strategy is not universally used is that making the flip-flops function both normally and as a shift register consumes silicon real estate and can also make the flip-flops somewhat slower. schematic a diagram drawn using icons, wires, expressions, and other schematics that describes the functionality of an integrated circuit signal sets a list of the terminals or pins on the components that are to be connected in the layout process slicing-structure in the placement of cells and macro-cells of an integrated circuit, a circuit structure is described as slicing if can be hierarchically sliced by single horizontal or vertical lines into two subparts until all the cells are separated. Each horizontal or vertical cutline used corresponds to one routing channel and the channels are routed in the reverse order of slicing. SPICE Simulation Program Integrated Circuit Emphasis simulated annealing an algorithm used for standard cell placement that is analogous to the annealing process during crystallization. A parameter called the temperature is defined that represents the overall cost (wiring length) of the current configuration. Changes to the current configuration are made at random. Changes that improve upon the current configuration are accepted. Changes that do not improve upon the current configuration are accepted with a probability of exp(-DE/T) where DE is the increase in cost and T is the temperature. Thus, at high temperature almost all moves are accepted, while at low temperature only moves that improve upon the current configuration are likely to be accepted. The system is started with a high temperature so that almost all changes are accepted. A gradual cooling schedule, developed by statistical analysis for the standard cell placement problem, lowers the temperature until the system converges upon the least-cost solution. switchbox a four-sided channel that is formed at the intersection of two or more channel routing regions. Terminals are located on all four sides of the rectangular region. tracks the horizontal and vertical grid lines of a channel transistor an electrical switch which is either on (conducting) or off (not conducting) current. In the fabrication process for integrated circuits, a transistor is created any place polysilicon crosses diffusion. via in CMOS technology, contacts between metal1 and metal2 layers. Vias are undesirable because they reduce the yield of correctly functioning circuits, degrade performance of the correctly functioning circuits and increase manufacturing costs. DDAToolsGlossary.tioga Bland, October 5, 1987 1:09:48 pm PDT Κ„– "cedar" style˜™Icode™%—J™itemšΟb ˜ L˜/—š˜Lšœ”˜”—š˜L˜V—šœ˜L˜_—š˜L˜½—š˜L˜°—š ˜ L˜G—šœ˜Lšœg˜g—š ˜ L˜θ—š ˜ L˜?—š˜LšΟiœ²˜ΊL˜šœΟmœŸœŸœ ˜'L˜šŸœŸœŸœ˜ L˜šŸœŸœŸœ ˜L˜———LšΟs˜LšœF˜FL˜%L˜&L˜ —L˜š ˜ L˜„—š˜Lšœž œ˜§—š˜LšœΈ˜Έ—š˜Lšœžœ΅˜ΐ—š"˜"L˜\—š ˜ LšœΫœ#˜—š ˜ L˜Φ—š˜L˜q—š˜L˜j—š˜Lšœžœέ˜ς—š˜Lšœžœ˜——š˜L˜?—š˜Lšœœ˜œ—š œ˜ LšœlΟnœb˜ΡL˜.LšœΗ˜ΗL˜—š˜L˜›—š˜L˜R—L˜š˜Lšœ_ž œ‘˜ϋ—š˜Lšœž œŽ˜¬Lšœͺ˜ͺ—š˜L˜—š ˜ L˜P—š ˜ L˜Θ—L˜šœ˜LšœŠ˜Š—š˜L˜Έ—š ˜ L˜Γ—š ˜ LšœΟkœ₯˜Θ—š ˜ Lšœ‚˜‚—š ˜ L˜a—š˜Lšœižœ‹˜ϋ—L˜š˜L˜/—L˜š˜Lš œΜžœΟgœΠgiœžœ»˜ΈLšœ•˜•—š ˜ Lšœ₯˜₯—š˜L˜4—š ˜ L˜Ν—š˜L˜σ—L˜—…—-0Ξ