30-Sep-88 Gasbarro.pa Measurements
Date: 30 Sep 88 12:51:10 PDT
From: Gasbarro.pa
To: Monier
Subject: Measurements
Reply-To: Gasbarro
This is only half. Don changed FSM so they no longer work. It looks like serveral hours of work to get them to extract again.
Estimating size of FifoInputControl (excluding the routing):

The cell has 1259 placable elements
Size is 4788992 sq microns = 4.788992 sq mm.
77 ffEn => 20.1% of total area.
240 invBuffer => 12.5% of total area.
72 ff => 12.5% of total area.
113 a22o2i => 9.8% of total area.
232 inv => 8.1% of total area.
151 nor2 => 7.9% of total area.
58 xnor2 => 6.0% of total area.
82 nand2 => 4.3% of total area.
60 tstDriver => 4.2% of total area.
46 nor4 => 4.0% of total area.
20 xor2 => 2.1% of total area.
24 or3 => 2.1% of total area.
25 nor3 => 1.7% of total area.
20 or2 => 1.4% of total area.
9 or4 => 0.9% of total area.
8 nand4 => 0.7% of total area.
8 and2 => 0.6% of total area.
5 and4 => 0.5% of total area.
5 nand3 => 0.3% of total area.
3 and3 => 0.3% of total area.
1 a21o2i => 0.1% of total area.

Statistics on FifoInputControl:
8 CounterUp b=4 => 18.9% of total area.
2 RegisterR b=15 => 10.3% of total area.
2 Register b=16 => 9.0% of total area.
32 FlipFlopEnable => 8.3% of total area.
2 MuxN1 n=16 => 7.9% of total area.
1 Decoder a=4 s=16 => 4.4% of total area.
2 InvMux b=16 => 3.4% of total area.
61 Nor n=2 => 3.2% of total area.
16 InvDriver d=16 => 3.1% of total area.
1 Register b=10 => 2.9% of total area.
1 Mux n=2 b=16 => 2.3% of total area.
42 Nand n=2 => 2.2% of total area.
20 Xor2 => 2.1% of total area.
4 Comparator b=4 => 2.1% of total area.
56 Inv => 1.9% of total area.
1 MuxN1 n=8 => 1.7% of total area.
8 FlipFlop => 1.4% of total area.
16 Driver d=8 => 1.4% of total area.
3 FlipFlopMR => 1.4% of total area.
17 Nor n=3 => 1.2% of total area.
1 Decoder a=3 s=8 => 1.1% of total area.
10 Xnor2 => 1.0% of total area.
2 RegisterR b=1 => 0.9% of total area.
1 MuxDN1 n=8 => 0.9% of total area.
1 Register b=3 => 0.9% of total area.
1 CKBuffer d=28 numRows=7 => 0.7% of total area.
7 Or n=4 => 0.7% of total area.
8 Nand n=4 => 0.7% of total area.
6 Or n=3 => 0.5% of total area.
6 Nor n=4 => 0.5% of total area.
2 Nor n=7 => 0.5% of total area.
1 Buffer d=15 => 0.4% of total area.
5 Nand n=3 => 0.3% of total area.
4 Or n=2 => 0.3% of total area.
5 Buffer d=2 => 0.3% of total area.
3 And n=3 => 0.3% of total area.
1 InvDriver d=24 => 0.2% of total area.
1 CKBuffer d=7 numRows=7 => 0.2% of total area.
1 Driver d=24 => 0.2% of total area.
1 Buffer d=8 => 0.2% of total area.
1 And n=4 => 0.1% of total area.
1 A22o2i => 0.1% of total area.
1 A21o2i => 0.1% of total area.
1 InvDriver d=4 => 0.0% of total area.