<> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Combinatorial, Convert, Core, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreOps, CoreProperties, GList, IO, List, Ports, Process, RefTab, Rope, Rosemary, SymTab, TerminalIO; CombinatorialImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, CoreClasses, CoreFlat, CoreOps, CoreProperties, GList, IO, List, Ports, Process, RefTab, Rope, Rosemary, SymTab, TerminalIO EXPORTS Combinatorial ~ BEGIN OPEN Combinatorial; <> IsCombinatorial: PUBLIC PROC [cell: Core.CellType] RETURNS [BOOL] = { value: REF BOOL = NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cell, $Combinatorial]]; RETURN [value#NIL AND value^]; }; IsNonCombinatorial: PUBLIC PROC [cell: Core.CellType] RETURNS [BOOL] = { value: REF BOOL = NARROW [CoreProperties.GetCellTypeProp[cell, $Combinatorial]]; RETURN [value#NIL AND NOT value^]; }; NotCombinatorial: PUBLIC ERROR [cell: Core.CellType] = CODE; <> EnumerateTypedWires: PUBLIC PROC [cc: Core.CellType, each: PROC [Core.Wire, ROPE, WireType] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE]] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { EachWire: CoreOps.EachWireProc = { name: ROPE = CoreOps.GetFullWireName[cc.public, wire]; SELECT TRUE FROM wire.size#0 => RETURN; Rope.Equal[name, "Gnd"] => quit _ each[wire, name, gnd]; Rope.Equal[name, "Vdd"] => quit _ each[wire, name, vdd]; CoreProperties.GetWireProp[wire, $Output]#NIL => quit _ each[wire, name, output]; ENDCASE => quit _ each[wire, name, input]; }; IF NOT IsCombinatorial[cc] THEN ERROR NotCombinatorial[cc]; quit _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[cc.public, EachWire]; }; GetTypedWires: PUBLIC PROC [cc: Core.CellType, type: WireType] RETURNS [wires: Core.Wires _ NIL] = { Each: PROC [wire: Core.Wire, name: ROPE, tt: WireType] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] = { IF tt=type AND NOT CoreOps.Member[wires, wire] THEN wires _ CONS [wire, wires]; }; [] _ EnumerateTypedWires[cc, Each]; }; <<>> GetWireType: PUBLIC PROC [cc: Core.CellType, wire: Core.Wire] RETURNS [type: WireType] = { Each: PROC [ww: Core.Wire, name: ROPE, tt: WireType] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] = { type _ tt; quit _ ww=wire; }; [] _ EnumerateTypedWires[cc, Each]; }; <> Oper: PUBLIC PROC [oper: ROPE, params: ParseTrees] RETURNS [ParseTree] = {RETURN [NEW [ParseOperRec _ [oper, params]]]}; Not: PUBLIC PROC [tree: ParseTree] RETURNS [ParseTree] = {RETURN [Oper["~", LIST [tree]]]}; And: PUBLIC PROC [trees: ParseTrees] RETURNS [ParseTree] = {RETURN [Oper["*", trees]]}; Or: PUBLIC PROC [trees: ParseTrees] RETURNS [ParseTree] = {RETURN [Oper["+", trees]]}; And2: PUBLIC PROC [tree1, tree2: ParseTree] RETURNS [ParseTree] = {RETURN [And[LIST [tree1, tree2]]]}; Or2: PUBLIC PROC [tree1, tree2: ParseTree] RETURNS [ParseTree] = {RETURN [Or[LIST [tree1, tree2]]]}; <> IncorrectExpression: PUBLIC ERROR [expr, msg: ROPE] = CODE; ParseExpression: PUBLIC PROC [expr: ROPE] RETURNS [tree: ParseTree _ NIL] = { stream: IO.STREAM _ IO.RIS[expr]; tokenKind: IO.TokenKind; token: ROPE; Scan: PROC = { ENABLE IO.EndOfStream => {tokenKind _ tokenEOF; CONTINUE}; [tokenKind, token] _ IO.GetCedarTokenRope[stream]; }; IsChar: PROC [char: CHAR] RETURNS [ok: BOOL] = { ok _ tokenKind=tokenSINGLE AND Rope.Length[token]=1 AND Rope.Fetch[token]=char; }; <> ParseTerm: PROC RETURNS [tree: ParseTree] = { SELECT TRUE FROM tokenKind=tokenDECIMAL OR tokenKind=tokenOCTAL OR tokenKind=tokenHEX => tree _ NEW [INT _ Convert.IntFromRope[token]]; IsChar['(] => { Scan[]; tree _ ParseExpr[]; IF NOT IsChar[')] THEN ERROR IncorrectExpression[expr, "Missing )"]; }; IsChar['~] => { Scan[]; RETURN [Not[ParseTerm[]]]; }; IsChar['[] OR tokenKind=tokenID => { variable: ROPE _ NIL; params: ParseTrees _ NIL; WHILE tokenKind=tokenID OR NOT (tokenKind=tokenEOF OR IsChar[',] OR IsChar['+] OR IsChar['*] OR IsChar['(] OR IsChar[')]) DO variable _ Rope.Cat[variable, token]; Scan[]; ENDLOOP; IF NOT IsChar['(] THEN RETURN [variable]; <> Scan[]; UNTIL tokenKind=tokenEOF OR IsChar[')] DO params _ CONS [ParseExpr[], params]; IF IsChar[')] THEN EXIT; IF NOT IsChar[',] THEN ERROR IncorrectExpression[expr, ", or ) expected"]; Scan[]; ENDLOOP; tree _ Oper[variable, List.Reverse[params]]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR IncorrectExpression[expr, Rope.Cat["Incorrect token :", token]]; Scan[]; }; ParseAnds: PROC RETURNS [tree: ParseTree] = { ands: ParseTrees _ LIST [ParseTerm[]]; WHILE IsChar['*] DO Scan[]; ands _ CONS[ParseTerm[], ands] ENDLOOP; tree _ IF ands.rest=NIL THEN ands.first ELSE And[List.Reverse[ands]]; }; ParseExpr: PROC RETURNS [tree: ParseTree] = { ors: ParseTrees _ LIST [ParseAnds[]]; WHILE IsChar['+] DO Scan[]; ors _ CONS[ParseAnds[], ors] ENDLOOP; tree _ IF ors.rest=NIL THEN ors.first ELSE Or[List.Reverse[ors]]; }; Scan[]; tree _ ParseExpr[]; IF ISTYPE [tree, REF INT] THEN ERROR IncorrectExpression[expr, "Cannot be just an integer"]; IF tokenKind#tokenEOF THEN ERROR IncorrectExpression[expr, "Too much left"]; }; UnParseExpression: PUBLIC PROC [tree: ParseTree] RETURNS [expr: ROPE _ NIL] = { WITH tree SELECT FROM var: Rope.ROPE => expr _ var; refInt: REF INT => expr _ IO.PutR1[IO.int[refInt^]]; rptr: REF ParseOperRec => IF Rope.Equal[rptr.oper, "~"] THEN expr _ Rope.Cat["~", UnParseExpression[rptr.params.first]] ELSE { char: BOOL = Rope.Equal[rptr.oper, "*"] OR Rope.Equal[rptr.oper, "+"]; FOR params: ParseTrees _ rptr.params, params.rest WHILE params#NIL DO expr _ IF expr=NIL THEN IF char THEN "(" ELSE Rope.Cat[rptr.oper, "("] ELSE IF char THEN Rope.Cat[expr, rptr.oper] ELSE Rope.Cat[expr, ", "]; expr _ Rope.Cat[expr, UnParseExpression[params.first]]; ENDLOOP; expr _ Rope.Cat[expr, ")"]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; RenameVariables: PUBLIC PROC [tree: ParseTree, var: PROC [ROPE] RETURNS [ROPE]] RETURNS [ParseTree] = { WITH tree SELECT FROM rope: ROPE => RETURN [var[rope]]; refInt: REF INT => RETURN [refInt]; rptr: REF ParseOperRec => { news: ParseTrees _ NIL; FOR params: ParseTrees _ rptr.params, params.rest WHILE params#NIL DO news _ CONS [RenameVariables[params.first, var], news]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [Oper[rptr.oper, List.Reverse[news]]]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; ParseOutput: PUBLIC PROC [wire: Core.Wire] RETURNS [tree: ParseTree] = { RETURN [ParseExpression[CoreOps.FixStupidRef[CoreProperties.GetWireProp[wire, $Output]]]]; }; <> opers: SymTab.Ref _ SymTab.Create[]; RegisterOperator: PUBLIC PROC [oper: ROPE, recast: RecastProc] = { [] _ SymTab.Store[opers, oper, NEW [RecastProc _ recast]]; }; FetchOperator: PUBLIC PROC [oper: ROPE] RETURNS [recast: RecastProc] = { refProc: REF RecastProc _ NARROW [SymTab.Fetch[opers, oper].val]; recast _ IF refProc=NIL THEN NIL ELSE refProc^; }; Recast: PUBLIC PROC [tree: ParseTree] RETURNS [ParseTree] = { rptr: REF ParseOperRec = NARROW [tree]; RETURN [FetchOperator[rptr.oper][rptr.params]]; }; <> <> FindPort: PROC [rootWire: Core.WireSeq, rootPort: Ports.Port, searched: Core.Wire] RETURNS [found: Ports.Port _ NIL] = { SearchWire: Ports.EachWirePortPairProc = { found _ port; quit _ wire=searched; }; IF NOT Ports.VisitBinding[rootWire, rootPort, SearchWire] THEN found _ NIL; }; FindPorts: PROC [rootWire: Core.WireSeq, rootPort: Ports.Port, searched: Core.Wires] RETURNS [ports: LIST OF Ports.Port _ NIL] = { FOR wires: Core.Wires _ searched, wires.rest WHILE wires#NIL DO port: Ports.Port = FindPort[rootWire, rootPort, wires.first]; IF port=NIL THEN ERROR; ports _ CONS [port, ports]; ENDLOOP; ports _ NARROW [GList.Reverse[ports]]; }; RosemaryState: TYPE = REF RosemaryStateRec; RosemaryStateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ SEQUENCE size: NAT OF RECORD [port: Ports.Port, roseValue: RoseValue] ]; RoseValue: TYPE = REF; -- union of Ports.Port and NAndNode NAndNode: TYPE = REF NAndNodeRec; NAndNodeRec: TYPE = RECORD [nodes: SEQUENCE size: NAT OF RoseValue]; RoseMakeNot: PROC [roseValue: RoseValue] RETURNS [RoseValue] = { notRoseValue: NAndNode; WITH roseValue SELECT FROM nand: NAndNode => IF nand.size=1 THEN RETURN [nand[0]]; ENDCASE => {}; notRoseValue _ NEW [NAndNodeRec[1]]; notRoseValue[0] _ roseValue; RETURN [notRoseValue]; }; RoseMakeMaybeNot: PROC [roseValue: RoseValue, negate: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [RoseValue] = { RETURN [IF negate THEN RoseMakeNot[roseValue] ELSE roseValue]; }; RoseMakeNand: PROC [roseValues: LIST OF RoseValue, negate: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [RoseValue] = { count: NAT _ List.Length[roseValues]; roseValue: NAndNode _ NEW [NAndNodeRec[count]]; IF count=1 THEN RETURN [RoseMakeMaybeNot[roseValues.first, NOT negate]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. count) DO roseValue[i] _ RoseMakeMaybeNot[roseValues.first, negate]; roseValues _ roseValues.rest; ENDLOOP; RETURN [roseValue]; }; RosemaryParses: PROC [params: ParseTrees, var: PROC [ROPE] RETURNS [RoseValue]] RETURNS [roseValues: LIST OF RoseValue _ NIL] = { WHILE params#NIL DO roseValues _ CONS [RosemaryParse[params.first, var], roseValues]; params _ params.rest; ENDLOOP; }; RosemaryParse: PROC [tree: ParseTree, var: PROC [ROPE] RETURNS [RoseValue]] RETURNS [roseValue: RoseValue] = { roseValue _ WITH tree SELECT FROM rope: ROPE => var[rope], rptr: REF ParseOperRec => SELECT TRUE FROM Rope.Equal[rptr.oper, "~"] => RoseMakeNot[RosemaryParse[rptr.params.first, var]], Rope.Equal[rptr.oper, "*"] => RoseMakeNot[RoseMakeNand[RosemaryParses[rptr.params, var]]], Rope.Equal[rptr.oper, "+"] => RoseMakeNand[RosemaryParses[rptr.params, var], TRUE], ENDCASE => RosemaryParse[Recast[tree], var], ENDCASE => ERROR; }; RoseEval: PROC [roseValue: RoseValue] RETURNS [level: Ports.Level _ L] = { <> WITH roseValue SELECT FROM port: Ports.Port => level _ port.l; nand: NAndNode => FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. nand.size) DO SELECT RoseEval[nand[i]] FROM L => RETURN [H]; H => {}; ENDCASE => level _ X; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; CombinatorialInit: Rosemary.InitProc = { RoseVar: PROC [var: ROPE] RETURNS [roseValue: RoseValue] = { roseValue _ FindPort[cellType.public, p, CoreOps.FindWire[cellType.public, var]]; IF roseValue=NIL THEN ERROR; }; outputs: Core.Wires _ GetTypedWires[cellType, output]; count: NAT _ GList.Length[outputs]; state: RosemaryState _ NEW [RosemaryStateRec[count]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. count) DO state[i].port _ FindPort[cellType.public, p, outputs.first]; state[i].roseValue _ RosemaryParse[ParseOutput[outputs.first], RoseVar]; outputs _ outputs.rest; ENDLOOP; stateAny _ state; }; CombinatorialEval: Rosemary.EvalProc = { state: RosemaryState = NARROW [stateAny]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. state.size) DO state[i].port.l _ RoseEval[state[i].roseValue] ENDLOOP; }; CheckUnsuccessful: PUBLIC SIGNAL [level1, level2: Ports.Level] = CODE; BindCombinatorial: PUBLIC PROC [cc: Core.CellType] = { BlastPortData: CoreOps.EachWireProc = {CoreProperties.PutWireProp[wire, $PortData, NIL]}; Each: PROC [wire: Core.Wire, name: ROPE, type: WireType] RETURNS [quit: BOOL _ FALSE] = { SELECT type FROM input => { [] _ Ports.InitPort[wire: wire, levelType: l, initDrive: none]; Ports.InitTesterDrive[wire: wire, initDrive: force]; }; output => { [] _ Ports.InitPort[wire: wire, levelType: l, initDrive: drive]; Ports.InitTesterDrive[wire: wire, initDrive: expect]; }; gnd => { [] _ Ports.InitPort[wire: wire, levelType: l, initDrive: none]; [] _ Rosemary.SetFixedWire[wire, L]; }; vdd => { [] _ Ports.InitPort[wire: wire, levelType: l, initDrive: none]; [] _ Rosemary.SetFixedWire[wire, H]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; <> [] _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[cc.public, BlastPortData]; [] _ EnumerateTypedWires[cc, Each]; [] _ Rosemary.BindCellType[cellType: cc, roseClassName: "Combinatorial"] }; CheckTransistorsAgainstExpressions: PUBLIC PROC [cc: Core.CellType, checkXValues: BOOL _ TRUE] = { TryAll: PROC [inputsToFix: Core.Wires] = { Process.Yield[]; IF inputsToFix=NIL THEN { Rosemary.Settle[simulation1]; Rosemary.Settle[simulation2]; FOR outs: Core.Wires _ outputs, outs.rest WHILE outs#NIL DO p1: Ports.Port = FindPort[cc.public, port1, outs.first]; p2: Ports.Port = FindPort[cc.public, port2, outs.first]; IF p1.l#p2.l THEN SIGNAL CheckUnsuccessful[p1.l, p2.l]; ENDLOOP; } ELSE FOR level: Ports.Level IN Ports.Level DO p1: Ports.Port = FindPort[cc.public, port1, inputsToFix.first]; p2: Ports.Port = FindPort[cc.public, port2, inputsToFix.first]; IF level=X AND NOT checkXValues THEN LOOP; p1.l _ level; p2.l _ level; TryAll[inputsToFix.rest]; ENDLOOP; }; inputs: Core.Wires = GetTypedWires[cc, input]; outputs: Core.Wires = GetTypedWires[cc, output]; port1: Ports.Port = Ports.CreatePort[cc, TRUE]; port2: Ports.Port = Ports.CreatePort[cc, TRUE]; <> simulation1: Rosemary.Simulation _ Rosemary.Instantiate[cc, port1]; simulation2: Rosemary.Simulation _ Rosemary.Instantiate[cc, port2, CoreFlat.CreateCutSet[flatCells: LIST [NEW [CoreFlat.FlatCellTypeRec _ CoreFlat.rootCellType]]]]; <> Rosemary.Initialize[simulation1]; Rosemary.Initialize[simulation2]; <> TryAll[inputs]; }; <> InputOutputWarning: PROC [type: ATOM, root: Core.CellType, flatWire: CoreFlat.FlatWire] = { TerminalIO.PutF["*** %g in cell %g with %g.\n", IO.atom[type], IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[root]], IO.rope[CoreFlat.WirePathRope[root, flatWire^]]]; SIGNAL InputOutputProblem[type, root, flatWire]; }; InputOutputProblem: PUBLIC SIGNAL [type: ATOM, root: Core.CellType, flatWire: CoreFlat.FlatWire] = CODE; TranslateOutputs: PROC [root, actual, public: Core.WireSeq, eachOutput: PROC [act: Core.Wire, tree: ParseTree]] = { table: RefTab.Ref _ CoreOps.CreateBindingTable[public, actual]; RenameVar: PROC [old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPE] = { pub: Core.Wire _ CoreOps.FindWire[public, old]; act: Core.Wire = NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[table, pub].val]; RETURN [CoreOps.GetFullWireName[root, act]]; }; EachWirePair: CoreOps.EachWirePairProc = { IF CoreProperties.GetWireProp[publicWire, $Output]=NIL THEN RETURN; eachOutput[actualWire, RenameVariables[ParseOutput[publicWire], RenameVar]]; }; [] _ CoreOps.VisitBindingSeq[actual, public, EachWirePair]; }; MakeCombinatorial: PUBLIC PROC [cell: Core.CellType] = { signalled: Core.Wires _ NIL; Process.Yield[]; IF IsCombinatorial[cell] THEN RETURN; IF IsNonCombinatorial[cell] THEN ERROR NotCombinatorial[cell]; SELECT cell.class FROM CoreClasses.transistorCellClass => ERROR NotCombinatorial[cell]; CoreClasses.unspecifiedCellClass => ERROR NotCombinatorial[cell]; CoreClasses.recordCellClass => { table: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; -- maps internal wires to their ParseTree, expressed with variables as part of the internal rct: CoreClasses.RecordCellType = NARROW [cell.data]; count: INT _ 0; ReplaceVars: PROC [tree: ParseTree, forbidden: Core.Wires] RETURNS [ParseTree] = { WITH tree SELECT FROM rope: ROPE => { wire: Core.Wire _ CoreOps.FindWire[rct.internal, rope]; aux: ParseTree = RefTab.Fetch[table, wire].val; IF wire=NIL THEN ERROR; IF aux=NIL THEN { <> inputName: ROPE = CoreOps.GetFullWireName[cell.public, wire]; IF inputName=NIL THEN { IF NOT CoreOps.Member[signalled, wire] THEN { InputOutputWarning[$NonPublicInput, cell, NEW [CoreFlat.FlatWireRec _ [wire: wire]]]; signalled _ CONS [wire, signalled]; }; }; RETURN [inputName]; }; IF CoreOps.Member[forbidden, wire] THEN { IF NOT CoreOps.Member[signalled, wire] THEN { InputOutputWarning[$OutputLoop, cell, NEW [CoreFlat.FlatWireRec _ [wire: wire]]]; -- Loop! signalled _ CONS [wire, signalled]; }; RETURN [rope]; }; RETURN [ReplaceVars[aux, CONS [wire, forbidden]]]; }; refInt: REF INT => RETURN [refInt]; rptr: REF ParseOperRec => { news: ParseTrees _ NIL; FOR params: ParseTrees _ rptr.params, params.rest WHILE params#NIL DO news _ CONS [ReplaceVars[params.first, forbidden], news]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [Oper[rptr.oper, List.Reverse[news]]]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; EachOutput: PROC [act: Core.Wire, tree: ParseTree] = { prev: ParseTree = RefTab.Fetch[table, act].val; IF prev#NIL THEN { IF NOT CoreOps.Member[signalled, act] THEN { InputOutputWarning[$OutputOfTwoCombinatorialCells, cell, NEW [CoreFlat.FlatWireRec _ [wire: act]]]; signalled _ CONS [act, signalled]; }; }; [] _ RefTab.Store[table, act, tree]; }; SetOutput: CoreOps.EachWireProc = { tree: ParseTree = RefTab.Fetch[table, wire].val; IF tree=NIL THEN RETURN; -- Not an output, proceed! CoreProperties.PutWireProp[wire, $Output, UnParseExpression[ReplaceVars[tree, LIST [wire]]]]; count _ count + 1; }; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. rct.size) DO MakeCombinatorial[rct[i].type]; TranslateOutputs[rct.internal, rct[i].actual, rct[i].type.public, EachOutput]; ENDLOOP; IF signalled#NIL THEN ERROR NotCombinatorial[cell]; [] _ CoreOps.VisitWireSeq[cell.public, SetOutput]; IF count=0 THEN TerminalIO.PutF["*** Cell %g made combinatorial, but has no output.\n", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cell]]]; CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cell, $Combinatorial, NEW [BOOL _ TRUE]]; BindCombinatorial[cell]; TerminalIO.PutF["Cell %g made combinatorial. %g outputs.\n", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cell]], IO.int[count]]; }; ENDCASE => { count: INT _ 0; EachOutput: PROC [act: Core.Wire, tree: ParseTree] = { CoreProperties.PutWireProp[act, $Output, UnParseExpression[tree]]; count _ count + 1; }; recasted: Core.CellType _ CoreOps.Recast[cell]; MakeCombinatorial[recasted]; TranslateOutputs[cell.public, cell.public, recasted.public, EachOutput]; IF count=0 THEN TerminalIO.PutF["*** Cell %g made combinatorial, but has no output.\n", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cell]]]; CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cell, $Combinatorial, NEW [BOOL _ TRUE]]; BindCombinatorial[cell]; TerminalIO.PutF["Cell %g made combinatorial. %g outputs.\n", IO.rope[CoreOps.GetCellTypeName[cell]], IO.int[count]]; }; }; AttemptMakeCombinatorial: PUBLIC PROC [cell: Core.CellType] RETURNS [trans, ok, notOK: INT _ 0] = { Each: CoreFlat.UnboundFlatCellProc = { IF IsCombinatorial[cell] OR IsNonCombinatorial[cell] THEN RETURN; SELECT cell.class FROM CoreClasses.transistorCellClass => trans _ trans + 1; ENDCASE => { CoreFlat.NextUnboundCellType[cell: cell, target: target, flatCell: flatCell, instance: instance, index: index, parent: parent, flatParent: flatParent, data: data, proc: Each]; MakeCombinatorial[cell ! NotCombinatorial, InputOutputProblem => GOTO GRRR]; ok _ ok + 1; EXITS GRRR => {notOK _ notOK + 1; CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cell, $Combinatorial, NEW [BOOL _ FALSE]]}; }; }; Each[cell]; }; <> SearchRefTab: PROC [x: RefTab.Ref, val: RefTab.Val] RETURNS [found: BOOL, key: RefTab.Key _ NIL] = { fval: RefTab.Val _ val; fkey: RefTab.Key _ NIL; EachPair: RefTab.EachPairAction = {fkey _ key; quit _ val=fval}; found _ RefTab.Pairs[x, EachPair]; key _ fkey; }; InternalIsCombinatorial: PROC [cell: Core.CellType] RETURNS [BOOL] = { MakeCombinatorial[cell ! NotCombinatorial, InputOutputProblem => GOTO GRRR]; RETURN [TRUE]; EXITS GRRR => {CoreProperties.PutCellTypeProp[cell, $Combinatorial, NEW [BOOL _ FALSE]]; RETURN [FALSE]}; }; Instance: PROC [ct: Core.CellType, bindings: CoreFlat.Bindings, intTable: RefTab.Ref] RETURNS [CoreClasses.CellInstance] = { MakeActual: PROC [public: Core.Wire] RETURNS [actual: Core.Wire] = { flatWire: CoreFlat.FlatWire = NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[bindings, public].val]; actual _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[table, public].val]; IF actual#NIL THEN RETURN; IF flatWire=NIL THEN ERROR; actual _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[intTable, flatWire].val]; IF actual#NIL THEN RETURN; actual _ CoreOps.CreateWires[size: public.size]; [] _ RefTab.Store[intTable, flatWire, actual]; [] _ RefTab.Store[table, public, actual]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. public.size) DO actual[i] _ MakeActual[public[i]] ENDLOOP; }; table: RefTab.Ref = RefTab.Create[]; -- maps publics of ct to new internals of record actual: Core.WireSeq _ CoreOps.CreateWires[size: ct.public.size]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. actual.size) DO actual[i] _ MakeActual[ct.public[i]] ENDLOOP; RETURN [CoreClasses.CreateInstance[actual, ct]]; }; ConsIfNotMember: PROC [wire: Core.Wire, wires: Core.Wires] RETURNS [Core.Wires] = { FOR list: Core.Wires _ wires, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO IF list.first=wire OR CoreOps.RecursiveMember[list.first, wire] THEN RETURN [wires]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [CONS [wire, wires]]; }; WireUse: TYPE = {PublicUse, CombUse, NonCombUse}; WireUses: TYPE = ARRAY WireUse OF BOOL _ ALL [FALSE]; AddIntType: PROC [intType: RefTab.Ref, int: Core.Wire, type: WireUse] = { wireUses: REF WireUses _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[intType, int].val]; IF wireUses=NIL THEN wireUses _ NEW [WireUses]; wireUses[type] _ TRUE; [] _ RefTab.Store[intType, int, wireUses]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. int.size) DO AddIntType[intType, int[i], type] ENDLOOP; }; SplitCombinatorial: PUBLIC PROC [cell: Core.CellType, flatten: PROC [ct: Core.CellType] RETURNS [BOOL]] RETURNS [record: Core.CellType _ NIL] = { public: Core.WireSeq = CoreOps.CopyWire[cell.public]; intTable: RefTab.Ref = RefTab.Create[equal: CoreFlat.FlatWireEqual, hash: CoreFlat.FlatWireHash]; -- maps flat wires of cell to internals of record intType: RefTab.Ref = RefTab.Create[]; -- maps internals of record to WireUses combs: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance _ NIL; -- new combinatorial instances nonCombs: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance _ NIL; -- new non-combinatorial instances bindings: CoreFlat.Bindings _ CoreFlat.InitialBindingTable[cell]; combInt, combPub, combAct: Core.Wires _ NIL; combCT: Core.CellType; combInstance: CoreClasses.CellInstance; combNewInt: RefTab.Ref = RefTab.Create[]; -- maps internals of record to internals of combCT internals: Core.Wires _ NIL; EachBound: CoreFlat.BoundFlatCellProc = { SELECT TRUE FROM InternalIsCombinatorial[cell] => combs _ CONS [Instance[cell, bindings, intTable], combs]; flatten[cell] => CoreFlat.NextBoundCellType[cell: cell, target: target, flatCell: flatCell, instance: instance, index: index, parent: parent, flatParent: flatParent, data: data, bindings: bindings, proc: EachBound]; ENDCASE => nonCombs _ CONS [Instance[cell, bindings, intTable], nonCombs]; }; CreateNew: PROC [int: Core.Wire] RETURNS [new: Core.Wire] = { new _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[combNewInt, int].val]; IF new#NIL THEN RETURN; new _ CoreOps.CreateWires[int.size]; [] _ RefTab.Store[combNewInt, int, new]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. int.size) DO new[i] _ CreateNew[int[i]] ENDLOOP; }; EachIntTypeCreateNew: RefTab.EachPairAction = { wireUses: REF WireUses = NARROW [val]; IF wireUses[CombUse] THEN [] _ CreateNew[NARROW [key]]; }; EachIntType: RefTab.EachPairAction = { int: Core.Wire = NARROW [key]; wireUses: REF WireUses = NARROW [val]; IF wireUses[CombUse] THEN { new: Core.Wire _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[combNewInt, int].val]; combInt _ ConsIfNotMember[new, combInt]; IF NOT wireUses[NonCombUse] AND NOT wireUses[PublicUse] THEN RETURN; internals _ ConsIfNotMember[int, internals]; combInt _ ConsIfNotMember[new, combInt]; IF NOT CoreOps.Member[combPub, new] THEN { combAct _ CONS [int, combAct]; combPub _ CONS [new, combPub]; }; } ELSE internals _ ConsIfNotMember[int, internals]; }; BEGIN EachBind: RefTab.EachPairAction = { cellPub: Core.Wire = NARROW [key]; flatWire: CoreFlat.FlatWire = NARROW [val]; pub: Core.Wire = NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[pubTable, cellPub].val]; IF pub=NIL THEN ERROR; [] _ RefTab.Store[intTable, flatWire, pub]; }; pubTable: RefTab.Ref = CoreOps.CreateBindingTable[cell.public, public]; -- maps publics of cell to public of record [] _ RefTab.Pairs[bindings, EachBind]; END; EachBound[cell: cell, bindings: bindings]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. public.size) DO AddIntType[intType, public[i], PublicUse] ENDLOOP; FOR list: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance _ combs, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. list.first.actual.size) DO AddIntType[intType, list.first.actual[i], CombUse] ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; FOR list: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance _ nonCombs, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. list.first.actual.size) DO AddIntType[intType, list.first.actual[i], NonCombUse] ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; [] _ RefTab.Pairs[intType, EachIntTypeCreateNew]; [] _ RefTab.Pairs[intType, EachIntType]; FOR list: LIST OF CoreClasses.CellInstance _ combs, list.rest WHILE list#NIL DO actual: Core.WireSeq _ CoreOps.CreateWires[list.first.actual.size]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. actual.size) DO actual[i] _ NARROW [RefTab.Fetch[combNewInt, list.first.actual[i]].val]; IF actual[i]=NIL THEN ERROR; ENDLOOP; list.first.actual _ actual; ENDLOOP; combCT _ CoreClasses.CreateRecordCell[ public: CoreOps.CreateWire[combPub], internal: CoreOps.CreateWire[combInt], instances: combs, giveNames: TRUE ]; MakeCombinatorial[combCT ! InputOutputProblem => { wire: Core.Wire _ flatWire.wire; int: Core.Wire _ NARROW [SearchRefTab[combNewInt, wire].key]; intFlat: CoreFlat.FlatWire _ NARROW [SearchRefTab[intTable, int].key]; IF root#combCT OR intFlat=NIL THEN ERROR; InputOutputWarning[type, cell, intFlat]; RESUME; }]; combInstance _ CoreClasses.CreateInstance[actual: CoreOps.CreateWire[combAct], type: combCT]; record _ CoreClasses.CreateRecordCell[ public: public, internal: CoreOps.CreateWire[internals], instances: CONS [combInstance, nonCombs], props: CoreProperties.Props[[$FlattenForCombinatorial, $FALSE]], giveNames: TRUE ]; }; <> Xor2Recast: RecastProc = { p1: REF = params.first; p2: REF = params.rest.first; tree _ Or2[And2[p1, Not[p2]], And2[p2, Not[p1]]]; }; [] _ Rosemary.Register["Combinatorial", CombinatorialInit, CombinatorialEval]; RegisterOperator["xor2", Xor2Recast]; END.